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34            <h2 class="title"><a id="dbt"></a>Chapter 4. 
35                The Dbt Handle
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40      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
42class Dbt { 
44        Dbt(void *data, size_t size); 
45        Dbt(); 
46        Dbt(const Dbt &amp;); 
47        Dbt &amp;operator = (const Dbt &amp;); 
48        ~Dbt();
50        void *get_data() const; 
51        void set_data(void *);
53        u_int32_t get_size() const; 
54        void set_size(u_int32_t);
56        u_int32_t get_ulen() const; 
57        void set_ulen(u_int32_t);
59        u_int32_t get_dlen() const; 
60        void set_dlen(u_int32_t);
62        u_int32_t get_doff() const; 
63        void set_doff(u_int32_t);
65        u_int32_t get_flags() const; 
66        void set_flags(u_int32_t);
68        DBT *Dbt::get_DBT(); 
69        const DBT *Dbt::get_const_DBT() const; 
70        static Dbt *Dbt::get_Dbt(DBT *dbt); 
71        static const Dbt *Dbt::get_const_Dbt(const DBT *dbt); 
72}; </pre>
73      <p>
74        The <code class="classname">Dbt</code> class is used to encode key and data
75        items in a Berkeley DB database.
76    </p>
77      <p>
78        Storage and retrieval for the <a class="link" href="db.html" title="Chapter 2.  The Db Handle">Db</a> access methods are
79        based on key/data pairs.  Both key and data items are represented by 
81        <span>
82            <code class="classname">Dbt</code> objects.
83        </span>
84        Key and data byte strings may refer to strings of zero length up to strings of essentially
85        unlimited length. See <a href="../../programmer_reference/am_misc_dbsizes.html" class="olink">Database limits</a> for
86        more information.
87    </p>
88      <p>
90        <span>
91            In the case when the <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> structure element is set to
92            0,
93        </span>
95        when the application is providing Berkeley DB a key or data item to store into the database,
96        Berkeley DB expects the <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> 
99        <span>
100            object
101        </span>
103        to point to a byte string of <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span> bytes. When returning a
104        key/data item to the application, Berkeley DB will store into the <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> 
107        <span>
108            object
109        </span>
110        a pointer to a byte string of <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span> bytes, 
111        and the memory to which the pointer refers will be
112        allocated and managed by Berkeley DB. Note that using the default flags
113        for returned <code class="classname">Dbt</code>s is only compatible with
114        single threaded usage of Berkeley DB.
115    </p>
116      <p>
117        Access to <code class="classname">Dbt</code> objects is not re-entrant. In particular, if multiple
118        threads simultaneously access the same Dbt object using 
119        <a class="link" href="db.html" title="Chapter 2.  The Db Handle">Db</a> API calls, the results are undefined, and may
120        result in a crash.  One easy way to avoid problems is to use <code class="classname">Dbt</code>
121        objects that are constructed as stack variables.
122    </p>
123      <p>
124        Each <code class="classname">Dbt</code> object has an associated <code class="literal">DBT</code> struct,
125        which is used by the underlying implementation of Berkeley DB and its C-language API. The
126        <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_DBT()</code>  method returns a pointer to this struct. Given a
127        const <code class="classname">Dbt</code> object, <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_const_DBT()</code>
128        returns a const pointer to the same struct.
129    </p>
130      <p>
131        Given a <code class="literal">DBT</code> struct, the <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_Dbt()</code> method
132        returns the corresponding <code class="classname">Dbt</code> object, if there is one. If the
133        <code class="literal">DBT</code> object was not associated with a <code class="classname">Dbt</code> (that is,
134        it was not returned from a call to <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_DBT()</code>), then the
135        result of <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_Dbt()</code> is undefined. Given a const
136        <code class="literal">DBT</code> struct, <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_const_Dbt()</code> returns the
137        associated const <code class="classname">Dbt</code> object, if there is one.
138    </p>
139      <p>
140        These methods may be useful for Berkeley DB applications including both C and C++ language
141        software. It should not be necessary to use these calls in a purely C++ application.
142    </p>
143      <div class="itemizedlist">
144        <ul type="disc">
145          <li>
146            <p>
147                        <code class="methodname">Dbt::set_data(void *data)</code>
148                    </p>
149            <p>
150                            Set the data array.
151                    </p>
152            <p>
153                        The <code class="literal">data</code> parameter is an array
154                        of bytes to be used to set the content for the
155                        <code class="classname">Dbt</code>.
