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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">General access method configuration</th>
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22          <th width="60%" align="center">Chapter 2. 
23		Access Method Configuration
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="general_am_conf"></a>General access method configuration</h2>
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38      <div class="toc">
39        <dl>
40          <dt>
41            <span class="sect2">
42              <a href="general_am_conf.html#am_conf_pagesize">Selecting a page size</a>
43            </span>
44          </dt>
45          <dt>
46            <span class="sect2">
47              <a href="general_am_conf.html#am_conf_cachesize">Selecting a cache size</a>
48            </span>
49          </dt>
50          <dt>
51            <span class="sect2">
52              <a href="general_am_conf.html#am_conf_byteorder">Selecting a byte order</a>
53            </span>
54          </dt>
55          <dt>
56            <span class="sect2">
57              <a href="general_am_conf.html#am_conf_dup">Duplicate data items</a>
58            </span>
59          </dt>
60          <dt>
61            <span class="sect2">
62              <a href="general_am_conf.html#am_conf_malloc">Non-local memory allocation</a>
63            </span>
64          </dt>
65        </dl>
66      </div>
67      <p>
68    There are a series of configuration tasks which are common to all
69    access methods. They are described in the following sections.
71      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
72        <div class="titlepage">
73          <div>
74            <div>
75              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_conf_pagesize"></a>Selecting a page size</h3>
76            </div>
77          </div>
78        </div>
79        <p>The size of the pages used in the underlying database can be specified by
80calling the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_pagesize.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_pagesize()</a> method.  The minimum page size is 512 bytes
81and the maximum page size is 64K bytes, and must be a power of two.  If
82no page size is specified by the application, a page size is selected
83based on the underlying filesystem I/O block size.  (A page size selected
84in this way has a lower limit of 512 bytes and an upper limit of 16K
86        <p>There are several issues to consider when selecting a pagesize: overflow
87record sizes, locking, I/O efficiency, and recoverability.</p>
88        <p>First, the page size implicitly sets the size of an overflow record.
89Overflow records are key or data items that are too large to fit on a
90normal database page because of their size, and are therefore stored in
91overflow pages.  Overflow pages are pages that exist outside of the normal
92database structure.  For this reason, there is often a significant
93performance penalty associated with retrieving or modifying overflow
94records.  Selecting a page size that is too small, and which forces the
95creation of large numbers of overflow pages, can seriously impact the
96performance of an application.</p>
97        <p>Second, in the Btree, Hash and Recno access methods, the finest-grained
98lock that Berkeley DB acquires is for a page.  (The Queue access method
99generally acquires record-level locks rather than page-level locks.)
100Selecting a page size that is too large, and which causes threads or
101processes to wait because other threads of control are accessing or
102modifying records on the same page, can impact the performance of your
104        <p>Third, the page size specifies the granularity of I/O from the database
105to the operating system.  Berkeley DB will give a page-sized unit of bytes to
106the operating system to be scheduled for reading/writing from/to the
107disk.  For many operating systems, there is an internal <span class="bold"><strong>block
108size</strong></span> which is used as the granularity of I/O from the operating system
109to the disk.  Generally, it will be more efficient for Berkeley DB to write
110filesystem-sized blocks to the operating system and for the operating
111system to write those same blocks to the disk.</p>
112        <p>Selecting a database page size smaller than the filesystem block size
113may cause the operating system to coalesce or otherwise manipulate Berkeley DB
114pages and can impact the performance of your application.  When the page
115size is smaller than the filesystem block size and a page written by
116Berkeley DB is not found in the operating system's cache, the operating system
117may be forced to read a block from the disk, copy the page into the
118block it read, and then write out the block to disk, rather than simply
119writing the page to disk.  Additionally, as the operating system is
120reading more data into its buffer cache than is strictly necessary to
121satisfy each Berkeley DB request for a page, the operating system buffer cache
122may be wasting memory.</p>
123        <p>Alternatively, selecting a page size larger than the filesystem block
124size may cause the operating system to read more data than necessary.
125On some systems, reading filesystem blocks sequentially may cause the
126operating system to begin performing read-ahead.  If requesting a single
127database page implies reading enough filesystem blocks to satisfy the
128operating system's criteria for read-ahead, the operating system may do
129more I/O than is required.</p>
130        <p>Fourth, when using the Berkeley DB Transactional Data Store product, the page size may affect the errors
131from which your database can recover  See
132<a class="xref" href="transapp_reclimit.html" title="Berkeley DB recoverability">Berkeley DB recoverability</a> for more
134      </div>
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136        <div class="titlepage">
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138            <div>
139              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_conf_cachesize"></a>Selecting a cache size</h3>
140            </div>
141          </div>
142        </div>
143        <p>The size of the cache used for the underlying database can be specified
144by calling the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_cachesize.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_cachesize()</a> method.
