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1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
2<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//Samba-Team//DTD DocBook V4.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "http://www.samba.org/samba/DTD/samba-doc">
3<chapter id="upgrades">
4<title>Updating Samba-3</title>
9It was a little difficult to select an appropriate title for this chapter.
10From email messages on the Samba mailing lists it is clear that many people
11consider the updating and upgrading of Samba to be a migration matter. Others
12talk about migrating Samba servers when in fact the issue at hand is one of
13installing a new Samba server to replace an older existing Samba server.
18<indexterm><primary>passdb backend</primary></indexterm>
19There has also been much talk about migration of Samba-3 from an smbpasswd
20passdb backend to the use of the tdbsam or ldapsam facilities that are new
21to Samba-3.
25Clearly, there is not a great deal of clarity in the terminology that various
26people apply to these modes by which Samba servers are updated. This is further 
27highlighted by an email posting that included the following neat remark:
32I like the <quote>net rpc vampire</quote> on NT4, but that to my surprise does
33not seem to work against a Samba PDC and, if addressed in the Samba to Samba
34context in either book, I could not find it.
39So in response to the significant request for these situations to be better 
40documented, this chapter has now been added. User contributions and documentation
41of real-world experiences are a most welcome addition to this chapter.
51A Windows network administrator explained in an email what changes he was
52planning to make and followed with the question: <quote>Anyone done this
53before?</quote> Many of us have upgraded and updated Samba without incident.
54Others have experienced much pain and user frustration. So it is to be hoped
55that the notes in this chapter will make a positive difference by assuring
56that someone will be saved a lot of discomfort.
60Before anyone commences an upgrade or an update of Samba, the one cardinal
61rule that must be observed is: Backup all Samba configuration files in
62case it is necessary to revert to the old version. Even if you do not like
63this precautionary step, users will punish an administrator who
64fails to take adequate steps to avoid situations that may inflict lost
65productivity on them.
69<indexterm><primary>configuration files</primary></indexterm>
71Samba makes it possible to upgrade and update configuration files, but it
72is not possible to downgrade the configuration files. Please ensure that
73all configuration and control files are backed up to permit a down-grade
74in the rare event that this may be necessary.
79<indexterm><primary>adequate precautions</primary></indexterm>
81It is prudent also to backup all data files on the server before attempting
82to perform a major upgrade. Many administrators have experienced the consequences
83of failure to take adequate precautions. So what is adequate? That is simple!
84If data is lost during an upgrade or update and it can not be restored,
85the precautions taken were inadequate. If a backup was not needed, but was available,
86caution was on the side of the victor.
89	<sect2>
90	<title>Cautions and Notes</title>
92	<para>
93	Someone once said, <quote>It is good to be sorry, but better never to need to be!</quote>
94	These are wise words of advice to those contemplating a Samba upgrade or update.
95	</para>
97	<para>
98	<indexterm><primary>update</primary></indexterm>
99	<indexterm><primary>upgrade</primary></indexterm>
100	<indexterm><primary>generation</primary></indexterm>
101	This is as good a time as any to define the terms <constant>upgrade</constant> and
102	<constant>update</constant>. The term <constant>upgrade</constant> refers to
103	the installation of a version of Samba that is a whole generation or more ahead of
104	that which is installed. Generations are indicated by the first digit of the version
105	number. So far Samba has been released in generations 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, and currently 4.0
106	is in development.
107	</para>
109	<para>
110	<indexterm><primary>generation</primary></indexterm>
111	The term <constant>update</constant> refers to a minor version number installation
112	in place of one of the same generation. For example, updating from Samba 3.0.10 to 3.0.14
113	is an update. The move from Samba 2.0.7 to 3.0.14 is an upgrade.
114	</para>
116	<para>
117	<indexterm><primary>functional differences</primary></indexterm>
118	While the use of these terms is an exercise in semantics, what needs to be realized
119	is that there are major functional differences between a Samba 2.x release and a Samba
120	3.0.x release. Such differences may require a significantly different approach to
121	solving the same networking challenge and generally require careful review of the
122	latest documentation to identify precisely how the new installation may need to be
123	modified to preserve prior functionality.
124	</para>
126	<para>
127	There is an old axiom that says, <quote>The greater the volume of the documentation,
128	the greater the risk that noone will read it, but where there is no documentation,
129	noone can read it!</quote> While true, some documentation is an evil necessity.
130	It is hoped that this update to the documentation will avoid both extremes.
131	</para>
133	<sect3>
134	<title>Security Identifiers (SIDs)</title>
136	<para>
137	<indexterm><primary>Windows</primary><secondary>NT</secondary></indexterm>
138	<indexterm><primary>OS/2</primary></indexterm>
139	<indexterm><primary>DOS</primary></indexterm>
140	<indexterm><primary>SID</primary></indexterm>
141	<indexterm><primary>networking</primary><secondary>client</secondary></indexterm>
142	<indexterm><primary>security</primary><secondary>identifier</secondary></indexterm>
143	Before the days of Windows NT and OS/2, every Windows and DOS networking client
144	that used the SMB protocols was an entirely autonomous entity. There was no concept
145	of a security identifier for a machine or a user outside of the username, the
146	machine name, and the workgroup name. In actual fact, these were not security identifiers
147	in the same context as the way that the SID is used since the development of
148	Windows NT 3.10.
149	</para>
151	<para>
152	<indexterm><primary>SessionSetUpAndX</primary></indexterm>
153	<indexterm><primary>SMB</primary></indexterm>
154	<indexterm><primary>CIFS</primary></indexterm>
155	<indexterm><primary>SID</primary></indexterm>
156	<indexterm><primary>username</primary></indexterm>
157	<indexterm><primary>Windows</primary><secondary>client</secondary></indexterm>
158	Versions of Samba prior to 1.9 did not make use of a SID. Instead they make exclusive use
159	of the username that is embedded in the SessionSetUpAndX component of the connection
160	setup process between a Windows client and an SMB/CIFS server. 
161	</para>
163	<para>
164	<indexterm><primary>MACHINE.SID</primary></indexterm>
165	<indexterm><primary>rpc</primary></indexterm>
166	<indexterm><primary>security</primary></indexterm>
167	Around November 1997 support was added to Samba-1.9 to handle the Windows security
168	RPC-based protocols that implemented support for Samba to store a machine SID. This
169	information was stored in a file called <filename>MACHINE.SID.</filename>
170	</para>
172	<para>
173	<indexterm><primary>machine</primary></indexterm>
174	<indexterm><primary>SID</primary></indexterm>
175	<indexterm><primary>secrets.tdb</primary></indexterm>
176	Within the lifetime of the early Samba 2.x series, the machine SID information was
177	relocated into a tdb file called <filename>secrets.tdb</filename>, which is where
178	it is still located in Samba 3.0.x along with other information that pertains to the
179	local machine and its role within a domain security context.
