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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Dbc::get()</th>
19        </tr>
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21          <td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="dbcdup.html">Prev</a> </td>
22          <th width="60%" align="center">Chapter 3. 
23                The Dbc Handle
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33          <div>
34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbcget"></a>Dbc::get()</h2>
35          </div>
36        </div>
37      </div>
38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
41Dbc::get(Dbt *key, Dbt *data, u_int32_t flags);
44Dbc::pget(Dbt *key, Dbt *pkey, Dbt *data, u_int32_t flags); </pre>
45      <p>
46         The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method retrieves key/data pairs from the
47         database.  The address and length of the key are returned in the
48         object to which <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> refers (except
49         for the case of the DB_SET flag, in which the <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> object is unchanged), and the address and
50         length of the data are returned in the object to which <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> refers.
51    </p>
52      <p>
53         When called on a cursor opened on a database that has been made into a
54         secondary index using the 
55         <a class="xref" href="dbassociate.html" title="Db::associate()">Db::associate()</a>  method, the
56         <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> and <code class="methodname">Dbc::pget()</code> 
57         methods return the key from the
58         secondary index and the data item from the primary database. In
59         addition, the <code class="methodname">Dbc::pget()</code> method returns the key from the
60         primary database.  In databases that are not secondary indices, the
61         <code class="methodname">Dbc::pget()</code> method will always fail.
62    </p>
63      <p>
64         Modifications to the database during a sequential scan will be
65         reflected in the scan; that is, records inserted behind a cursor will
66         not be returned while records inserted in front of a cursor will be
67         returned.
68    </p>
69      <p>
70         In Queue and Recno databases, missing entries (that is, entries that
71         were never explicitly created or that were created and then deleted)
72         will be skipped during a sequential scan.
73    </p>
74      <p>
75         Unless otherwise specified, the <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> <span>
77            <span>
78                method either returns a non-zero error value or throws an
79                exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
80                failure, and returns 0 on success.
81            </span>
82        </span>
83    </p>
84      <p>
85         If <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> fails for any reason, the state of the cursor will
86         be unchanged.
87    </p>
88      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
89        <div class="titlepage">
90          <div>
91            <div>
92              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1656028"></a>Parameters</h3>
93            </div>
94          </div>
95        </div>
96        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
97          <div class="titlepage">
98            <div>
99              <div>
100                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1656268"></a>data</h4>
101              </div>
102            </div>
103          </div>
104          <p>
105                          The data <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter 4.  The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>  operated on.
106                     </p>
107        </div>
108        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
109          <div class="titlepage">
110            <div>
111              <div>
112                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1656406"></a>flags</h4>
113              </div>
114            </div>
115          </div>
116          <p>
117                          The <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter must be set to
118                          one of the following values:
119                     </p>
120          <div class="itemizedlist">
121            <ul type="disc">
122              <li>
123                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_CURRENT"></a>
124                  <code class="literal">DB_CURRENT</code>
125            </p>
126                <p>
127                Return the key/data pair to which the cursor refers. 
128            </p>
129                <p>
130                 The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_KEYEMPTY" class="olink">DB_KEYEMPTY</a> if
131                 DB_CURRENT is set and the cursor key/data pair was deleted.
132            </p>
133              </li>
134              <li>
135                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_FIRST"></a>
136                  <code class="literal">DB_FIRST</code>
137            </p>
138                <p>
139                 The cursor is set to refer to the first key/data pair of the database,
140                 and that pair is returned.  If the first key has duplicate values, the
141                 first data item in the set of duplicates is returned.
142            </p>
143                <p>
144                 If the database is a Queue or Recno database, <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> using
145                 the DB_FIRST flag will ignore any keys that exist but were never
146                 explicitly created by the application, or were created and later
147                 deleted.
148            </p>
149                <p>
150                 The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
151                 DB_FIRST is set and the database is empty.
152            </p>
153              </li>
154              <li>
155                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_GET_BOTH"></a>
156                  <code class="literal">DB_GET_BOTH</code>
157            </p>
158                <p>
159                Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the
160                database. The cursor is positioned to a key/data pair if 
161                both the key and data match the values provided on the key
162                and data parameters.
163            </p>
164                <p>
165                 In all other ways, this flag  is identical to the 
166                 <a class="link" href="dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_SET">DB_SET</a>
167                 flag.