145Choosing a cache size is, unfortunately, an art.  Your cache must be at
146least large enough for your working set plus some overlap for unexpected
148        <p>When using the Btree access method, you must have a cache big enough for
149the minimum working set for a single access.  This will include a root
150page, one or more internal pages (depending on the depth of your tree),
151and a leaf page.  If your cache is any smaller than that, each new page
152will force out the least-recently-used page, and Berkeley DB will re-read the
153root page of the tree anew on each database request.</p>
154        <p>If your keys are of moderate size (a few tens of bytes) and your pages
155are on the order of 4KB to 8KB, most Btree applications will be only
156three levels.  For example, using 20 byte keys with 20 bytes of data
157associated with each key, a 8KB page can hold roughly 400 keys (or 200
158key/data pairs), so a fully populated three-level Btree will hold 32
159million key/data pairs, and a tree with only a 50% page-fill factor will
160still hold 16 million key/data pairs.  We rarely expect trees to exceed
161five levels, although Berkeley DB will support trees up to 255 levels.</p>
162        <p>The rule-of-thumb is that cache is good, and more cache is better.
163Generally, applications benefit from increasing the cache size up to a
164point, at which the performance will stop improving as the cache size
165increases.  When this point is reached, one of two things have happened:
166either the cache is large enough that the application is almost never
167having to retrieve information from disk, or, your application is doing
168truly random accesses, and therefore increasing size of the cache doesn't
169significantly increase the odds of finding the next requested information
170in the cache.  The latter is fairly rare -- almost all applications show
171some form of locality of reference.</p>
172        <p>That said, it is important not to increase your cache size beyond the
173capabilities of your system, as that will result in reduced performance.
174Under many operating systems, tying down enough virtual memory will cause
175your memory and potentially your program to be swapped.  This is
176especially likely on systems without unified OS buffer caches and virtual
177memory spaces, as the buffer cache was allocated at boot time and so
178cannot be adjusted based on application requests for large amounts of
179virtual memory.</p>
180        <p>For example, even if accesses are truly random within a Btree, your
181access pattern will favor internal pages to leaf pages, so your cache
182should be large enough to hold all internal pages.  In the steady state,
183this requires at most one I/O per operation to retrieve the appropriate
184leaf page.</p>
185        <p>You can use the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_stat.html" class="olink">db_stat utility</a> to monitor the effectiveness of
186your cache.  The following output is excerpted from the output of that
187utility's <span class="bold"><strong>-m</strong></span> option:</p>
188        <pre class="programlisting">prompt: db_stat -m
189131072  Cache size (128K).
1904273    Requested pages found in the cache (97%).
191134     Requested pages not found in the cache.
19218      Pages created in the cache.
193116     Pages read into the cache.
19493      Pages written from the cache to the backing file.
1955       Clean pages forced from the cache.
19613      Dirty pages forced from the cache.
1970       Dirty buffers written by trickle-sync thread.
198130     Current clean buffer count.
1994       Current dirty buffer count.
201        <p>The statistics for this cache say that there have been 4,273 requests of
202the cache, and only 116 of those requests required an I/O from disk.  This
203means that the cache is working well, yielding a 97% cache hit rate.  The
204<a href="../api_reference/C/db_stat.html" class="olink">db_stat utility</a> will present these statistics both for the cache
205as a whole and for each file within the cache separately.</p>
206      </div>
207      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
208        <div class="titlepage">
209          <div>
210            <div>
211              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_conf_byteorder"></a>Selecting a byte order</h3>
212            </div>
213          </div>
214        </div>
215        <p>Database files created by Berkeley DB can be created in either little- or
216big-endian formats.  The byte order used for the underlying database
217is specified by calling the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_lorder.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_lorder()</a> method.  If no order
218is selected, the native format of the machine on which the database is
219created will be used.</p>
220        <p>Berkeley DB databases are architecture independent, and any format database can
221be used on a machine with a different native format.  In this case, as
222each page that is read into or written from the cache must be converted
223to or from the host format, and databases with non-native formats will
224incur a performance penalty for the run-time conversion.</p>
225        <p>
226          <span class="bold">
227            <strong>It is important to note that the Berkeley DB access methods do no data
228conversion for application specified data.  Key/data pairs written on a
229little-endian format architecture will be returned to the application
230exactly as they were written when retrieved on a big-endian format
232          </span>
233        </p>
234      </div>
235      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
236        <div class="titlepage">
237          <div>
238            <div>
239              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_conf_dup"></a>Duplicate data items</h3>
240            </div>
241          </div>
242        </div>
243        <p>The Btree and Hash access methods support the creation of multiple data
244items for a single key item.  By default, multiple data items are not
245permitted, and each database store operation will overwrite any previous
246data item for that key.  To configure Berkeley DB for duplicate data items,
247call the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_flags.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_flags()</a> method with the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_flags.html#dbset_flags_DB_DUP" class="olink">DB_DUP</a> flag.  Only one
248copy of the key will be stored for each set of duplicate data items.
