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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbtJavaUsage"></a>Database Usage Example</h2>
33          </div>
34        </div>
35      </div>
36      <p>
37        In <a class="xref" href="CoreJavaUsage.html#MyDb" title="Example 7.1 MyDbs Class">MyDbs Class</a> we created 
38        a class that opens and closes databases for us.
39        We now make use of that class to load inventory data into
40        two databases that we will use for our inventory system.
41    </p>
42      <p>
43        Again, remember that you can find the complete implementation for these functions
44        in:
45    </p>
46      <pre class="programlisting"><span class="emphasis"><em>DB_INSTALL</em></span>/examples_java/db/GettingStarted</pre>
47      <p>
48        where <code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>DB_INSTALL</em></span></code> is the location where you
49        placed your DB distribution.
50    </p>
51      <p>Note that in this example, we are going to save two types of
52    information. First there are a series of inventory records that identify
53    information about some food items (fruits, vegetables, and desserts).
54    These records identify particulars about each item such as the vendor that
55    the item can be obtained from, how much the vendor has in stock, the price
56    per unit, and so forth.</p>
57      <p>
58        We also want to manage vendor contact information, such as the
59        vendor's address and phone number, the sales representative's name
60        and his phone number, and so forth.
61    </p>
62      <div class="example">
63        <a id="inventoryjava"></a>
64        <p class="title">
65          <b>Example 8.1 Inventory.java</b>
66        </p>
67        <div class="example-contents">
68          <p>
69      All Inventory data is encapsulated in an instance of the following
70      class. Note that because this class is not serializable, we need a
71      custom tuple binding in order to place it on a <code class="classname">DatabaseEntry</code>
72      object. Because the <code class="classname">TupleInput</code> and
73      <code class="classname">TupleOutput</code> classes used by custom tuple bindings
74      support Java numerical types and not Java numerical classes, we use
75      <code class="literal">int</code> and <code class="literal">float</code> here instead of the
76      corresponding <code class="classname">Integer</code> and <code class="classname">Float</code>
77      classes.
79      </p>
80          <a id="java_dbt16"></a>
81          <pre class="programlisting">// File Inventory.java
82package db.GettingStarted;
84public class Inventory {
86    private String sku;
87    private String itemName;
88    private String category;
89    private String vendor;
90    private int vendorInventory;
91    private float vendorPrice;
93    public void setSku(String data) {
94            sku = data;
95    }
97    public void setItemName(String data) {
98            itemName = data;
99    }
101    public void setCategory(String data) {
102            category = data;
103    }
105    public void setVendorInventory(int data) {
106            vendorInventory = data;
107    }
109    public void setVendor(String data) {
110            vendor = data;
111    }
113    public void setVendorPrice(float data) {
114            vendorPrice = data;
115    }
117    public String getSku() { return sku; }
118    public String getItemName() { return itemName; }
119    public String getCategory() { return category; }
120    public int getVendorInventory() { return vendorInventory; }
121    public String getVendor() { return vendor; }
122    public float getVendorPrice() { return vendorPrice; }
124} </pre>
125        </div>
126      </div>
127      <br class="example-break" />
128      <div class="example">
129        <a id="vendorjava"></a>
130        <p class="title">
131          <b>Example 8.2 Vendor.java</b>
132        </p>
133        <div class="example-contents">
134          <p>
135        The data for vendor records are stored in instances of the following
136        class.  Notice that we are using serialization with this class for no
137        other reason than to demonstrate serializing a class instance.
138      </p>
139          <a id="java_dbt17"></a>
140          <pre class="programlisting">// File Vendor.java
141package db.GettingStarted;
143import java.io.Serializable;
145public class Vendor implements Serializable {
147    private String repName;
148    private String address;
149    private String city;
150    private String state;
151    private String zipcode;
152    private String bizPhoneNumber;
153    private String repPhoneNumber;
154    private String vendor;
156    public void setRepName(String data) {
157        repName = data;
158    }
160    public void setAddress(String data) {
161        address = data;
162    }
164    public void setCity(String data) {
165        city = data;
166    }
168    public void setState(String data) {
169        state = data;
170    }
172    public void setZipcode(String data) {
173        zipcode = data;
174    }
176    public void setBusinessPhoneNumber(String data) {
177        bizPhoneNumber = data;
178    }
180    public void setRepPhoneNumber(String data) {
181        repPhoneNumber = data;
182    }
184    public void setVendorName(String data) {
185        vendor = data;
186    }
188    ...
