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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="db_open"></a>berkdb open</h2>
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37      </div>
38      <pre class="programlisting">berkdb open
39	[-auto_commit]
40	[-btree | -hash | -recno | -queue | -unknown]
41	[-cachesize {gbytes bytes ncache}]
42	[-create]
43	[-delim delim]
44	[-dup]
45	[-dupsort]
46	[-encrypt]
47	[-encryptaes passwd]
48	[-encryptany passwd]
49	[-env env]
50	[-errfile filename]
51	[-excl]
52	[-extent size]
53	[-ffactor density]
54	[-len len]
55	[-mode mode]
56	[-nelem size]
57	[-pad pad]
58	[-pagesize pagesize]
59	[-rdonly]
60	[-recnum]
61	[-renumber]
62	[-snapshot]
63	[-source file]
64	[-truncate]
65	[-txn txnid]
66	[--]
67	[file [database]]  </pre>
68      <p>
69         The <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb open</strong></span> command opens and
70         optionally creates a database. The returned database handle is bound
71         to a Tcl command of the form <span class="bold"><strong>dbN</strong></span>,
72         where N is an integer starting at 0 (for example, db0 and db1).  It is
73         through this Tcl command that the script accesses the database
74         methods.
75    </p>
76      <p>
77        The options are as follows:
78    </p>
79      <div class="itemizedlist">
80        <ul type="disc">
81          <li>
82            <p>
83                 <span class="bold"><strong>-auto_commit</strong></span> 
84             </p>
85            <p>
86                 Enclose the call within an implicit transaction (you do not need to provide a transaction handle
87                 as a transaction is internally created and commited for you).  If the call succeeds, the open
88                 operation will be recoverable and all subsequent database modification
89                 operations based on this handle will be transactionally protected.  If
90                 the call fails, no database will have been created.
91            </p>
92          </li>
93          <li>
94            <p>
95                  <span class="bold"><strong>-btree</strong></span> 
96             </p>
97            <p>
98                 Open/create a database of type Btree.  The Btree format is a
99                 representation of a sorted, balanced tree structure.
100            </p>
101          </li>
102          <li>
103            <p>
104                  <span class="bold"><strong>-hash</strong></span> 
105            </p>
106            <p>
107                 Open/create a database of type Hash.  The Hash format is an
108                 extensible, dynamic hashing scheme.
109            </p>
110          </li>
111          <li>
112            <p>
113                  <span class="bold"><strong>-queue</strong></span> 
114            </p>
115            <p>
116                 Open/create a database of type Queue.  The Queue format supports fast
117                 access to fixed-length records accessed by sequentially or logical
118                 record number.
119            </p>
120          </li>
121          <li>
122            <p>
123                  <span class="bold"><strong>-recno</strong></span> 
124             </p>
125            <p>
126                 Open/create a database of type Recno.  The Recno format supports
127                 fixed- or variable-length records, accessed sequentially or by logical
128                 record number, and optionally retrieved from a flat text file.
129            </p>
130          </li>
131          <li>
132            <p>
133                  <span class="bold"><strong>-unknown</strong></span> 
134            </p>
135            <p>
136                 The database is of an unknown type, and must already exist. 
137            </p>
138          </li>
139          <li>
140            <p>
141                  <span class="bold"><strong>-cachesize {gbytes bytes ncache}</strong></span> 
142             </p>
143            <p>
144                 Set the size of the database's shared memory buffer pool (that is, the
145                 cache), to <span class="bold"><strong>gbytes</strong></span> gigabytes plus
146                 <span class="bold"><strong>bytes</strong></span>.  The cache should be the size
147                 of the normal working data set of the application, with some small
148                 amount of additional memory for unusual situations. (Note: The working
149                 set is not the same as the number of simultaneously referenced pages,
150                 and should be quite a bit larger!)     
151             </p>
152            <p>
153                 The default cache size is 256KB, and may not be specified as less than
154                 20KB.  Any cache size less than 500MB is automatically increased by
155                 25% to account for buffer pool overhead; cache sizes larger than 500MB
156                 are used as specified.