180	</para>
182	<para>
183	<indexterm><primary>server</primary><secondary>stand-alone</secondary></indexterm>
184	<indexterm><primary>server</primary><secondary>domain member</secondary></indexterm>
185	<indexterm><primary>DMS</primary></indexterm>
186	<indexterm><primary>SAS</primary></indexterm>
187	There are two types of SID, those pertaining to the machine itself and the domain to
188	which it may belong, and those pertaining to users and groups within the security
189	context of the local machine, in the case of standalone servers (SAS) and domain member
190	servers (DMS).
191	</para>
193	<para>
194	<indexterm><primary>smbd</primary></indexterm>
195	<indexterm><primary>workgroup</primary></indexterm>
196	<indexterm><primary>hostname</primary></indexterm>
197	<indexterm><primary>daemon</primary></indexterm>
198	<indexterm><primary>SID</primary></indexterm>
199	<indexterm><primary>secrets.tdb</primary></indexterm>
200	When the Samba <command>smbd</command> daemon is first started, if the <filename>secrets.tdb</filename>
201	file does not exist, it is created at the first client connection attempt. If this file does
202	exist, <command>smbd</command> checks that there is a machine SID (if it is a domain controller,
203	it searches for the domain SID). If <command>smbd</command> does not find one for the current
204	name of the machine or for the current name of the workgroup, a new SID will be generated and
205	then written to the <filename>secrets.tdb</filename> file. The SID is generated in a nondeterminative
206	manner. This means that each time it is generated for a particular combination of machine name
207	(hostname) and domain name (workgroup), it will be different.
208	</para>
210	<para>
211	<indexterm><primary>ACL</primary></indexterm>
212	The SID is the key used by MS Windows networking for all networking operations. This means
213	that when the machine or domain SID changes, all security-encoded objects such as profiles
214	and ACLs may become unusable.
215	</para>
217	<note><para>
218	It is of paramount importance that the machine and domain SID be backed up so that in
219	the event of a change of hostname (machine name) or domain name (workgroup) the SID can
220	be restored to its previous value.
221	</para></note>
223	<para>
224	<indexterm><primary>domain controller</primary></indexterm>
225	<indexterm><primary>PDC</primary></indexterm>
226	<indexterm><primary>BDC</primary></indexterm>
227	<indexterm><primary>domain SID</primary></indexterm>
228	<indexterm><primary>hostname</primary></indexterm>
229	<indexterm><primary>computer name</primary></indexterm>
230	<indexterm><primary>netbios name</primary></indexterm>
231	<indexterm><primary>stand-alone server</primary></indexterm>
232	<indexterm><primary>SAS</primary></indexterm>
233	<indexterm><primary>SID</primary></indexterm>
234	In Samba-3 on a domain controller (PDC or BDC), the domain name controls the domain
235	SID. On all prior versions the hostname (computer name, or NetBIOS name) controlled
236	the SID. On a standalone server the hostname still controls the SID.
237	</para>
239	<para>
240	<indexterm><primary>net</primary><secondary>getlocalsid</secondary></indexterm>
241	<indexterm><primary>net</primary><secondary>setlocalsid</secondary></indexterm>
242	The local machine SID can be backed up using this procedure (Samba-3):
244&rootprompt; net getlocalsid > /etc/samba/my-local-SID
246	The contents of the file <filename>/etc/samba/my-local-SID</filename> will be:
248SID for domain FRODO is: S-1-5-21-726309263-4128913605-1168186429
250	This SID can be restored by executing:
252&rootprompt; net setlocalsid S-1-5-21-726309263-4128913605-1168186429
254	</para>
256	<para>
257	Samba 1.9.x stored the machine SID in the the file <filename>/etc/MACHINE.SID</filename>
258	from which it could be recovered and stored into the <filename>secrets.tdb</filename> file
259	using the procedure shown above.
260	</para>
262	<para>
263	Where the <filename>secrets.tdb</filename> file exists and a version of Samba 2.x or later
264	has been used, there is no specific need to go through this update process. Samba-3 has the
265	ability to read the older tdb file and to perform an in-situ update to the latest tdb format.
266	This is not a reversible process &smbmdash; it is a one-way upgrade.
267	</para>
269	<para>
270	<indexterm><primary>smbpasswd</primary></indexterm>
271	In the course of the Samba 2.0.x series the <command>smbpasswd</command> was modified to
272	permit the domain SID to be captured to the <filename>secrets.tdb</filename> file by executing:
274&rootprompt; smbpasswd -S PDC -Uadministrator%password
276	</para>
278	<para>
279	The release of the Samba 2.2.x series permitted the SID to be obtained by executing:
281&rootprompt; smbpasswd -S PDC -Uadministrator%password
283	from which the SID could be copied to a file and then written to the Samba-2.2.x
284	<filename>secrets.tdb</filename> file by executing:
286&rootprompt; smbpasswd -W S-1-5-21-726309263-4128913605-1168186429
288	</para>
290	<para>
291	<indexterm><primary>rpcclient</primary></indexterm>
292	<indexterm><primary>net</primary><secondary>rpc</secondary><tertiary>info</tertiary></indexterm>
293	Domain security information, which includes the domain SID, can be obtained from Samba-2.2.x
294	systems by executing:
296&rootprompt; rpcclient hostname lsaquery -Uroot%password
298	This can also be done with Samba-3 by executing:
300&rootprompt; net rpc info -Uroot%password
301Domain Name: MIDEARTH
302Domain SID: S-1-5-21-726309263-4128913605-1168186429
303Sequence number: 1113415916
304Num users: 4237
305Num domain groups: 86
306Num local groups: 0
308	It is a very good practice to store this SID information in a safely kept file, just in
309	case it is ever needed at a later date.
