%s %.2f %llu %u %s%llu %s%u %s%s %s[%d] .. . /proc/self/stat r Can't open file /proc/self/stat %d %s %c %d %d %d %d %d %u %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %llu %lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %d %d %u %u %llu %lu %ld %8d %8d %8lld %8d %8d %8d %8lld %8d %8d %8d %8d block_stat|%d|%d|%lld|%d|%d|%d|%lld|%d|%d|%d|%d| warn:stat_mismatch|block_stat|%d|%d|%lld|%d|%d|%d|%lld|%d|%d|%d|%d| ftruncate64 FSD-07:WCETK_FSD_1001: Create, write to, read from, verify, and delete a file /TESTBVT1 /TESTBVT1.TST Can't create file " ". Error: Can't write file " Can't set position in file " Can't read file " Data comparsion failed Can't delete file " FSD-08:WCETK_FSD_1002: Create, copy, and delete a file /TESTBVT2 /TESTBVT2a.TST /TESTBVT2b.TST Can't copy file " " to file " FSD-38:WCETK_FSD_1003: Create, move, and delete a file /TESTBVT3 /TESTBVT3a.TST /TESTBVT3b.TST Can't move file " File " "was copied to : FSD-39:WCETK_FSD_1004: Create, enumerate, and delete two files /TESTBVT4 /TESTBVT4a.TST /TESTBVT4b.TST Can't search first file. Error: Can't search next file. Error: FSD-40:WCETK_FSD_1005: Create multiple files, find the first, and delete all files /TESTBVT5 _ .TST Can search next file when it should have failed! No error FSD-41:WCETK_FSD_1006: Create, get attributes for, and delete a file /TESTBVT6 /TESTBVT6.TST Can't get attribute information from file " " : FSD-42:WCETK_FSD_1007: Create, get information by handle for, and delete a file /TESTBVT7 /TESTBVT7.TST Can't create test file " Can't get attributes from test file " Can't open test file " FSD-43:WCETK_FSD_1008: Create empty files in a directory /TESTBVT8 Can't open file " FSD-44:WCETK_FSD_1009: Test memory mapping /TESTBVT9 /TESTBVT9.MAP Can't write in file " Can't write in file correctly " Data is differ in map file " ". FSD-45:WCETK_FSD_1010: Test POSIX permissions /TESTBVT10 /TESTBVT10.txt " with permissions " Can't verify permissions for file " ". Error. FSD-395:WCETK_FSD_1012: Create, write, check and delete 4Gb file with O_DIRECT mode /BVT13 /BVT13.BIN Can't remount file system with test directory with file " Can't seek file " Can't set position of file" Write (MB/s) = Read (MB/s) = -> BVT Suite for embedded systems (no test for POSIX permissions) Bug #54788 autotest: create a file and try to find a non-existed file using readdir_r() /TESTFINDFILE /TESTFINDME FINDME Can find non-existed file in directory using FindFile/readdir_r. Error: FindFile: " "; ret == /* must be 0 */ Test IOCTL valid /set_valid_newfile_test /set_valid_file_test ftruncate failed 32M ioctl(UFSD_IOC_SETVALID) failed ioctl(IOCTL_GET_SIZES) failed test failed, size mismatch truncate failed Performance test using seek() for creating a new file with size using fdatasync() /TESTSETENDOFFILE /TESTSETENDOFFILE.BIN Can't remount file system for test file " Can't seek() using file " Performance test for creating a directory tree levels deep /TESTTREE Can't remount file system with test directory " /DEEP Can't create testing directory " FSD-09:WCETK_FSP_1001: Performance test for writing a new file / buffer /TESTWRITEFILE /TESTWRITEFILE.BIN FSD-10:WCETK_FSP_1002: Performance test for reading a new file /TESTREADFILE /TESTREADFILE.BIN Can't remount file system with test file " Performance test for random writing a new file /TESTRANDOMWRITEFILE /TESTRANDOMWRITEFILE.BIN Performance test for random reading a new file /TESTRANDOMREADFILE /TESTRANDOMREADFILE.BIN Performance test for reverse reading a new file /TESTREVERSEREADFILE /TESTREVERSEREADFILE.BIN FSD-35:WCETK_FSP_6001: Performance test for creating 1M new empty files Performance test for creating new empty files /TESTCREATEFILES /FILE FSD-33:WCETK_FSP_6002: Performance test for enumerating 1M new empty files Performance test for enumerating /TESTENUMERATEFILES Can't enumerate all files correctly in directory " " - number of files is mismatch. FSD-36:WCETK_FSP_6003: Performance test for deleting 1M new empty files Performance test for deleting /TESTDELETEFILES new files calling fdatasync() after each buffer operation /TESTCREATEDATAFILES Can't write test file " Performance test for reading /TESTREADDATAFILES Can't open for reading test file " Can't read test file " Performance Test Suite with file size block Performance Test Suites with file size FSD-11:WCETK_FSP_2001: FSD-12:WCETK_FSP_2002: FSD-13:WCETK_FSP_2003: FSD-14:WCETK_FSP_2004: FSD-15:WCETK_FSP_2005: FSD-16:WCETK_FSP_2006: FSD-17:WCETK_FSP_2007: FSD-18:WCETK_FSP_2008: FSD-19:WCETK_FSP_2009: FSD-20:WCETK_FSP_2010: FSD-21:WCETK_FSP_2011: FSD-22:WCETK_FSP_2012: FSD-23:WCETK_FSP_2013: FSD-24:WCETK_FSP_2014: FSD-25:WCETK_FSP_2015: FSD-26:WCETK_FSP_2016: EXFAT_14:FILE_DATA_01: Create, write to file /EXFAT14.TST " for write. Error: Can't write to file " " for read. Error: Can't read from file " Data in file " " not correct. EXFAT_15:FILE_DATA_02: Create, write to file with size more that one sector /EXFAT15.TST EXFAT_16:FILE_DATA_03: Create, write to file with size 4g - 100 /EXFAT16.TST " at pos . Error: Incorrect data in file " EXFAT_17:FILE_DATA_04: Create, write to file with size 4g + 100 /EXFAT17.TST EXFAT_18:FILE_DATA_05: Create and write in two files V1 /EXFAT18a.TST /EXFAT18b.TST EXFAT_19:FILE_DATA_06: Create and write in two files V2 /EXFAT19a.TST /EXFAT19b.TST EXFAT_20:FILE_DATA_07: Create and write in two files V3 /EXFAT20a.TST /EXFAT20b.TST EXFAT_21:FILE_DATA_08: Create and write in two files V4 /EXFAT21a.TST /EXFAT21b.TST EXFAT_22:FILE_DATA_09: Create and write in two files with delete one /EXFAT22a.TST /EXFAT22b.TST " not deleted EXFAT_23:FILE_DATA_10: Create and write in three files with delete one /EXFAT23a.TST /EXFAT23b.TST EXFAT_24:FILE_DATA_11: Create, Delete directory and file /EXFAT24 /EXFAT24.TST Can't create directory " Not empty directory was deleted Can't delete directory " EXFAT_25:FILE_DATA_12: Create, remove directory and file. Check used space /EXFAT25 /EXFAT25.TST Incorrect size: size1: size2: size3: size4: size5: ExFat Test Suite Test iNotify events inotify_init /TESTBVT12 bytes size /temp error with thread create Error with open file Error with close file Create file: iNotify event wasn't catched ERROR with IN_CREATE iNotify for file Open file: iNotify event wasn't catched ERROR with IN_OPEN iNotify for file Modify file: iNotify event wasn't catched ERROR with IN_MODIFY iNotify for file Access file: iNotify event wasn't catched ERROR with IN_ACCESS iNotify for file Change file atributes: iNotify event wasn't catched ERROR with IN_ATTRIB iNotify for file Close file file: iNotify event wasn't catched ERROR with IN_CLOSE_WRITE iNotify for file Close file: iNotify event wasn't catched ERROR with IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE iNotify for file /MoveTest error with make dir /test error with moving file Move file: iNotify event wasn't catched ERROR with IN_MOVED_FROM