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1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
2<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//Samba-Team//DTD DocBook V4.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "http://www.samba.org/samba/DTD/samba-doc">
3<chapter id="kerberos">
4  <title>Active Directory, Kerberos, and Security</title>
6    <para><indexterm>
7	<primary>experiment</primary>
8      </indexterm>
9	By this point in the book, you have been exposed to many Samba-3 features and capabilities.
10	More importantly, if you have implemented the examples given, you are well on your way to becoming 
11	a Samba-3 networking guru who knows a lot about Microsoft Windows. If you have taken the time to 
12	practice, you likely have thought of improvements and scenarios with which you can experiment. You 
13	are rather well plugged in to the many flexible ways Samba can be used.
14	</para>
16    <para><indexterm>
17	<primary>criticism</primary>
18      </indexterm>
19	This is a book about Samba-3. Understandably, its intent is to present it in a positive light. 
20	The casual observer might conclude that this book is one-eyed about Samba. It is &smbmdash; what 
21	would you expect? This chapter exposes some criticisms that have been raised concerning 
22	the use of Samba. For each criticism, there are good answers and appropriate solutions.
23	</para>
25	<para>
26	Some criticism always comes from deep inside ranks that one would expect to be supportive of a particular 
27	decision. Criticism can be expected from the outside. Let's see how the interesting dynamic of 
28	criticism develops with respect to Abmas.
29	</para>
31    <para><indexterm>
32	<primary>straw-man</primary>
33      </indexterm>
34	This chapter provides a shameless self-promotion of Samba-3. The objections raised were not pulled
35	out of thin air. They were drawn from comments made by Samba users and from criticism during 
36	discussions with Windows network administrators. The tone of the objections reflects as closely 
37	as possible that of the original. The case presented is a straw-man example that is designed to 
38	permit each objection to be answered as it might occur in real life.
39	</para>
42	<title>Introduction</title>
44      <para><indexterm>
45	  <primary>acquisitions</primary>
46	</indexterm><indexterm>
47	  <primary>risk</primary>
48	</indexterm><indexterm>
49	  <primary>assessment</primary>
50	</indexterm><indexterm>
51	  <primary>Active Directory</primary>
52	</indexterm><indexterm>
53	  <primary>Windows 2003 Serve</primary>
54	</indexterm>
55	Abmas is continuing its meteoric growth with yet further acquisitions. The investment community took
56	note of the spectacular projection of Abmas onto the global business stage. Abmas is building an
57	interesting portfolio of companies that includes accounting services, financial advice, investment
58	portfolio management, property insurance, risk assessment, and the recent addition of a a video rental
59	business. The pieces do not always appear to fit together, but Mr. Meany is certainly executing an 
60	interesting business growth and development plan. Abmas Video Rentals was recently acquired. 
61	During the time that the acquisition was closing, the Video Rentals business upgraded its Windows 
62	NT4-based network to Windows 2003 Server and Active Directory.
63	</para>
65      <para><indexterm>
66	  <primary>Active Directory</primary>
67	</indexterm>
68	You have accepted the fact that Abmas Video Rentals will use Microsoft Active Directory.
69	The IT team, led by Stan Soroka, is committed to Samba-3 and to maintaining a uniform technology platform. 
70	Stan Soroka's team voiced its disapproval over the decision to permit this business to continue to 
71	operate with a solution that is viewed by Christine and her group as <quote>an island of broken 
72	technologies.</quote> This comment was made by one of Christine's staff as they were installing a new 
73	Samba-3 server at the new business.
74	</para>
77      <para><indexterm>
78	  <primary>consultant</primary>
79	</indexterm><indexterm>
80	  <primary>hypothetical</primary>
81	</indexterm>
82	Abmas Video Rentals' head of IT heard of this criticism. He was offended that a junior engineer
83	should make such a comment. He felt that he had to prepare in case he might be criticized for his 
84	decision to use Active Directory. He decided he would defend his decision by hiring the services 
85	of an outside security systems consultant to report<footnote><para>This report is entirely fictitious. 
86			Any resemblance to a factual report is purely coincidental.</para></footnote> on his unit's operations 
87	and to investigate the role of Samba at his site. Here are key extracts from this hypothetical 
88	report:
89	</para>
91      <blockquote><para><indexterm>
92	    <primary>vulnerabilities</primary>
93	  </indexterm><indexterm>
94	    <primary>integrity</primary>
95	  </indexterm><indexterm>
96	    <primary>practices</primary>
97	  </indexterm><indexterm>
98	    <primary>Active Directory</primary>
99	  </indexterm>
100	... the implementation of Microsoft Active Directory at the Abmas Video Rentals, Bamingsham site,
101	 has been examined. We find no evidence to support a notion that vulnerabilities exist at your site.  
102	... we took additional steps to validate the integrity of the installation and operation of Active 
103	Directory and are pleased that your staff are following sound practices.
104	</para>
106	<para>
107	...
108	</para>
110	<para><indexterm>
111	    <primary>accounts</primary>
112	    <secondary>user</secondary>
113	  </indexterm><indexterm>
114	    <primary>accounts</primary>
115	    <secondary>group</secondary>
116	  </indexterm><indexterm>
117	    <primary>Backup</primary>
118	  </indexterm><indexterm>
119	    <primary>disaster recovery</primary>
120	  </indexterm><indexterm>
121	    <primary>validated</primary>
122	  </indexterm><indexterm>
123	    <primary>off-site storage</primary>
124	  </indexterm>
125	User and group accounts, and respective privileges, have been well thought out. File system shares are
126	appropriately secured. Backup and disaster recovery plans are well managed and validated regularly, and
127	effective off-site storage practices are considered to exceed industry norms.
128	</para>
130	<para><indexterm>
131	    <primary>compromise</primary>
132	  </indexterm><indexterm>
133	    <primary>secure</primary>
134	  </indexterm><indexterm>
135	    <primary>network</primary>
136	    <secondary>secure</secondary>
137	  </indexterm>
138	Your staff are justifiably concerned that the use of Samba may compromise their good efforts to maintain
139	a secure network. 
140	</para>
142	<para><indexterm>
143	    <primary>winbind</primary>
144	  </indexterm><indexterm>
145	    <primary>security</primary>
146	  </indexterm><indexterm>
147	    <primary>secure</primary>
148	  </indexterm><indexterm>
149	    <primary>network</primary>
150	    <secondary>management</secondary>
151	  </indexterm>
152	The recently installed Linux file and application server uses a tool called <command>winbind</command> 
153	that is indiscriminate about security. All user accounts in Active Directory can be used to access data 
154	stored on the Linux system. We are alarmed that secure information is accessible to staff who should 
155	not even be aware that it exists. We share the concerns of your network management staff who have gone 
156	to great lengths to set fine-grained controls that limit information access to those who need access. 
157	It seems incongruous to us that Samba winbind should be permitted to be used considering that it voids this fine work.
158	</para>
160	<para><indexterm>
161	    <primary>isolated</primary>
162	  </indexterm><indexterm>
163	    <primary>firewall</primary>
164	  </indexterm><indexterm>
165	    <primary>best practices</primary>
166	  </indexterm>
167	Graham Judd [head of network administration] has locked down the security of all systems and is following 
168	the latest Microsoft guidelines. ... null session connections have been disabled ... the internal network 
169	is isolated from the outside world, the [product name removed] firewall is under current contract 
170	maintenance support from [the manufacturer].  ... our attempts to penetrate security of your systems 
171	failed to find problems common to Windows networking sites. We commend your staff on their attention to 
172	detail and for following Microsoft recommended best practices.
173	</para>
175	<para>
176	...
177	</para>
179	<para><indexterm>
180	    <primary>security</primary>
181	  </indexterm><indexterm>
182	    <primary>disable</primary>
183	  </indexterm><indexterm>
184	    <primary>essential</primary>
185	  </indexterm><indexterm>
186	    <primary>trusted computing</primary>
187	  </indexterm>
188	Regarding the use of Samba, we offer the following comments: Samba is in use in nearly half of
189	all sites we have surveyed. ... It is our opinion that Samba offers no better security than Microsoft
190	... what worries us regarding Samba is the need to disable essential Windows security features such as
191	secure channel support, digital sign'n'seal on all communication traffic, and running Active Directory in
192	mixed mode so that Samba clients and servers can authenticate all of it. Additionally, we are concerned that
193	Samba is not at the full capabilities of Microsoft Windows NT4 server. Microsoft has moved well beyond that
194	with trusted computing initiatives that the Samba developers do not participate in.
195	</para>
197	<para><indexterm>
198	    <primary>integrity</primary>
199	  </indexterm><indexterm>
200	    <primary>hackers</primary>
201	  </indexterm><indexterm>
202	    <primary>accountable</primary>
203	  </indexterm><indexterm>
204	    <primary>flaws</primary>
205	  </indexterm><indexterm>
206	    <primary>updates</primary>
207	  </indexterm><indexterm>
208	    <primary>bug fixes</primary>
209	  </indexterm><indexterm>
210	    <primary>alarm</primary>
211	  </indexterm>
212	One wonders about the integrity of an open source program that is developed by a team of hackers 
213	who cannot be held accountable for the flaws in their code. The sheer number of updates and bug
214	fixes they have released should ring alarm bells in any business.
215	</para>
217	<para><indexterm>
218	    <primary>employment</primary>
219	  </indexterm><indexterm>
220	    <primary>jobs</primary>
221	  </indexterm><indexterm>
222	    <primary>risk</primary>
223	  </indexterm>
224	Another factor that should be considered is that buying Microsoft products and services helps to 
225	provide employment in the IT industry. Samba and Open Source software place those jobs at risk.
226	</para></blockquote>
228      <para><indexterm>
229	  <primary>Active Directory</primary>
230	</indexterm><indexterm>
231	  <primary>independent expert</primary>
232	</indexterm>
233	This is also a challenge to rise above the trouble spot. You call Stan's team together for a simple 
234	discussion, but it gets further out of hand.  When you return to your office, you find the following 
235	email in your in-box:
236	</para>
238	<para>
239	Good afternoon,
240	</para>
242	<blockquote><attribution>Stan</attribution><para>
243	I apologize for the leak of internal discussions to the new business. It reflects poorly on our 
244	professionalism and has put you in an unpleasant position. I regret the incident.