249If the Btree access method comparison routine returns that two keys
250compare equally, it is undefined which of the two keys will be stored
251and returned from future database operations.</p>
252        <p>By default, Berkeley DB stores duplicates in the order in which they were added,
253that is, each new duplicate data item will be stored after any already
254existing data items.  This default behavior can be overridden by using
255the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcput.html" class="olink">DBC-&gt;put()</a> method and one of the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcput.html#put_DB_AFTER" class="olink">DB_AFTER</a>, <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcput.html#put_DB_BEFORE" class="olink">DB_BEFORE</a>, <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcput.html#put_DB_KEYFIRST" class="olink">DB_KEYFIRST</a> or <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcput.html#put_DB_KEYLAST" class="olink">DB_KEYLAST</a> flags.
256Alternatively, Berkeley DB may be configured to sort duplicate data items.</p>
257        <p>When stepping through the database sequentially, duplicate data items will
258be returned individually, as a key/data pair, where the key item only
259changes after the last duplicate data item has been returned.  For this
260reason, duplicate data items cannot be accessed using the
261<a href="../api_reference/C/dbget.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;get()</a> method, as it always returns the first of the duplicate data
262items.  Duplicate data items should be retrieved using a Berkeley DB cursor
263interface such as the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcget.html" class="olink">DBC-&gt;get()</a> method.</p>
264        <p>There is a flag that permits applications to request the following data
265item only if it <span class="bold"><strong>is</strong></span> a duplicate data item of the current entry,
266see <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_NEXT_DUP" class="olink">DB_NEXT_DUP</a> for more information.  There is a flag that
267permits applications to request the following data item only if it
268<span class="bold"><strong>is not</strong></span> a duplicate data item of the current entry, see
269<a href="../api_reference/C/dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_NEXT_NODUP" class="olink">DB_NEXT_NODUP</a> and <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_PREV_NODUP" class="olink">DB_PREV_NODUP</a> for more information.</p>
270        <p>It is also possible to maintain duplicate records in sorted order.  Sorting
271duplicates will significantly increase performance when searching them
272and performing equality joins, common operations when using secondary
273indices.  To configure Berkeley DB to sort duplicate data items, the application
274must call the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_flags.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_flags()</a> method with the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_flags.html#dbset_flags_DB_DUPSORT" class="olink">DB_DUPSORT</a> flag (in
275addition to the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_flags.html#dbset_flags_DB_DUP" class="olink">DB_DUP</a> flag).  In addition, a custom comparison
276function may be specified using the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_dup_compare.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_dup_compare()</a> method.  If the
277<a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_flags.html#dbset_flags_DB_DUPSORT" class="olink">DB_DUPSORT</a> flag is given, but no comparison routine is specified,
278then Berkeley DB defaults to the same lexicographical sorting used for Btree
279keys, with shorter items collating before longer items.</p>
280        <p>If the duplicate data items are unsorted, applications may store identical
281duplicate data items, or, for those that just like the way it sounds,
282<span class="emphasis"><em>duplicate duplicates</em></span>.</p>
283        <p><span class="bold"><strong>In this release it is an error to attempt to store identical
284duplicate data items when duplicates are being stored in a sorted order.</strong></span>
285This restriction is expected to be lifted in a future release.  There
286is a flag that permits applications to disallow storing duplicate data
287items when the database has been configured for sorted duplicates, see
288<a href="../api_reference/C/dbput.html#put_DB_NODUPDATA" class="olink">DB_NODUPDATA</a> for more information.  Applications not wanting to
289permit duplicate duplicates in databases configured for sorted
290duplicates should begin using the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbput.html#put_DB_NODUPDATA" class="olink">DB_NODUPDATA</a> flag immediately.</p>
291        <p>For further information on how searching and insertion behaves in the
292presence of duplicates (sorted or not), see the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbget.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;get()</a> <a href="../api_reference/C/dbput.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;put()</a>, <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcget.html" class="olink">DBC-&gt;get()</a> and
293<a href="../api_reference/C/dbcput.html" class="olink">DBC-&gt;put()</a> documentation.</p>
294      </div>
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296        <div class="titlepage">
297          <div>
298            <div>
299              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_conf_malloc"></a>Non-local memory allocation</h3>
300            </div>
301          </div>
302        </div>
303        <p>Berkeley DB allocates memory for returning key/data pairs and statistical
304information which becomes the responsibility of the application.
305There are also interfaces where an application will allocate memory
306which becomes the responsibility of Berkeley DB.</p>
307        <p>On systems in which there may be multiple library versions of the
308standard allocation routines (notably Windows NT), transferring memory
309between the library and the application will fail because the Berkeley DB
310library allocates memory from a different heap than the application
311uses to free it, or vice versa.  To avoid this problem, the
312<a href="../api_reference/C/envset_alloc.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;set_alloc()</a> and <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_alloc.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_alloc()</a> methods can be used to
313give Berkeley DB references to the application's allocation routines.</p>
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