156                    </p>
157          </li>
158          <li>
159            <p>
160                        <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_data()</code>
161                    </p>
162            <p>
163                            Return the data array.
164                    </p>
165          </li>
166          <li>
167            <p>
168                        <code class="methodname">Dbt::set_size(u_int32_t size)</code>
169                    </p>
170            <p>
171                            Sets the byte size of the data array, in bytes.
172                    </p>
173          </li>
174          <li>
175            <p>
176                        <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_size()</code>
177                    </p>
178            <p>
179                            Return the data array size.
180                    </p>
181          </li>
182          <li>
183            <p>
184                        <code class="methodname">Dbt::set_ulen(u_int32_t value)</code>
185                    </p>
186            <p>
187                        Set the byte size of the user-specified buffer.
188                    </p>
189            <p>
190                            Note that applications can determine the length of a record by setting
191                            the <code class="literal">ulen</code> field to 0 and checking the return value in the 
192                            <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span> field. See
193                            the <code class="literal">DB_DBT_USERMEM</code> flag for more information.
194                    </p>
195          </li>
196          <li>
197            <p>
198                        <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_ulen()</code>
199                    </p>
200            <p>
201                        Return the length in bytes of the user-specified
202                        buffer.
203                    </p>
204            <p>
205                            Note that applications can determine the length of a record by setting
206                            the <code class="literal">ulen</code> field to 0 and checking the return value in the 
207                            <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span> field. See
208                            the <code class="literal">DB_DBT_USERMEM</code> flag for more information.
209                    </p>
210          </li>
211          <li>
212            <p>
213                        <code class="methodname">Dbt::set_dlen(u_int32_t dlen)</code>
214                    </p>
215            <p>
217                        <span>
218                            Set the
219                        </span>
220                            length of the partial record being read or written by the
221                            application, in bytes. See the <code class="literal">DB_DBT_PARTIAL</code> 
222                            flag for more information.
223                    </p>
224          </li>
225          <li>
226            <p>
227                         <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_dlen()</code>
228                    </p>
229            <p>
230                        Return the length of the partial record, in bytes.
231                    </p>
232          </li>
233          <li>
234            <p>
235                        <code class="methodname">Dbt::set_doff(u_int32_t value)</code>
236                    </p>
237            <p>
239                        <span>
240                            Sets the
241                        </span>
242                        offset of the partial record being read or written by the application,
243                        in bytes. See the <code class="literal">DB_DBT_PARTIAL</code> flag for more information.
244                    </p>
245          </li>
246          <li>
247            <p>
248                        <code class="methodname">Dbt::get_doff()</code>
249                    </p>
250            <p>
251                        Return the offset of the partial record, in bytes.
252                    </p>
253          </li>
254          <li>
255            <p>
256                        <code class="methodname">Dbt::set_flags(u_int32_t flags)</code>
257                    </p>
258            <p>
259                        Set the object flag value.
260                    </p>
261            <p>
262                            The <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter must be set to 0 or
263                            by bitwise inclusively <span class="bold"><strong>OR</strong></span>'ing together
264                            one or more of the following values: 
265                    </p>
266            <span>
267                    <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="circle"><li><p><a id="dbt_DB_DBT_MALLOC"></a>
268                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_MALLOC</code>
269                                    </p><p>
270                                            When this flag is set, Berkeley DB will allocate memory
271                                            for the returned key or data item (using 
272                                            <span class="bold"><strong>malloc</strong></span>(3), or
273                                            the user-specified malloc function), and return a
274                                            pointer to it in the 
275                                            <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> field of the key or data 
276                                            <code class="literal">DBT</code>
277                                            structure. Because any allocated memory becomes the
278                                            responsibility of the calling application, the caller
279                                            must determine whether memory was allocated using the
280                                            returned value of the 
281                                            <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> field.
282                                    </p><p>
283                                            It is an error to specify more than one of
284                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_MALLOC</code>, 
285                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_REALLOC</code>, and 
286                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_USERMEM</code>.
287                                    </p></li><li><p><a id="dbt_DB_DBT_REALLOC"></a>
288                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_REALLOC</code>
289                                    </p><p>
290                                            When this flag is set Berkeley DB will allocate memory
291                                            for the returned key or data item (using 
292                                            <span class="bold"><strong>realloc</strong></span>(3), or
293                                            the user-specified realloc function), and return a
294                                            pointer to it in the 
295                                            <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> field of the key or data DBT
296                                            structure. Because any allocated memory becomes the
297                                            responsibility of the calling application, the caller
298                                            must determine whether memory was allocated using the
299                                            returned value of the 
300                                            <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> field.
301                                    </p><p>
302                                            It is an error to specify more than one of
303                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_MALLOC</code>, 
304                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_REALLOC</code>, and 
305                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_USERMEM</code>.