189    // Corresponding getter methods omitted for brevity.
190    // See examples/je/gettingStarted/Vendor.java
191    // for a complete implementation of this class.
193} </pre>
194        </div>
195      </div>
196      <br class="example-break" />
197      <p>
198        Because we will not be using serialization to convert our
199        <code class="classname">Inventory</code> objects to a <code class="classname">DatabaseEntry</code>
200        object, we need a custom tuple binding:
201    </p>
202      <div class="example">
203        <a id="InventoryJavaBinding"></a>
204        <p class="title">
205          <b>Example 8.3 InventoryBinding.java</b>
206        </p>
207        <div class="example-contents">
208          <a id="java_dbt18"></a>
209          <pre class="programlisting">// File InventoryBinding.java
210package db.GettingStarted;
212import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleBinding;
213import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleInput;
214import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleOutput;
216public class InventoryBinding extends TupleBinding {
218    // Implement this abstract method. Used to convert
219    // a DatabaseEntry to an Inventory object.
220    public Object entryToObject(TupleInput ti) {
222        String sku = ti.readString();
223        String itemName = ti.readString();
224        String category = ti.readString();
225        String vendor = ti.readString();
226        int vendorInventory = ti.readInt();
227        float vendorPrice = ti.readFloat();
229        Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
230        inventory.setSku(sku);
231        inventory.setItemName(itemName);
232        inventory.setCategory(category);
233        inventory.setVendor(vendor);
234        inventory.setVendorInventory(vendorInventory);
235        inventory.setVendorPrice(vendorPrice);
237        return inventory;
238    }
240    // Implement this abstract method. Used to convert a
241    // Inventory object to a DatabaseEntry object.
242    public void objectToEntry(Object object, TupleOutput to) {
244        Inventory inventory = (Inventory)object;
246        to.writeString(inventory.getSku());
247        to.writeString(inventory.getItemName());
248        to.writeString(inventory.getCategory());
249        to.writeString(inventory.getVendor());
250        to.writeInt(inventory.getVendorInventory());
251        to.writeFloat(inventory.getVendorPrice());
252    }
253} </pre>
254        </div>
255      </div>
256      <br class="example-break" />
257      <p>
258        In order to store the data identified above, we write the
259        <code class="classname">ExampleDatabaseLoad</code> application. This application
260        loads the inventory and vendor databases for you.
261    </p>
262      <p>
263        Inventory information is stored in a <code class="classname">Database</code>
264        dedicated for that purpose. The key for each such record is a product
265        SKU.  The inventory data stored in this database are objects of the
266        <code class="classname">Inventory</code> class (see <a class="xref" href="dbtJavaUsage.html#inventoryjava" title="Example 8.1 Inventory.java">Inventory.java</a> for more information).
267        <code class="classname">ExampleDatabaseLoad</code> loads the inventory database
268        as follows:
269    </p>
270      <div class="orderedlist">
271        <ol type="1">
272          <li>
273            <p>
274            Reads the inventory data from a flat text file prepared in
275            advance for this purpose.
276        </p>
277          </li>
278          <li>
279            <p>
280            Uses <code class="classname">java.lang.String</code> to create a key based
281            on the item's SKU.