168            </p>
169                <p>
170                 When used with <code class="methodname">Dbc::pget()</code> on
171                 a secondary index handle, both the secondary and primary keys must be
172                 matched by the secondary and primary key item in the database.  It is
173                 an error to use the DB_GET_BOTH flag with the <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> version
174                 of this method and a cursor that has been opened on a secondary index
175                 handle.
176            </p>
177              </li>
178              <li>
179                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE"></a>
180                  <code class="literal">DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE</code>
181            </p>
182                <p>
183                Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the
184                database. The key parameter must be an exact match with a
185                key in the database. The data item retrieved is the item in
186                a duplicate set that is the smallest value which is greater than or equal
187                to the value provided by the data parameter (as determined by the comparison
188                function). If this flag is specified on a database
189                configured without sorted duplicate support, the behavior
190                is identical to the DB_GET_BOTH flag. Returns the datum
191                associated with the given key/data pair.
192            </p>
193                <p>
194                 In all other ways, this flag  is identical to the 
195                 <a class="link" href="dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_GET_BOTH">DB_GET_BOTH</a>
196                 flag.
197            </p>
198              </li>
199              <li>
200                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_GET_RECNO"></a>
201                  <code class="literal">DB_GET_RECNO</code>
202            </p>
203                <p>
204                 Return the record number associated with the cursor.  The record
205                 number will be returned in <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span>, as
206                 described in <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter 4.  The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>.  The
207                 <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> parameter is ignored.
208            </p>
209                <p>
210                 For DB_GET_RECNO to be specified, the underlying database must be of
211                 type Btree, and it must have been created with the 
212                 <a class="link" href="dbset_flags.html#dbset_flags_DB_RECNUM">DB_RECNUM</a>  flag.
213            </p>
214                <p>
215                 When called on a cursor opened on a database that has been made into a
216                 secondary index, the <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> and 
217                 <code class="methodname">Dbc::pget()</code> methods return the record 
218                 number of the primary database in <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span>.  
219                 In addition, the <code class="methodname">Dbc::pget()</code>
220                 method returns the record number of the secondary index in <span class="bold"><strong>pkey</strong></span>.  If either underlying database is not of
221                 type Btree or is not created with the 
222                 <a class="link" href="dbset_flags.html#dbset_flags_DB_RECNUM">DB_RECNUM</a>  
223                 flag, the out-of-band record number of 0 is returned.
224            </p>
225              </li>
226              <li>
227                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_JOIN_ITEM"></a>
228                  <code class="literal">DB_JOIN_ITEM</code>
229            </p>
230                <p>
231                 Do not use the data value found in all of the cursors as a lookup key
232                 for the primary database, but simply return it in the key parameter
233                 instead. The data parameter is left unchanged.
234            </p>
235                <p>
236                 For DB_JOIN_ITEM to be specified, the underlying cursor must have been
237                 returned from the <a class="xref" href="dbjoin.html" title="Db::join()">Db::join()</a>  method.
238            </p>
239              </li>
240              <li>
241                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_LAST"></a>
242                 <code class="literal">DB_LAST</code>
243            </p>
244                <p>
245                 The cursor is set to refer to the last key/data pair of the database,
246                 and that pair is returned.  If the last key has duplicate values, the
247                 last data item in the set of duplicates is returned.
248            </p>
249                <p>
250                 If the database is a Queue or Recno database, <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> using
251                 the DB_LAST flag will ignore any keys that exist but were never
252                 explicitly created by the application, or were created and later
253                 deleted.
254            </p>
255                <p>
256                 The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
257                 DB_LAST is set and the database is empty.
258            </p>
259              </li>
260              <li>
261                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_NEXT"></a>
262                 <code class="literal">DB_NEXT</code>
263            </p>
264                <p>
265                 If the cursor is not yet initialized, DB_NEXT is identical to
266                 DB_FIRST.  Otherwise, the cursor is moved to the next key/data pair of
267                 the database, and that pair is returned.  In the presence of duplicate
268                 key values, the value of the key may not change.
269            </p>
270                <p>
271                 If the database is a Queue or Recno database, <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> using
272                 the DB_NEXT flag will skip any keys that exist but were never
273                 explicitly created by the application, or those that were created and
274                 later deleted.