157             </p>
158            <p>
159                 It is possible to specify caches to Berkeley DB that are large enough
160                 so that they cannot be allocated contiguously on some architectures;
161                 for example, some releases of Solaris limit the amount of memory that
162                 may be allocated contiguously by a process.  If <span class="bold"><strong>ncache</strong></span> is 0 or 1, the cache will be allocated
163                 contiguously in memory.  If it is greater than 1, the cache will be
164                 broken up into <span class="bold"><strong>ncache</strong></span> equally sized
165                 separate pieces of memory.
166            </p>
167            <p>
168                 For information on tuning the Berkeley DB cache size, see 
169                 <a href="../../programmer_reference/general_am_conf.html#am_conf_cachesize" class="olink">Selecting a Cache Size</a>
170                 in the <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide</em>.
171            </p>
172            <p>
173                 Because databases opened within Berkeley DB environments use the cache
174                 specified to the environment, it is an error to attempt to set a cache
175                 in a database created within an environment.
176            </p>
177          </li>
178          <li>
179            <p>
180                  <span class="bold"><strong>-create</strong></span> 
181            </p>
182            <p>
183                 Create any underlying files, as necessary. If the files do not already
184                 exist and the <span class="bold"><strong>-create</strong></span> argument is not
185                 specified, the call will fail.
186            </p>
187          </li>
188          <li>
189            <p>
190                  <span class="bold"><strong>-delim delim</strong></span> 
191            </p>
192            <p>
193                 Set the delimiting byte used to mark the end of a record in the
194                 backing source file for the Recno access method.     
195             </p>
196            <p>
197                 This byte is used for variable length records if the <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> argument file is specified.  If the
198                 <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> argument file is specified
199                 and no delimiting byte was specified, &lt;newline&gt; characters (that
200                 is, ASCII 0x0a) are interpreted as end-of-record markers.
201            </p>
202          </li>
203          <li>
204            <p>
205                  <span class="bold"><strong>-dup</strong></span> 
206            </p>
207            <p>
208                 Permit duplicate data items in the tree, that is, insertion when the
209                 key of the key/data pair being inserted already exists in the tree
210                 will be successful.  The ordering of duplicates in the tree is
211                 determined by the order of insertion unless the ordering is otherwise
212                 specified by use of a cursor or a duplicate comparison function.     
213             </p>
214            <p>
215                 It is an error to specify both <span class="bold"><strong>-dup</strong></span> and
216                 <span class="bold"><strong>-recnum</strong></span>.
217            </p>
218          </li>
219          <li>
220            <p>
221                  <span class="bold"><strong>-dupsort</strong></span> 
222            </p>
223            <p>
224                 Sort duplicates within a set of data items.  A default lexical
225                 comparison will be used.  Specifying that duplicates are to be sorted
226                 changes the behavior of the <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> operation as well as the
227                 <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span>
228                 operation when the <span class="bold"><strong>-keyfirst</strong></span>,
229                 <span class="bold"><strong>-keylast</strong></span> and <span class="bold"><strong>-current</strong></span> options are specified.
230            </p>
231          </li>
232          <li>
233            <p>
234                  <span class="bold"><strong>-encrypt</strong></span> 
235            </p>
236            <p>
237                 Specify the database in an environment should be encrypted with the
238                 same password that is being used in the environment.
239            </p>
240          </li>
241          <li>
242            <p>
243                  <span class="bold"><strong>-encryptaes passwd</strong></span> 
244            </p>
245            <p>
246                 Specify the database should be encrypted with the given password using
247                 the Rijndael/AES (also known as the Advanced Encryption Standard and
248                 Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 197) algorithm.
249            </p>
250          </li>
251          <li>
252            <p>
253                  <span class="bold"><strong>-encryptany passwd</strong></span> 
254            </p>
255            <p>
256                 Specify the already existing database should be opened with the given
257                 password.  This option is used if the database is known to be
258                 encrypted, but the specific algorithm used is not known.