282        </p>
283          </li>
284          <li>
285            <p>Uses an <code class="classname">Inventory</code> class instance for the
286        record data. This object is stored on a <code class="classname">DatabaseEntry</code>
287        object using <code class="classname">InventoryBinding</code>, a custom tuple
288        binding that we implemented above.</p>
289          </li>
290          <li>
291            <p>Saves each record to the inventory database.</p>
292          </li>
293        </ol>
294      </div>
295      <p>Vendor information is also stored in a <code class="classname">Database</code>
296    dedicated for that purpose.  The vendor data stored in this database are objects of the
297    <code class="classname">Vendor</code> class (see <a class="xref" href="dbtJavaUsage.html#vendorjava" title="Example 8.2 Vendor.java">Vendor.java</a> for more information). To load this
298    <code class="classname">Database</code>, <code class="classname">ExampleDatabaseLoad</code>
299    does the following:</p>
300      <div class="orderedlist">
301        <ol type="1">
302          <li>
303            <p>Reads the vendor data from a flat text file prepared in advance
304        for this purpose.</p>
305          </li>
306          <li>
307            <p>Uses the vendor's name as the record's key.</p>
308          </li>
309          <li>
310            <p>Uses a <code class="classname">Vendor</code> class instance for the
311        record data. This object is stored on a <code class="classname">DatabaseEntry</code>
312        object using <code class="classname">com.sleepycat.bind.serial.SerialBinding</code>.</p>
313          </li>
314        </ol>
315      </div>
316      <div class="example">
317        <a id="dbsStoredClass"></a>
318        <p class="title">
319          <b>Example 8.4 Stored Class Catalog Management with MyDbs</b>
320        </p>
321        <div class="example-contents">
322          <p>
323            Before we can write <code class="classname">ExampleDatabaseLoad</code>, we need to update 
324            <code class="filename">MyDbs.java</code> to support the class catalogs that we need for this application.
325        </p>
326          <p>
327            To do this, we start by importing an additional class to support stored class catalogs:
328        </p>
329          <a id="java_dbt19"></a>
330          <pre class="programlisting">// File: MyDbs.java
331package db.GettingStarted;
333<strong class="userinput"><code>import com.sleepycat.bind.serial.StoredClassCatalog;</code></strong>
335import com.sleepycat.db.Database;
336import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseConfig;
337import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
338import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseType;
340import java.io.FileNotFoundException; </pre>
341          <p>
342    We also need to add two additional private data members to this class. One
343    supports the database used for the class catalog, and the other is used as a
344    handle for the class catalog itself.
346          <a id="java_dbt20"></a>
347          <pre class="programlisting">public class MyDbs {
349    // The databases that our application uses
350    private Database vendorDb = null;
351    private Database inventoryDb = null;
352    <strong class="userinput"><code>private Database classCatalogDb = null;
354    // Needed for object serialization
355    private StoredClassCatalog classCatalog;</code></strong>
357    private String vendordb = "VendorDB.db";
358    private String inventorydb = "InventoryDB.db";
359    <strong class="userinput"><code>private String classcatalogdb = "ClassCatalogDB.db";</code></strong>
361    // Our constructor does nothing
362    public MyDbs() {} </pre>
363          <p>
364        Next we need to update the <code class="methodname">MyDbs.setup()</code> method 
365        to open the class catalog database and create the class catalog.
366    </p>
367          <a id="java_dbt21"></a>
368          <pre class="programlisting">    // The setup() method opens all our databases
369    // for us.
370    public void setup(String databasesHome)
371        throws DatabaseException {
373        DatabaseConfig myDbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();
375        ...
376        // Database configuration omitted for brevity
377        ...
379        // Now open, or create and open, our databases
380        // Open the vendors and inventory databases
381        try {
382            vendordb = databasesHome + "/" + vendordb;
383            vendorDb = new Database(vendordb,
384                                    null,
385                                    myDbConfig);
387            inventorydb = databasesHome + "/" + inventorydb;
388            inventoryDb = new Database(inventorydb,
389                                        null,
390                                        myDbConfig);
392            <strong class="userinput"><code>// Open the class catalog db. This is used to
393            // optimize class serialization.