iNotify for file ERROR with IN_MOVED_TO iNotify for file error with delete folder error with delete file Delete file: iNotify event wasn't catched ERROR with IN_DELETE iNotify for file $Id: tests.cpp 238226 2014-11-05 16:36:50Z uporov $ Build_for__ASUS_PRODUCTS_011_k2.6.36_2015-08-03 FSD-34:WCETK_FSP_6004: FSD-55:WCETK_FSP_6005: FSD-56:WCETK_FSP_6006: FSD-57:WCETK_FSP_6007: FSD-58:WCETK_FSP_6008: FSD-393:WCETK_FSP_6009: FSD-31:WCETK_FSP_3001: FSD-30:WCETK_FSP_3002: FSD-32:WCETK_FSP_3003: FSD-29:WCETK_FSP_3004: FSD-37:WCETK_FSP_3301: FSD-59:WCETK_FSP_7001: FSD-60:WCETK_FSP_7002: FSD-61:WCETK_FSP_7003: Test Number Test name (TestLink ID: description) Can't write all data Can't read all data xG lI K F HG t D l F @ p t D l 5 5 = 4 T5 t D l . . 4 8. . t D l . | t D l 4 \ t D l l t D l 4 \ t D l l L t D l , t D l \ t D l $ L , t D l \ < t D l , t D l @ ` t D l L @ t D l @ p < t 8 h ~  $~ ~ ~ ty y | x y Py o o hw n Lo |o 8e he Pm ld d e L[ |[ b Z Z ([ 4R dR X hQ Q R J J O I HJ xJ D D G C TD D \= = B < = 8= . . `; . . t D l ) ,) (- l( ( t D l D( @ ( t D l % X t D l 4 , t D l d t D l t D l D \ t D l , , t D l ` t D l P x t D l T t D l p $ @ t D l @ h t D l @ t D l x t D t D l | 8 0 ( @ @ FS_NONE FS_READ_USER FS_WRITE_USER FS_EXECUTE_USER FS_READ_USER | FS_WRITE_USER FS_READ_USER | FS_WRITE_USER | FS_EXECUTE_USER FS_WRITE_USER | FS_EXECUTE_USER FS_READ_USER | FS_EXECUTE_USER FS_READ_GROUP FS_WRITE_GROUP FS_EXECUTE_GROUP FS_READ_GROUP | FS_WRITE_GROUP FS_READ_GROUP | FS_WRITE_GROUP | FS_EXECUTE_GROUP FS_WRITE_GROUP | FS_EXECUTE_GROUP FS_READ_GROUP | FS_EXECUTE_GROUP FS_READ_OTHER FS_WRITE_OTHER FS_EXECUTE_OTHER FS_READ_OTHER | FS_WRITE_OTHER FS_READ_OTHER | FS_WRITE_OTHER | FS_EXECUTE_OTHER FS_WRITE_OTHER | FS_EXECUTE_OTHER FS_READ_OTHER | FS_EXECUTE_OTHER < D T d t $ 8 X ( \ K M G @ ( %s %llu %c %s%llu %s%c %s%s %s[%d] %Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S UTC Can't open file: Can't write to file: TestingSystem t:le:o:bm:vs:a: Version: Built for: Usage: <options> <test path> <temp test path> -v - Show version -t - Select enabled tests "1001001-1001005,1001010" -l - Show all existed tests -e2 - Show all existed tests in a compact way -o - Resoults output "file=<file path>|console|syslog" -b - Break testing if test failed -s - Path to stats for block device -a - Allocation unit size, for test filesystem -m "/dev/sdXY /mnt/dir fstype [options]" - remount file system before each test (only if test supports remount) /dev/sdXY - block device file /mnt/dir - mount point fstype - file system driver [options] - mount options Examples: -t 1001001 /mnt/ntfs /mnt/tmp -t 1001001-1001005 -m "/dev/sdc1 /mnt/ext ext3" /mnt/ext /mnt/temp -t 1001001-1001005,1001010 -m "/dev/sdd2 /mnt/ntfs ufsd" /mnt/ntfs /mnt/tmp -t 1001010 -m "/dev/sde2 /mnt/ntfs ufsd force,delalloc" /mnt/ntfs /mnt/tmp -t 1001010 -s /sys/block/sde/sde2/stat -m "/dev/sde2 /mnt/ntfs ufsd force,delalloc" /mnt/ntfs /mnt/tmp Output format: [STATUS]|ID|OPERATION|FILES|FILE SIZE|BLOCK SIZE|TIME|SYSTIME|PROC_UTIME|PROC_STIME|PROC_CUTIME|PROC_CSTIME|[block_stat|STATS] STATUS := PASS|FAIL|SKIP - status of finished test ID - ID number of the particular test OPERATION := c|d|r|w - Type of essential operation for test (create, delete, read, write) FILES - number of files using for test FILE SIZE - size of (each) file using for test BLOCK SIZE - size of block for (each) operation with file in test TIME - real time for finished test (in