259            </p>
260          </li>
261          <li>
262            <p>
263                  <span class="bold"><strong>-env env</strong></span> 
264            </p>
265            <p>
266                 If no <span class="bold"><strong>-env</strong></span> argument is given, the
267                 database is standalone; that is, it is not part of any Berkeley DB
268                 environment.     
269             </p>
270            <p>
271                 If a <span class="bold"><strong>-env</strong></span> argument is given, the
272                 database is created within the specified Berkeley DB environment. The
273                 database access methods automatically make calls to the other
274                 subsystems in Berkeley DB, based on the enclosing environment. For
275                 example, if the environment has been configured to use locking, the
276                 access methods will automatically acquire the correct locks when
277                 reading and writing pages of the database.
278            </p>
279          </li>
280          <li>
281            <p>
282                  <span class="bold"><strong>-errfile filename</strong></span> 
283             </p>
284            <p>
285                 When an error occurs in the Berkeley DB library, a Berkeley DB error
286                 or an error return value is returned by the function. In some cases,
287                 however, the errno value may be insufficient to completely describe
288                 the cause of the error especially during initial application
289                 debugging.
290             </p>
291            <p>
292                 The <span class="bold"><strong>-errfile</strong></span> argument is used to
293                 enhance the mechanism for reporting error messages to the application
294                 by specifying a file to be used for displaying additional Berkeley DB
295                 error messages. In some cases, when an error occurs, Berkeley DB will
296                 output an additional error message to the specified file reference.
297            </p>
298            <p>
299                 The error message will consist of a Tcl command name and a colon
300                 (":"), an error string, and a trailing &lt;newline&gt; character.  If
301                 the database was opened in an environment, the Tcl command name will
302                 be the environment name (for example, env0), otherwise it will be the
303                 database command name (for example, db0).
304             </p>
305            <p>
306                 This error-logging enhancement does not slow performance or
307                 significantly increase application size, and may be run during normal
308                 operation as well as during application debugging.
309            </p>
310            <p>
311                 For database handles opened inside of Berkeley DB environments,
312                 specifying the <span class="bold"><strong>-errfile</strong></span> argument
313                 affects the entire environment and is equivalent to specifying the
314                 same argument to the <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb env</strong></span>
315                 command.
316            </p>
317          </li>
318          <li>
319            <p>
320                  <span class="bold"><strong>-excl</strong></span> 
321             </p>
322            <p>
323                 Return an error if the database already exists. 
324             </p>
325          </li>
326          <li>
327            <p>
328                  <span class="bold"><strong>-extent size</strong></span> 
329            </p>
330            <p>
331                 Set the size of the extents of the Queue database; the size is
332                 specified as the number of pages in an extent.  Each extent is created
333                 as a separate physical file. If no extent size is set, the default
334                 behavior is to create only a single underlying database file.
335             </p>
336            <p>
337                  For information on tuning the extent size, see 
338                 <a href="../../programmer_reference/rq_conf.html#am_conf_extentsize" class="olink">Selecting an Extent Size</a>
339                 in the <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide</em>.
340             </p>
341          </li>
342          <li>
343            <p>
344                 <span class="bold"><strong>-ffactor density</strong></span> 
345             </p>
346            <p>
347                 Set the desired density within the hash table.     
348             </p>
349            <p>
350                 The density is an approximation of the number of keys allowed to
351                 accumulate in any one bucket
352             </p>
353          </li>
354          <li>
355            <p>
356                  <span class="bold"><strong>-len len</strong></span> 
357            </p>
358            <p>
359                 For the Queue access method, specify that the records are of length
360                 <span class="bold"><strong>len</strong></span>.     
361             </p>
362            <p>
363                 For the Recno access method, specify that the records are
364                 fixed-length, not byte-delimited, and are of length <span class="bold"><strong>len</strong></span>.
365             </p>
366            <p>
367                 Any records added to the database that are less than <span class="bold"><strong>len</strong></span> bytes long are automatically padded (see
368                 the <span class="bold"><strong>-pad</strong></span> argument for more
369                 information).
370             </p>
371            <p>
372                 Any attempt to insert records into the database that are greater than
373                 <span class="bold"><strong>len</strong></span> bytes long will cause the call to
374                 fail immediately and return an error.
