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30            <h1 class="title"><a id="id1458494"></a>Porting Berkeley DB</h1>
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35              <p class="legalnotice-title">
36                <b>Legal Notice</b>
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38              <p>
39        This documentation is distributed under an open source license.
40        You may review the terms of this license at:
41        <a class="ulink" href="http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/berkeley-db/htdocs/oslicense.html" target="_top">http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/berkeley-db/htdocs/oslicense.html</a>
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46            Oracle, Berkeley DB,
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65            <p class="pubdate">4/12/2010</p>
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70      <div class="toc">
71        <p>
72          <b>Table of Contents</b>
73        </p>
74        <dl>
75          <dt>
76            <span class="preface">
77              <a href="preface.html">Preface</a>
78            </span>
79          </dt>
80          <dd>
81            <dl>
82              <dt>
83                <span class="sect1">
84                  <a href="preface.html#conventions">Conventions Used in this Book</a>
85                </span>
86              </dt>
87              <dd>
88                <dl>
89                  <dt>
90                    <span class="sect2">
91                      <a href="preface.html#audience">Audience</a>
92                    </span>
93                  </dt>
94                  <dt>
95                    <span class="sect2">
96                      <a href="preface.html#moreinfo">For More Information</a>
97                    </span>
98                  </dt>
99                </dl>
100              </dd>
101            </dl>
102          </dd>
103          <dt>
104            <span class="chapter">
105              <a href="introduction.html">1. Introduction to Porting Berkeley DB </a>
106            </span>
107          </dt>
108          <dd>
109            <dl>
110              <dt>
111                <span class="sect1">
112                  <a href="introduction.html#porttypes">Types of Berkeley DB ports</a>
113                </span>
114              </dt>
115              <dd>
116                <dl>
117                  <dt>
118                    <span class="sect2">
119                      <a href="introduction.html#id1459053">When Oracle Has Agreed to Support Berkeley DB on the New Platform</a>
120                    </span>
121                  </dt>
122                  <dt>
123                    <span class="sect2">
124                      <a href="introduction.html#id1459092">When Oracle has Not Agreed to Support Berkeley DB on the New Platform</a>
125                    </span>
126                  </dt>
127                </dl>
128              </dd>
129              <dt>
130                <span class="sect1">
131                  <a href="portprocess.html">Berkeley DB Porting Process</a>
132                </span>
133              </dt>
134            </dl>
135          </dd>
136          <dt>
137            <span class="chapter">
138              <a href="newbinary.html">2. Creating a New Berkeley DB Binary</a>
139            </span>
140          </dt>
141          <dd>
142            <dl>
143              <dt>
144                <span class="sect1">
145                  <a href="newbinary.html#basebuild">
146Creating a Base Build of Berkeley DB
148                </span>
149              </dt>
150              <dt>
151                <span class="sect1">
152                  <a href="modscope.html">
153Determining the Scope of the Modifications
155                </span>
156              </dt>
157              <dd>
158                <dl>
159                  <dt>
160                    <span class="sect2">
161                      <a href="modscope.html#osfunc">
162Do Changes Need to be Made to the Operating System Functionality?
164                    </span>
165                  </dt>
166                  <dt>
167                    <span class="sect2">
168                      <a href="modscope.html#standardfunc">Are Some Standard Functions Missing on the Target Platform?</a>
169                    </span>
170                  </dt>
171                  <dt>
172                    <span class="sect2">
173                      <a href="modscope.html#sharedmem">How Will the Port Handle Shared Memory?</a>
174                    </span>
175                  </dt>
176                  <dt>
177                    <span class="sect2">
178                      <a href="modscope.html#typemutex">What Type of Mutexes Will the Port Use?</a>
179                    </span>
180                  </dt>
181                  <dt>
182                    <span class="sect2">
183                      <a href="modscope.html#otherchanges">Do Any Other Changes Need to be Made?</a>
184                    </span>
185                  </dt>
186                </dl>
187              </dd>
188              <dt>
189                <span class="sect1">
190                  <a href="buildtarget.html"> Building on the Target Platform</a>
191                </span>
192              </dt>
193            </dl>
194          </dd>
195          <dt>
196            <span class="chapter">
197              <a href="testport.html">3. Testing and Certifying the Port</a>
198            </span>
199          </dt>
200          <dd>
201            <dl>
202              <dt>
203                <span class="sect1">
204                  <a href="testport.html#testtypes">Types of Tests for Berkeley DB</a>
205                </span>
206              </dt>
207              <dt>
208                <span class="sect1">
209                  <a href="modifytest.html">Modifying the Tests</a>
210                </span>
211              </dt>
212              <dt>
213                <span class="sect1">
214                  <a href="testrun.html">Running the Tests</a>
215                </span>
216              </dt>
217              <dt>
218                <span class="sect1">
219                  <a href="testreview.html">Reviewing the Results of the Tests</a>
220                </span>
221              </dt>
222              <dt>
223                <span class="sect1">
224                  <a href="sourceintegrate.html">Integrating Changes into the Berkeley DB Source Code</a>
225                </span>
226              </dt>
227              <dt>
228                <span class="sect1">
229                  <a href="certport.html">Certifying a Port of Berkeley DB</a>
230                </span>
231              </dt>
232            </dl>
233          </dd>
234        </dl>
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247          <td width="20%" align="center"> </td>
248          <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Preface</td>
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