310	</para>
312	<para>
313	<indexterm><primary>passdb backend</primary></indexterm>
314	<indexterm><primary>LDAP</primary></indexterm>
315	<indexterm><primary>SID</primary></indexterm>
316	Take note that the domain SID is used extensively in Samba. Where LDAP is used for the
317	<parameter>passdb backend</parameter>, all user, group, and trust accounts are encoded
318	with the domain SID. This means that if the domain SID changes for any reason, the entire
319	Samba environment can become broken and require extensive corrective action if the 
320	original SID cannot be restored. Fortunately, it can be recovered from a dump of the
321	LDAP database. A dump of the LDAP directory database can be obtained by executing:
323&rootprompt; slapcat -v -l filename.ldif
325	</para>
327	<para>
328	<indexterm><primary>SID</primary></indexterm>
329	<indexterm><primary>profiles</primary></indexterm>
330	<indexterm><primary>RPM</primary></indexterm>
331	When the domain SID has changed, roaming profiles cease to be functional. The recovery
332	of roaming profiles necessitates resetting of the domain portion of the user SID
333	that owns the profile. This is encoded in the <filename>NTUser.DAT</filename> and can be
334	updated using the Samba <command>profiles</command> utility. Please be aware that not all
335	Linux distributions of the Samba RPMs include this essential utility. Please do not
336	complain to the Samba Team if this utility is missing; that issue that must be
337	addressed to the creator of the RPM package. The Samba Team do their best to make
338	available all the tools needed to manage a Samba-based Windows networking environment.
339	</para>
341	</sect3>
343	<sect3>
344	<title>Change of hostname</title>
346	<para>
347	<indexterm><primary>netbios</primary><secondary>machine  name</secondary></indexterm>
348	<indexterm><primary>netbios name</primary></indexterm>
349	Samba uses two methods by which the primary NetBIOS machine name (also known as a computer
350	name or the hostname) may be determined: If the &smb.conf; file contains a
351	<parameter>netbios name</parameter> entry, its value will be used directly. In the absence
352	of such an entry, the UNIX system hostname will be used.
353	</para>
355	<para>
356	Many sites have become victims of lost Samba functionality because the UNIX system
357	hostname was changed for one reason or another. Such a change will cause a new machine
358	SID to be generated. If this happens on a domain controller, it will also change the
359	domain SID. These SIDs can be updated (restored) using the procedure outlined previously.
360	</para>
362	<note><para>
363	Do NOT change the hostname or the <parameter>netbios name</parameter>. If this
364	is changed, be sure to reset the machine SID to the original setting. Otherwise
365	there may be serious interoperability and/or operational problems.
366	</para></note>
368	</sect3>
370	<sect3>
371	<title>Change of Workgroup (Domain) Name</title>
373	<para>
374	<indexterm><primary>workgroup</primary></indexterm>
375	The domain name of a Samba server is identical to the workgroup name and is
376	set in the &smb.conf; file using the <parameter>workgroup</parameter> parameter.
377	This has been consistent throughout the history of Samba and across all versions.
378	</para>
380	<para>
381	<indexterm><primary>SID</primary></indexterm>
382	Be aware that when the workgroup name is changed, a new SID will be generated.
383	The old domain SID can be reset using the procedure outlined earlier in this chapter.
384	</para>
386	</sect3>
388	<sect3 id="sbeug1">
389	<title>Location of config files</title>
391	<para>
392	The Samba-Team has maintained a constant default location for all Samba control files
393	throughout the life of the project. People who have produced binary packages of Samba
394	have varied the location of the Samba control files. This has led to some confusion
395	for network administrators.
396	</para>
398	<para>
399	<indexterm><primary>directory</primary></indexterm>
400	The Samba 1.9.x &smb.conf; file may be found either in the <filename>/etc</filename>
401	directory or in <filename>/usr/local/samba/lib</filename>.
402	</para>
404	<para>
405	During the life of the Samba 2.x release, the &smb.conf; file was relocated
406	on Linux systems to the <filename>/etc/samba</filename> directory where it
407	remains located also for Samba 3.0.x installations.
408	</para>
410	<para>
411	<indexterm><primary>secrets.tdb</primary></indexterm>
412	Samba 2.x introduced the <filename>secrets.tdb</filename> file that is also stored in the
413	<filename>/etc/samba</filename> directory, or in the <filename>/usr/local/samba/lib</filename>
414	directory subsystem.
415	</para>
417	<para>
418	<indexterm><primary>smbd</primary></indexterm>
419	The location at which <command>smbd</command> expects to find all configuration and control
420	files is determined at the time of compilation of Samba. For versions of Samba prior to
421	3.0, one way to find the expected location of these files is to execute:
423&rootprompt; strings /usr/sbin/smbd | grep conf
424&rootprompt; strings /usr/sbin/smbd | grep secret
425&rootprompt; strings /usr/sbin/smbd | grep smbpasswd
427	Note: The <command>smbd</command> executable may be located in the path
428	<filename>/usr/local/samba/sbin</filename>.
429	</para>
431	<para>
432	<indexterm><primary>compile-time</primary></indexterm>
433	Samba-3 provides a neat new way to track the location of all control files as well as to
434	find the compile-time options used as the Samba package was built. Here  is how the dark
435	secrets of the internals of the location of control files within Samba executables can
436	be uncovered:
438&rootprompt; smbd -b | less
439Build environment:
440   Built by:    root@frodo
441   Built on:    Mon Apr 11 20:23:27 MDT 2005
442   Built using: gcc
443   Build host:  Linux frodo 2.6...
444   SRCDIR:      /usr/src/packages/BUILD/samba-3.0.20/source
445   BUILDDIR:    /usr/src/packages/BUILD/samba-3.0.20/source
448   SBINDIR: /usr/sbin
449   BINDIR: /usr/bin
450   SWATDIR: /usr/share/samba/swat
451   CONFIGFILE: /etc/samba/smb.conf
452   LOGFILEBASE: /var/log/samba
453   LMHOSTSFILE: /etc/samba/lmhosts
454   LIBDIR: /usr/lib/samba
455   SHLIBEXT: so
456   LOCKDIR: /var/lib/samba
457   PIDDIR: /var/run/samba
458   SMB_PASSWD_FILE: /etc/samba/smbpasswd
459   PRIVATE_DIR: /etc/samba
460 ... 
462	</para>
464	<para>
465	<indexterm><primary></primary></indexterm>
466	It is important that both the &smb.conf; file and the <filename>secrets.tdb</filename>
467	be backed up before attempting any upgrade. The <filename>secrets.tdb</filename> file
468	is version-encoded, and therefore a newer version may not work with an older version
469	of Samba. A backup means that it is always possible to revert a failed or problematic
470	upgrade.
