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1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
2<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//Samba-Team//DTD DocBook V4.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "http://www.samba.org/samba/DTD/samba-doc">
4<chapter id="HA">
5<title>Performance, Reliability, and Availability</title>
7	<para>
8	<indexterm><primary>performance</primary></indexterm>
9	<indexterm><primary>reliability</primary></indexterm>
10	<indexterm><primary>availability</primary></indexterm>
11	Well, you have reached one of the last chapters of this book. It is customary to attempt
12	to wrap up the theme and contents of a book in what is generally regarded as the
13	chapter that should draw conclusions. This book is a suspense thriller, and since
14	the plot of the stories told mostly lead you to bigger, better Samba-3 networking
15	solutions, it is perhaps appropriate to close this book with a few pertinent comments
16	regarding some of the things everyone can do to deliver a reliable Samba-3 network.
17	</para>
19	<blockquote><attribution>Anonymous</attribution><para>
20	In a world so full of noise, how can the sparrow be heard?
21	</para></blockquote>
24	<title>Introduction</title>
26	<para>
27	<indexterm><primary>clustering</primary></indexterm>
28	The sparrow is a small bird whose sounds are drowned out by the noise of the busy
29	world it lives in. Likewise, the simple steps that can be taken to improve the
30	reliability and availability of a Samba network are often drowned out by the volume
31	of discussions about grandiose Samba clustering designs. This is not intended to
32	suggest that clustering is not important, because clearly it is. This chapter does not devote
33	itself to discussion of clustering because each clustering methodology uses its own
34	custom tools and methods. Only passing comments are offered concerning these methods.
35	</para>
37	<para>
38	<indexterm><primary>cluster</primary></indexterm>
39	<indexterm><primary>samba cluster</primary></indexterm>
40	<indexterm><primary>scalability</primary></indexterm>
41<ulink url="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=samba+cluster&btnG=Google+Search">A search</ulink> 
42	for <quote>samba cluster</quote> produced 71,600 hits. And a search for <quote>highly available samba</quote>
43	and <quote>highly available windows</quote> produced an amazing number of references.
44	It is clear from the resources on the Internet that Windows file and print services 
45	availability, reliability, and scalability are of vital interest to corporate network users.
46	</para>
48	<para>
49	<indexterm><primary>performance</primary></indexterm>
50	So without further background, you can review a checklist of simple steps that
51	can be taken to ensure acceptable network performance while keeping costs of ownership
52	well under control.
53	</para>
58	<title>Dissection and Discussion</title>
60	<para>
61	<indexterm><primary>simple</primary></indexterm>
62	<indexterm><primary>complexities</primary></indexterm>
63	If it is your purpose to get the best mileage out of your Samba servers, there is one rule that
64	must be obeyed. If you want the best, keep your implementation as simple as possible. You may
65	well be forced to introduce some complexities, but you should do so only as a last resort.
66	</para>
68	<para>
69	Simple solutions are likely to be easier to get right than are complex ones. They certainly
70	make life easier for your successor. Simple implementations can be more readily audited than can
71	complex ones. 
72	</para>
74	<para>
75	<indexterm><primary>broken behavior</primary></indexterm>
76	<indexterm><primary>poor performance</primary></indexterm>
77	Problems reported by users fall into three categories: configurations that do not work, those 
78	that have broken behavior, and poor performance. The term <emphasis>broken behavior</emphasis>
79	means that the function of a particular Samba component appears to work sometimes, but not at
80	others. The resulting intermittent operation is clearly unacceptable. An example of 
81	<emphasis>broken behavior</emphasis> known to many Windows networking users occurs when the
82	list of Windows machines in MS Explorer changes, sometimes listing machines that are running
83	and at other times not listing them even though the machines are in use on the network.