394            classcatalogdb = databasesHome + "/" + classcatalogdb;
395            classCatalogDb = new Database(classcatalogdb,
396                                          null,
397                                          myDbConfig); </code></strong>
399        } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
400            System.err.println("MyDbs: " + fnfe.toString());
401            System.exit(-1);
402        }
403    } </pre>
404          <p>
405        Finally we need a getter method to return the class catalog. Note that we do not provide a getter for
406        the catalog database itself – our application has no need for that.
407    </p>
408          <p>
409        We also update our <code class="methodname">close()</code> to close our class catalog.
410    </p>
411          <a id="java_dbt22"></a>
412          <pre class="programlisting">   // getter methods
413    public Database getVendorDB() {
414        return vendorDb;
415    }
417    public Database getInventoryDB() {
418        return inventoryDb;
419    }
421    <strong class="userinput"><code>public StoredClassCatalog getClassCatalog() {
422        return classCatalog;
423    }</code></strong>
425          <p>
426    Finally, we need our <code class="methodname">close()</code> method:
428          <a id="java_dbt23"></a>
429          <pre class="programlisting">
431    // Close the databases
432    public void close() {
433        try {
434            if (vendorDb != null) {
435                vendorDb.close();
436            }
438            if (inventoryDb != null) {
439                inventoryDb.close();
440            }
442            <strong class="userinput"><code>if (classCatalogDb != null) {
443                classCatalogDb.close();
444            }</code></strong>
445        } catch(DatabaseException dbe) {
446            System.err.println("Error closing MyDbs: " +
447                                dbe.toString());
448            System.exit(-1);
449        }
450    }
451} </pre>
452        </div>
453      </div>
454      <br class="example-break" />
455      <p>
456        So far we have identified the data that we want to store in our
457        databases and how we will convert that data in and out of
458        <code class="classname">DatabaseEntry</code> objects for database storage. We
459        have also updated <code class="classname">MyDbs</code> to manage our databases
460        for us. Now we write <code class="classname">ExampleDatabaseLoad</code> to
461        actually put the inventory and vendor data into their respective
462        databases. Because of the work that we have done so far, this
463        application is actually fairly simple to write.
464    </p>
465      <div class="example">
466        <a id="EDL"></a>
467        <p class="title">
468          <b>Example 8.5 ExampleDatabaseLoad.java</b>
469        </p>
470        <div class="example-contents">
471          <p>First we need the usual series of import statements:</p>
472          <a id="java_dbt24"></a>
473          <pre class="programlisting">// File: ExampleDatabaseLoad.java
474package db.GettingStarted;
476import java.io.BufferedReader;
477import java.io.File;
478import java.io.FileInputStream;
479import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
480import java.io.IOException;
481import java.io.InputStreamReader;
482import java.util.ArrayList;
483import java.util.List;
485import com.sleepycat.bind.EntryBinding;
486import com.sleepycat.bind.serial.SerialBinding;
487import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleBinding;
488import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry;
489import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException; </pre>
490          <p>Next comes the class declaration and the private data members that
491      we need for this class. Most of these are setting up default values for
492      the program.</p>
493          <p>Note that two <code class="classname">DatabaseEntry</code> objects are
494      instantiated here. We will reuse these for every database operation that
495      this program performs. Also a <code class="classname">MyDbEnv</code> object is
496      instantiated here. We can do this because its constructor never throws
497      an exception. See <a class="xref" href="dbtJavaUsage.html#dbsStoredClass" title="Example 8.4 Stored Class Catalog Management with MyDbs">Stored Class Catalog Management with MyDbs</a> for
498      its implementation details.</p>
499          <p>Finally, the <code class="filename">inventory.txt</code> and
500      <code class="filename">vendors.txt</code> file can be found in the GettingStarted
501      examples directory along with the classes described in this extended
502      example.</p>
503          <a id="java_dbt25"></a>
504          <pre class="programlisting">public class ExampleDatabaseLoad {
506    private static String myDbsPath = "./";
507    private static File inventoryFile = new File("./inventory.txt");
508    private static File vendorsFile = new File("./vendors.txt");
510    // DatabaseEntries used for loading records
511    private static DatabaseEntry theKey = new DatabaseEntry();
512    private static DatabaseEntry theData = new DatabaseEntry();
514    // Encapsulates the databases.