245	</para>
247	<para>
248	I also wish to advise that two of the recent recruits want to implement Kerberos authentication 
249	across all systems. I concur with the desire to improve security. One of the new guys who is championing
250	the move to Kerberos was responsible for the comment that caused the embarrassment.
251	</para>
253	<para><indexterm>
254	    <primary>Kerberos</primary>
255	  </indexterm><indexterm>
256	    <primary>OpenLDAP</primary>
257	  </indexterm><indexterm>
258	    <primary>Active Directory</primary>
259	  </indexterm><indexterm>
260	    <primary>consultant</primary>
261	  </indexterm>
262	I am experiencing difficulty in handling the sharp push for Kerberos. He claims that Kerberos, OpenLDAP, 
263	plus Samba-3 will seamlessly replace Microsoft Active Directory. I am a little out of my depth with respect 
264	to the feasibility of such a move, but have taken steps to pull both of them into line. With your consent, 
265	I would like to hire the services of a well-known Samba consultant to set the record straight.
266	</para>
268	<para><indexterm>
269	    <primary>criticism</primary>
270	  </indexterm><indexterm>
271	    <primary>policy</primary>
272	  </indexterm><indexterm>
273	    <primary>Windows Servers</primary>
274	  </indexterm><indexterm>
275	    <primary>Active Directory</primary>
276	  </indexterm><indexterm>
277	    <primary>budgetted</primary>
278	  </indexterm><indexterm>
279	    <primary>financial responsibility</primary>
280	  </indexterm>
281	I intend to use this report to answer the criticism raised and would like to establish a policy that we
282	will approve the use of Microsoft Windows Servers (and Active Directory) subject to all costs being covered 
283	out of the budget of the division that wishes to go its own way. I propose that dissenters will still remain
284	responsible to meet the budgeted contribution to IT operations as a whole. I believe we should not coerce 
285	use of any centrally proposed standards, but make all noncompliance the financial responsibility of the 
286	out-of-step division. Hopefully, this will encourage all divisions to walk with us and not alone.
287	</para></blockquote>
289	<sect2>
290		<title>Assignment Tasks</title>
292		<para>
293		You agreed with Stan's recommendations and hired a consultant to help defuse the powder
294		keg. The consultant's task is to provide a tractable answer to each of the issues raised. The consultant must be able
295		to support his or her claims, keep emotions to the side, and answer technically.
296		</para>
298	</sect2>
302	<title>Dissection and Discussion</title>
304      <para><indexterm>
305	  <primary>tool</primary>
306	</indexterm><indexterm>
307	  <primary>benefit</primary>
308	</indexterm><indexterm>
309	  <primary>choice</primary>
310	</indexterm><indexterm>
311	  <primary>consultant</primary>
312	</indexterm><indexterm>
313	  <primary>installation</primary>
314	</indexterm><indexterm>
315	  <primary>income</primary>
316	</indexterm><indexterm>
317	  <primary>employment</primary>
318	</indexterm>
319	Samba-3 is a tool. No one is pounding your door to make you use Samba. That is a choice that you are free to 
320	make or reject. It is likely that your decision to use Samba can greatly benefit your company. 
321	The Samba Team obviously believes that the Samba software is a worthy choice. 
322	If you hire a consultant to assist with the installation and/or deployment of Samba, or if you hire 
323	someone to help manage your Samba installation, you can create income and employment. Alternately, 
324	money saved by not spending in the IT area can be spent elsewhere in the business. All money saved 
325	or spent creates employment.
326	</para>
328      <para><indexterm>
329	  <primary>economically sustainable</primary>
330	</indexterm><indexterm>
331	  <primary>inter-operability</primary>
332	</indexterm><indexterm>
333	  <primary>file and print service</primary>
334	</indexterm><indexterm>
335	  <primary>cost</primary>
336	</indexterm><indexterm>
337	  <primary>alternative</primary>
338	</indexterm>
339	In the long term, the use of Samba must be economically sustainable. In some situations, Samba is adopted
340	purely to provide file and print service interoperability on platforms that otherwise cannot provide 
341	access to data and to printers for Microsoft Windows clients. Samba is used by some businesses to
342	effect a reduction in the cost of providing IT services. Obviously, it is also used by some as an 
343	alternative to the use of a Microsoft file and print serving platforms with no consideration of costs.
344	</para>
346      <para><indexterm>
347	  <primary>documentation</primary>
348	</indexterm><indexterm>
349	  <primary>responsibility</primary>
350	</indexterm><indexterm>
351	  <primary>fix</primary>
352	</indexterm><indexterm>
353	  <primary>broken</primary>
354	</indexterm>
355	It would be foolish to adopt a technology that might put any data or users at risk. Security affects 
356	everyone. The Samba-Team is fully cognizant of the responsibility they have to their users. 
357	The Samba documentation clearly reveals that full responsibility is accepted to fix anything 
358	that is broken.
359	</para>
361      <para><indexterm>
362	  <primary>commercial</primary>
363	</indexterm><indexterm>
364	  <primary>software</primary>
365	</indexterm><indexterm>
366	  <primary>commercial software</primary>
367	</indexterm><indexterm>
368	  <primary>End User License Agreement</primary>
369	  <see>EULA</see>
370	</indexterm><indexterm>
371	  <primary>accountable</primary>
372	</indexterm><indexterm>
373	  <secondary>liability</secondary>
374	</indexterm><indexterm>
375	  <primary>accepts liability</primary>
376	</indexterm><indexterm>
377	  <primary>price paid</primary>
378	</indexterm><indexterm>
379	  <primary>product defects</primary>
380	</indexterm><indexterm>
381	  <primary>reimburse</primary>
382	</indexterm><indexterm>
383	  <primary>extent</primary>
384	</indexterm>
385	There is a mistaken perception in the IT industry that commercial software providers are fully 
386	accountable for the defects in products. Open Source software comes with no warranty, so it is 
387	often assumed that its use confers a higher degree of risk. Everyone should read commercial software 
388	End User License Agreements (EULAs). You should determine what real warranty is offered and the 
389	extent of liability that is accepted. Doing so soon dispels the popular notion that
390	commercial software vendors are willingly accountable for product defects. In many cases, the
391	commercial vendor accepts liability only to reimburse the price paid for the software. 
392	</para>
394      <para><indexterm>
395	  <primary>consumer</primary>
396	</indexterm><indexterm>
397	  <primary>EULA</primary>
398	</indexterm><indexterm>
399	  <primary>track record</primary>
400	</indexterm><indexterm>
401	  <primary>commercial software</primary>
402	</indexterm><indexterm>
403	  <primary>support</primary>
404	</indexterm><indexterm>
405	  <primary>vendor</primary>
406	</indexterm>
407	The real issues that a consumer (like you) needs answered are What is the way of escape from technical 
408	problems, and how long will it take? The average problem turnaround time in the Open Source community is 
409	approximately 48 hours. What does the EULA offer? What is the track record in the commercial software 
410	industry? What happens when your commercial vendor decides to cease providing support?
411	</para>
413      <para><indexterm>
414	  <primary>source code</primary>
415	</indexterm><indexterm>
416	  <primary>Open Source</primary>
417	</indexterm><indexterm>
418	  <primary>hire</primary>
419	</indexterm><indexterm>
420	  <primary>programmer</primary>
421	</indexterm><indexterm>
422	  <primary>solve</primary>
423	</indexterm><indexterm>
424	  <primary>fix</primary>
425	</indexterm><indexterm>
426	  <secondary>problem</secondary>
427	</indexterm>
428	Open Source software at least puts you in possession of the source code. This means that when
429	all else fails, you can hire a programmer to solve the problem.
430	</para>
432	<sect2>
433		<title>Technical Issues</title>
435		<para>
436		Each issue is now discussed and, where appropriate, example implementation steps are
437		provided.
438		</para>
440	<variablelist>
441		<varlistentry>
442			<term>Winbind and Security</term>
443	    <listitem><para><indexterm>
444		  <primary>Winbind</primary>
445		</indexterm><indexterm>
446		  <primary>Security</primary>
447		</indexterm><indexterm>
448		  <primary>network</primary>
449		  <secondary>administrators</secondary>
450		</indexterm><indexterm>
451		  <primary>Domain users</primary>
452		</indexterm><indexterm>
453		  <secondary>Domain account</secondary>
454		</indexterm><indexterm>
455		  <primary>credentials</primary>
456		</indexterm><indexterm>
457		  <primary>Network Neighborhood</primary>
458		</indexterm><indexterm>
459		  <primary>UNIX/Linux server</primary>
460		</indexterm><indexterm>
461		  <primary>browse</primary>
462		</indexterm><indexterm>
463		  <primary>shares</primary>
464		</indexterm>
465				Windows network administrators may be dismayed to find that <command>winbind</command> 
466				exposes all domain users so that they may use their domain account credentials to 
467				log on to a UNIX/Linux system. The fact that all users in the domain can see the 
468				UNIX/Linux server in their Network Neighborhood and can browse the shares on the 
469				server seems to excite them further.
470				</para>
472	      <para><indexterm>
473		  <primary>Domain Member server</primary>
474		</indexterm><indexterm>
475		  <primary>familiar</primary>
476		</indexterm><indexterm>
477		  <primary>fear</primary>
478		</indexterm><indexterm>
479		  <primary>unknown</primary>
480		</indexterm>
481				<command>winbind</command> provides for the UNIX/Linux domain member server or 
482				client, the same as one would obtain by adding a Microsoft Windows server or 
483				client to the domain. The real objection is the fact that Samba is not MS Windows 
484				and therefore requires handling a little differently from the familiar Windows systems.