275            </p>
276                <p>
277                 The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
278                 DB_NEXT is set and the cursor is already on the last record in the
279                 database.
280            </p>
281              </li>
282              <li>
283                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_NEXT_DUP"></a>
284                  <code class="literal">DB_NEXT_DUP</code>
285            </p>
286                <p>
287                 If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
288                 for the current key/data pair, the cursor is moved to the next
289                 key/data pair of the database, and that pair is returned.
290            </p>
291                <p>
292                 The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
293                 DB_NEXT_DUP is set and the next key/data pair of the database is not a
294                 duplicate data record for the current key/data pair.
295            </p>
296              </li>
297              <li>
298                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_NEXT_NODUP"></a>
299                  <code class="literal">DB_NEXT_NODUP</code>
300            </p>
301                <p>
302                 If the cursor is not yet initialized, DB_NEXT_NODUP is identical to
303                 DB_FIRST.  Otherwise, the cursor is moved to the next non-duplicate
304                 key of the database, and that key/data pair is returned.
305            </p>
306                <p>
307                 If the database is a Queue or Recno database, <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> using
308                 the DB_NEXT_NODUP flag will ignore any keys that exist but were never
309                 explicitly created by the application, or those that were created and
310                 later deleted.
311            </p>
312                <p>
313                 The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
314                 DB_NEXT_NODUP is set and no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist after
315                 the cursor position in the database.
316            </p>
317              </li>
318              <li>
319                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_PREV"></a>
320                 <code class="literal">DB_PREV</code>
321            </p>
322                <p>
323                 If the cursor is not yet initialized, DB_PREV is identical to DB_LAST.
324                  Otherwise, the cursor is moved to the previous key/data pair of the
325                 database, and that pair is returned.  In the presence of duplicate key
326                 values, the value of the key may not change.
327            </p>
328                <p>
329                 If the database is a Queue or Recno database, <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> using
330                 the DB_PREV flag will skip any keys that exist but were never
331                 explicitly created by the application, or those that were created and
332                 later deleted.
333            </p>
334                <p>
335                 The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
336                 DB_PREV is set and the cursor is already on the first record in the
337                 database.
338            </p>
339              </li>
340              <li>
341                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_PREV_DUP"></a>
342                  <code class="literal">DB_PREV_DUP</code>
343            </p>
344                <p>
345                 If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data
346                 record for the current key/data pair, the cursor is moved to the
347                 previous key/data pair of the database, and that pair is returned.
348            </p>
349                <p>
350                 The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
351                 DB_PREV_DUP is set and the previous key/data pair of the database is
352                 not a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair.
353            </p>
354              </li>
355              <li>
356                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_PREV_NODUP"></a>
357                  <code class="literal">DB_PREV_NODUP</code>
358            </p>
359                <p>
360                 If the cursor is not yet initialized, DB_PREV_NODUP is identical to
361                 DB_LAST.  Otherwise, the cursor is moved to the previous non-duplicate
362                 key of the database, and that key/data pair is returned.
363            </p>
364                <p>
365                 If the database is a Queue or Recno database, <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> using
366                 the DB_PREV_NODUP flag will ignore any keys that exist but were never
367                 explicitly created by the application, or those that were created and
368                 later deleted.
369            </p>
370                <p>
371                 The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
372                 DB_PREV_NODUP is set and no non-duplicate key/data pairs exist before
373                 the cursor position in the database.
374            </p>
375              </li>
376              <li>
377                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_SET"></a>
378                 <code class="literal">DB_SET</code>
379            </p>
380                <p>
381                 Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the database, and
382                 return the datum associated with the given key.
383            </p>
384                <p>
385                 The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
386                 DB_SET is set and no matching keys are found. The 
387                <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_KEYEMPTY" class="olink">DB_KEYEMPTY</a> if
388                 DB_SET is set and the database is a Queue or Recno database, and the
389                 specified key exists, but was never explicitly created by the
390                 application or was later deleted. In the presence of duplicate key
391                 values, <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> will return the first data item for the given
392                 key.
393            </p>
394              </li>
395              <li>
396                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_SET_RANGE"></a>
397                  <code class="literal">DB_SET_RANGE</code>
398            </p>
399                <p>
400                Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair of the
401                database. In the case of the Btree access method, the key
402                is returned as well as the data item and the returned
403                key/data pair is the smallest key greater than or equal to
404                the specified key (as determined by the Btree comparison
405                function), permitting partial key matches and range
406                searches.