515    private static MyDbs myDbs = new MyDbs(); </pre>
516          <p>
517            Next comes the <code class="methodname">usage()</code> and
518            <code class="methodname">main()</code> methods. Notice the exception handling
519            in the <code class="methodname">main()</code> method. This is the only place in the application where we
520            catch exceptions. For this reason, we must catch
521            <code class="classname">DatabaseException</code> which is thrown by the
522            <code class="literal">com.sleepycat.db.*</code> classes.
523      </p>
524          <p>Also notice the call to <code class="methodname">MyDbs.close()</code>
525      in the <code class="literal">finally</code> block. This is the only place in the
526      application where <code class="methodname">MyDbs.close()</code> is called.
527      <code class="methodname">MyDbs.close()</code> is responsible for closing
528      all open <code class="classname">Database</code>
529      handles for you.</p>
530          <a id="java_dbt26"></a>
531          <pre class="programlisting">    private static void usage() {
532        System.out.println("ExampleDatabaseLoad [-h &lt;database home&gt;]");
533        System.out.println("      [-s &lt;selections file&gt;] [-v &lt;vendors file&gt;]");
534        System.exit(-1);
535    }
537    public static void main(String args[]) {
538        ExampleDatabaseLoad edl = new ExampleDatabaseLoad();
539        try {
540            edl.run(args);
541        } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
542            System.err.println("ExampleDatabaseLoad: " + dbe.toString());
543            dbe.printStackTrace();
544        } catch (Exception e) {
545            System.out.println("Exception: " + e.toString());
546            e.printStackTrace();
547        } finally {
548            myDbs.close();
549        }
550        System.out.println("All done.");
551    } </pre>
552          <p>Next we write the <code class="methodname">ExampleDatabaseLoad.run()</code>
553      method. This method is responsible for initializing all objects. 
554      Because our environment and databases are all opened using the 
555      <code class="methodname">MyDbs.setup()</code> method, <code class="methodname">ExampleDatabaseLoad.run()</code>
556      method is only responsible for calling <code class="methodname">MyDbs.setup()</code> and then calling 
557      the <code class="classname">ExampleDatabaseLoad</code> methods that actually load the databases. 
558      </p>
559          <a id="java_dbt27"></a>
560          <pre class="programlisting">    private void run(String args[]) throws DatabaseException {
561        // Parse the arguments list
562        parseArgs(args);
564        myDbs.setup(myDbsPath); // path to the environment home
566        System.out.println("loading vendors db.");
567        loadVendorsDb();
568        System.out.println("loading inventory db.");
569        loadInventoryDb();
570    } </pre>
571          <p>This next method loads the vendor database. This method
572      uses serialization to convert the <code class="classname">Vendor</code> object
573      to a <code class="classname">DatabaseEntry</code> object.</p>
574          <a id="java_dbt28"></a>
575          <pre class="programlisting">   private void loadVendorsDb() 
576            throws DatabaseException {
578        // loadFile opens a flat-text file that contains our data
579        // and loads it into a list for us to work with. The integer
580        // parameter represents the number of fields expected in the
581        // file.
582        List vendors = loadFile(vendorsFile, 8);
584        // Now load the data into the database. The vendor's name is the
585        // key, and the data is a Vendor class object.
587        // Need a serial binding for the data
588        EntryBinding dataBinding =
589            new SerialBinding(myDbs.getClassCatalog(), Vendor.class);
591        for (int i = 0; i &lt; vendors.size(); i++) {
592            String[] sArray = (String[])vendors.get(i);
593            Vendor theVendor = new Vendor();
594            theVendor.setVendorName(sArray[0]);
595            theVendor.setAddress(sArray[1]);
596            theVendor.setCity(sArray[2]);
597            theVendor.setState(sArray[3]);
598            theVendor.setZipcode(sArray[4]);
599            theVendor.setBusinessPhoneNumber(sArray[5]);
600            theVendor.setRepName(sArray[6]);
601            theVendor.setRepPhoneNumber(sArray[7]);
603            // The key is the vendor's name.