485				One must recognize fear of the unknown.
486				</para>
488	      <para><indexterm>
489		  <primary>network administrators</primary>
490		</indexterm><indexterm>
491		  <primary>recognize</primary>
492		</indexterm><indexterm>
493		  <primary>winbind</primary>
494		</indexterm><indexterm>
495		  <primary>over-ride</primary>
496		</indexterm><indexterm>
497		  <primary>Active Directory</primary>
498		  <secondary>management tools</secondary>
499		</indexterm><indexterm>
500		  <primary>fears</primary>
501		</indexterm>
502				Windows network administrators need to recognize that <command>winbind</command> does
503				not, and cannot, override account controls set using the Active Directory management
504				tools. The control is the same. Have no fear.
505				</para>
507	      <para><indexterm>
508		  <primary>ADS Domain</primary>
509		</indexterm><indexterm>
510		  <primary>account</primary>
511		  <secondary>ADS Domain</secondary>
512		</indexterm><indexterm>
513		  <primary>winbind</primary>
514		</indexterm><indexterm>
515		  <primary>browsing</primary>
516		</indexterm><indexterm>
517		  <primary>permits</primary>
518		</indexterm><indexterm>
519		  <primary>access</primary>
520		</indexterm><indexterm>
521		  <primary>drive mapping</primary>
522		</indexterm><indexterm>
523		  <primary>protected</primary>
524		</indexterm><indexterm>
525		  <primary>security controls</primary>
526		</indexterm><indexterm>
527		  <primary>access controls</primary>
528		</indexterm>
529				Where Samba and the ADS domain account information obtained through the use of
530				<command>winbind</command> permits access, by browsing or by the drive mapping to
531				a share, to data that should be better protected. This can only happen when security
532				controls have not been properly implemented. Samba permits access controls to be set
533				on:
534				</para>
536				<itemizedlist>
537					<listitem><para>Shares themselves (i.e., the logical share itself)</para></listitem>
538					<listitem><para>The share definition in &smb.conf;</para></listitem>
539					<listitem><para>The shared directories and files using UNIX permissions</para></listitem>
540                                        <listitem><para>Using Windows 2000 ACLs &smbmdash; if the file system is POSIX enabled</para></listitem>
541				</itemizedlist>
543				<para>
544				Examples of each are given in <link linkend="ch10expl"/>.
545				</para>
546				</listitem>
547		</varlistentry>
549		<varlistentry>
550			<term>User and Group Controls</term>
551	    <listitem><para><indexterm>
552		  <primary>User and Group Controls</primary>
553		</indexterm><indexterm>
554		  <primary>management</primary>
555		  <secondary>User</secondary>
556		</indexterm><indexterm>
557		  <primary>management</primary>
558		  <secondary>group</secondary>
559		</indexterm><indexterm>
560		  <primary>ADS</primary>
561		</indexterm><indexterm>
562		  <primary>permissions</primary>
563		</indexterm><indexterm>
564		  <primary>privileges</primary>
565		</indexterm><indexterm>
566		  <primary>flexibility</primary>
567		</indexterm><indexterm>
568		  <primary>access controls</primary>
569		</indexterm><indexterm>
570		  <primary>share definition</primary>
571		</indexterm>
572				User and group management facilities as known in the Windows ADS environment may be
573				used to provide equivalent access control constraints or to provide equivalent
574				permissions and privileges on Samba servers. Samba offers greater flexibility in the
575				use of user and group controls because it has additional layers of control compared to
576				Windows 200x/XP. For example, access controls on a Samba server may be set within
577				the share definition in a manner for which Windows has no equivalent.
578				</para>
580	      <para><indexterm>
581		  <primary>analysis</primary>
582		</indexterm><indexterm>
583		  <primary>system security</primary>
584		</indexterm><indexterm>
585		  <primary>safe-guards</primary>
586		</indexterm><indexterm>
587		  <primary>permissions</primary>
588		  <secondary>excessive</secondary>
589		</indexterm><indexterm>
590		  <primary>file system</primary>
591		</indexterm><indexterm>
592		  <primary>shared resource</primary>
593		</indexterm><indexterm>
594		  <primary>share definition</primary>
595		</indexterm>
596				In any serious analysis of system security, it is important to examine the safeguards
597				that remain when all other protective measures fail. An administrator may inadvertently
598				set excessive permissions on the file system of a shared resource, or he may set excessive
599				privileges on the share itself. If that were to happen in a Windows 2003 Server environment,
600				the data would indeed be laid bare to abuse. Yet, within a Samba share definition, it is
601				possible to guard against that by enforcing controls on the share definition itself. You
602				see a practical example of this a little later in this chapter.
603				</para>
605	      <para><indexterm>
606		  <primary>diligence</primary>
607		</indexterm><indexterm>
608		  <primary>weakness</primary>
609		</indexterm>
610				The report that is critical of Samba really ought to have exercised greater due
611				diligence: the real weakness is on the side of a Microsoft Windows environment.
612				</para></listitem>
613		</varlistentry>
615		<varlistentry>
616			<term>Security Overall</term>
617	    <listitem><para><indexterm>
618		  <primary>defects</primary>
619		</indexterm>
620				Samba is designed in such a manner that weaknesses inherent in the design of
621				Microsoft Windows networking ought not to expose the underlying UNIX/Linux file
622				system in any way. All software has potential defects, and Samba is no exception.
623				What matters more is how defects that are discovered get dealt with.
624				</para>
626	      <para><indexterm>
627		  <primary>security</primary>
628		</indexterm><indexterm>
629		  <primary>protection</primary>
630		</indexterm><indexterm>
631		  <primary>compromise</primary>
632		</indexterm><indexterm>
633		  <primary>consequential risk</primary>
634		</indexterm>
635				The Samba Team totally agrees with the necessity to observe and fully implement
636				every security facility to provide a level of protection and security that is necessary
637				and that the end user (or network administrator) needs. Never would the Samba Team
638				recommend a compromise to system security, nor would deliberate defoliation of
639				security be publicly condoned; yet this is the practice by many Windows network
640				administrators just to make happy users who have no notion of consequential risk.
641				</para>
643	      <para><indexterm>
644		  <primary>condemns</primary>
645		</indexterm><indexterm>
646		  <primary>security fixes</primary>
647		</indexterm><indexterm>
648		  <primary>updates</primary>
649		</indexterm><indexterm>
650		  <primary>development</primary>
651		</indexterm><indexterm>
652		  <primary>documentation</primary>
653		</indexterm><indexterm>
654		  <primary>security updates</primary>
655		</indexterm><indexterm>
656		  <primary>turn-around time</primary>
657		</indexterm>
658				The report condemns Samba for releasing updates and security fixes, yet Microsoft
659				online updates need to be applied almost weekly. The answer to the criticism 
660				lies in the fact that Samba development is continuing, documentation is improving, 
661				user needs are being increasingly met or exceeded, and security updates are issued 
662				with a short turnaround time.
663				</para>
665	      <para><indexterm>
666		  <primary>modularization</primary>
667		</indexterm><indexterm>
668		  <primary>next generation</primary>
669		</indexterm><indexterm>
670		  <primary>responsible</primary>
671		</indexterm><indexterm>
672		  <primary>dependability</primary>
673		</indexterm><indexterm>
674		  <primary>road-map</primary>
675		  <secondary>published</secondary>
676		</indexterm>
677				The release of Samba-4 is expected around late 2004 to early 2005 and involves a near 
678				complete rewrite to permit extensive modularization and to prepare Samba for new 
679				functionality planned for addition during the next-generation series. The Samba Team 
680				is responsible and can be depended upon; the history to date suggests a high 
681				degree of dependability and on charter development consistent with published 
682				roadmap projections.
683				</para>
685	      <para><indexterm>
686		  <primary>foundation members</primary>
687		</indexterm><indexterm>
688		  <primary>Common Internet File System</primary>
689		  <see>CIFS</see>
690		</indexterm><indexterm>
691		  <primary>network attached storage</primary>
692		  <see>NAS</see>
693		</indexterm><indexterm>
694		  <primary>conferences</primary>
695		</indexterm><indexterm>
696		  <primary>presence and leadership</primary>
697		</indexterm><indexterm>
698		  <primary>leadership</primary>
699		</indexterm><indexterm>
700		  <primary>inter-operability</primary>
701		</indexterm>
702				Not well published is the fact that Microsoft was a foundation member of
703				the Common Internet File System (CIFS) initiative, together with the participation 
704				of the network attached storage (NAS) industry. Unfortunately, for the past few years,
705				Microsoft has been absent from active involvement at CIFS conferences and has
706				not exercised the leadership expected of a major force in the networking technology
707				space. The Samba Team has maintained consistent presence and leadership at all
708				CIFS conferences and at the interoperability laboratories run concurrently with
709				them.
710				</para></listitem>
711		</varlistentry>
713		<varlistentry>
714			<term>Cryptographic Controls (schannel, sign'n'seal)</term>
715	    <listitem><para><indexterm>
716		  <primary>Cryptographic</primary>
717		</indexterm><indexterm>
718		  <primary>schannel</primary>
719		</indexterm><indexterm>
720		  <primary>digital sign'n'seal</primary>
721		</indexterm>
722				The report correctly mentions that Samba did not support the most recent
723				<constant>schannel</constant> and <constant>digital sign'n'seal</constant> features
724				of Microsoft Windows NT/200x/XPPro products. This is one of the key features 
725				of the Samba-3 release. Market research reports take so long to generate that they are
726				seldom a reflection of current practice, and in many respects reports are like a
727				pathology report &smbmdash; they reflect accurately (at best) status at a snapshot in time.
728				Meanwhile, the world moves on.
729				</para>
731	      <para><indexterm>
732		  <primary>public specifications</primary>
733		</indexterm><indexterm>
734		  <primary>protocols</primary>
735		</indexterm><indexterm>
736		  <primary>algorithm</primary>
737		</indexterm><indexterm>
738		  <primary>compatible</primary>
739		</indexterm><indexterm>
740		  <primary>network</primary>
741		  <secondary>traffic</secondary>
742		  <tertiary>observation</tertiary>
743		</indexterm><indexterm>
744		  <primary>defensible standards</primary>
745		</indexterm><indexterm>
746		  <primary>secure networking</primary>
747		</indexterm>
748				It should be pointed out that had clear public specifications for the protocols
749				been published, it would have been much easier to implement these features and would have
750				taken less time to do. The sole mechanism used to find an algorithm that is compatible
751				with the methods used by Microsoft has been based on observation of network traffic
752				and trial-and-error implementation of potential techniques. The real value of public
753				and defensible standards is obvious to all and would have enabled more secure networking
754				for everyone.
