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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">DbEnv::mutex_set_max()</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="mutexset_max"></a>DbEnv::mutex_set_max()</h2>
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38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
41DbEnv::mutex_set_max(u_int32_t max); </pre>
42      <p>
43        Configure the total number of mutexes to allocate.
44    </p>
45      <p>
46         Berkeley DB allocates a default number of mutexes based on the initial
47         configuration of the database environment.  That default calculation
48         may be too small if the application has an unusual need for mutexes
49         (for example, if the application opens an unexpectedly large number of
50         databases) or too large (if the application is trying to minimize its
51         memory footprint).  The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::mutex_set_max()</code> method is used to
52         specify an absolute number of mutexes to allocate.
53    </p>
54      <p>
55         Calling the <code class="methodname">DbEnv::mutex_set_max()</code> method discards any value
56         previously set using the <code class="methodname">DbEnv::mutex_set_increment()</code> method.
57    </p>
58      <p>
59         The database environment's total number of mutexes may also be
60         configured using the environment's <a href="../../programmer_reference/env_db_config.html#env_db_config.DB_CONFIG" class="olink">DB_CONFIG</a> file.  The
61         syntax of the entry in that file is a single line with the string
62         "mutex_set_max", one or more whitespace characters, and the total
63         number of mutexes. Because the <a href="../../programmer_reference/env_db_config.html#env_db_config.DB_CONFIG" class="olink">DB_CONFIG</a> file is
64         read when the database environment is opened, it will silently
65         overrule configuration done before that time.
66    </p>
67      <p>
68         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::mutex_set_max()</code> method configures a database environment,
69         not only operations performed using the specified <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter 5.  The DbEnv Handle">DbEnv</a>  handle.
70    </p>
71      <p>
72             The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::mutex_set_max()</code> method may not be called after the 
73             <a class="xref" href="envopen.html" title="DbEnv::open()">DbEnv::open()</a>  method is called.
74             If the database environment already exists when 
75             <a class="xref" href="envopen.html" title="DbEnv::open()">DbEnv::open()</a>  is called, the
76         information specified to <code class="methodname">DbEnv::mutex_set_max()</code> will be ignored.
77    </p>
78      <p>
79         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::mutex_set_max()</code> <span>
81            <span>
82                method either returns a non-zero error value or throws an
83                exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
84                failure, and returns 0 on success.
85            </span>
86        </span>
87    </p>
88      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
89        <div class="titlepage">
90          <div>
91            <div>
92              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1699485"></a>Parameters</h3>
93            </div>
94          </div>
95        </div>
96        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
97          <div class="titlepage">
98            <div>
99              <div>
100                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1699512"></a>max</h4>
101              </div>
102            </div>
103          </div>
104          <p>
105                          The <span class="bold"><strong>max</strong></span> parameter is the absolute
106                          number of mutexes to allocate.
107                     </p>
108        </div>
109      </div>
110      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
111        <div class="titlepage">
112          <div>
113            <div>
114              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1699661"></a>Errors</h3>
115            </div>
116          </div>
117        </div>
118        <p>
119                         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::mutex_set_max()</code> <span>
121            <span>
122                method may fail and throw a <a class="link" href="dbexception.html" title="Chapter 6. The DbException Class">DbException</a> 
123                exception, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors, or return one
124                of the following non-zero errors:
125            </span>
126        </span>
127                    </p>
128        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
129          <div class="titlepage">
130            <div>
131              <div>
132                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1699496"></a>EINVAL</h4>
133              </div>
134            </div>
135          </div>
136          <p>
137                An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
138            </p>
139        </div>
140      </div>
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143          <div>
144            <div>
145              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1699497"></a>Class</h3>
146            </div>
147          </div>
148        </div>
149        <p>
150                <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter 5.  The DbEnv Handle">DbEnv</a>  
151            </p>
152      </div>
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155          <div>
156            <div>
157              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1699566"></a>See Also</h3>
158            </div>
159          </div>
160        </div>
161        <p>
162                     <a class="xref" href="mutex.html#mutexlist" title="Mutex Methods">Mutex Methods</a> 
163                </p>
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