375             </p>
376          </li>
377          <li>
378            <p>
379                  <span class="bold"><strong>-mode mode</strong></span> 
380            </p>
381            <p>
382                 On UNIX systems, or in IEEE/ANSI Std 1003.1 (POSIX) environments, all
383                 files created by the access methods are created with mode <span class="bold"><strong>mode</strong></span> (as described in <span class="bold"><strong>chmod</strong></span>(2)) and modified by the process' umask
384                 value at the time of creation (see <span class="bold"><strong>umask</strong></span>(2)).  The group ownership of created
385                 files is based on the system and directory defaults, and is not
386                 further specified by Berkeley DB. If <span class="bold"><strong>mode</strong></span> is 0, files are created readable and
387                 writable by both owner and group.  On Windows systems, the mode
388                 argument is ignored.
389            </p>
390          </li>
391          <li>
392            <p>
393                  <span class="bold"><strong>-nelem size</strong></span> 
394            </p>
395            <p>
396                 Set an estimate of the final size of the hash table.     
397             </p>
398            <p>
399                 If not set or set too low, hash tables will still expand gracefully as
400                 keys are entered, although a slight performance degradation may be
401                 noticed.
402            </p>
403          </li>
404          <li>
405            <p>
406                  <span class="bold"><strong>-pad pad</strong></span> 
407            </p>
408            <p>
409                 Set the padding character for short, fixed-length records for the
410                 Queue and Recno access methods.    
411             </p>
412            <p>
413                 If no pad character is specified, &lt;space&gt; characters (that is,
414                 ASCII 0x20) are used for padding.
415            </p>
416          </li>
417          <li>
418            <p>
419                  <span class="bold"><strong>-pagesize pagesize</strong></span> 
420            </p>
421            <p>
422                 Set the size of the pages used to hold items in the database, in
423                 bytes. The minimum page size is 512 bytes, and the maximum page size
424                 is 64K bytes.  If the page size is not explicitly set, one is selected
425                 based on the underlying filesystem I/O block size.  The automatically
426                 selected size has a lower limit of 512 bytes and an upper limit of 16K
427                 bytes.     
428             </p>
429            <p>
430                 For information on tuning the Berkeley DB page size, see 
431                 <a href="../../programmer_reference/general_am_conf.html#am_conf_pagesize" class="olink">Selecting a Page Size</a>
432                 in the <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide</em>.
433            </p>
434          </li>
435          <li>
436            <p>
437                  <span class="bold"><strong>-rdonly</strong></span> 
438            </p>
439            <p>
440                 Open the database for reading only. Any attempt to modify items in the
441                 database will fail, regardless of the actual permissions of any
442                 underlying files.
443            </p>
444          </li>
445          <li>
446            <p>
447                  <span class="bold"><strong>-recnum</strong></span> 
448            </p>
449            <p>
450                 Support retrieval from the Btree using record numbers.     
451            </p>
452            <p>
453                 Logical record numbers in Btree databases are mutable in the face of
454                 record insertion or deletion. See the <span class="bold"><strong>-renumber</strong></span> argument for further discussion.
455            </p>
456            <p>
457                 Maintaining record counts within a Btree introduces a serious point of
458                 contention, namely the page locations where the record counts are
459                 stored. In addition, the entire tree must be locked during both
460                 insertions and deletions, effectively single-threading the tree for
461                 those operations. Specifying <span class="bold"><strong>-recnum</strong></span>
462                 can result in serious performance degradation for some applications
463                 and data sets.
464            </p>
465            <p>
466                 It is an error to specify both <span class="bold"><strong>-dup</strong></span>
467                 and <span class="bold"><strong>-recnum</strong></span>.