755				</para>
757	      <para><indexterm>
758		  <primary>Critics</primary>
759		</indexterm><indexterm>
760		  <primary>digital sign'n'seal</primary>
761		</indexterm>
762				Critics of Samba often ignore fundamental problems that may plague (or may have plagued)
763				the users of Microsoft's products also. Those who are first to criticize Samba
764				for not rushing into release of <constant>digital sign'n'seal</constant> support
765				often dismiss the problems that Microsoft has 
766				<ulink url="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=321733">acknowledged</ulink>
767				and for which a fix was provided. In fact,
768				<ulink url="http://www.tangent-systems.com/support/delayedwrite.html">Tangent Systems</ulink> 
769				have documented a significant problem with delays writes that can be connected with the
770				implementation of sign'n'seal. They provide a work-around that is not trivial for many
771				Windows networking sites. From notes such as this it is clear that there are benefits
772				from not rushing new technology out of the door too soon.
773				</para>
775	      <para><indexterm>
776		  <primary>secure networking protocols</primary>
777		</indexterm><indexterm>
778		  <primary>refereed standards</primary>
779		</indexterm><indexterm>
780		  <primary>proprietary</primary>
781		</indexterm><indexterm>
782		  <primary>digital rights</primary>
783		</indexterm><indexterm>
784		  <primary>protection</primary>
785		</indexterm><indexterm>
786		  <primary>networking protocols</primary>
787		</indexterm><indexterm>
788		  <primary>diffusion</primary>
789		</indexterm><indexterm>
790		  <primary>consumer</primary>
791		</indexterm><indexterm>
792		  <primary>choice</primary>
793		</indexterm>
794				One final comment is warranted. If companies want more secure networking protocols,
795				the most effective method by which this can be achieved is by users seeking
796				and working together to help define open and publicly refereed standards. The
797				development of closed source, proprietary methods that are developed in a
798				clandestine framework of secrecy, under claims of digital rights protection, does
799				not favor the diffusion of safe networking protocols and certainly does not
800				help the consumer to make a better choice.
801				</para></listitem>
802		</varlistentry>
804		<varlistentry>
805			<term>Active Directory Replacement with Kerberos, LDAP, and Samba
806				        <indexterm>
807		  <primary>Active Directory</primary>
808		  <secondary>Replacement</secondary>
809		</indexterm><indexterm>
810		  <primary>Kerberos</primary>
811		</indexterm><indexterm>
812		  <primary>LDAP</primary>
813		</indexterm><indexterm>
814		  <primary>remote procedure call</primary>
815		  <see>RPC</see>
816		</indexterm>
818			</term>
819				<listitem><para>
820				<literallayout>    </literallayout>
821				The Microsoft networking protocols extensively make use of remote procedure call (RPC)
822				technology. Active Directory is not a simple mixture of LDAP and Kerberos together
823				with file and print services, but rather is a complex, intertwined implementation
824				of them that uses RPCs that are not supported by any of these component technologies
825				and yet by which they are made to interoperate in ways that the components do not
826				support.
827				</para>
829	      <para><indexterm>
830		  <primary>Active Directory</primary>
831		  <secondary>Server</secondary>
832		</indexterm><indexterm>
833		  <primary>OpenLDAP</primary>
834		</indexterm><indexterm>
835		  <primary>Kerberos</primary>
836		</indexterm><indexterm>
837		  <primary>project maintainers</primary>
838		</indexterm><indexterm>
839		  <primary>LDAP</primary>
840		</indexterm>
841				In order to make the popular request for Samba to be an Active Directory Server a
842				reality, it is necessary to add to OpenLDAP, Kerberos, as well as Samba, RPC calls
843				that are not presently supported. The Samba Team has not been able to gain critical
844				overall support for all project maintainers to work together on the complex
845				challenge of developing and integrating the necessary technologies. Therefore, if
846				the Samba Team does not make it a priority to absorb Kerberos and LDAP functionality
847				into the Samba project, this dream request cannot become a reality.
848				</para>
850	      <para><indexterm>
851		  <primary>missing RPC's</primary>
852		</indexterm><indexterm>
853		  <primary>road-map</primary>
854		</indexterm><indexterm>
855		  <primary>ADS</primary>
856		  <secondary>server</secondary>
857		</indexterm><indexterm>
858		  <primary>MMC</primary>
859		</indexterm><indexterm>
860		  <primary>managed</primary>
861		</indexterm>
862				At this time, the integration of LDAP, Kerberos, and the missing RPCs is not on the
863				Samba development roadmap. If it is not on the published roadmap, it cannot be delivered
864				anytime soon. Ergo, ADS server support is not a current goal for Samba development.
865				The Samba Team is most committed to permitting Samba to be a full ADS domain member
866				that is increasingly capable of being managed using Microsoft Windows MMC tools.
867				</para></listitem>
868		</varlistentry>
869	</variablelist>
871	<sect3>
872	<title>Kerberos Exposed</title>
874	  <para><indexterm>
875	      <primary>kerberos</primary>
876	    </indexterm><indexterm>
877	      <primary>unauthorized activities</primary>
878	    </indexterm><indexterm>
879	      <primary>authorized location</primary>
880	    </indexterm>
881	Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that provides secure authentication for 
882	client-server applications by using secret-key cryptography. Firewalls are an insufficient 
883	barrier mechanism in today's networking world; at best they only restrict incoming network 
884	traffic but cannot prevent network traffic that comes from authorized locations from 
885	performing unauthorized activities.
886	</para>
888	  <para><indexterm>
889	      <primary>strong cryptography</primary>
890	    </indexterm><indexterm>
891	      <primary>identity</primary>
892	    </indexterm><indexterm>
893	      <primary>integrity</primary>
894	    </indexterm>
895	Kerberos was created by MIT as a solution to network security problems. The Kerberos protocol uses 
896	strong cryptography so that a client can prove its identity to a server (and vice versa) across an 
897	insecure network connection. After a client and server has used Kerberos to prove their identity, 
898	they can also encrypt all of their communications to assure privacy and data integrity as they go 
899	about their business.
900	</para>
902	  <para><indexterm>
903	      <primary>trusted third-party</primary>
904	    </indexterm><indexterm>
905	      <primary>principals</primary>
906	    </indexterm><indexterm>
907	      <primary>trusting</primary>
908	    </indexterm><indexterm>
909	      <primary>kerberos</primary>
910	      <secondary>server</secondary>
911	    </indexterm><indexterm>
912	      <primary>secret</primary>
913	    </indexterm>
914	Kerberos is a trusted third-party service. That means that there is a third party (the kerberos 
915	server) that is trusted by all the entities on the network (users and services, usually called 
916	principals). All principals share a secret password (or key) with the kerberos server and this 
917	enables principals to verify that the messages from the kerberos server are authentic. Therefore, 
918	trusting the kerberos server, users and services can authenticate each other.
919	</para>
921	<para>
922	<indexterm><primary>restricted export</primary></indexterm>
923	<indexterm><primary>MIT Kerberos</primary></indexterm>
924	<indexterm><primary>Heimdal Kerberos</primary></indexterm>
925	Kerberos was, until recently, a technology that was restricted from being exported from the United States.
926	For many years that hindered global adoption of more secure networking technologies both within the United States
927	and abroad. A free and unencumbered implementation of MIT Kerberos has been produced in Europe
928	and is available from the <ulink url="http://www.pdc.kth.se/heimdal/">Royal Institute</ulink> of
929	Technology (KTH), Sweden. It is known as the Heimdal Kerberos project.  In recent times the U.S. government
930	has removed sanctions affecting the global distribution of MIT Kerberos.  It is likely that there will be a
931	significant surge forward in the development of Kerberos-enabled applications and in the general deployment
932	and use of Kerberos across the spectrum of the information technology industry.
933	</para>
935	<para>
936	<indexterm><primary>Kerberos</primary><secondary>interoperability</secondary></indexterm>
937	A storm has broken out concerning interoperability between MIT Kerberos and Microsofts' implementation
938	of it. For example, a 2002
939	<ulink url="http://www.idg.com.sg/idgwww.nsf/0/5DDA8D153A7505A748256BAB000D992A?OpenDocument">IDG</ulink>
940	report<footnote><para>Note: This link is no longer active. The same article is still
941			available from <ulink url="">ITWorld.com</ulink> (July 5, 2005)</para></footnote> by
942	states:
943	</para>
945	<blockquote><para>
946	A Microsoft Corp. executive testified at the software giant's remedy hearing that the company goes to 
947	great lengths to disclose interfaces and protocols that allow third-party software products to interact 
948	with Windows. But a lawyer with the states suing Microsoft pointed out that when it comes to the company's 
949	use of the Kerberos authentication specification, not everyone agrees.
950	</para>
952	<para>
953	<indexterm><primary>Kerberos</primary><secondary>unspecified fields</secondary></indexterm>
954	Robert Short, vice president of Windows core technology at Microsoft, wrote in his direct testimony prepared 
955	before his appearance that non-Microsoft operating systems can disregard the portion of the Kerberos version 
956	5 specification that Windows clients use for proprietary purposes and still achieve interoperability with 
957	the Microsoft OS. Microsoft takes advantage of unspecified fields in the Kerberos specification for storing 
958	Windows-specific authorization data, Short wrote. The designers of Kerberos left these fields undefined so 
959	that software developers could add their own authorization information, he said.