84	</para>
86	<para>
87	<indexterm><primary>smbfs</primary></indexterm>
88	<indexterm><primary>smbmnt</primary></indexterm>
89	<indexterm><primary>smbmount</primary></indexterm>
90	<indexterm><primary>smbumnt</primary></indexterm>
91	<indexterm><primary>smbumount</primary></indexterm>
92	<indexterm><primary>front-end</primary></indexterm>
93	A significant number of reports concern problems with the <command>smbfs</command> file system
94	driver that is part of the Linux kernel, not part of Samba. Users continue to interpret that
95	<command>smbfs</command> is part of Samba, simply because Samba includes the front-end tools
96	that are used to manage <command>smbfs</command>-based file service connections. So, just
97	for the record, the tools <command>smbmnt</command>, <command>smbmount</command>,
98	<command>smbumount</command>, and <command>smbumnt</command> are front-end
99	facilities to core drivers that are supplied as part of the Linux kernel. These tools share a
100	common infrastructure with some Samba components, but they are not maintained as part of
101	Samba and are really foreign to it.
102	</para>
104	<para>
105	<indexterm><primary>cifsfs</primary></indexterm>
106	The new project, <command>cifsfs</command>, is destined to replace <command>smbfs</command>.
107	It, too, is not part of Samba, even though one of the Samba Team members is a prime mover in
108	this project.
109	</para>
111	<para>
112	Table 13.1 lists typical causes of:
113	</para>
115	<itemizedlist>
116		<listitem><para>Not Working (NW)</para></listitem>
117		<listitem><para>Broken Behavior (BB)</para></listitem>
118		<listitem><para>Poor Performance (PP)</para></listitem>
119	</itemizedlist>
122	<table id="ProbList">
123		<title>Effect of Common Problems</title>
124		<tgroup cols="4">
125			<colspec align="left"/>
126			<colspec align="center"/>
127			<colspec align="center"/>
128			<colspec align="center"/>
129			<thead>
130				<row>
131					<entry><para>Problem</para></entry>
132					<entry><para>NW</para></entry>
133					<entry><para>BB</para></entry>
134					<entry><para>PP</para></entry>
135				</row>
136			</thead>
137			<tbody>
138				<row>
139					<entry><para>File locking</para></entry>
140					<entry><para>-</para></entry>
141					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
142					<entry><para>-</para></entry>
143				</row>
144				<row>
145					<entry><para>Hardware problems</para></entry>
146					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
147					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
148					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
149				</row>
150				<row>
151					<entry><para>Incorrect authentication</para></entry>
152					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
153					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
154					<entry><para>-</para></entry>
155				</row>
156				<row>
157					<entry><para>Incorrect configuration</para></entry>
158					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
159					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
160					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
161				</row>
162				<row>
163					<entry><para>LDAP problems</para></entry>
164					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
165					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
166					<entry><para>-</para></entry>
167				</row>
168				<row>
169					<entry><para>Name resolution</para></entry>
170					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
171					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
172					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
173				</row>
174				<row>
175					<entry><para>Printing problems</para></entry>
176					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
177					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
178					<entry><para>-</para></entry>
179				</row>
180				<row>
181					<entry><para>Slow file transfer</para></entry>
182					<entry><para>-</para></entry>
183					<entry><para>-</para></entry>
184					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
185				</row>
186				<row>
187					<entry><para>Winbind problems</para></entry>
188					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
189					<entry><para>X</para></entry>
190					<entry><para>-</para></entry>
191				</row>
192			</tbody>
193		</tgroup>
194	</table>
196	<para>
197	<indexterm><primary>network hygiene</primary></indexterm>
198	It is obvious to all that the first requirement (as a matter of network hygiene) is to eliminate
199	problems that affect basic network operation. This book has provided sufficient working examples
200	to help you to avoid all these problems.
201	</para>
206	<title>Guidelines for Reliable Samba Operation</title>
208	<para>
209	<indexterm><primary>resilient</primary></indexterm>
210	<indexterm><primary>extreme demand</primary></indexterm>
211	Your objective is to provide a network that works correctly, can grow at all times, is resilient
212	at times of extreme demand, and can scale to meet future needs. The following subject areas provide
213	pointers that can help you today.
