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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter 6. A DPL Example</th>
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32            <h2 class="title"><a id="dpl_example"></a>Chapter 6. A DPL Example</h2>
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36      <div class="toc">
37        <p>
38          <b>Table of Contents</b>
39        </p>
40        <dl>
41          <dt>
42            <span class="sect1">
43              <a href="dpl_example.html#vendorclass">Vendor.java</a>
44            </span>
45          </dt>
46          <dt>
47            <span class="sect1">
48              <a href="inventoryclass.html">Inventory.java</a>
49            </span>
50          </dt>
51          <dt>
52            <span class="sect1">
53              <a href="mydbenv-persist.html">MyDbEnv</a>
54            </span>
55          </dt>
56          <dt>
57            <span class="sect1">
58              <a href="dataaccessorclass.html">DataAccessor.java</a>
59            </span>
60          </dt>
61          <dt>
62            <span class="sect1">
63              <a href="dpl_exampledatabaseput.html">ExampleDatabasePut.java</a>
64            </span>
65          </dt>
66          <dt>
67            <span class="sect1">
68              <a href="dpl_exampleinventoryread.html">ExampleInventoryRead.java</a>
69            </span>
70          </dt>
71        </dl>
72      </div>
73      <p>
74                In order to illustrate DPL usage, we provide a
75                complete working example in this chapter. This example
76                reads and writes inventory and vendor information for a
77                mythical business. The application consists of the
78                following classes:
79        </p>
80      <div class="itemizedlist">
81        <ul type="disc">
82          <li>
83            <p>
84                                Several classes used to encapsulate our
85                                application's data. See
86                                <a class="xref" href="dpl_example.html#vendorclass" title="Vendor.java">Vendor.java</a>
87                                and
88                                <a class="xref" href="inventoryclass.html" title="Inventory.java">Inventory.java</a>.
89                        </p>
90          </li>
91          <li>
92            <p>
93                                A convenience class used to open and close
94                                our environment and entity store. See
95                                <a class="xref" href="mydbenv-persist.html" title="MyDbEnv">MyDbEnv</a>.
96                        </p>
97          </li>
98          <li>
99            <p>
100                                A class that loads data into the store. See
101                                <a class="xref" href="dpl_exampledatabaseput.html" title="ExampleDatabasePut.java">ExampleDatabasePut.java</a>.
102                        </p>
103          </li>
104          <li>
105            <p>
106                                Finally, a class that reads data from the
107                                store. See
108                                <a class="xref" href="dpl_exampleinventoryread.html" title="ExampleInventoryRead.java">ExampleInventoryRead.java</a>.
109                        </p>
110          </li>
111        </ul>
112      </div>
113      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
114        <div class="titlepage">
115          <div>
116            <div>
117              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="vendorclass"></a>Vendor.java</h2>
118            </div>
119          </div>
120        </div>
121        <p>
122                        The simplest class that our example wants to store contains
123                        vendor contact information. This class contains no
124                        secondary indices so all we have to do is identify it
125                        as an entity class and identify the field in the
126                        class used for the primary key.
127                    </p>
128        <p>
129                        In the following example, we identify the
130                        <code class="literal">vendor</code> data member as containing the
131                        primary key. This data member is meant to contain a
132                        vendor's name. Because of the way we will use our
133                        <code class="classname">EntityStore</code>, the value
134                        provided for this data member must be unique within
135                        the store or runtime errors will result.
136                    </p>
137        <p>
138                        When used with the DPL, our
139                        <code class="classname">Vendor</code> class appears as
140                        follows. Notice that the <code class="literal">@Entity</code>
141                        annotation appears immediately before the class
142                        declaration, and the <code class="literal">@PrimaryKey</code>
143                        annotation appears immediately before the
144                        <code class="literal">vendor</code> data member declaration.
145                    </p>
146        <pre class="programlisting">package persist.gettingStarted;
148import com.sleepycat.persist.model.Entity;
149import com.sleepycat.persist.model.PrimaryKey;
152public class Vendor {
154    private String address;
155    private String bizPhoneNumber;
156    private String city;
157    private String repName;
158    private String repPhoneNumber;
159    private String state;
161    // Primary key is the vendor's name
162    // This assumes that the vendor's name is
163    // unique in the database.
164    @PrimaryKey
165    private String vendor;
167    private String zipcode;
169    public void setRepName(String data) {
170        repName = data;
171    }
173    public void setAddress(String data) {
174        address = data;
175    }
177    public void setCity(String data) {
178        city = data;
179    }
181    public void setState(String data) {
182        state = data;
183    }
185    public void setZipcode(String data) {
186        zipcode = data;
187    }
189    public void setBusinessPhoneNumber(String data) {
190        bizPhoneNumber = data;
191    }
193    public void setRepPhoneNumber(String data) {
194        repPhoneNumber = data;
195    }
197    public void setVendorName(String data) {
198        vendor = data;
199    }
201    public String getRepName() {
202        return repName;
203    }
205    public String getAddress() {
206        return address;
207    }
209    public String getCity() {
210        return city;
211    }
213    public String getState() {
214        return state;
215    }
217    public String getZipcode() {
218        return zipcode;
219    }
221    public String getBusinessPhoneNumber() {
222        return bizPhoneNumber;
223    }
225    public String getRepPhoneNumber() {
226        return repPhoneNumber;
227    }
228} </pre>
229        <p>
230                            For this class, the <code class="literal">vendor</code> value is set for an individual
231                            <code class="classname">Vendor</code> class object by
232                            the <code class="methodname">setVendorName()</code>
233                            method. If our example code fails to set this
234                            value before storing the object, the data
235                            member used to store the primary key is set to a
236                            null value. This would result in a runtime
237                            error.
238                    </p>
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252          <td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Replacing Entity Objects </td>
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256          <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"Inventory.java</td>
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