960	</para></blockquote>
962	<para>
963	<indexterm><primary>DCE</primary></indexterm>
964	<indexterm><primary>RPC</primary></indexterm>
965	It so happens that Microsoft Windows clients depend on and expect the contents of the <emphasis>unspecified
966	fields</emphasis> in the Kerberos 5 communications data stream for their Windows interoperability,
967	particularly when Samba is expected to emulate a Windows Server 200x domain controller. But the interoperability
968	issue goes far deeper than this. In the domain control protocols that are used by MS Windows XP Professional,
969	there is a tight interdependency between the Kerberos protocols and the Microsoft distributed computing environment
970	(DCE) RPCs that themselves are an integral part of the SMB/CIFS protocols as used by
971	Microsoft.
972	</para>
974	<para>
975	Microsoft makes the following comment in a reference in a
976	<ulink url="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/itsolutions/interop/mgmt/kerberos.asp">
977	technet</ulink> article:
978	</para>
980	  <blockquote><para><indexterm>
981		<primary>Privilege Attribute Certificates</primary>
982		<see>PAC</see>
983	      </indexterm><indexterm>
984		<primary>access control</primary>
985	      </indexterm>
986	The DCE Security Services are also layered on the Kerberos protocol. DCE authentication services use RPC 
987	representation of Kerberos protocol messages. In addition, DCE uses the authorization data field in Kerberos 
988	tickets to convey Privilege Attribute Certificates (PACs) that define user identity and group membership. 
989	The DCE PAC is used in a similar manner as Windows NT Security IDs for user authorization and access control. 
990	Windows NT services will not be able to translate DCE PACs into Windows NT user and group identifiers. This 
991	is not an issue with Kerberos interoperability, but rather an issue of interoperability between DCE and 
992	Windows NT access control information.
993	</para></blockquote>
995	</sect3>
997	</sect2>
1001<sect1 id="ch10expl">
1002	<title>Implementation</title>
1004	<para>
1005	The following procedures outline the implementation of the security measures discussed so far.
1006	</para>
1008	<sect2>
1009	<title>Share Access Controls</title>
1011	<para><indexterm>
1012	    <primary>Share Access Controls</primary>
1013	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1014	    <primary>filter</primary>
1015	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1016	    <primary>connection</primary>
1017	  </indexterm>
1018	Access control entries placed on the share itself act as a filter at the time a when CIFS/SMB client (such as
1019	Windows XP Pro) attempts to make a connection to the Samba server.
1020	</para>
1022	<procedure>
1023	<title>Create/Edit/Delete Share ACLs</title>
1024	  <step><para><indexterm>
1025		<primary>Domain Administrator</primary>
1026	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1027		<primary>account</primary>
1028	      </indexterm>
1029		From a Windows 200x/XP Professional workstation, log on to the domain using the Domain Administrator 
1030		account (on Samba domains, this is usually the account called <constant>root</constant>).
1031		</para></step>
1033		<step><para>
1034		Click 
1035		<menuchoice>
1036			<guimenu>Start</guimenu>
1037			<guimenuitem>Settings</guimenuitem>
1038			<guimenuitem>Control Panel</guimenuitem>
1039			<guimenuitem>Administrative Tools</guimenuitem>
1040			<guimenuitem>Computer Management</guimenuitem>
1041		</menuchoice>.
1042		</para></step>
1044		<step><para>
1045		In the left panel,
1046		<menuchoice>
1047			<guimenu>[Right mouse menu item] Computer Management (Local)</guimenu>
1048			<guimenuitem>Connect to another computer ...</guimenuitem>
1049			<guimenuitem>Browse...</guimenuitem>
1050			<guimenuitem>Advanced</guimenuitem>
1051			<guimenuitem>Find Now</guimenuitem>
1052		</menuchoice>. In the lower panel, click on the name of the server you wish to
1053		administer. Click <menuchoice>
1054				<guimenu>OK</guimenu>
1055				<guimenuitem>OK</guimenuitem>
1056				<guimenuitem>OK</guimenuitem>
1057	      </menuchoice>.<indexterm>
1058		<primary>Computer Management</primary>
1059	      </indexterm>
1060		In the left panel, the entry <guimenu>Computer Management (Local)</guimenu> should now reflect
1061		the change made. For example, if the server you are administering is called <constant>FRODO</constant>,
1062		the Computer Management entry should now say <guimenu>Computer Management (FRODO)</guimenu>.
1063		</para></step>
1065		<step><para>
1066		In the left panel, click <menuchoice>
1067			<guimenu>Computer Management (FRODO)</guimenu>
1068			<guimenuitem>[+] Shared Folders</guimenuitem>
1069			<guimenuitem>Shares</guimenuitem>
1070		</menuchoice>.
1071		</para></step>
1073	  <step><para><indexterm>
1074		<primary>ACLs</primary>
1075	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1076		<primary>Share Permissions</primary>
1077	      </indexterm>
1078		In the right panel, double-click on the share on which you wish to set/edit ACLs. This
1079		will bring up the Properties panel. Click the <guimenu>Share Permissions</guimenu> tab.
1080		</para></step>
1082	  <step><para><indexterm>
1083		<primary>access control settings</primary>
1084	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1085		<primary>Everyone</primary>
1086	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1087		<primary>full control</primary>
1088	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1089		<primary>over-rule</primary>
1090	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1091		<primary>permissions</primary>
1092	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1093		<primary>rejected</primary>
1094	      </indexterm>
1095		You may now edit/add/remove access control settings. Be very careful. Many problems have been
1096		created by people who decided that everyone should be rejected but one particular group should
1097		have full control. This is a catch-22 situation because members of that particular group also
1098		belong to the group <constant>Everyone</constant>, which therefore overrules any permissions
1099		set for the permitted group.
1100		</para></step>
1102		<step><para>
1103		When you are done with editing, close all panels by clicking through the <guimenu>OK</guimenu>
1104		buttons.
1105		</para></step>
1106	</procedure>
1108	</sect2>
1110	<sect2>
1111	<title>Share Definition Controls</title>
1113	<para><indexterm>
1114	    <primary>Share Definition</primary>
1115	    <secondary>Controls</secondary>
1116	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1117	    <primary>check-point</primary>
1118	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1119	    <primary>pile-driver</primary>
1120	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1121	    <primary>credential</primary>
1122	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1123	    <primary>powers</primary>
1124	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1125	    <primary>privileges</primary>
1126	  </indexterm>
1127	Share-definition-based access controls can be used like a checkpoint or like a pile-driver. Just as a
1128	checkpoint can be used to require someone who wants to get through to meet certain requirements, so
1129	it is possible to require the user (or group the user belongs to) to meet specified credential-related 
1130	objectives. It can be likened to a pile-driver by overriding default controls in that having met the 
1131	credential-related objectives, the user can be granted powers and privileges that would not normally be 
1132	available under default settings.
1133	</para>
1135	<para><indexterm>
1136	    <primary>access controls</primary>
1137	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1138	    <primary>ACLs</primary>
1139	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1140	    <primary>share definition controls</primary>
1141	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1142	    <primary>hierarchy of control</primary>
1143	  </indexterm>
1144	It must be emphasized that the controls discussed here can act as a filter or give rights of passage
1145	that act as a superstructure over normal directory and file access controls. However, share-level
1146	ACLs act at a higher level than do share definition controls because the user must filter through the
1147	share-level controls to get to the share-definition controls. The proper hierarchy of controls implemented
1148	by Samba and Windows networking consists of:
1149	</para>
1151	<orderedlist>
1152		<listitem><para>Share-level ACLs</para></listitem>
1153		<listitem><para>Share-definition controls</para></listitem>
1154		<listitem><para>Directory and file permissions</para></listitem>
1155		<listitem><para>Directory and file POSIX ACLs</para></listitem>
1156	</orderedlist>
1158	<sect3>
1159	<title>Checkpoint Controls</title>
1161	  <para><indexterm>
1162	      <primary>Checkpoint Controls</primary>
1163	    </indexterm>
1164	Consider the following extract from a &smb.conf; file defining the share called <constant>Apps</constant>:
1167	comment = Application Share
1168	path = /data/apps
1169	read only = Yes
1170	valid users = @Employees
1172	This definition permits only those who are members of the group called <constant>Employees</constant> to 
1173	access the share.
1174	</para>
1176	  <note><para><indexterm>
1177		<primary>Domain Member</primary>
1178		<secondary>servers</secondary>
1179	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1180		<primary>winbind use default domain</primary>
1181	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1182		<primary>fully qualified</primary>
1183	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1184		<primary>valid users</primary>
1185	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1186		<primary>delimiter</primary>
1187	      </indexterm>
1188	On domain member servers and clients, even when the <parameter>winbind use default domain</parameter> has
1189	been specified, the use of domain accounts in security controls requires fully qualified domain specification,
1190	for example, <smbconfoption name="valid users">@"MEGANET\Northern Engineers"</smbconfoption>. 
1191	Note the necessity to use the double quotes to avoid having the space in the Windows group name interpreted as a
1192	delimiter. 
1193	</para></note>
1195	  <para><indexterm>
1196	      <primary>ACL</primary>
1197	    </indexterm><indexterm>
1198	      <primary>access</primary>
1199	    </indexterm><indexterm>
1200	      <primary>validate</primary>
1201	    </indexterm>
1202	If there is an ACL on the share itself to permit read/write access for all <constant>Employees</constant>
1203	as well as read/write for the group <constant>Doctors</constant>, both groups are permitted through
1204	to the share. However, at the moment an attempt is made to set up a connection to the share, a member of
1205	the group <constant>Doctors</constant>, who is not also a member of the group <constant>Employees</constant>,
1206	would immediately fail to validate.