214	</para>
216	<sect2>
217	<title>Name Resolution</title>
219	<para>
220	There are three basic current problem areas: bad hostnames, routed networks, and network collisions.
221	These are covered in the following discussion.
222	</para>
224		<sect3>
225		<title>Bad Hostnames</title>
227		<para>
228		<indexterm><primary>DHCP</primary><secondary>client</secondary></indexterm>
229		<indexterm><primary>netbios name</primary></indexterm>
230		<indexterm><primary>localhost</primary></indexterm>
231		<indexterm><primary>/etc/hosts</primary></indexterm>
232		<indexterm><primary>NetBIOS</primary></indexterm>
233		When configured as a DHCP client, a number of Linux distributions set the system hostname
234		to <constant>localhost</constant>. If the parameter <parameter>netbios name</parameter> is not
235		specified to something other than <constant>localhost</constant>, the Samba server appears
236		in the Windows Explorer as <constant>LOCALHOST</constant>. Moreover, the entry in the <filename>/etc/hosts</filename>
237		on the Linux server points to IP address <constant></constant>. This means that
238		when the Windows client obtains the IP address of the Samba server called <constant>LOCALHOST</constant>,
239		it obtains the IP address <constant></constant> and then proceeds to attempt to
240		set up a NetBIOS over TCP/IP connection to it. This cannot work, because that IP address is
241		the local Windows machine itself. Hostnames must be valid for Windows networking to function
242		correctly.
243		</para>
245		<para>
246		<indexterm><primary>digits</primary></indexterm>
247		A few sites have tried to name Windows clients and Samba servers with a name that begins
248		with the digits 1-9. This does not work either because it may result in the client or
249		server attempting to use that name as an IP address.
250		</para>
252		<para>
253		<indexterm><primary>DNS</primary><secondary>name lookup</secondary></indexterm>
254		<indexterm><primary>resolve</primary></indexterm>
255		A Samba server called <constant>FRED</constant> in a NetBIOS domain called <constant>COLLISION</constant>
256		in a network environment that is part of the fully-qualified Internet domain namespace known
257		as <constant>parrots.com</constant>, results in DNS name lookups for <constant>fred.parrots.com</constant>
258		and <constant>collision.parrots.com</constant>. It is therefore a mistake to name the domain
259		(workgroup) <constant>collision.parrots.com</constant>, since this results in DNS lookup
260		attempts to resolve <constant>fred.parrots.com.parrots.com</constant>, which most likely
261		fails given that you probably do not have this in your DNS namespace.
262		</para>
264		<note><para>
265		<indexterm><primary>Active Directory</primary><secondary>realm</secondary></indexterm>
266		<indexterm><primary>ADS</primary></indexterm>
267		<indexterm><primary>DNS</primary></indexterm>
268		An Active Directory realm called <constant>collision.parrots.com</constant> is perfectly okay,
269		although it too must be capable of being resolved via DNS, something that functions correctly
270		if Windows 200x ADS has been properly installed and configured.
271		</para></note>
273		</sect3>
275		<sect3>
276		<title>Routed Networks</title>
278		<para>
279		<indexterm><primary>NetBIOS</primary></indexterm>
280		<indexterm><primary>UDP</primary><secondary>broadcast</secondary></indexterm>
281		<indexterm><primary>broadcast</primary></indexterm>
282		NetBIOS networks (Windows networking with NetBIOS over TCP/IP enabled) makes extensive use
283		of UDP-based broadcast traffic, as you saw during the exercises in <link linkend="primer"/>.
284		</para>
286		<para>
287		<indexterm><primary>routers</primary></indexterm>
288		<indexterm><primary>forwarded</primary></indexterm>
289		<indexterm><primary>multi-subnet</primary></indexterm>
290		UDP broadcast traffic is not forwarded by routers. This means that NetBIOS broadcast-based
291		networking cannot function across routed networks (i.e., multi-subnet networks) unless
292		special provisions are made:
293		</para>
295		<itemizedlist>
296			<listitem><para>
297			<indexterm><primary>LMHOSTS</primary></indexterm>
298			<indexterm><primary>remote announce</primary></indexterm>
299			<indexterm><primary>remote browse sync</primary></indexterm>
300			Either install on every Windows client an LMHOSTS file (located in the directory
301			<filename>C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc</filename>). It is also necessary to
302			add to the Samba server &smb.conf; file the parameters <parameter>remote announce</parameter>
303			and <parameter>remote browse sync</parameter>. For more information, refer to the online
304			manual page for the &smb.conf; file.