471	</para>
473	</sect3>
475	<sect3>
476	<title>International Language Support</title>
478	<para>
479	<indexterm><primary>unicode</primary></indexterm>
480	<indexterm><primary>character set</primary></indexterm>
481	<indexterm><primary>codepage</primary></indexterm>
482	<indexterm><primary>internationalization</primary></indexterm>
483	Samba-2.x had no support for Unicode; instead, all national language character-set support in file names
484	was done using particular locale codepage mapping techniques. Samba-3 supports Unicode in file names, thus
485	providing true internationalization support.
486	</para>
488	<para>
489	<indexterm><primary>8-bit</primary></indexterm>
490	Non-English users whose national language character set has special characters and who upgrade naively will 
491	find that many files that have the special characters in the file name will see them garbled and jumbled up.
492	This typically happens with umlauts and accents because these characters were particular to the codepage
493	that was in use with Samba-2.x using an 8-bit encoding scheme.
494	</para>
496	<para>
497	<indexterm><primary>UTF-8</primary></indexterm>
498	Files that are created with Samba-3 will use UTF-8 encoding. Should the file system ever end up with a
499	mix of codepage (unix charset)-encoded file names and UTF-8-encoded file names, the mess will take some
500	effort to set straight.
501	</para>
503	<para>
504	<indexterm><primary>convmv</primary></indexterm>
505	A very helpful tool is available from Bjorn Jacke's <ulink url="http://j3e.de/linux/convmv/">convmv</ulink>
506	work. Convmv is a tool that can be used to convert file and directory names from one encoding method to
507	another. The most common use for this tool is to convert locale-encoded files to UTF-8 Unicode encoding.
508	</para>
510	</sect3>
512	<sect3>
513	<title>Updates and Changes in Idealx smbldap-tools</title>
515	<para>
516	The smbldap-tools have been maturing rapidly over the past year. With maturation comes change.
517	The location of the <filename>smbldap.conf</filename> and the <filename>smbldap_bind.conf</filename>
518	configuration files have been moved from the directory <filename>/etc/smbldap-tools</filename> to
519	the new location of <filename>/etc/opt/IDEALX/smblda-tools</filename> directory.
520	</para>
522	<para>
523	The smbldap-tools maintains an entry in the LDAP directory in which it stores the next
524	values that should be used for UID and GID allocation for POSIX accounts that are created
525	using this tool. The DIT location of these values has changed recently. The original
526	<constant>sambaUnixIdPooldn object</constant> entity was stored in a directory entry (DIT object)
527	called <constant>NextFreeUnixId</constant>, this has been changed to the DIT object
528	<constant>sambaDomainName</constant>. Anyone who updates from an older version to the
529	current release should note that the information stored under <constant>NextFreeUnixId</constant>
530	must now be relocated to the DIT object <constant>sambaDomainName</constant>.
531	</para>
533	</sect3>
535	</sect2>
540<title>Upgrading from Samba 1.x and 2.x to Samba-3</title>
543Sites that are being upgraded from Samba-2 (or earlier versions) to Samba-3
544may experience little difficulty or may require a lot of effort, depending
545on the complexity of the configuration. Samba-1.9.x upgrades to Samba-3 will
546generally be simple and straightforward, although no upgrade should be
547attempted without proper planning and preparation.
551There are two basic modes of use of Samba versions prior to Samba-3. The first
552does not use LDAP, the other does. Samba-1.9.x did not provide LDAP support.
553Samba-2.x could be compiled with LDAP support.
556	<sect2 id="sbeug2">
557	<title>Samba 1.9.x and 2.x Versions Without LDAP</title>
559	<para>
560	Where it is necessary to upgrade an old Samba installation to Samba-3,
561	the following procedure can be followed:
562	</para>
564	<procedure>
565	<title>Upgrading from a Pre-Samba-3 Version</title>
567		<step><para>
568		<indexterm><primary>winbindd</primary></indexterm>
569		<indexterm><primary>smbd</primary></indexterm>
570		<indexterm><primary>nmbd</primary></indexterm>
571		Stop Samba. This can be done using the appropriate system tool
572		that is particular for each operating system or by executing the
573		<command>kill</command> command on <command>smbd</command>,
574		<command>nmbd</command>, and <command>winbindd</command>.
575		</para></step>
577		<step><para>
578		Find the location of the Samba &smb.conf; file and back it up to a
579		safe location.
580		</para></step>
582		<step><para>
583		Find the location of the <filename>smbpasswd</filename> file and
584		back it up to a safe location.
585		</para></step>
587		<step><para>
588		Find the location of the <filename>secrets.tdb</filename> file and
589		back it up to a safe location.
590		</para></step>
592		<step><para>
593		<indexterm><primary>lock directory</primary></indexterm>
594		<indexterm><primary>/usr/local/samba/var/locks</primary></indexterm>
595		<indexterm><primary>/var/cache/samba</primary></indexterm>
596		<indexterm><primary>/var/lib/samba</primary></indexterm>
597		Find the location of the lock directory. This is the directory
598		in which Samba stores all its tdb control files. The default
599		location used by the Samba Team is in
600		<filename>/usr/local/samba/var/locks</filename> directory,
601		but on Linux systems the old location was under the
602		<filename>/var/cache/samba</filename> directory. However, the
603		Linux Standards Base specified location is now under the
604		<filename>/var/lib/samba</filename> directory. Copy all the
605		tdb files to a safe location.
606		</para></step>
608		<step><para>
609		<indexterm><primary>RPM</primary></indexterm>
610		It is now safe to upgrade the Samba installation. On Linux systems
611		it is not necessary to remove the Samba RPMs because a simple
612		upgrade installation will automatically remove the old files.
613		</para>
615		<para>
616		On systems that do not support a reliable package management system
617		it is advisable either to delete the Samba old installation or to
618		move it out of the way by renaming the directories that contain the
619		Samba binary files.
620		</para></step>
622		<step><para>
623		When the Samba upgrade has been installed, the first step that should
624		be completed is to identify the new target locations for the control
625		files. Follow the steps shown in <link linkend="sbeug1"/> to locate
626		the correct directories to which each control file must be moved.