306                                    </p></li><li><p><a id="dbt_DB_DBT_USERMEM"></a>
307                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_USERMEM</code>
308                                    </p><p>
309                                            The <span class="emphasis"><em>data</em></span>
310                                            field of the key or data structure must refer
311                                            to memory that is at least 
312                                            <span class="emphasis"><em>ulen</em></span>
313                                            bytes in length. If the
314                                            length of the requested item is less than or equal to
315                                            that number of bytes, the item is copied into the memory
316                                            to which the 
317                                            <span class="emphasis"><em>data</em></span>
318                                            field refers. Otherwise, the 
319                                            <span class="emphasis"><em>size</em></span>
320                                            field is set to the length needed for the requested
321                                            item, and the error 
322                                            <code class="literal">DB_BUFFER_SMALL</code> is returned. 
323                                    </p><p>
324                                            It is an error to specify more than one of
325                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_MALLOC</code>, 
326                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_REALLOC</code>, and 
327                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_USERMEM</code>.
328                                    </p></li></ul></div>
330                            <span>
331                                <p>
332                                    If <code class="literal">DB_DBT_MALLOC</code> or
333                                    <code class="literal">DB_DBT_REALLOC</code> is specified, Berkeley DB
334                                    allocates a properly sized byte array to contain the data. This
335                                    can be convenient if you know little about the nature of the
336                                    data, specifically the size of data in the database. However, if
337                                    your application makes repeated calls to retrieve keys or data,
338                                    you may notice increased garbage collection due to this
339                                    allocation. If you know the maximum size of data you are
340                                    retrieving, you might decrease the memory burden and speed your
341                                    application by allocating your own byte array and using
342                                    <code class="literal">DB_DBT_USERMEM</code>. Even if you don't know the
343                                    maximum size, you can use this option and reallocate your array
344                                    whenever your retrieval API call returns an
345                                    <code class="literal">DB_BUFFER_SMALL</code> error or throws an exception
346                                    encapsulating an <code class="literal">DB_BUFFER_SMALL</code>.
347                                </p>
348                            </span>
349                            <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="circle"><li><p><a id="dbt_DB_DBT_PARTIAL"></a>
350                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_PARTIAL</code>
351                                    </p><p>
352                                            Do partial retrieval or storage of an item. If the
353                                            calling application is doing a get, the 
354                                            <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> bytes
355                                            starting 
356                                            <span class="bold"><strong>doff</strong></span> 
357                                            bytes from the beginning of the retrieved
358                                            data record are returned as if they comprised the entire
359                                            record. If any or all of the specified bytes do not
360                                            exist in the record, the get is successful, and any
361                                            existing bytes are returned.
362                                    </p><p>
363                                            For example, if the data portion of a retrieved record
364                                            was 100 bytes, and a partial retrieval was done using a
365                                            DBT having a 
366                                            <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> 
367                                            field of 20 and a 
368                                            <span class="bold"><strong>doff</strong></span> 
369                                            field of 85,
370                                            the get call would succeed, the 
371                                            <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> 
372                                            field would refer
373                                            to the last 15 bytes of the record, and the 
374                                            <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span> 
375                                            field would be set to 15.
376                                    </p><p>
377                                            If the calling application is doing a put, the 
378                                            <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> 
379                                            bytes starting 
380                                            <span class="bold"><strong>doff</strong></span> 
381                                            bytes from the beginning of the
382                                            specified key's data record are replaced by the data
383                                            specified by the 
384                                            <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> 
385                                            and 
386                                            <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span> 
387                                            structure elements. If
388                                            <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> 
389                                            is smaller than 
390                                            <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span> 
391                                            the record will grow; if 
392                                            <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> 
393                                            is larger than 
394                                            <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span> 
395                                            the record will shrink. If the
396                                            specified bytes do not exist, the record will be
397                                            extended using nul bytes as necessary, and the put call
398                                            will succeed.
399                                    </p><p>
400                                            It is an error to attempt a partial put using the
401                                            <a class="xref" href="dbput.html" title="Db::put()">Db::put()</a>
402                                            method in a database that supports duplicate
403                                            records. Partial puts in databases supporting duplicate
404                                            records must be done using a 
405                                            <a class="xref" href="dbcput.html" title="Dbc::put()">Dbc::put()</a>
406                                            method.
407                                    </p><p>
408                                            It is an error to attempt a partial put with differing
409                                            <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> 
410                                            and
411                                            <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span> 
412                                            values in Queue or Recno databases with
413                                            fixed-length records.
414                                    </p><p>
415                                            For example, if the data portion of a retrieved record
416                                            was 100 bytes, and a partial put was done using a DBT
417                                            having a 
418                                            <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> 
419                                            field of 20, a 
420                                            <span class="bold"><strong>doff</strong></span> 
421                                            field of 85, and a
422                                            <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span> 
423                                            field of 30, the resulting record would be 115
424                                            bytes in length, where the last 30 bytes would be those
425                                            specified by the put call.