407            </p>
408                <p>
409                In all other ways the behavior of this flag is the same
410                as the <a class="link" href="dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_SET">DB_SET</a> flag.
411            </p>
412              </li>
413              <li>
414                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_SET_RECNO"></a>
415                  <code class="literal">DB_SET_RECNO</code>
416            </p>
417                <p>
418                 Move the cursor to the specific numbered record of the database, and
419                 return the associated key/data pair.  The <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> field of the specified <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> must be a pointer to a memory location from
420                 which a <code class="literal">db_recno_t</code>  may be
421                 read, as described in <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter 4.  The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>.  This memory location will
422                 be read to determine the record to be retrieved.
423            </p>
424                <p>
425                 For DB_SET_RECNO to be specified, the underlying database must be of
426                 type Btree, and it must have been created with the 
427                 <a class="link" href="dbset_flags.html#dbset_flags_DB_RECNUM">DB_RECNUM</a>  flag.
428            </p>
429              </li>
430            </ul>
431          </div>
432          <p>
433                 In addition, the following flags may be set by bitwise inclusively
434                 <span class="bold"><strong>OR</strong></span>'ing them into the <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter:
435            </p>
436          <div class="itemizedlist">
437            <ul type="disc">
438              <li>
439                <p>
440                  <code class="literal">DB_IGNORE_LEASE</code>
441            </p>
442                <p>
443                This flag is relevant only when using a replicated
444                environment.
445            </p>
446                <p>
447                 Return the data item irrespective of the state of master leases.  The
448                 item will be returned under all conditions: if master leases are not
449                 configured, if the request is made to a client, if the request is made
450                 to a master with a valid lease, or if the request is made to a master
451                 without a valid lease.
452            </p>
453              </li>
454              <li>
455                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_READ_COMMITTED"></a>
456                  <code class="literal">DB_READ_COMMITTED</code>
457            </p>
458                <p>
459                 Configure a transactional get operation to have degree 2 isolation
460                 (the read is not repeatable).
461            </p>
462              </li>
463              <li>
464                <p>
465                  <code class="literal">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</code>
466            </p>
467                <p>
468                 Database items read during a transactional call will have degree 1
469                 isolation, including modified but not yet committed data.  Silently
470                 ignored if the 
471                 <a class="link" href="dbopen.html#dbopen_DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</a> 
472                 flag was not specified when the underlying database was opened.
473            </p>
474              </li>
475              <li>
476                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_MULTIPLE"></a>
477                     <code class="literal">DB_MULTIPLE</code>
478            </p>
479                <p>
480                 Return multiple data items in the <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> parameter.
481            </p>
482                <p>
483                 In the case of Btree or Hash databases, duplicate data items for the
484                 current key, starting at the current cursor position, are entered into
485                 the buffer.  Subsequent calls with both the DB_NEXT_DUP and
486                 DB_MULTIPLE flags specified will return additional duplicate data
487                 items associated with the current key or <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
488                 there are no additional duplicate data items to return.  Subsequent
489                 calls with both the DB_NEXT and DB_MULTIPLE flags specified will
490                 return additional duplicate data items associated with the current key
491                 or if there are no additional duplicate data items will return the
492                 next key and its data items or <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
493                 there are no additional keys in the database.
494            </p>
495                <p>
496                 In the case of Queue or Recno databases, data items starting at the
497                 current cursor position are entered into the buffer.  The record
498                 number of the first record will be returned in the <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> parameter.  The record number of each
499                 subsequent returned record must be calculated from this value. 
500                 Subsequent calls with the DB_MULTIPLE flag specified will return
501                 additional data items or <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
502                 there are no additional data items to return.
503            </p>
504                <p>
505                 The buffer to which the <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span>
506                 parameter refers must be provided from user memory (see 
507                 <a class="link" href="dbt.html#dbt_DB_DBT_USERMEM">DB_DBT_USERMEM</a> ). 
508                 The buffer must be at least as large as the page size of the
509                 underlying database, aligned for unsigned integer access, and be a
510                 multiple of 1024 bytes in size.  If the buffer size is insufficient,
511                 then upon return from the call the size field of the <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> parameter will have been set to an
512                 estimated buffer size, and the error DB_BUFFER_SMALL is returned. 