627		</para></step>
629		<step><para>
630		Do not change the hostname.
631		</para></step>
633		<step><para>
634		Do not change the workgroup name.
635		</para></step>
637		<step><para>
638		<indexterm><primary>testparm</primary></indexterm>
639		Execute the <command>testparm</command> to validate the &smb.conf; file.
640		This process will flag any parameters that are no longer supported.
641		It will also flag configuration settings that may be in conflict.
642		</para>
644		<para>
645		One solution that may be used to clean up and to update the &smb.conf;
646		file involves renaming it to <filename>smb.conf.master</filename> and 
647		then executing the following:
649&rootprompt; cd /etc/samba
650&rootprompt; testparm -s smb.conf.master &gt; smb.conf
652	<indexterm><primary>stripped</primary></indexterm>
653		The resulting &smb.conf; file will be stripped of all comments
654		and of all nonconforming configuration settings.
655		</para></step>
657		<step><para>
658		<indexterm><primary>winbindd</primary></indexterm>
659		It is now safe to start Samba using the appropriate system tool.
660		Alternately, it is possible to just execute <command>nmbd</command>,
661		<command>smbd</command>, and <command>winbindd</command> for the command
662		line while logged in as the root user.
663		</para></step>
665	</procedure>
667	</sect2>
669	<sect2>
670	<title>Applicable to All Samba 2.x to Samba-3 Upgrades</title>
672	<para>
673	<indexterm><primary>PDC</primary></indexterm>
674	<indexterm><primary>domain controller</primary></indexterm>
675	<indexterm><primary>inter-domain</primary></indexterm>
676	Samba 2.x servers that were running as a domain controller (PDC)
677	require changes to the configuration of the scripting interface
678	tools that Samba uses to perform OS updates for
679	users, groups, and trust accounts (machines and interdomain).
680	</para>
682	<para>
683	<indexterm><primary>parameters</primary></indexterm>
684	The following parameters are new to Samba-3 and should be correctly configured.
685	Please refer to <link linkend="secure"/> through <link linkend="net2000users"/>
686	in this book for examples of use of the new parameters shown here:
687	<indexterm><primary>add group script</primary></indexterm>
688	<indexterm><primary>add machine script</primary></indexterm>
689	<indexterm><primary>add user to group script</primary></indexterm>
690	<indexterm><primary>delete group script</primary></indexterm>
691	<indexterm><primary>delete user from group script</primary></indexterm>
692	<indexterm><primary>set primary group script</primary></indexterm>
693	<indexterm><primary>passdb backend</primary></indexterm>
694	</para>
696	<para>
697	<simplelist>
698		<member>add group script</member>
699		<member>add machine script</member>
700		<member>add user to group script</member>
701		<member>delete group script</member>
702		<member>delete user from group script</member>
703		<member>passdb backend</member>
704		<member>set primary group script</member>
705		</simplelist>
706	</para>
708	<para>
709	<indexterm><primary>add machine script</primary></indexterm>
710	<indexterm><primary>add user script</primary></indexterm>
711	The <parameter>add machine script</parameter> functionality was previously
712	handled by the <parameter>add user script</parameter>, which in Samba-3 is
713	used exclusively to add user accounts.
714	</para>
716	<para>
717	<indexterm><primary>passdb backend</primary></indexterm>
718	<indexterm><primary>smbpasswd</primary></indexterm>
719	<indexterm><primary>tdbsam</primary></indexterm>
720	<indexterm><primary>useradd</primary></indexterm>
721	<indexterm><primary>usermod</primary></indexterm>
722	<indexterm><primary>userdel</primary></indexterm>
723	<indexterm><primary>groupadd</primary></indexterm>
724	<indexterm><primary>groupmod</primary></indexterm>
725	<indexterm><primary>groupdel</primary></indexterm>
726	Where the <parameter>passdb backend</parameter> used is either <constant>smbpasswd</constant>
727	(the default) or the new <constant>tdbsam</constant>, the system interface scripts
728	are typically used. These involve use of OS tools such as <command>useradd</command>,
729	<command>usermod</command>, <command>userdel</command>, <command>groupadd</command>,
730	<command>groupmod</command>, <command>groupdel</command>, and so on.
731	</para>
733	<para>
734	<indexterm><primary>passdb backend</primary></indexterm>
735	<indexterm><primary>LDAP</primary></indexterm>
736	<indexterm><primary>Idealx</primary></indexterm>
737	Where the <parameter>passdb backend</parameter> makes use of an LDAP directory,
738	it is necessary either to use the <constant>smbldap-tools</constant> provided
739	by Idealx or to use an alternate toolset provided by a third
740	party or else home-crafted to manage the LDAP directory accounts.
741	</para>
743	</sect2>
745	<sect2>
746	<title>Samba-2.x with LDAP Support</title>
748	<para>
749	Samba version 2.x could be compiled for use either with or without LDAP.
750	The LDAP control settings in the &smb.conf; file in this old version are
751	completely different (and less complete) than they are with Samba-3. This
752	means that after migrating the control files, it is necessary to reconfigure
753	the LDAP settings entirely.
754	</para>
756	<para>
757	Follow the procedure outlined in <link linkend="sbeug2"/> to affect a migration
758	of all files to the correct locations.
759	</para>
761	<para>
762	<indexterm><primary>schema</primary></indexterm>
763	<indexterm><primary>WHATSNEW.txt</primary></indexterm>
764	The Samba SAM schema required for Samba-3 is significantly different from that
765	used with Samba 2.x. This means that the LDAP directory must be updated
766	using the procedure outlined in the Samba WHATSNEW.txt file that accompanies
767	all releases of Samba-3. This information is repeated here directly from this
768	file:
770This is an extract from the Samba-3.0.x WHATSNEW.txt file:
772Changes in Behavior
775The following issues are known changes in behavior between Samba 2.2 and
776Samba 3.0 that may affect certain installations of Samba.
778  1)  When operating as a member of a Windows domain, Samba 2.2 would
779      map any users authenticated by the remote DC to the 'guest account'
780      if a uid could not be obtained via the getpwnam() call.  Samba 3.0
781      rejects the connection as NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE.  There is no
782      current work around to re-establish the 2.2 behavior.
784  2)  When adding machines to a Samba 2.2 controlled domain, the
785      'add user script' was used to create the UNIX identity of the
786      machine trust account.  Samba 3.0 introduces a new 'add machine
787      script' that must be specified for this purpose.  Samba 3.0 will
788      not fall back to using the 'add user script' in the absence of
789      an 'add machine script'
792Passdb Backends and Authentication
795There have been a few new changes that Samba administrators should be
796aware of when moving to Samba 3.0.
798  1) encrypted passwords have been enabled by default in order to
799     inter-operate better with out-of-the-box Windows client
800     installations.  This does mean that either (a) a samba account
801     must be created for each user, or (b) 'encrypt passwords = no'
802     must be explicitly defined in smb.conf.