305			</para></listitem>
307			<listitem><para>
308			<indexterm><primary>WINS</primary><secondary>server</secondary></indexterm>
309			Or configure Samba as a WINS server, and configure all network clients to use that
310			WINS server in their TCP/IP configuration.
311			</para></listitem>
312		</itemizedlist>
314		<note><para>
315		<indexterm><primary>WINS</primary><secondary>name resolution</secondary></indexterm>
316		<indexterm><primary>DNS</primary></indexterm>
317		The use of DNS is not an acceptable substitute for WINS. DNS does not store specific
318		information regarding NetBIOS networking particulars that get stored in the WINS
319		name resolution database and that Windows clients require and depend on.
320		</para></note>
322		</sect3>
324		<sect3>
325		<title>Network Collisions</title>
327		<para>
328		<indexterm><primary>network</primary><secondary>collisions</secondary></indexterm>
329		<indexterm><primary>network</primary><secondary>timeouts</secondary></indexterm>
330		<indexterm><primary>collision rates</primary></indexterm>
331		<indexterm><primary>network</primary><secondary>load</secondary></indexterm>
332		Excessive network activity causes NetBIOS network timeouts. Timeouts may result in
333		blue screen of death (BSOD) experiences. High collision rates may be caused by excessive
334		UDP broadcast activity, by defective networking hardware, or through excessive network
335		loads (another way of saying that the network is poorly designed).
336		</para>
338		<para>
339		The use of WINS is highly recommended to reduce network broadcast traffic, as outlined
340		in <link linkend="primer"/>.
341		</para>
343		<para>
344		<indexterm><primary>netbios forwarding</primary></indexterm>
345		<indexterm><primary>broadcast storms</primary></indexterm>
346		<indexterm><primary>performance</primary></indexterm>
347		Under no circumstances should the facility be supported by many routers, known as <constant>NetBIOS
348		forwarding</constant>, unless you know exactly what you are doing. Inappropriate use of this
349		facility can result in UDP broadcast storms. In one case in 1999, a university network became
350		unusable due to NetBIOS forwarding being enabled on all routers. The problem was discovered during performance
351		testing of a Samba server. The maximum throughput on a 100-Base-T (100 MB/sec) network was
352		less than 15 KB/sec. After the NetBIOS forwarding was turned off, file transfer performance
353		immediately returned to 11 MB/sec.
354		</para>
356		</sect3>
358	</sect2>
360	<sect2>
361	<title>Samba Configuration</title>
363	<para>
364	As a general rule, the contents of the &smb.conf; file should be kept as simple as possible.
365	No parameter should be specified unless you know it is essential to operation.
366	</para>
368	<para>
369	<indexterm><primary>document the settings</primary></indexterm>
370	<indexterm><primary>documented</primary></indexterm>
371	<indexterm><primary>optimized</primary></indexterm>
372	Many UNIX administrators like to fully document the settings in the &smb.conf; file. This is a
373	bad idea because it adds content to the file. The &smb.conf; file is re-read by every <command>smbd</command>
374	process every time the file timestamp changes (or, on systems where this does not work, every 20 seconds or so).
375	</para>
377	<para>
378	As the size of the &smb.conf; file grows, the risk of introducing parsing errors also increases.
379	It is recommended to keep a fully documented &smb.conf; file on hand, and then to operate Samba only
380	with an optimized file.
381	</para>
383	<para><indexterm>
384	    <primary>testparm</primary>
385	  </indexterm>
386	The preferred way to maintain a documented file is to call it something like <filename>smb.conf.master</filename>.
387	You can generate the optimized file by executing:
389&rootprompt; testparm -s smb.conf.master > smb.conf
391	You should carefully observe all warnings issued. It is also a good practice to execute the following
392	command to confirm correct interpretation of the &smb.conf; file contents:
394&rootprompt; testparm
395Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
396Can't find include file /etc/samba/machine.
397Processing section "[homes]"
398Processing section "[print$]"
399Processing section "[netlogon]"
400Processing section "[Profiles]"
401Processing section "[printers]"
402Processing section "[media]"
403Processing section "[data]"
404Processing section "[cdr]"
405Processing section "[apps]"
406Loaded services file OK.
407'winbind separator = +' might cause problems with group membership.
