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33            <h2 class="title"><a id="db_multimap"></a>Chapter 6. 
34 Db_multimap  </h2>
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38      <p>This class is the combination of std::multimap and hash_multimap. </p>
39      <p>By setting database handles as DB_BTREE or DB_HASH type respectively, you will be using an equivalent of std::multimap or hash_multimap respectively. Database(dbp) and environment(penv) handle requirement: The dbp handle must meet the following requirement: 1. Database type should be DB_BTREE or DB_HASH. 2. Either DB_DUP or DB_DUPSORT flag must be set. Note that so far Berkeley DB does not allow DB_DUPSORT be set and the database is storing identical key/data pairs, i.e. we can't store two (1, 2), (1, 2) pairs into a database D with DB_DUPSORT flag set, but only can do so with DB_DUP flag set; But we can store a (1, 2) pair and a (1, 3) pair into D with DB_DUPSORT flag set. So if your data set allows DB_DUPSORT flag, you should set it to gain a lot of performance promotion. 3. No DB_RECNUM flag set. 4. No DB_TRUNCATE specified in database open flags. 5. DB_THREAD must be set if you are sharing the database handle across multiple threads directly, or indirectly by sharing the container object across multiple threads. </p>
40      <h4><a id="id1552769"></a>
41See Also
43      <p> </p>
44      <p><a class="link" href="db_container.html" title="Chapter 3.  Db_container">db_container</a>
45 <a class="link" href="db_map.html" title="Chapter 5.  Db_map">db_map</a>
46 </p>
47      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
48        <div class="titlepage">
49          <div>
50            <div>
51              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1553278"></a>
52Class Template Parameters</h3>
53            </div>
54          </div>
55        </div>
56        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
57          <div class="titlepage">
58            <div>
59              <div>
60                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1553284"></a>
62              </div>
63            </div>
64          </div>
65          <p>The key data type. </p>
66        </div>
67        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
68          <div class="titlepage">
69            <div>
70              <div>
71                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1553525"></a>
73              </div>
74            </div>
75          </div>
76          <p>The data data type. <a class="link" href="db_multimap.html" title="Chapter 6.  Db_multimap">db_multimap</a>
77 stores key/data pairs. </p>
78        </div>
79        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
80          <div class="titlepage">
81            <div>
82              <div>
83                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1553598"></a>
85              </div>
86            </div>
87          </div>
88          <p>Do not specify anything if ddt type is a class/struct type; Otherwise, specify ElementHolder&lt;ddt&gt; to it. </p>
89        </div>
90        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
91          <div class="titlepage">
92            <div>
93              <div>
94                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1553382"></a>
96              </div>
97            </div>
98          </div>
99          <p>Never specify anything to this type parameter. It is only used internally. </p>
100        </div>
101      </div>
102      <h4><a id="id1553385"></a> Public Members </h4>
103      <div class="informaltable">
104        <table border="1" width="80%">
105          <colgroup>
106            <col />
107            <col />
108          </colgroup>
109          <thead>
110            <tr>
111              <th>Member</th>
112              <th>Description</th>
113            </tr>
114          </thead>
115          <tbody>
116            <tr>
117              <td>
118<a class="xref" href="db_multimap.html#stldb_multimapinsert" title="insert">
122              <td>
123   <p>Range insertion. </p>        </td>
124            </tr>
125            <tr>
126              <td>
127<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimaperase.html" title="erase">
131              <td>
132   <p>Erase elements by key. </p>        </td>
133            </tr>
134            <tr>
135              <td>
136<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimapequal_range.html" title="equal_range">
140              <td>
141   <p>Find the range within which all keys equal to specified key x. </p>        </td>
142            </tr>
143            <tr>
144              <td>
145<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimapequal_range_N.html" title="equal_range_N">
149              <td>
150   <p>Find equal range and number of key/data pairs in the range. </p>        </td>
151            </tr>
152            <tr>
153              <td>
154<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimapcount.html" title="count">
158              <td>
159   <p>Count the number of key/data pairs having specified key x. </p>        </td>
160            </tr>
161            <tr>
162              <td>
163<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimapupper_bound.html" title="upper_bound">
167              <td>
168   <p>Find the least key greater than x. </p>        </td>
169            </tr>
170            <tr>
171              <td>
172<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimapdb_multimap.html" title="db_multimap">
176              <td>
177   <p>Constructor. </p>        </td>
178            </tr>
179            <tr>
180              <td>
181<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimapdstr_db_multimap.html" title="~db_multimap">
185              <td>
186   </td>
187            </tr>
188            <tr>
189              <td>
190<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimapoperator_assign.html" title="operator=">
194              <td>
195   <p>Container content assignment operator. </p>        </td>
196            </tr>
197            <tr>
198              <td>
199<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimapswap.html" title="swap">
203              <td>
204   <p>Swap content with another multimap container. </p>        </td>
205            </tr>
206            <tr>
207              <td>
208<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimapoperator_eq.html" title="operator==">
212              <td>
213   <p>Returns whether the two containers have identical content. </p>        </td>
214            </tr>
215            <tr>
216              <td>
217<a class="xref" href="stldb_multimapoperator_ueq.html" title="operator!=">
221              <td>