804  2) Inclusion of new 'security = ads' option for integration
805     with an Active Directory domain using the native Windows
806     Kerberos 5 and LDAP protocols.
808     MIT kerberos 1.3.1 supports the ARCFOUR-HMAC-MD5 encryption
809     type which is necessary for servers on which the
810     administrator password has not been changed, or kerberos-enabled
811     SMB connections to servers that require Kerberos SMB signing.
812     Besides this one difference, either MIT or Heimdal Kerberos
813     distributions are usable by Samba 3.0.
816Samba 3.0 also includes the possibility of setting up chains
817of authentication methods (auth methods) and account storage
818backends (passdb backend).  Please refer to the smb.conf(5)
819man page for details.  While both parameters assume sane default
820values, it is likely that you will need to understand what the
821values actually mean in order to ensure Samba operates correctly.
823The recommended passdb backends at this time are
825  * smbpasswd - 2.2 compatible flat file format
826  * tdbsam - attribute rich database intended as an smbpasswd
827    replacement for stand alone servers
828  * ldapsam - attribute rich account storage and retrieval
829    backend utilizing an LDAP directory.
830  * ldapsam_compat - a 2.2 backward compatible LDAP account
831    backend
833Certain functions of the smbpasswd(8) tool have been split between the
834new smbpasswd(8) utility, the net(8) tool, and the new pdbedit(8)
835utility.  See the respective man pages for details.
841This section outlines the new features affecting Samba / LDAP
844New Schema
847A new object class (sambaSamAccount) has been introduced to replace
848the old sambaAccount.  This change aids us in the renaming of
849attributes to prevent clashes with attributes from other vendors.
850There is a conversion script (examples/LDAP/convertSambaAccount) to
851modify and LDIF file to the new schema.
855  $ ldapsearch .... -b "ou=people,dc=..." &gt; sambaAcct.ldif
856  $ convertSambaAccount --sid=&lt;Domain SID&gt; \
857    --input=sambaAcct.ldif --output=sambaSamAcct.ldif \
858    --changetype=[modify|add]
860The &lt;DOM SID&gt; can be obtained by running 'net getlocalsid
861&lt;DOMAINNAME&gt;' on the Samba PDC as root.  The changetype determines
862the format of the generated LDIF output--either create new entries
863or modify existing entries.
865The old sambaAccount schema may still be used by specifying the
866"ldapsam_compat" passdb backend.  However, the sambaAccount and
867associated attributes have been moved to the historical section of
868the schema file and must be uncommented before use if needed.
869The 2.2 object class declaration for a sambaAccount has not changed
870in the 3.0 samba.schema file.
872Other new object classes and their uses include:
874  * sambaDomain - domain information used to allocate rids
875    for users and groups as necessary.  The attributes are added
876    in 'ldap suffix' directory entry automatically if
877    an idmap uid/gid range has been set and the 'ldapsam'
878    passdb backend has been selected.
880  * sambaGroupMapping - an object representing the
881    relationship between a posixGroup and a Windows
882    group/SID.  These entries are stored in the 'ldap
883    group suffix' and managed by the 'net groupmap' command.
885  * sambaUnixIdPool - created in the 'ldap idmap suffix' entry
886    automatically and contains the next available 'idmap uid' and
887    'idmap gid'
889  * sambaIdmapEntry - object storing a mapping between a
890    SID and a UNIX uid/gid.  These objects are created by the
891    idmap_ldap module as needed.
893  * sambaSidEntry - object representing a SID alone, as a Structural
894    class on which to build the sambaIdmapEntry.
897New Suffix for Searching
900The following new smb.conf parameters have been added to aid in directing
901certain LDAP queries when 'passdb backend = ldapsam://...' has been
904  * ldap suffix         - used to search for user and computer accounts
905  * ldap user suffix    - used to store user accounts
906  * ldap machine suffix - used to store machine trust accounts
907  * ldap group suffix   - location of posixGroup/sambaGroupMapping entries
908  * ldap idmap suffix   - location of sambaIdmapEntry objects
910If an 'ldap suffix' is defined, it will be appended to all of the
911remaining sub-suffix parameters.  In this case, the order of the suffix
912listings in smb.conf is important.  Always place the 'ldap suffix' first
913in the list.
915Due to a limitation in Samba's smb.conf parsing, you should not surround
916the DN's with quotation marks.
918	</para>
920	</sect2>
925<title>Updating a Samba-3 Installation</title>
928The key concern in this section is to deal with the changes that have been
929affected in Samba-3 between the Samba-3.0.0 release and the current update.
930Network administrators have expressed concerns over the steps that should be
931taken to update Samba-3 versions.
935<indexterm><primary>control files</primary></indexterm>
936The information in <link linkend="sbeug1"/> would not be necessary if every
937person who has ever produced Samba executable (binary) files could agree on
938the preferred location of the &smb.conf; file and other Samba control files.
939Clearly, such agreement is further away than a pipedream.
944Vendors and packagers who produce Samba binary installable packages do not,
945as a rule, use the default paths used by the Samba-Team for the location of
946the binary files, the &smb.conf; file, and the Samba control files (tdb's
947as well as files such as <filename>secrets.tdb</filename>). This means that
948the network or UNIX administrator who sets out to build the Samba executable
949files from the Samba tarball must take particular care. Failure to take care
950will result in both the original vendor's version of Samba remaining installed
951and the new version being installed in the default location used
952by the Samba-Team. This can lead to confusion and to much lost time as the
953uninformed administrator deals with apparent failure of the update to take
959The best advice for those lacking in code compilation experience is to use
960only vendor (or Samba-Team) provided binary packages. The Samba packages
961that are provided by the Samba-Team are generally built to use file paths
962that are compatible with the original OS vendor's practices.
966<indexterm><primary>binary package</primary></indexterm>
967<indexterm><primary>binary files</primary></indexterm>
968If you are not sure whether a binary package complies with the OS
969vendor's practices, it is better to ask the package maintainer via
970email than to waste much time dealing with the nuances.
971Alternately, just diagnose the paths specified by the binary files following
972the procedure outlined above.
975	<sect2>
976	<title>Samba-3 to Samba-3 Updates on the Same Server</title>
978	<para>
979	The guidance in this section deals with updates to an existing
980	Samba-3 server installation.
981	</para>
983	<sect3>
984	<title>Updating from Samba Versions Earlier than 3.0.5</title>
986	<para>
987	With the provision that the binary Samba-3 package has been built
988	with the same path and feature settings as the existing Samba-3
989	package that is being updated, an update of Samba-3 versions 3.0.0
990	through 3.0.4 can be updated to 3.0.5 without loss of functionality
991	and without need to change either the &smb.conf; file or, where
992	used, the LDAP schema.