408Server role: ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC
409Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
411	<indexterm><primary>fatal problem</primary></indexterm>
412	You now, of course, press the enter key to complete the command, or else abort it by pressing Ctrl-C.
413	The important thing to note is the noted Server role, as well as warning messages. Noted configuration
414	conflicts must be remedied before proceeding. For example, the following error message represents a
415	common fatal problem:
417ERROR: both 'wins support = true' and 'wins server = &lt;server list&gt;' 
418cannot be set in the smb.conf file. nmbd will abort with this setting.
420	</para>
422	<para>
423	<indexterm><primary>performance degradation</primary></indexterm>
424	<indexterm><primary>socket options</primary></indexterm>
425	<indexterm><primary>socket address</primary></indexterm>
426	There are two parameters that can cause severe network performance degradation: <parameter>socket options</parameter>
427	and <parameter>socket address</parameter>. The <parameter>socket options</parameter> parameter was often necessary
428	when Samba was used with the Linux 2.2.x kernels. Later kernels are largely self-tuning and seldom benefit from
429	this parameter being set. Do not use either parameter unless it has been proven necessary to use them.
430	</para>
432	<para>
433	<indexterm><primary>strict sync</primary></indexterm>
434	<indexterm><primary>sync always</primary></indexterm>
435	<indexterm><primary>severely degrade</primary></indexterm>
436	<indexterm><primary>network</primary><secondary>performance</secondary></indexterm>
437	Another &smb.conf; parameter that may cause severe network performance degradation is the 
438	<parameter>strict sync</parameter> parameter. Do not use this at all. There is no good reason
439	to use this with any modern Windows client. The <parameter>strict sync</parameter> is often
440	used with the <parameter>sync always</parameter> parameter. This, too, can severely	
441	degrade network performance, so do not set it; if you must, do so with caution.
442	</para>
444	<para>
445	<indexterm><primary>opportunistic locking</primary></indexterm>
446	<indexterm><primary>file caching</primary></indexterm>
447	<indexterm><primary>caching</primary></indexterm>
448	<indexterm><primary>oplocks</primary></indexterm>
449	Finally, many network administrators deliberately disable opportunistic locking support. While this
450	does not degrade Samba performance, it significantly degrades Windows client performance because
451	this disables local file caching on Windows clients and forces every file read and written to
452	invoke a network read or write call. If for any reason you must disable oplocks (opportunistic locking)
453	support, do so only on the share on which it is required. That way, all other shares can provide
454	oplock support for operations that are tolerant of it. See <link linkend="ch12dblck"/> for more
455	information.
456	</para>
458	</sect2>
460	<sect2>
461	<title>Use and Location of BDCs</title>
463	<para>
464	<indexterm><primary>BDC</primary></indexterm>
465	<indexterm><primary>PDC</primary></indexterm>
466	<indexterm><primary>routed network</primary></indexterm>
467	<indexterm><primary>wide-area network</primary></indexterm>
468	<indexterm><primary>network segment</primary></indexterm>
469	On a network segment where there is a PDC and a BDC, the BDC carries the bulk of the network logon
470	processing. If the BDC is a heavily loaded server, the PDC carries a greater proportion of
471	authentication and logon processing. When a sole BDC on a routed network segment gets heavily
472	loaded, it is possible that network logon requests and authentication requests may be directed
473	to a BDC on a distant network segment. This significantly hinders WAN operations
474	and is undesirable.
475	</para>
477	<para>
478	<indexterm><primary>Domain Member</primary></indexterm>
479	<indexterm><primary>Domain Controller</primary></indexterm>
480	As a general guide, instead of adding domain member servers to a network, you would be better advised
481	to add BDCs until there are fewer than 30 Windows clients per BDC. Beyond that ratio, you should add
482	domain member servers. This practice ensures that there are always sufficient domain controllers
483	to handle logon requests and authentication traffic.
484	</para>
486	</sect2>
488	<sect2>
489	<title>Use One Consistent Version of MS Windows Client</title>
491	<para>
492	Every network client has its own peculiarities. From a management perspective, it is easier to deal
493	with one version of MS Windows that is maintained to a consistent update level than it is to deal
494	with a mixture of clients.