605            String vendorName = theVendor.getVendorName();
606            try {
607                theKey = new DatabaseEntry(vendorName.getBytes("UTF-8"));
608            } catch (IOException willNeverOccur) {}
610            // Convert the Vendor object to a DatabaseEntry object
611            // using our SerialBinding
612            dataBinding.objectToEntry(theVendor, theData);
614            // Put it in the database.
615            myDbs.getVendorDB().put(null, theKey, theData);
616        }
617    } </pre>
618          <p>Now load the inventory database. This method uses our
619      custom tuple binding (see <a class="xref" href="dbtJavaUsage.html#InventoryJavaBinding" title="Example 8.3 InventoryBinding.java">InventoryBinding.java</a>) to convert the <code class="classname">Inventory</code>
620      object to a <code class="classname">DatabaseEntry</code> object.</p>
621          <a id="java_dbt29"></a>
622          <pre class="programlisting">    private void loadInventoryDb() 
623        throws DatabaseException {
625        // loadFile opens a flat-text file that contains our data
626        // and loads it into a list for us to work with. The integer
627        // parameter represents the number of fields expected in the
628        // file.
629        List inventoryArray = loadFile(inventoryFile, 6);
631        // Now load the data into the database. The item's sku is the
632        // key, and the data is an Inventory class object.
634        // Need a tuple binding for the Inventory class.
635        TupleBinding inventoryBinding = new InventoryBinding();
637        for (int i = 0; i &lt; inventoryArray.size(); i++) {
638            String[] sArray = (String[])inventoryArray.get(i);
639            String sku = sArray[1];
640            try {
641                theKey = new DatabaseEntry(sku.getBytes("UTF-8"));
642            } catch (IOException willNeverOccur) {}
644            Inventory theInventory = new Inventory();
645            theInventory.setItemName(sArray[0]);
646            theInventory.setSku(sArray[1]);
647            Float price = new Float(sArray[2]);
648            theInventory.setVendorPrice(price.floatValue());
649            Integer vInventory = new Integer(sArray[3]);
650            theInventory.setVendorInventory(vInventory.intValue());
651            theInventory.setCategory(sArray[4]);
652            theInventory.setVendor(sArray[5]);
654            // Place the Vendor object on the DatabaseEntry object using 
655            // our the tuple binding we implemented in 
656            // InventoryBinding.java
657            inventoryBinding.objectToEntry(theInventory, theData);
659            // Put it in the database. Note that this causes our 
660            // secondary database to be automatically updated for us.
661            myDbs.getInventoryDB().put(null, theKey, theData);
662        }
663    }</pre>
664          <p>
665        The remainder of this application provides utility methods to 
666        read a flat text file into an array of strings and parse the
667        command line options: 
668      </p>
669          <a id="java_dbt30"></a>
670          <pre class="programlisting">    private static void parseArgs(String args[]) {
671        // Implementation omitted for brevity.
672    }
674    private List loadFile(File theFile, int numFields) {
675        List records = new ArrayList();
676        // Implementation omitted for brevity.
677        return records;
678    }
680    protected ExampleDatabaseLoad() {}
681} </pre>
682          <p>
683        From the perspective of this document, these
684        things are relatively uninteresting. You can see how they are
685        implemented by looking at <code class="filename">ExampleDatabaseLoad.java</code>
686        in:
687      </p>
688          <pre class="programlisting"><span class="emphasis"><em>DB_INSTALL</em></span>/examples_java/db/GettingStarted</pre>
689          <p>
690        where <code class="literal"><span class="emphasis"><em>DB_INSTALL</em></span></code> is the location where you
691        placed your DB distribution.
692    </p>
693        </div>
694      </div>
695      <br class="example-break" />
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