993	</para>
995	</sect3>
997	<sect3>
998	<title>Updating from Samba Versions between 3.0.6 and 3.0.10</title>
1000	<para>
1001	<indexterm><primary>schema</primary></indexterm>
1002	<indexterm><primary>LDAP</primary><secondary>schema</secondary></indexterm>
1003	When updating versions of Samba-3 prior to 3.0.6 to 3.0.6 through 3.0.10,
1004	it is necessary only to update the LDAP schema (where LDAP is used).
1005	Always use the LDAP schema file that is shipped with the latest Samba-3
1006	update.
1007	</para>
1009	<para>
1010	<indexterm><primary>ldapsam</primary></indexterm>
1011	<indexterm><primary>tdbsam</primary></indexterm>
1012	<indexterm><primary>passdb backend</primary></indexterm>
1013	Samba-3.0.6 introduced the ability to remember the last <emphasis>n</emphasis> number
1014	of passwords a user has used. This information will work only with
1015	the <constant>tdbsam</constant> and <constant>ldapsam</constant>
1016	<parameter>passdb backend</parameter> facilities.
1017	</para>
1019	<para>
1020	After updating the LDAP schema, do not forget to re-index the LDAP database.
1021	</para>
1023	</sect3>
1025	<sect3>
1026	<title>Updating from Samba Versions after 3.0.6 to a Current Release</title>
1028	<para>
1029	<indexterm><primary>winbindd</primary></indexterm>
1030	Samba-3.0.8 introduced changes in how the <parameter>username map</parameter>
1031	behaves. It also included a change in behavior of <command>winbindd</command>.
1032	Please refer to the man page for &smb.conf; before implementing any update
1033	from versions prior to 3.0.8 to a current version.
1034	</para>
1036	<para>
1037	<indexterm><primary>privileges</primary></indexterm>
1038	In Samba-3.0.11 a new privileges interface was implemented. Please
1039	refer to <link linkend="sbehap-ppc"/> for information regarding this new
1040	feature. It is not necessary to implement the privileges interface, but it
1041	is one that has been requested for several years and thus may be of interest
1042	at your site.
1043	</para>
1045	<para>
1046	In Samba-3.0.11 there were some functional changes to the <parameter>ldap user
1047	suffix</parameter> and to the <parameter>ldap machine suffix</parameter> behaviors.
1048	The following information has been extracted from the WHATSNEW.txt file from this
1049	release:
1052LDAP Changes
1055If "ldap user suffix" or "ldap machine suffix" are defined in
1056smb.conf, all user-accounts must reside below the user suffix,
1057and all machine and inter-domain trust-accounts must be located
1058below the machine suffix.  Previous Samba releases would fall
1059back to searching the 'ldap suffix' in some cases.
1061	</para>
1063	</sect3>
1064	</sect2>
1066	<sect2>
1067	<title>Migrating Samba-3 to a New Server</title>
1069	<para>
1070	The two most likely candidates for replacement of a server are
1071	domain member servers and domain controllers. Each needs to be
1072	handled slightly differently.
1073	</para>
1075	<sect3>
1076	<title>Replacing a Domain Member Server</title>
1078	<para>
1079	<indexterm><primary>DMS</primary></indexterm>
1080	Replacement of a domain member server should be done
1081	using the same procedure as outlined in <link linkend="unixclients"/>.
1082	</para>
1084	<para>
1085	Usually the new server will be introduced with a temporary name. After
1086	the old server data has been migrated to the new server, it is customary
1087	that the new server be renamed to that of the old server. This will
1088	change its SID and will necessitate rejoining to the domain.
1089	</para>
1091	<para>
1092	<indexterm><primary>smbd</primary></indexterm>
1093	<indexterm><primary>nmbd</primary></indexterm>
1094	<indexterm><primary>winbindd</primary></indexterm>
1095	<indexterm><primary>wins.dat</primary></indexterm>
1096	<indexterm><primary>browse.dat</primary></indexterm>
1097	<indexterm><primary>resolution</primary></indexterm>
1098	Following a change of hostname (NetBIOS name) it is a good idea on all servers
1099	to shut down the Samba <command>smbd</command>, <command>nmbd</command>, and
1100	<command>winbindd</command> services, delete the <filename>wins.dat</filename>
1101	and <filename>browse.dat</filename> files, then restart Samba. This will ensure
1102	that the old name and IP address information is no longer able to interfere with
1103	name to IP address resolution.  If this is not done, there can be temporary name
1104	resolution problems. These problems usually clear within 45 minutes of a name
1105	change, but can persist for a longer period of time.
1106	</para>
1108	<para>
1109	<indexterm><primary>DMS</primary></indexterm>
1110	<indexterm><primary>/etc/passwd</primary></indexterm>
1111	<indexterm><primary>/etc/shadow</primary></indexterm>
1112	<indexterm><primary>/etc/group</primary></indexterm>
1113	If the old domain member server had local accounts, it is necessary to create
1114	on the new domain member server the same accounts with the same UID and GID
1115	for each account. Where the <parameter>passdb backend</parameter> database
1116	is stored in the <constant>smbpasswd</constant> or in the
1117	<constant>tdbsam</constant> format, the user and group account information
1118	for UNIX accounts that match the Samba accounts will reside in the system
1119	<filename>/etc/passwd</filename>, <filename>/etc/shadow</filename>, and
1120	<filename>/etc/group</filename> files. In this case, be sure to copy these
1121	account entries to the new target server.
1122	</para>
1124	<para>
1125	<indexterm><primary>nss_ldap</primary></indexterm>
1126	Where the user accounts for both UNIX and Samba are stored in LDAP, the new
1127	target server must be configured to use the <command>nss_ldap</command> tool set.
1128	This will automatically ensure that the appropriate user entities are
1129	available on the new server.