222   <p>Container unequality comparison operator. </p>        </td>
223            </tr>
224          </tbody>
225        </table>
226      </div>
227      <h4><a id="id1553698"></a>
229      <p>
230<a class="xref" href="dbstl_containers.html" title="Chapter 2.  Dbstl Container Classes">
231 Dbstl Container Classes  </a>
233      <p>
235      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
236        <div class="titlepage">
237          <div>
238            <div>
239              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="stldb_multimapinsert"></a>
242            </div>
243          </div>
244        </div>
245        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
246          <div class="titlepage">
247            <div>
248              <div>
249                <h3 class="title"><a id="func_details"></a>
250Function Details</h3>
251              </div>
252            </div>
253          </div>
254          <pre class="programlisting">
255void insert(InputIterator first,
256    InputIterator last)
257 </pre>
258          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
259            <div class="titlepage"></div>
260            <p>Range insertion. </p>
261            <p>Insert a range [first, last) of key/data pairs into this container. </p>
262          </div>
263          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
264            <div class="titlepage">
265              <div>
266                <div>
267                  <h4 class="title"><a id="id1553466"></a>
269                </div>
270              </div>
271            </div>
272            <div class="sect4" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
273              <div class="titlepage">
274                <div>
275                  <div>
276                    <h5 class="title"><a id="id1553758"></a>
277 last </h5>
278                  </div>
279                </div>
280              </div>
281              <p>The open boundary of the range. </p>
282            </div>
283            <div class="sect4" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
284              <div class="titlepage">
285                <div>
286                  <div>
287                    <h5 class="title"><a id="id1553828"></a>
288 first </h5>
289                  </div>
290                </div>
291              </div>
292              <p>The closed boundary of the range. </p>
293            </div>
294          </div>
295          <pre class="programlisting">
296void insert(const_iterator &amp;first,
297    const_iterator &amp;last)
298 </pre>
299          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
300            <div class="titlepage"></div>
301            <p>Range insertion. </p>
302            <p>Insert a range [first, last) of key/data pairs into this container. </p>
303          </div>
304          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
305            <div class="titlepage">
306              <div>
307                <div>
308                  <h4 class="title"><a id="id1553784"></a>
310                </div>
311              </div>
312            </div>
313            <div class="sect4" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
314              <div class="titlepage">
315                <div>
316                  <div>
317                    <h5 class="title"><a id="id1553825"></a>
318 last </h5>
319                  </div>
320                </div>
321              </div>
322              <p>The open boundary of the range. </p>
323            </div>
324            <div class="sect4" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
325              <div class="titlepage">
326                <div>
327                  <div>
328                    <h5 class="title"><a id="id1553637"></a>
329 first </h5>
330                  </div>
331                </div>
332              </div>
333              <p>The closed boundary of the range. </p>
334            </div>
335          </div>
336          <pre class="programlisting">
337iterator insert(const value_type &amp;x)
338 </pre>
339          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
340            <div class="titlepage"></div>
341            <p>Insert a single key/data pair if the key is not in the container. </p>
342            <p></p>
343          </div>
344          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
345            <div class="titlepage">
346              <div>
347                <div>
348                  <h4 class="title"><a id="id1553392"></a>
350                </div>
351              </div>
352            </div>
353            <div class="sect4" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
354              <div class="titlepage">
355                <div>
356                  <div>
357                    <h5 class="title"><a id="id1553229"></a>
358 x </h5>
359                  </div>
360                </div>
361              </div>
362              <p>The key/data pair to insert. </p>
363            </div>
364          </div>
365          <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
366            <div class="titlepage">
367              <div>
368                <div>
369                  <h4 class="title"><a id="id1553583"></a>
370Return Value</h4>
371                </div>
372              </div>
373            </div>
374            <p>A pair P, if insert OK, i.e. the inserted key wasn't in the container, P.first will be the iterator sitting on the inserted key/data pair, and P.second is true; otherwise P.first is an invalid iterator and P.second is false. </p>
375          </div>
376        </div>
377        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
378          <div class="titlepage">
379            <div>
380              <div>
381                <h3 class="title"><a id="id1553230"></a>
382Group: Insert Functions</h3>
383              </div>
384            </div>
385          </div>
386          <div class="simplesect" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
387            <div class="titlepage"></div>
388            <p><a class="ulink" href="http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/multimap/insert/" target="_top">http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/multimap/insert/</a> </p>
389          </div>
390          <p>
392        </div>
393        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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395            <div>
396              <div>
397                <h3 class="title"><a id="id1553819"></a>
399              </div>
400            </div>
401          </div>
402          <p>
403  <a class="link" href="db_multimap.html" title="Chapter 6.  Db_multimap">
404  db_multimap</a>
405     </p>
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