426                                    </p></li><li><p><a id="dbt_DB_DBT_APPMALLOC"></a>
427                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_APPMALLOC</code>
428                                    </p><p>
429                                            After an application-supplied callback routine passed to
430                                            either 
431                                            <a class="xref" href="dbassociate.html" title="Db::associate()">Db::associate()</a>
432                                            or 
433                                            <a class="xref" href="dbset_append_recno.html" title="Db::set_append_recno()">Db::set_append_recno()</a>
434                                            is executed, the 
435                                            <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> 
436                                            field of a DBT may refer to memory allocated with 
437                                            <span class="bold"><strong>malloc</strong></span>(3)
438                                            or 
439                                            <span class="bold"><strong>realloc</strong></span>(3). 
440                                            In that case,
441                                            the callback sets the 
442                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_APPMALLOC</code> 
443                                            flag in the DBT
444                                            so that Berkeley DB will call 
445                                            <span class="bold"><strong>free</strong></span>(3)
446                                            to deallocate the
447                                            memory when it is no longer required.
448                                    </p></li><li><p><a id="dbt_DB_DBT_MULTIPLE"></a>
449                                            <code class="literal">DB_DBT_MULTIPLE</code>
450                                    </p><p>
451                                            Set in a secondary key creation callback routine passed
452                                            to 
453                                            <a class="xref" href="dbassociate.html" title="Db::associate()">Db::associate()</a>
454                                            to indicate that multiple secondary
455                                            keys should be associated with the given primary
456                                            key/data pair. If set, the 
457                                            <span class="bold"><strong>size</strong></span>
458                                            field indicates the
459                                            number of secondary keys and the 
460                                            <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span>
461                                            field refers to an
462                                            array of that number of DBT structures. 
463                                    </p><p>
464                                            The <code class="literal">DB_DBT_APPMALLOC</code> flag may be set on any of the DBT
465                                            structures to indicate that their 
466                                            <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> 
467                                            field needs to be
468                                            freed.
469                                    </p></li></ul></div>
471          </li>
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475        <div class="titlepage">
476          <div>
477            <div>
478              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbtlist"></a>DBT and Bulk Operations</h2>
479            </div>
480          </div>
481        </div>
482        <div class="navtable">
483          <table border="1" width="80%">
484            <thead>
485              <tr>
486                <th>DBT and Bulk Operations</th>
487                <th>Description</th>
488              </tr>
489            </thead>
490            <tbody>
491              <tr>
492                <td>
493                  <a class="xref" href="dbmultipleiterator.html" title="DbMultipleIterator">DbMultipleIterator</a>
494                </td>
495                <td>Base class for bulk get retrieval</td>
496              </tr>
497              <tr>
498                <td>
499                  <a class="xref" href="dbmultipledataiterator.html" title="DbMultipleDataIterator">DbMultipleDataIterator</a>
500                </td>
501                <td>Bulk retrieval iterator for data items</td>
502              </tr>
503              <tr>
504                <td>
505                  <a class="xref" href="dbmultiplekeydataiterator.html" title="DbMultipleKeyDataIterator">DbMultipleKeyDataIterator</a>
506                </td>
507                <td>Bulk retrieval iterator for key/data pairs</td>
508              </tr>
509              <tr>
510                <td>
511                  <a class="xref" href="dbmultiplerecnodataiterator.html" title="DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator">DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator</a>
512                </td>
513                <td>Bulk retrieval iterator for record number / data item pairs</td>
514              </tr>
515              <tr>
516                <td>
517                  <a class="xref" href="dbmultiplebuilder.html" title="DbMultipleBuilder">DbMultipleBuilder</a>
518                </td>
519                <td>Base class for bulk buffer building</td>
520              </tr>
521              <tr>
522                <td>
523                  <a class="xref" href="dbmultipledatabuilder.html" title="DbMultipleDataBuilder">DbMultipleDataBuilder</a>
524                </td>
525                <td>Bulk buffer builder for data items</td>
526              </tr>
527              <tr>
528                <td>
529                  <a class="xref" href="dbmultiplekeydatabuilder.html" title="DbMultipleKeyDataBuilder">DbMultipleKeyDataBuilder</a>
530                </td>
531                <td>Bulk buffer builder for key/data pairs</td>
532              </tr>
533              <tr>
534                <td>
535                  <a class="xref" href="dbmultiplerecnodatabuilder.html" title="DbMultipleRecnoDataBuilder">DbMultipleRecnoDataBuilder</a>
536                </td>
537                <td>Bulk buffer builder for record number / data pairs</td>
538              </tr>
539            </tbody>
540          </table>
541        </div>
542      </div>
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