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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="rep_lease"></a>Master Leases</h2>
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38      <p>Some applications have strict requirements about the consistency
39of data read on a master site.  Berkeley DB provides a mechanism
40called master leases to provide such consistency.
41Without master leases, it is sometimes possible for
42Berkeley DB to return old data to an application when newer data is
43available due to unfortunate scheduling as illustrated below:</p>
44      <div class="orderedlist">
45        <ol type="1">
46          <li><span class="bold"><strong>Application on master site</strong></span>:   Read data item
47<span class="emphasis"><em>foo</em></span> via Berkeley DB <a href="../api_reference/C/dbget.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;get()</a> or <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcget.html" class="olink">DBC-&gt;get()</a> call.</li>
48          <li><span class="bold"><strong>Application on master site</strong></span>: sleep, get descheduled, etc.</li>
49          <li><span class="bold"><strong>System</strong></span>: Master changes role, becomes a client.</li>
50          <li><span class="bold"><strong>System</strong></span>: New site is elected master.</li>
51          <li><span class="bold"><strong>System</strong></span>: New master modifies data item <span class="emphasis"><em>foo</em></span>.</li>
52          <li><span class="bold"><strong>Application</strong></span>: Berkeley DB returns old data for <span class="emphasis"><em>foo</em></span>
53to application.</li>
54        </ol>
55      </div>
56      <p>By using master leases, Berkeley DB can provide guarantees about the
57consistency of data read on a master site.  The master site
58can be considered a recognized authority for the data and
59consequently can provide authoritative reads.  Clients grant master
60leases to a master site.  By doing so, clients acknowledge
61the right of that site to retain the role of master
62for a period of time.
63During that period of time, clients cannot elect a new
64master, become master, nor grant their lease to another site.</p>
65      <p>By holding a collection of granted leases, a master site can
66guarantee to the application that the data returned is the
67current, authoritative value.  As a master performs operations,
68it continually requests updated grants from the clients.
69When a read operation is required, the master guarantees
70that it holds a valid collection of lease grants from clients
71before returning data to the application.  By holding leases,
72Berkeley DB provides several guarantees to the application:</p>
73      <div class="orderedlist">
74        <ol type="1">
75          <li>Authoritative reads: A guarantee that the data being read by the
76application is the current value.</li>
77          <li>Durability from rollback: A guarantee that the data being written or read by the
78application is permanent across a majority of client sites and will
79never be rolled back.
80<p>The rollback guarantee also depends on the <a href="../api_reference/C/envset_flags.html#envset_flags_DB_TXN_NOSYNC" class="olink">DB_TXN_NOSYNC</a> flag.
81The guarantee is effective as long as there isn't total
82replication group failure while clients have granted leases
83but are holding the updates in their cache.
84The application must weigh the performance impact of synchronous
85transactions against the risk of total replication group failure.
86If clients grant a lease while holding updated data in cache,
87and total failure occurs, then the data is no longer present
88on the clients and rollback can occur if the master also crashes.</p><p>The guarantee that data will not be rolled back applies only
89to data successfully committed on a master.
90Data read on a client, or read while ignoring leases
91can be rolled back.</p></li>
92          <li>Freshness: A guarantee that the data being read by the application
93on the <span class="emphasis"><em>master</em></span> is up-to-date and has not been
94modified or removed during the read.
95<p>The read authority is only on the master.  Read operations on a client
96always ignore leases and consequently, these operations can return stale data.</p></li>
97          <li>Master viability: A guarantee that a current master with valid
98leases cannot encounter a duplicate master situation.
99<p>Leases remove the possibility of a duplicate master situation that
100forces the current master to downgrade to a client.  However, it is
101still possible that old masters with expired leases can discover a later
102master and return <a href="../api_reference/C/repmessage.html#repmsg_DB_REP_DUPMASTER" class="olink">DB_REP_DUPMASTER</a> to the application.</p></li>
103        </ol>
104      </div>
105      <p>There are several requirements of the application using leases:</p>
106      <div class="orderedlist">
107        <ol type="1">
108          <li>Replication Manager applications must configure a majority (or larger)
109acknowledgement policy via the <a href="../api_reference/C/repmgrset_ack_policy.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;repmgr_set_ack_policy()</a> method.  Base API
110applications must implement and enforce such a policy on their own.</li>
111          <li>Base API applications must return an error from the send callback function when
112the majority acknowledgement policy is not met for permanent records
113marked with <a href="../api_reference/C/reptransport.html#transport_DB_REP_PERMANENT" class="olink">DB_REP_PERMANENT</a>.  Note that the Replication Manager
114automatically fulfills this requirement.</li>
115          <li>Applications must set the number of sites in the group using the
116<a href="../api_reference/C/repnsites.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_nsites()</a> method before starting replication and cannot
117change it during operation.</li>
118          <li>Using leases in a replication group is all or none.  Behavior is
119undefined when some sites configure leases and others do not.
120Use the <a href="../api_reference/C/repconfig.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_config()</a> method to turn on leases.</li>
121          <li>The configured lease timeout value must be the same on all sites
122in a replication group, set via the <a href="../api_reference/C/repset_timeout.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_timeout()</a> method.</li>
123          <li>The configured clock_scale_factor value must be the same on all sites
124in a replication group.  This value defaults to no skew, but can
125be set via the <a href="../api_reference/C/repclockskew.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_clockskew()</a> method.</li>
126          <li>Applications that care about read guarantees must perform all read
127operations on the master.  Reading on a client does not guarantee
129          <li>The application must use elections to choose a master site.  It must
130never simply declare a master without having won an election (as is
131allowed without Master Leases).</li>
132        </ol>
133      </div>
134      <p>Master leases are based on timeouts.  Berkeley DB assumes that time
135always runs forward.  Users who change the system clock on
136either client or master sites when leases are in use void all
137guarantees and can get undefined behavior.  See the
138<a href="../api_reference/C/repset_timeout.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_timeout()</a> method for more information.</p>
139      <p>Read operations on a master that should not be subject to
140leases can use the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbget.html#get_DB_IGNORE_LEASE" class="olink">DB_IGNORE_LEASE</a> flag to the
141<a href="../api_reference/C/dbget.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;get()</a> method.  Read operations on a client always imply leases are ignored.</p>
142      <p>Clients are forbidden from participating in elections while
143they have an outstanding lease granted to a master.
144Therefore, if the <a href="../api_reference/C/repelect.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_elect()</a> method is called, then Berkeley DB will
145block, waiting until its lease grant expires before participating in
146any election.  While it waits, the client attempts to
147contact the current master.  If the client finds a current
148master, then it returns from the <a href="../api_reference/C/repelect.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_elect()</a> method.
149When leases are configured and the
150lease has never yet been granted (on start-up), clients
151must wait a full lease timeout before participating in
152an election.</p>
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