468            </p>
469          </li>
470          <li>
471            <p>
472                  <span class="bold"><strong>-renumber</strong></span> 
473            </p>
474            <p>
475                 Specifying the <span class="bold"><strong>-renumber</strong></span> argument
476                 causes the logical record numbers to be mutable, and change as records
477                 are added to and deleted from the database.  For example, the deletion
478                 of record number 4 causes records numbered 5 and greater to be
479                 renumbered downward by one. If a cursor was positioned to record
480                 number 4 before the deletion, it will refer to the new record number
481                 4, if any such record exists, after the deletion. If a cursor was
482                 positioned after record number 4 before the deletion, it will be
483                 shifted downward one logical record, continuing to refer to the same
484                 record as it did before.     
485             </p>
486            <p>
487                 Using the <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span>
488                 or <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span>
489                 interfaces to create new records will cause the creation of multiple
490                 records if the record number is more than one greater than the largest
491                 record currently in the database. For example, creating record 28 when
492                 record 25 was previously the last record in the database, will create
493                 records 26 and 27 as well as 28.
494            </p>
495            <p>
496                 If a created record is not at the end of the database, all records
497                 following the new record will be automatically renumbered upward by
498                 one. For example, the creation of a new record numbered 8 causes
499                 records numbered 8 and greater to be renumbered upward by one. If a
500                 cursor was positioned to record number 8 or greater before the
501                 insertion, it will be shifted upward one logical record, continuing to
502                 refer to the same record as it did before.
503            </p>
504            <p>
505                 For these reasons, concurrent access to a Recno database with the
506                 <span class="bold"><strong>-renumber</strong></span> flag specified may be
507                 largely meaningless, although it is supported.
508            </p>
509          </li>
510          <li>
511            <p>
512                  <span class="bold"><strong>-snapshot</strong></span> 
513            </p>
514            <p>
515                 This argument specifies that any specified <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> file be read in its entirety when the
516                 database is opened. If this argument is not specified, the <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> file may be read lazily.
517            </p>
518          </li>
519          <li>
520            <p>
521                  <span class="bold"><strong>-source file</strong></span> 
522            </p>
523            <p>
524                 Set the underlying source file for the Recno access method.  The
525                 purpose of the <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> file is to
526                 provide fast access and modification to databases that are normally
527                 stored as flat text files.     
528             </p>
529            <p>
530                 If the <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> argument is give, it
531                 specifies an underlying flat text database file that is read to
532                 initialize a transient record number index.  In the case of variable
533                 length records, the records are separated as specified by <span class="bold"><strong>-delim</strong></span>.  For example, standard UNIX byte stream
534                 files can be interpreted as a sequence of variable length records
535                 separated by &lt;newline&gt; characters.
536            </p>
537            <p>
538                 In addition, when cached data would normally be written back to the
539                 underlying database file (for example, when the
540                 <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>close</strong></span> or
541                 <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>sync</strong></span> commands
542                 are called), the in-memory copy of the database will be written back
543                 to the <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> file.
544            </p>
545            <p>
546                 By default, the backing source file is read lazily, that is, records
547                 are not read from the file until they are requested by the
548                 application. <span class="bold"><strong>If multiple processes (not threads)
549                 are accessing a Recno database concurrently and either inserting or
550                 deleting records, the backing source file must be read in its entirety
551                 before more than a single process accesses the database, and only that
552                 process should specify the backing source argument as part of the
553                 <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb open</strong></span> call.  See the <span class="bold"><strong>-snapshot</strong></span> argument for more
554                 information.</strong></span>
555            </p>
556            <p>
557                 <span class="bold"><strong>Reading and writing the backing source file
558                 specified by <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> cannot be
559                 transaction protected because it involves filesystem operations that
560                 are not part of the Berkeley DB transaction methodology.</strong></span>
561                 For this reason, if a temporary database is used to hold the records,
562                 it is possible to lose the contents of the <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> file, for example, if the system crashes
563                 at the right instant.  If a file is used to hold the database, that
564                 is, a filename was specified as the <span class="bold"><strong>file</strong></span> argument to <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb
565                 open</strong></span>, normal database recovery on that file can be used to
566                 prevent information loss, although it is still possible that the
567                 contents of <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> file will be lost if
568                 the system crashes.
569            </p>
570            <p>
571                 The <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> file must already exist
572                 (but may be zero-length) when <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb
573                 open</strong></span> is called.
