1set timeout 10
2set testprefix "testbgpcap "
3set aborted 0
4set color 1
6spawn "./testbgpcap"
8# proc simpletest { start } {
10simpletest "MP4: MP IP/Uni"
11simpletest "MPv6: MP IPv6/Uni"
12simpletest "MP2: MP IP/Multicast"
13simpletest "MP3: MP IP6/MPLS-labeled VPN"
14simpletest "MP5: MP IP6/MPLS-VPN"
15simpletest "MP6: MP IP4/MPLS-laveled VPN"
16simpletest "MP8: MP unknown AFI/SAFI"
17simpletest "MP-short: MP IP4/Unicast, length too short (< minimum)"
18simpletest "MP-overflow: MP IP4/Unicast, length too long"
19simpletest "caphdr: capability header, and no more"
20simpletest "nodata: header, no data but length says there is"
21simpletest "padded: valid, with padding"
22simpletest "minsize: violates minsize requirement"
23simpletest "ORF: ORF, simple, single entry, single tuple"
24simpletest "ORF-many: ORF, multi entry/tuple"
25simpletest "ORFlo: ORF, multi entry/tuple, hdr length too short"
26simpletest "ORFlu: ORF, multi entry/tuple, length too long"
27simpletest "ORFnu: ORF, multi entry/tuple, entry number too long"
28simpletest "ORFno: ORF, multi entry/tuple, entry number too short"
29simpletest "ORFpad: ORF, multi entry/tuple, padded to align"
30simpletest "AS4: AS4 capability"
31simpletest "GR: GR capability"
32simpletest "GR-short: GR capability, but header length too short"
33simpletest "GR-long: GR capability, but header length too long"
34simpletest "GR-trunc: GR capability, but truncated"
35simpletest "GR-empty: GR capability, but empty."
36simpletest "MP-empty: MP capability, but empty."
37simpletest "ORF-empty: ORF capability, but empty."
38simpletest "AS4-empty: AS4 capability, but empty."
39simpletest "dyn-empty: Dynamic capability, but empty."
40simpletest "dyn-old: Dynamic capability (deprecated version)"
41simpletest "Cap-singlets: One capability per Optional-Param"
42simpletest "Cap-series: Series of capability, one Optional-Param"
43simpletest "AS4more: AS4 capability after other caps (singlets)"
44simpletest "AS4series: AS4 capability, in series of capabilities"
45simpletest "AS4real: AS4 capability, in series of capabilities"
46simpletest "AS4real2: AS4 capability, in series of capabilities"
47simpletest "DynCap: Dynamic Capability Message, IP/Multicast"
48simpletest "DynCapLong: Dynamic Capability Message, IP/Multicast, truncated"
49simpletest "DynCapPadded: Dynamic Capability Message, IP/Multicast, padded"
50simpletest "DynCapMPCpadded: Dynamic Capability Message, IP/Multicast, cap data padded"
51simpletest "DynCapMPCoverflow: Dynamic Capability Message, IP/Multicast, cap data != length"