1130	</para>
1132	</sect3>
1134	<sect3>
1135	<title>Replacing a Domain Controller</title>
1137	<para>
1138	<indexterm><primary>domain</primary><secondary>controller</secondary></indexterm>
1139	In the past, people who replaced a Windows NT4 domain controller typically
1140	installed a new server, created printers and file shares on it, then migrate across
1141	all data that was destined to reside on it. The same can of course be done with
1142	Samba.
1143	</para>
1145	<para>
1146	From recent mailing list postings it would seem that some administrators
1147	have the intent to just replace the old Samba server with a new one with
1148	the same name as the old one. In this case, simply follow the same process
1149	as for upgrading a Samba 2.x system and do the following:
1150	</para>
1152	<itemizedlist>
1153		<listitem><para>
1154		Where UNIX (POSIX) user and group accounts are stored in the system
1155		<filename>/etc/passwd</filename>, <filename>/etc/shadow</filename>, and 
1156		<filename>/etc/group</filename> files, be sure to add the same accounts
1157		with identical UID and GID values for each user.
1158		</para>
1160		<para>
1161		Where LDAP is used, if the new system is intended to be the LDAP server,
1162		migrate it across by configuring the LDAP server 
1163		(<filename>/etc/openldap/slapd.conf</filename>). The directory can
1164		be populated either initially by setting this LDAP server up as a slave or
1165		by dumping the data from the old LDAP server using the <command>slapcat</command>
1166		command and then reloading the same data into the new LDAP server using the
1167		<command>slapadd</command> command. Do not forget to install and configure
1168		the <command>nss_ldap</command> tool and the <filename>/etc/nsswitch.conf</filename>
1169		(as shown in <link linkend="happy"/>).
1170		</para></listitem>
1172		<listitem><para>
1173		Copy the &smb.conf; file from the old server to the new server into the correct
1174		location as indicated previously in this chapter.
1175		</para></listitem>
1177		<listitem><para>
1178		Copy the <filename>secrets.tdb</filename> file, the <filename>smbpasswd</filename>
1179		file (if it is used), the <filename>/etc/samba/passdb.tdb</filename> file (only
1180		used by the <constant>tdbsam</constant> backend), and all the tdb control files
1181		from the old system to the correct location on the new system.
1182		</para></listitem>
1184		<listitem><para>
1185		Before starting the Samba daemons, verify that the hostname of the new server
1186		is identical to that of the old one. Note: The IP address can be different
1187		from that of the old server.
1188		</para></listitem>
1190		<listitem><para>
1191		Copy all files from the old server to the new server, taking precaution to
1192		preserve all file ownership and permissions as well as any POSIX ACLs that
1193		may have been created on the old server.
1194		</para></listitem>
1195	</itemizedlist>
1197	<para>
1198	When replacing a Samba domain controller (PDC or BDC) that uses LDAP, the new server
1199	need simply be configured to use the LDAP directory, and for the rest it should just
1200	work. The domain SID is obtained from the LDAP directory as part of the first connect
1201	to the LDAP directory server.
1202	</para>
1204	<para>
1205	All Samba servers, other than one that uses LDAP, depend on the tdb files, and
1206	particularly on the <filename>secrets.tdb</filename> file. So long as the tdb files are
1207	all in place, the &smb.conf; file is preserved, and either the hostname is identical
1208	or the <parameter>netbios name</parameter> is set to the original server name, Samba
1209	should correctly pick up the original SID and preserve all other settings. It is
1210	sound advice to validate this before turning the system over to users.
1211	</para>
1213	</sect3>
1215	</sect2>
1217	<sect2>
1218	<title>Migration of Samba Accounts to Active Directory</title>
1220	<para>
1221	Yes, it works. The Windows ADMT tool can be used to migrate Samba accounts
1222	to MS Active Directory.  There are a few pitfalls to be aware of:
1223	</para>
1225	<procedure>
1226	<title>Migration to Active Directory</title>
1228		<step><para>
1229		Administrator password must be THE SAME on the Samba server,
1230		the 2003 ADS, and the local Administrator account on the workstations. 
1231		Perhaps this goes without saying, but there needs to be an account
1232		called <constant>Administrator</constant> in your Samba domain, with 
1233		full administrative (root) rights to that domain.
1234		</para></step>
1236		<step><para>
1237		In the Advanced/DNS section of the TCP/IP settings on your Windows 
1238		workstations, make sure the <parameter>DNS suffix for this 
1239		connection</parameter> field is blank. 
1240		</para></step>
1242		<step><para>
1243		Because you are migrating from Samba, user passwords cannot be 
1244		migrated. You'll have to reset everyone's passwords. (If you were 
1245		migrating from NT4 to ADS, you could migrate passwords as well.)
1246		</para>
1248		<para>
1249		To date this has not been attempted with roaming profile support;
1250		it has been documented as working with local profiles.
1251		</para></step>
1253		<step><para>
1254		Disable the Windows Firewall on all workstations. Otherwise, 
1255		workstations won't be migrated to the new domain.
1256		</para></step>
1258		<step><para>
1259		<indexterm><primary>ADMT</primary></indexterm>
1260		When migrating machines, always test first (using ADMT's test mode) 
1261		and satisfy all errors before committing the migration. Note that the 
1262		test will always fail, because the machine will not have been actually 
1263		migrated. You'll need to interpret the errors to know whether the 
1264		failure was due to a problem or simply to the fact that it was just 
1265		a test.
1266		</para></step>
1268	</procedure>
1271	<para>
1272	<indexterm><primary>ADMT</primary></indexterm>
1273	There are some significant benefits of using the ADMT, besides just 
1274	migrating user accounts. ADMT can be found on the Windows 2003 CD.
1275	</para>
1277	<itemizedlist>
1278		<listitem><para>
1279		You can migrate workstations remotely. You can specify that SIDs 
1280		be simply added instead of replaced, giving you the option of joining a 
1281		workstation back to the old domain if something goes awry. The 
1282		workstations will be joined to the new domain.
1283		</para></listitem>
1285		<listitem><para>
1286		Not only are user accounts migrated from the old domain to the new 
1287		domain, but ACLs on the workstations are migrated as well. Like SIDs, 
1288		ACLs can be added instead of replaced.
1289		</para></listitem>
1291		<listitem><para>
1292		Locally stored user profiles on workstations are migrated as well, 
1293		presenting almost no disruption to the user. Saved passwords will be 
1294		lost, just as when you administratively reset the password in Windows ADS.
1295		</para></listitem>
1297		<listitem><para>
1298		The ADMT lets you test all operations before actually performing the 
1299		migration. Accounts and workstations can be migrated individually or in 
1300		batches. User accounts can be safely migrated all at once (since no 
1301		changes are made on the original domain). It is recommended to migrate only one 
1302		or two workstations as a test before committing them all.
1303		</para></listitem>
1305	</itemizedlist>
1307	</sect2>