574            </p>
575            <p>
576                 It is not an error to specify a read-only <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> file when creating a database, nor is
577                 it an error to modify the resulting database. However, any attempt to
578                 write the changes to the backing source file using either the
579                 <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>close</strong></span> or
580                 <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>sync</strong></span> commands
581                 will fail, of course. Specifying the <span class="bold"><strong>-nosync</strong></span> argument to the <span class="emphasis"><em>db</em></span>
582                 <span class="bold"><strong>close</strong></span> command will stop it from
583                 attempting to write the changes to the backing file; instead, they
584                 will be silently discarded.
585            </p>
586            <p>
587                 For all of the previous reasons, the <span class="bold"><strong>-source</strong></span> file is generally used to specify
588                 databases that are read-only for Berkeley DB applications, and that
589                 are either generated on the fly by software tools, or modified using a
590                 different mechanism such as a text editor.
591            </p>
592          </li>
593          <li>
594            <p>
595                  <span class="bold"><strong>-truncate</strong></span> 
596            </p>
597            <p>
598                 Physically truncate the underlying file, discarding all previous
599                 databases it might have held.  Underlying filesystem primitives are
600                 used to implement this flag.  For this reason, it is only applicable
601                 to the physical file and cannot be used to discard databases within a
602                 file.     
603             </p>
604            <p>
605                 The <span class="bold"><strong>-truncate</strong></span> argument cannot be
606                 transaction-protected, and it is an error to specify it in a
607                 transaction-protected environment.
608            </p>
609          </li>
610          <li>
611            <p>
612          <span class="bold"><strong>-txn txnid</strong></span> 
613            </p>
614            <p>
615                 If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction, the
616                 <span class="bold"><strong>txnid</strong></span> parameter is a transaction
617                 handle returned from <span class="emphasis"><em>env</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>txn</strong></span>.  If no transaction handle is specified,
618                 but the -auto_commit flag is specified, the operation will be
619                 implicitly transaction protected.
620            </p>
621          </li>
622          <li>
623            <p>
624                  <span class="bold"><strong>--</strong></span> 
625            </p>
626            <p>
627                 Mark the end of the command arguments. 
628            </p>
629          </li>
630          <li>
631            <p>
632                  <span class="bold"><strong>file</strong></span> 
633            </p>
634            <p>
635                 The name of a single physical file on disk that will be used to back
636                 the database.
637            </p>
638            <p>
639                An in-memory database never intended to be preserved on
640                disk may be created by not specifying a file name. For
641                example:
642            </p>
643            <pre class="programlisting">berkdb open -create -btree  </pre>
644            <p>
645                creates an in-memory database.
646            </p>
647          </li>
648          <li>
649            <p>
650                  <span class="bold"><strong>database</strong></span> 
651            </p>
652            <p>
653                 The <span class="bold"><strong>database</strong></span> argument allows
654                 applications to have multiple databases inside of a single physical
655                 file.  This is useful when the databases are both numerous and
656                 reasonably small, in order to avoid creating a large number of
657                 underlying files.  It is an error to attempt to open a second database
658                 file that was not initially created using a <span class="bold"><strong>database</strong></span> name.     
659             </p>
660            <p>
661                 Applications opening multiple databases in a single file will almost
662                 certainly need to create a shared database environment.  See 
663                 <a href="../../programmer_reference/am_opensub.html" class="olink">Opening multiple databases in a single file</a>
664                 in the <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide</em> for more
665                 information.
666            </p>
667            <p>
668                If more than one in-memory database is desired, it is
669                necessary to specify an empty string as the database name.
670                For example:
671            </p>
672            <pre class="programlisting">berkdb open -create -btree "" foo 
673berkdb open -create -btree "" bar  </pre>
674            <p>
675                will create two databases, neither of which will appear on
676                disk.
677            </p>
678          </li>
679        </ul>
680      </div>
681      <p>
682         The <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb open</strong></span> command returns a
683         database handle on success.
684    </p>
685      <p>
686        In the case of error, a Tcl error is thrown.
687    </p>
688    </div>
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