495	</para>
497	<para>
498	On a number of occasions, particular Microsoft service pack updates of a Windows server or client
499	have necessitated special handling from the Samba server end. If you want to remain sane, keep you
500	client workstation configurations consistent.
501	</para>
503	</sect2>
505	<sect2>
506	<title>For Scalability, Use SAN-Based Storage on Samba Servers</title>
508	<para>
509	<indexterm><primary>SAN</primary></indexterm>
510	<indexterm><primary>synchronization</primary></indexterm>
511	Many SAN-based storage systems permit more than one server to share a common data store.
512	Use of a shared SAN data store means that you do not need to use time- and resource-hungry data 
513	synchronization techniques.
514	</para>
516	<para>
517	<indexterm><primary>load distribution</primary></indexterm>
518	<indexterm><primary>clustering</primary></indexterm>
519	The use of a collection of relatively low-cost front-end Samba servers that are coupled to
520	a shared backend SAN data store permits load distribution while containing costs below that
521	of installing and managing a complex clustering facility.
522	</para>
524	</sect2>
526	<sect2>
527	<title>Distribute Network Load with MSDFS</title>
529	<para>
530	<indexterm><primary>MSDFS</primary></indexterm>
531	<indexterm><primary>distributed</primary></indexterm>
532	Microsoft DFS (distributed file system) technology has been implemented in Samba. MSDFS permits
533	data to be accessed from a single share and yet to actually be distributed across multiple actual
534	servers. Refer to <emphasis>TOSHARG2</emphasis>, Chapter 19, for information regarding
535	implementation of an MSDFS installation.
536	</para>
538	<para>
539	<indexterm><primary>front-end</primary><secondary>server</secondary></indexterm>
540	<indexterm><primary>MSDFS</primary></indexterm>
541	The combination of multiple backend servers together with a front-end server and use of MSDFS
542	can achieve almost the same as you would obtain with a clustered Samba server.
543	</para>
545	</sect2>
547	<sect2>
548	<title>Replicate Data to Conserve Peak-Demand Wide-Area Bandwidth</title>
550	<para>
551	<indexterm><primary>replicate</primary></indexterm>
552	<indexterm><primary>rsync</primary></indexterm>
553	<indexterm><primary>wide-area network</primary></indexterm>
554	Consider using <command>rsync</command> to replicate data across the WAN during times
555	of low utilization. Users can then access the replicated data store rather than needing to do so
556	across the WAN. This works best for read-only data, but with careful planning can be
557	implemented so that modified files get replicated back to the point of origin. Be careful with your
558	implementation if you choose to permit modification and return replication of the modified file;
559	otherwise, you may inadvertently overwrite important data.
560	</para>
562	</sect2>
564	<sect2>
565	<title>Hardware Problems</title>
567	<para>
568	<indexterm><primary>hardware prices</primary></indexterm>
569	<indexterm><primary>hardware problems</primary></indexterm>
570	<indexterm><primary>NICs</primary></indexterm>
571	<indexterm><primary>defective</primary><secondary>HUBs</secondary></indexterm>
572	<indexterm><primary>defective</primary><secondary>switches</secondary></indexterm>
573	<indexterm><primary>defective</primary><secondary>cables</secondary></indexterm>
574	Networking hardware prices have fallen sharply over the past 5 years. A surprising number
575	of Samba networking problems over this time have been traced to defective network interface
576	cards (NICs) or defective HUBs, switches, and cables.
577	</para>
579	<para>
580	<indexterm><primary>corrective action</primary></indexterm>
581	Not surprising is the fact that network administrators do not like to be shown to have made
582	a bad decision. Money saved in buying low-cost hardware may result in high costs incurred
583	in corrective action.
584	</para>
586	<para>
587	<indexterm><primary>intermittent</primary></indexterm>
588	<indexterm><primary>data corruption</primary></indexterm>
589	<indexterm><primary>slow network</primary></indexterm>
590	<indexterm><primary>low performance</primary></indexterm>
591	<indexterm><primary>data integrity</primary></indexterm>
592	Defective NICs, HUBs, and switches may appear as intermittent network access problems, intermittent
593	or persistent data corruption, slow network throughput, low performance, or even as BSOD
594	problems with MS Windows clients. In one case, a company updated several workstations with newer, faster
595	Windows client machines that triggered problems during logon as well as data integrity problems on
596	an older PC that was unaffected so long as the new machines were kept shut down.