1207	</para>
1209	  <para><indexterm>
1210	      <primary>share definition controls</primary>
1211	    </indexterm>
1212	Consider another example. In this case, you want to permit all members of the group <constant>Employees</constant>
1213	except the user <constant>patrickj</constant> to access the <constant>Apps</constant> share. This can be
1214	easily achieved by setting a share-level ACL permitting only <constant>Employees</constant> to access the share,
1215	and then in the share definition controls excluding just <constant>patrickj</constant>. Here is how that might
1216	be done:
1219        comment = Application Share
1220        path = /data/apps
1221        read only = Yes
1222        invalid users = patrickj
1224	    <indexterm>
1225	      <primary>permissions</primary>
1226	    </indexterm>
1227	Let us assume that you want to permit the user <constant>gbshaw</constant> to manage any file in the
1228	UNIX/Linux file system directory <filename>/data/apps</filename>, but you do not want to grant any write
1229	permissions beyond that directory tree. Here is one way this can be done:
1232        comment = Application Share
1233        path = /data/apps
1234        read only = Yes
1235        invalid users = patrickj
1236        admin users = gbshaw
1238	    <indexterm>
1239	      <primary>administrative rights</primary>
1240	    </indexterm>
1241	Now we have a set of controls that permits only <constant>Employees</constant> who are also members of
1242	the group <constant>Doctors</constant>, excluding the user <constant>patrickj</constant>, to have 
1243	read-only privilege, but the user <constant>gbshaw</constant> is granted administrative rights.
1244	The administrative rights conferred upon the user <constant>gbshaw</constant> permit operation as
1245	if that user has logged in as the user <constant>root</constant> on the UNIX/Linux system and thus,
1246	for access to the directory tree that has been shared (exported), permit the user to override controls
1247	that apply to all other users on that resource.
1248	</para>
1250	<para>
1251	There are additional checkpoint controls that may be used. For example, if for the same share we now
1252	want to provide the user <constant>peters</constant> with the ability to write to one directory to
1253	which he has write privilege in the UNIX file system, you can specifically permit that with the
1254	following settings:
1257        comment = Application Share
1258        path = /data/apps
1259        read only = Yes
1260        invalid users = patrickj
1261        admin users = gbshaw
1262        write list = peters
1264	    <indexterm>
1265	      <primary>check-point controls</primary>
1266	    </indexterm>
1267	This is a particularly complex example at this point, but it begins to demonstrate the possibilities.
1268	You should refer to the online manual page for the &smb.conf; file for more information regarding
1269	the checkpoint controls that Samba implements.
1270	</para>
1272	</sect3>
1274	<sect3>
1275	<title>Override Controls</title>
1277	  <para><indexterm>
1278	      <primary>over-ride controls</primary>
1279	    </indexterm>
1280	Override controls implemented by Samba permit actions like the adoption of a different identity 
1281	during file system operations, the forced overwriting of normal file and directory permissions,
1282	and so on. You should refer to the online manual page for the &smb.conf; file for more information regarding
1283        the override controls that Samba implements.
1284	</para>
1286	<para>
1287	In the following example, you want to create a Windows networking share that any user can access.
1288	However, you want all read and write operations to be performed as if the user <constant>billc</constant>
1289	and member of the group <constant>Mentors</constant> read/write the files. Here is one way this
1290	can be done:
1293	comment = Some Files Everyone May Overwrite
1294	path = /data/somestuff
1295	read only = No
1296	force user = billc
1297	force group = Mentors
1299	    <indexterm>
1300	      <primary>forced settings</primary>
1301	    </indexterm><indexterm>
1302	      <primary>overheads</primary>
1303	    </indexterm>
1304	That is all there is to it. Well, it is almost that simple. The downside of this method is that
1305	users are logged onto the Windows client as themselves, and then immediately before accessing the
1306	file, Samba makes system calls to change the effective user and group to the forced settings
1307	specified, completes the file transaction, and then reverts to the actually logged-on identity.
1308	This imposes significant overhead on Samba. The alternative way to effectively achieve the same result
1309	(but with lower system CPU overheads) is described next.
1310	</para>
1312	  <para><indexterm>
1313	      <primary>force user</primary>
1314	    </indexterm><indexterm>
1315	      <primary>force group</primary>
1316	    </indexterm><indexterm>
1317	      <primary>opportunistic</primary>
1318	      <secondary>locking</secondary>
1319	    </indexterm><indexterm>
1320	      <primary>oplock break</primary>
1321	    </indexterm><indexterm>
1322	      <primary>performance degradation</primary>
1323	    </indexterm>
1324	The use of the <parameter>force user</parameter> or the <parameter>force group</parameter> may
1325	also have a severe impact on system (particularly on Windows client) performance. If opportunistic
1326	locking is enabled on the share (the default), it causes an <constant>oplock break</constant> to be
1327	sent to the client even if the client has not opened the file. On networks that have high traffic
1328	density, or on links that are routed to a remote network segment, <constant>oplock breaks</constant>
1329	can be lost. This results in possible retransmission of the request, or the client may time-out while
1330	waiting for the file system transaction (read or write) to complete. The result can be a profound
1331	apparent performance degradation as the client continually attempts to reconnect to overcome the
1332	effect of the lost <constant>oplock break</constant>, or time-out.
1333	</para>
1335	</sect3>
1337	</sect2>
1339	<sect2>
1340	<title>Share Point Directory and File Permissions</title>
1342	<para><indexterm>
1343	    <primary>security</primary>
1344	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1345	    <primary>privilege controls</primary>
1346	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1347	    <primary>permission</primary>
1348	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1349	    <primary>share definition controls</primary>
1350	  </indexterm>
1351	Samba has been designed and implemented so that it respects as far as is feasible the security and
1352	user privilege controls that are built into the UNIX/Linux operating system. Samba does nothing
1353	with respect to file system access that violates file system permission settings, unless it is
1354	explicitly instructed to do otherwise through share definition controls. Given that Samba obeys
1355	UNIX file system controls, this chapter does not document simple information that can be obtained
1356	from a basic UNIX training guide. Instead, one common example of a typical problem is used
1357	to demonstrate the most effective solution referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph.
1358	</para>
1360	<para><indexterm>
1361	    <primary>Microsoft Office</primary>
1362	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1363	    <primary>Word</primary>
1364	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1365	    <primary>Excel</primary>
1366	  </indexterm>
1367	One of the common issues that repeatedly pops up on the Samba mailing lists involves the saving of
1368	Microsoft Office files (Word and Excel) to a network drive. Here is the typical sequence:
1369	</para>
1371	<orderedlist>
1372		<listitem><para>
1373		A user opens a Word document from a network drive. The file was owned by user <constant>janetp</constant>
1374		and <constant>users</constant>, and was set read/write-enabled for everyone.
1375		</para></listitem>
1377		<listitem><para>
1378		File changes and edits are made.
1379		</para></listitem>
1381		<listitem><para>
1382		The file is saved, and MS Word is closed.
1383		</para></listitem>
1385		<listitem><para>
1386		The file is now owned by the user <constant>billc</constant> and group <constant>doctors</constant>,
1387		and is set read/write by <constant>billc</constant>, read-only by <constant>doctors</constant>, and
1388		no access by everyone.
1389		</para></listitem>
1391		<listitem><para>
1392		The original owner cannot now access her own file and is <quote>justifiably</quote> upset.
1393		</para></listitem>
1394	</orderedlist>
1396	<para>
1397	There have been many postings over the years that report the same basic problem. Frequently Samba users
1398	want to know when this <quote>bug</quote> will be fixed. The fact is, this is not a bug in Samba at all.
1399	Here is the real sequence of what happens in this case.
1400	</para>
1402	<para><indexterm>
1403	    <primary>MS Word</primary>
1404	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1405	    <primary>ownership</primary>
1406	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1407	    <primary>permissions</primary>
1408	  </indexterm>
1409	When the user saves a file, MS Word creates a new (temporary) file. This file is naturally owned
1410	by the user who creates the file (<constant>billc</constant>) and has the permissions that follow
1411	that user's default settings within the operating system (UNIX/Linux). When MS Word has finished writing
1412	the file to disk, it then renames the new (temporary) file to the name of the old one. MS Word does not
1413	change the ownership or permissions to what they were on the original file. The file is thus a totally
1414	new file, and the old one has been deleted in the process.
1415	</para>
1417	<para>
1418	Samba received a request to create a new file, and then to rename the file to a new name. The old file that
1419	has the same name is now automatically deleted. Samba has no way of knowing that the new file should
1420	perhaps have the same ownership and permissions as the old file. To Samba, these are entirely independent
1421	operations.
1422	</para>
1424	<para>
1425	The question is, <quote>How can we solve the problem?</quote>
1426	</para>
1428	<para>
1429	The solution is simple. Use UNIX file system permissions and controls to your advantage. Follow these
1430	simple steps to create a share in which all files will consistently be owned by the same user and the
1431	same group:
1432	</para>
1435	<procedure>
1436	<title>Using Directory Permissions to Force File User and Group Ownership</title>
1437		<step><para>
1438		Change your share definition so that it matches this pattern:
1441        path = /usr/data/finance
1442        browseable = Yes
1443        read only = No
1445		</para></step>
1447	  <step><para><indexterm>
1448		<primary>permissions</primary>
1449		<secondary>user</secondary>
1450	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1451		<primary>permissions</primary>
1452		<secondary>group</secondary>
1453	      </indexterm>
1454		Set consistent user and group permissions recursively down the directory tree as shown here:
1456&rootprompt; chown -R janetp.users /usr/data/finance
1458		</para></step>
1460	  <step><para><indexterm>
1461		<primary>accessible</primary>
1462	      </indexterm>
1463		Set the files and directory permissions to be read/write for owner and group, and not accessible
1464		to others (everyone), using the following command:
1466&rootprompt; chmod ug+rwx,o-rwx /usr/data/finance
1468		</para></step>
1470	  <step><para><indexterm>
1471		<primary>SGID</primary>
1472	      </indexterm>
1473		Set the SGID (supergroup) bit on all directories from the top down. This means all files 
1474		can be created with the permissions of the group set on the directory. It means all users 
1475		who are members of the group <constant>finance</constant> can read and write all files in 
1476		the directory. The directory is not readable or writable by anyone who is not in the 
1477		<constant>finance</constant> group. Simply follow this example:
1479&rootprompt; find /usr/data/finance -type d -exec chmod ug+s {}\;
1482		</para></step>
1484	  <step><para><indexterm>
1485		<primary>group membership</primary>
1486	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1487		<primary>primary group</primary>
1488	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1489		<primary>/etc/passwd</primary>
1490	      </indexterm>
1491		Make sure all users that must have read/write access to the directory have 
1492		<constant>finance</constant> group membership as their primary group, 
1493		for example, the group they belong to in <filename>/etc/passwd</filename>.