microseconds) SYSTIME - system time for finished test (in microseconds) PROC_UTIME - real time for finished test (in microseconds) from /proc/self/stat PROC_STIME - system time for finished test (in microseconds) from /proc/self/stat PROC_CUTIME - amount of time that this process's waited-for children have been scheduled in user mode(in microseconds). From /proc/self/stat PROC_CSTIME - amount of time that this process's waited-for children have been scheduled in kernel mode (in microseconds). From /proc/self/stat Stats format (GNU/Linux): io_r|m_r|s_r|t_r|io_w|m_w|s_w|t_w|fl|io_t|tq io_r - read I/Os : number of read I/Os processed (requests) m_r - read merges : number of read I/Os merged with in-queue I/O (requests) s_r - read sectors : number of sectors read (sectors) t_r - read ticks : total wait time for read requests (milliseconds) io_w - write I/Os : number of write I/Os processed (requests) m_w - write merges : number of write I/Os merged with in-queue I/O (requests) s_w - write sectors : number of sectors written (sectors) t_w - write ticks : total wait time for write requests (milliseconds) fl - in_flight : number of I/Os currently in flight (requests) io_t - io_ticks : milliseconds total time this block device has been active (milliseconds) tq - time_in_queue : milliseconds total wait time for all requests (milliseconds) "warn:stat_mismatch" before "block_stat" means possible stats format mismatching build| version| start| Testing end Pass: Fail: Skip: Total: Total time: . finish| Trying to remount ... -> [FAILED] | [SUCCESS] Trying to get block device for using stats ... -> [ / ] Testing : -> Error: Can't write all data $ T p ` < D x X test list list-level output break mount version stat alloc-size t l e o b m v s a ` 0.9.32 ` ` # UTF-8 ASCII /proc/mounts /etc/mtab ro nosuid noexec nodev sync mand noatime nodiratime , /dev/log [truncated] syslog <%d>%.15s <BUFFER OVERRUN ATTEMPT> [%d] /dev/console TZ UTC << . . ,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 ,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 /etc/TZ /etc/localtime TZif < < m UTC ""##$$$%%&& J zO ???? x y <; " 2 B B & & %m/%d/%y %Y-%m-%d %H:%M %H:%M:%S ()*+ ??? %s%s%m + - 0x 0X (nil) (null) Invalid multibyte format string. hlLjztqZ npxXoudifFeEgGaACScs +0-#'I Unknown error ? POSIXLY_CORRECT -- %s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c : /proc/stat /proc/cpuinfo processor /sys/devices/system/cpu /dev/null /dev/urandom /bin/sh -c fffffaffff&fDDDDDDDdDDD$"""""""b :! 2# , ' %& ) + 9*7407.$777 58 /3 7777777777777777777777777 -( " 61 5UU>Uj UovUUUUUUUUUUUZ U\ UUUUI5UUUUUUUUUUS UUU UU ?#UU(%; - 2 U PGUU(&= U L(UU(U: . 9U US UUGOS 5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU5UUUUXUAVXUk /" 54 J U< S U SJDUUUUUUUUUUUUU7 UUUUUSUUUUUUUS'S'UUUUS'UUUS'S'SSUUSUUTBLLUUUFJ (UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULm UUn UUk UL* UUUUUU` U7 US'SUUUUSUU> vp UUUUUUUUUUI UUUR UUUS UUU> UUUUG1 UpY UUUUR UUUUU)UUUUURUUUUUUU> UUUUUUUUUULUUUUUUUUL 3UE&UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU8UUUUUUUU>UUUUUUUUUU7UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUI UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHUUU UUhUUUhUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU^S xUUgUUUUUUUUUi UUUUUUUY UUUUUUUU UUUUUU UNUU]UUU]UUXUUUXUUU UUU UUh9UUUUUU { }  6y UUU>g + ezq~bUqraUURU p p _ d s [ K#UU($= - 9U, @'0 @T: . 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