597	</para>
599	<para>
600	Defective hardware problems may take patience and persistence before the real cause can be discovered.
601	</para>
603	<para>
604	<indexterm><primary>RAID controllers</primary></indexterm>
605	Networking hardware defects can significantly impact perceived Samba performance, but defective
606	RAID controllers as well as SCSI and IDE hard disk controllers have also been known to impair Samba server
607	operations. One business came to this realization only after replacing a Samba installation with MS 
608	Windows Server 2000 running on the same hardware. The root of the problem completely eluded the network
609	administrator until the entire server was replaced. While you may well think that this would never
610	happen to you, experience shows that given the right (unfortunate) circumstances, this can happen to anyone.
611	</para>
613	</sect2>
615	<sect2>
616	<title>Large Directories</title>
618	<para>
619	There exist applications that create or manage directories containing many thousands of files. Such
620	applications typically generate many small files (less than 100 KB). At the best of times, under UNIX,
621	listing of the files in a directory that contains many files is slow. By default, Windows NT, 200x, 
622	and XP Pro cause network file system directory lookups on a Samba server to be performed for both 
623	the case preserving file name as well as for the mangled (8.3) file name. This incurs a huge overhead
624	on the Samba server that may slow down the system dramatically.
625	</para>
627	<para>
628	In an extreme case, the performance impact was dramatic. File transfer from the Samba server to a Windows
629	XP Professional workstation over 1 Gigabit Ethernet for 250-500 KB files was measured at approximately
630	30 MB/sec. But when tranferring a directory containing 120,000 files, all from 50KB to 60KB in size, the
631	transfer rate to the same workstation was measured at approximately 1.5 KB/sec. The net transfer was
632	on the order of a factor of 20-fold slower.
633	</para>
635	<para>
636	The symptoms that will be observed on the Samba server when a large directory is accessed will be that
637	aggregate I/O (typically blocks read) will be relatively low, yet the wait I/O times will be incredibly
638	long while at the same time the read queue is large. Close observation will show that the hard drive
639	that the file system is on will be thrashing wildly.
640	</para>
642	<para>
643	Samba-3.0.12 and later, includes new code that radically improves Samba perfomance. The secret to this is
644	really in the <smbconfoption name="case sensitive">True</smbconfoption> line. This tells smbd never to scan
645	for case-insensitive versions of names. So if an application asks for a file called <filename>FOO</filename>,
646	and it can not be found by a simple stat call, then smbd will return "file not found" immediately without
647	scanning the containing directory for a version of a different case.
648	</para>
650	<para>
651	Canonicalize all the files in the directory to have one case, upper or lower - either will do. Then set up 
652	a new custom share for the application as follows:
653	<screen>
654	[bigshare]
655			path = /data/xrayfiles/neurosurgeons/
656			read only = no
657			case sensitive = True
658			default case = upper
659			preserve case = no
660			short preserve case = no
661	</screen>
662	</para>
664	<para>
665	All files and directories under the <parameter>path</parameter> directory must be in the same case
666	as specified in the &smb.conf; stanza. This means that smbd will not be able to find lower case 
667	filenames with these settings.  Note, this is done on a per-share basis.
668	</para>
670	</sect2>
675	<title>Key Points Learned</title>
677	<para>
678	This chapter has touched in broad sweeps on a number of simple steps that can be taken
679	to ensure that your Samba network is resilient, scalable, and reliable, and that it
680	performs well.
681	</para>
683	<para>
684	Always keep in mind that someone is responsible to maintain and manage your design.
685	In the long term, that may not be you. Spare a thought for your successor and give him or
686	her an even break.
687	</para>
689	<para>
690	<indexterm><primary>assumptions</primary></indexterm>
691	Last, but not least, you should not only keep the network design simple, but also be sure it is
692	well documented. This book may serve as your pattern for documenting every
693	aspect of your design, its implementation, and particularly the objects and assumptions
694	that underlie it.
695	</para>