1494		</para></step>
1495	</procedure>
1497	</sect2>
1499	<sect2>
1500	<title>Managing Windows 200x ACLs</title>
1502	<para><indexterm>
1503	    <primary>translate</primary>
1504	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1505	    <primary>Windows 2000 ACLs</primary>
1506	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1507	    <primary>Posix ACLs</primary>
1508	  </indexterm><indexterm>
1509	    <primary>side effects</primary>
1510	  </indexterm>
1511	Samba must translate Windows 2000 ACLs to UNIX POSIX ACLs. This has some interesting side effects because
1512	there is not a one-to-one equivalence between them. The as-close-as-possible ACLs match means
1513	that some transactions are not possible from MS Windows clients. One of these is to reset the ownership
1514	of directories and files. If you want to reset ownership, this must be done from a UNIX/Linux login.
1515	</para>
1517	<para>
1518	There are two possible ways to set ACLs on UNIX/Linux file systems from a Windows network workstation,
1519	either via File Manager or via the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Computer Management interface.
1520	</para>
1522	<sect3>
1523	<title>Using the MMC Computer Management Interface</title>
1525	<procedure>
1526		<step><para>
1527		From a Windows 200x/XP Professional workstation, log on to the domain using the Domain Administrator 
1528		account (on Samba domains, this is usually the account called <constant>root</constant>).
1529		</para></step>
1531		<step><para>
1532		Click 
1533		<menuchoice>
1534			<guimenu>Start</guimenu>
1535			<guimenuitem>Settings</guimenuitem>
1536			<guimenuitem>Control Panel</guimenuitem>
1537			<guimenuitem>Administrative Tools</guimenuitem>
1538			<guimenuitem>Computer Management</guimenuitem>
1539		</menuchoice>.
1540		</para></step>
1542		<step><para>
1543		In the left panel,
1544		<menuchoice>
1545			<guimenu>[Right mouse menu item] Computer Management (Local)</guimenu>
1546			<guimenuitem>Connect to another computer ...</guimenuitem>
1547			<guimenuitem>Browse...</guimenuitem>
1548			<guimenuitem>Advanced</guimenuitem>
1549			<guimenuitem>Find Now</guimenuitem>
1550		</menuchoice>. In the lower panel, click on the name of the server you wish to
1551		administer. Click <menuchoice>
1552				<guimenu>OK</guimenu>
1553				<guimenuitem>OK</guimenuitem>
1554				<guimenuitem>OK</guimenuitem>
1555		</menuchoice>.
1556		In the left panel, the entry <guimenu>Computer Management (Local)</guimenu> should now reflect
1557		the change made. For example, if the server you are administering is called <constant>FRODO</constant>,
1558		the Computer Management entry should now say: <guimenu>Computer Management (FRODO)</guimenu>.
1559		</para></step>
1561		<step><para>
1562		In the left panel, click <menuchoice>
1563			<guimenu>Computer Management (FRODO)</guimenu>
1564			<guimenuitem>[+] Shared Folders</guimenuitem>
1565			<guimenuitem>Shares</guimenuitem>
1566		</menuchoice>.
1567		</para></step>
1569	    <step><para><indexterm>
1570		  <primary>Security</primary>
1571		</indexterm><indexterm>
1572		  <primary>Properties</primary>
1573		</indexterm><indexterm>
1574		  <primary>Permissions</primary>
1575		</indexterm><indexterm>
1576		  <primary>Samba Domain server</primary>
1577		</indexterm>
1578		In the right panel, double-click on the share on which you wish to set/edit ACLs. This
1579		brings up the Properties panel. Click the <guimenu>Security</guimenu> tab. It is best
1580		to edit ACLs using the <constant>Advanced</constant> editing features. Click the 
1581		<guimenu>Advanced</guimenu> button. This opens a panel that has four tabs. Only the 
1582		functionality under the <constant>Permissions</constant> tab can be utilized with respect 
1583		to a Samba domain server.
1584		</para></step>
1586	    <step><para><indexterm>
1587		  <primary>access control</primary>
1588		</indexterm><indexterm>
1589		  <primary>permitted group</primary>
1590		</indexterm>
1591		You may now edit/add/remove access control settings. Be very careful. Many problems have been
1592		created by people who decided that everyone should be rejected but one particular group should
1593		have full control. This is a catch-22 situation because members of that particular group also
1594		belong to the group <constant>Everyone</constant>, which therefore overrules any permissions
1595		set for the permitted group.
1596		</para></step>
1598		<step><para>
1599		When you are done with editing, close all panels by clicking through the <guimenu>OK</guimenu>
1600		buttons until the last panel closes.
1601		</para></step>
1602	</procedure>
1604	</sect3>
1606	<sect3>
1607	<title>Using MS Windows Explorer (File Manager)</title>
1609	<para>
1610	The following alternative method may be used from a Windows workstation. In this example we work
1611	with a domain called <constant>MEGANET</constant>, a server called <constant>MASSIVE</constant>, and a
1612	share called <constant>Apps</constant>. The underlying UNIX/Linux share point for this share is
1613	<filename>/data/apps</filename>.
1614	</para>
1616	<procedure>
1617		<step><para>
1618		Click <menuchoice>
1619			<guimenu>Start</guimenu>
1620			<guimenuitem>[right-click] My Computer</guimenuitem>
1621			<guimenuitem>Explore</guimenuitem>
1622			<guimenuitem>[left panel] [+] My Network Places</guimenuitem>
1623			<guimenuitem>[+] Entire Network</guimenuitem>
1624			<guimenuitem>[+] Microsoft Windows Network</guimenuitem>
1625			<guimenuitem>[+] Meganet</guimenuitem>
1626			<guimenuitem>[+] Massive</guimenuitem>
1627			<guimenuitem>[right-click] Apps</guimenuitem>
1628			<guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>
1629			<guimenuitem>Security</guimenuitem>
1630			<guimenuitem>Advanced</guimenuitem>
1631		</menuchoice>. This opens a panel that has four tabs. Only the functionality under the 
1632		<constant>Permissions</constant> tab can be utilized for a Samba domain server.
1633		</para></step>
1635	    <step><para><indexterm>
1636		  <primary>full control</primary>
1637		</indexterm><indexterm>
1638		  <primary>over-rule</primary>
1639		</indexterm>
1640                You may now edit/add/remove access control settings. Be very careful. Many problems have been
1641                created by people who decided that everyone should be rejected but one particular group should
1642                have full control. This is a catch-22 situation because members of that particular group also
1643                belong to the group <constant>Everyone</constant>, which therefore overrules any permissions
1644                set for the permitted group.
1645                </para></step>
1647                <step><para>
1648                When you are done with editing, close all panels by clicking through the <guimenu>OK</guimenu>
1649                buttons until the last panel closes.
1650                </para></step>
1651	</procedure>
1653	</sect3>
1655	<sect3>
1656	<title>Setting Posix ACLs in UNIX/Linux</title>
1658	  <para><indexterm>
1659	      <primary>desired security setting</primary>
1660	    </indexterm><indexterm>
1661	      <primary>shared resource</primary>
1662	    </indexterm>
1663	Yet another alternative method for setting desired security settings on the shared resource files and
1664	directories can be achieved by logging into UNIX/Linux and setting POSIX ACLs directly using command-line
1665	tools. Here is an example session on the same resource as in the immediately preceding example on a SUSE 9
1666	Linux system:
1667	</para>
1669	<procedure>
1670		<step><para>
1671		Log into the Linux system as the user <constant>root</constant>.
1672		</para></step>
1674		<step><para>
1675		Change directory to the location of the exported (shared) Windows file share (Apps), which is in
1676		the directory <filename>/data</filename>. Execute the following:
1678&rootprompt; cd /data
1680		Retrieve the existing POSIX ACLs entry by executing:
1682&rootprompt; getfacl apps
1683# file: apps
1684# owner: root
1685# group: root
1690		</para></step>
1692	    <step><para><indexterm>
1693		  <primary>recursively</primary>
1694		</indexterm>
1695		You want to add permission for <constant>AppsMgrs</constant> to enable them to
1696		manage the applications (apps) share. It is important to set the ACL recursively
1697		so that the AppsMgrs have this capability throughout the directory tree that is 
1698		being shared. This is done using the <constant>-R</constant> option as shown.
1699		Execute the following:
1701&rootprompt; setfacl -m -R group:AppsMgrs:rwx /data/apps
1703		Because setting an ACL does not provide a response, you immediately validate the command executed
1704		as follows:
1706&rootprompt; getfacl /data/apps
1707# file: apps
1708# owner: root
1709# group: root
1716		This confirms that the change of POSIX ACL permissions has been effective.
1717		</para></step>
1719	    <step><para><indexterm>
1720		  <primary>setfacl</primary>
1721		</indexterm><indexterm>
1722		  <primary>getfacl</primary>
1723		</indexterm><indexterm>
1724		  <primary>directory tree</primary>
1725		</indexterm><indexterm>
1726		  <primary>Windows ACLs</primary>
1727		</indexterm><indexterm>
1728		  <primary>inheritance</primary>
1729		</indexterm>
1730		It is highly recommended that you read the online manual page for the <command>setfacl</command>
1731		and <command>getfacl</command> commands. This provides information regarding how to set/read the default
1732		ACLs and how that may be propagated through the directory tree. In Windows ACLs terms, this is the equivalent
1733		of setting <constant>inheritance</constant> properties.
1734		</para></step>
1735	</procedure>
1737	</sect3>
1739	</sect2>
1741	<sect2>
1742		<title>Key Points Learned</title>
1744		<para>
1745		The mish-mash of issues were thrown together into one chapter because it seemed like a good idea.
1746		Looking back, this chapter could be broken into two, but it's too late now. It has been done.
1747		The highlights covered are as follows:
1748		</para>
1750		<itemizedlist>
1751	  <listitem><para><indexterm>
1752		<primary>Winbind</primary>
1753	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1754		<primary>Active Directory</primary>
1755	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1756		<primary>password change</primary>
1757	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1758		<primary>logon hours</primary>
1759	      </indexterm>
1760			Winbind honors and does not override account controls set in Active Directory.
1761			This means that password change, logon hours, and so on, are (or soon will be) enforced
1762			by Samba winbind. At this time, an out-of-hours login is denied and password
1763			change is enforced. At this time, if logon hours expire, the user is not forcibly
1764			logged off. That may be implemented at some later date.
1765			</para></listitem>
1767	  <listitem><para><indexterm>
1768		<primary>Sign'n'seal</primary>
1769	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1770		<primary>schannel</primary>
1771	      </indexterm>
1772			Sign'n'seal (plus schannel support) has been implemented in Samba-3. Beware of potential
1773			problems acknowledged by Microsoft as having been fixed but reported by some as still
1774			possibly an open issue.
1775			</para></listitem>
1777	  <listitem><para><indexterm>
1778		<primary>Kerberos</primary>
1779	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1780		<primary>OpenLDAP</primary>
1781	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1782		<primary>Active Directory</primary>
1783	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1784		<primary>inter-operability</primary>
1785	      </indexterm>
1786			The combination of Kerberos 5, plus OpenLDAP, plus Samba, cannot replace Microsoft
1787			Active Directory. The possibility to do this is not planned in the current Samba-3
1788			roadmap. Samba-3 does aim to provide further improvements in interoperability so that
1789			UNIX/Linux systems may be fully integrated into Active Directory domains.
1790			</para></listitem>
1792			<listitem><para>
1793			This chapter reviewed mechanisms by which Samba servers may be kept secure. Each of
1794			the four key methodologies was reviewed with specific reference to example deployment
1795			techniques.
1796			</para></listitem>
1797		</itemizedlist>
1799	</sect2>
1804	<title>Questions and Answers</title>
1806	<para>
1807	</para>
1809	<qandaset defaultlabel="chap10qa" type="number">
1810	<qandaentry>
1811	<question>
1813	    <para><indexterm>
1814		<primary>Sign'n'seal</primary>
1815	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1816		<primary>registry hacks</primary>
1817	      </indexterm>
1818		Does Samba-3 require the <constant>Sign'n'seal</constant> registry hacks needed by Samba-2?
1819		</para>
1821	</question>
1822	<answer>
1824	    <para><indexterm>
1825		<primary>schannel</primary>
1826	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1827		<primary>Sign'n'seal</primary>
1828	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1829		<primary>registry change</primary>
1830	      </indexterm>
1831		No. Samba-3 fully supports <constant>Sign'n'seal</constant> as well as <constant>schannel</constant>
1832		operation. The registry change should not be applied when Samba-3 is used as a domain controller.
1833		</para>
1835	</answer>
1836	</qandaentry>
1838	<qandaentry>
1839	<question>
1841		<para>
1842		Does Samba-3 support Active Directory?
1843		</para>
1845	</question>
1846	<answer>
1848	    <para><indexterm>
1849		<primary>Active Directory</primary>
1850	      </indexterm>
1851		Yes. Samba-3 can be a fully participating native mode Active Directory client. Samba-3 does not
1852		provide Active Directory services. It cannot be used to replace a Microsoft Active Directory
1853		server implementation. Samba-3 can function as an Active Directory client (workstation) toolkit,
1854		and it can function as an Active Directory domain member server.
1855		</para>
1857	</answer>
1858	</qandaentry>
1860	<qandaentry>
1861	<question>
1863	    <para><indexterm>
1864		<primary>mixed-mode</primary>
1865	      </indexterm>
1866		When Samba-3 is used with Active Directory, is it necessary to run mixed-mode operation, as was
1867		necessary with Samba-2?
1868		</para>
1870	</question>
1871	<answer>
1873	    <para><indexterm>
1874		<primary>native</primary>
1875	      </indexterm>
1876		No. Samba-3 can be used with NetBIOS over TCP/IP disabled, just as can be done with Windows 200x
1877		Server and 200x/XPPro client products. It is no longer necessary to run mixed-mode operation,
1878		because Samba-3 can join a native Windows 2003 Server ADS domain.
1879		</para>
1881	</answer>
1882	</qandaentry>
1884	<qandaentry>
1885	<question>
1887	    <para><indexterm>
1888		<primary>share level access controls</primary>
1889	      </indexterm>
1890		Is it safe to set share-level access controls in Samba?
1891		</para>
1893	</question>
1894	<answer>
1896		<para>
1897		Yes. Share-level access controls have been supported since early versions of Samba-2. This is
1898		very mature technology. Not enough sites make use of this powerful capability, neither on
1899		Windows server or with Samba servers.
1900		</para>
1902	</answer>
1903	</qandaentry>
1905	<qandaentry>
1906	<question>
1908	    <para><indexterm>
1909		<primary>share ACLs</primary>
1910	      </indexterm>
1911		Is it mandatory to set share ACLs to get a secure Samba-3 server?
1912		</para>
1914	</question>
1915	<answer>
1917	    <para><indexterm>
1918		<primary>file system security</primary>
1919	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1920		<primary>Windows 200x ACLs</primary>
1921	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1922		<primary>share definition controls</primary>
1923	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1924		<primary>share level ACL</primary>
1925	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1926		<primary>security</primary>
1927	      </indexterm>
1928		No. Samba-3 honors UNIX/Linux file system security, supports Windows 200x ACLs, and provides 
1929		means of securing shares through share definition controls in the &smb.conf; file. The additional
1930		support for share-level ACLs is like frosting on the cake. It adds to security but is not essential
1931		to it.
1932		</para>
1934	</answer>
1935	</qandaentry>
1937	<qandaentry>
1938	<question>
1940	    <para><indexterm>
1941		<primary>valid users</primary>
1942	      </indexterm>
1943		The <parameter>valid users</parameter> did not work on the <smbconfsection name="[homes]"/>.
1944		Has this functionality been restored yet?
1945		</para>
1947	</question>
1948	<answer>
1950	    <para><indexterm>
1951		<primary>meta-service</primary>
1952	      </indexterm>
1953		Yes. This was fixed in Samba-3.0.2. The use of this parameter is strongly recommended as a safeguard
1954		on the <smbconfsection name="[homes]"/> meta-service. The correct way to specify this is:
1955		<smbconfoption name="valid users">%S</smbconfoption>.
1956		</para>
1958	</answer>
1959	</qandaentry>
1961	<qandaentry>
1962	<question>
1964	    <para><indexterm>
1965		<primary>force user</primary>
1966	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1967		<primary>force group</primary>
1968	      </indexterm><indexterm>
1969		<primary>bias</primary>
1970	      </indexterm>
1971		Is the bias against use of the <parameter>force user</parameter> and <parameter>force group</parameter>
1972		really warranted?
1973		</para>
1975	</question>
1976	<answer>
1978	    <para><indexterm>
1979		<primary>performance</primary>
1980	      </indexterm>
1981		There is no bias. There is a determination to recommend the right tool for the task at hand.
1982		After all, it is better than putting users through performance problems, isn't it?
1983		</para>
1985	</answer>
1986	</qandaentry>
1988	<qandaentry>
1989	<question>
1991		<para>
1992		The example given for file and directory access control forces all files to be owned by one
1993		particular user. I do not like that. Is there any way I can see who created the file?
1994		</para>
1996	</question>
1997	<answer>
1999	    <para><indexterm>
2000		<primary>SUID</primary>
2001	      </indexterm>
2002		Sure. You do not have to set the SUID bit on the directory. Simply execute the following command
2003		to permit file ownership to be retained by the user who created it:
2005&rootprompt; find /usr/data/finance -type d -exec chmod g+s {}\;
2007		Note that this required no more than removing the <constant>u</constant> argument so that the
2008		SUID bit is not set for the owner.
2009		</para>
2011	</answer>
2012	</qandaentry>
2014	<qandaentry>
2015	<question>
2017	    <para><indexterm>
2018		<primary>Computer Management</primary>
2019	      </indexterm>
2020		In the book, <quote>The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide</quote>, you recommended use
2021		of the Windows NT4 Server Manager (part of the <filename>SRVTOOLS.EXE</filename>) utility. Why
2022		have you mentioned only the use of the Windows 200x/XP MMC Computer Management utility?
2023		</para>
2025	</question>
2026	<answer>
2028	    <para><indexterm>
2029		<primary>MMC</primary>
2030	      </indexterm><indexterm>
2031		<primary>SRVTOOLS.EXE</primary>
2032	      </indexterm>
2033		Either tool can be used with equal effect. There is no benefit of one over the other, except that
2034		the MMC utility is present on all Windows 200x/XP systems and does not require additional software
2035		to be downloaded and installed. Note that if you want to manage user and group accounts in your
2036		Samba-controlled domain, the only tool that permits that is the NT4 Domain User Manager, which
2037		is provided as part of the <filename>SRVTOOLS.EXE</filename> utility.
2038		</para>
2040	</answer>
2041	</qandaentry>
2043	<qandaentry>
2044	<question>
2046	    <para><indexterm>
2047		<primary>valid users</primary>
2048	      </indexterm><indexterm>
2049		<primary>Active Directory</primary>
2050	      </indexterm><indexterm>
2051		<primary>Domain Member server</primary>
2052	      </indexterm>
2053		I tried to set <parameter>valid users = @Engineers</parameter>, but it does not work. My Samba
2054		server is an Active Directory domain member server. Has this been fixed now?
2055		</para>
2057	</question>
2058	<answer>
2060		<para>
2061		The use of this parameter has always required the full specification of the domain account, for
2062		example, <parameter>valid users = @"MEGANET2\Domain Admins"</parameter>.
2063		</para>
2065	</answer>
2066	</qandaentry>
2068	</qandaset>