513                 (The size is an estimate as the exact size needed may not be known
514                 until all entries are read.  It is best to initially provide a
515                 relatively large buffer, but applications should be prepared to resize
516                 the buffer as necessary and repeatedly call the method.)
517            </p>
518                <p>
519                 The multiple data items can be iterated over using the 
521                 <span>
522                     <a class="xref" href="dbmultipledataiterator.html" title="DbMultipleDataIterator">DbMultipleDataIterator</a> class.
523                </span>
524            </p>
525                <p>
526                 The DB_MULTIPLE flag may only be used with the DB_CURRENT, DB_FIRST,
528                 DB_SET, DB_SET_RANGE, and DB_SET_RECNO options.  The DB_MULTIPLE flag
529                 may not be used when accessing databases made into secondary indices
530                 using the <a class="xref" href="dbassociate.html" title="Db::associate()">Db::associate()</a>  method.
531            </p>
532              </li>
533              <li>
534                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_MULTIPLE_KEY"></a>
535                  <code class="literal">DB_MULTIPLE_KEY</code>
536            </p>
537                <p>
538                 Return multiple key and data pairs in the <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> parameter.
539            </p>
540                <p>
541                 Key and data pairs, starting at the current cursor position, are
542                 entered into the buffer.  Subsequent calls with both the DB_NEXT and
543                 DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flags specified will return additional key and data
544                 pairs or <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if
545                 there are no additional key and data items to return.
546            </p>
547                <p>
548                 In the case of Btree or Hash databases, the multiple key and data
549                 pairs can be iterated over using the 
551                 <span>
552                     <a class="xref" href="dbmultiplekeydataiterator.html" title="DbMultipleKeyDataIterator">DbMultipleKeyDataIterator</a> class.
553                </span>
554            </p>
555                <p>
556                 In the case of Queue or Recno databases, the multiple record number
557                 and data pairs can be iterated over using the 
559                 <span>
560                     <a class="xref" href="dbmultiplerecnodataiterator.html" title="DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator">DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator</a> class.
561                </span>
562            </p>
563                <p>
564                 The buffer to which the <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span>
565                 parameter refers must be provided from user memory (see 
566                 <a class="link" href="dbt.html#dbt_DB_DBT_USERMEM">DB_DBT_USERMEM</a> ). 
567                 The buffer must be at least as large as the page size of the
568                 underlying database, aligned for unsigned integer access, and be a
569                 multiple of 1024 bytes in size.  If the buffer size is insufficient,
570                 then upon return from the call the size field of the <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> parameter will have been set to an
571                 estimated buffer size, and the error DB_BUFFER_SMALL is returned. 
572                 (The size is an estimate as the exact size needed may not be known
573                 until all entries are read.  It is best to initially provide a
574                 relatively large buffer, but applications should be prepared to resize
575                 the buffer as necessary and repeatedly call the method.)
576            </p>
577                <p>
578                 The DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flag may only be used with the DB_CURRENT,
580                 DB_NEXT_NODUP, DB_SET, DB_SET_RANGE, and DB_SET_RECNO options.  The
581                 DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flag may not be used when accessing databases made
582                 into secondary indices using the 
583                 <a class="xref" href="dbassociate.html" title="Db::associate()">Db::associate()</a>  method.
584            </p>
585              </li>
586              <li>
587                <p><a id="dbcget_DB_RMW"></a>
588                 <code class="literal">DB_RMW</code>
589            </p>
590                <p>
591                 Acquire write locks instead of read locks when doing the read, if
592                 locking is configured.  Setting this flag can eliminate deadlock
593                 during a read-modify-write cycle by acquiring the write lock during
594                 the read part of the cycle so that another thread of control acquiring
595                 a read lock for the same item, in its own read-modify-write cycle,
596                 will not result in deadlock.
597            </p>
598              </li>
599            </ul>
600          </div>
601        </div>
602        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
603          <div class="titlepage">
604            <div>
605              <div>
606                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1657366"></a>key</h4>
607              </div>
608            </div>
609          </div>
610          <p>
611                          The key <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter 4.  The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>  operated on.
612                     </p>
613        </div>
614        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
615          <div class="titlepage">
616            <div>
617              <div>
618                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1657221"></a>pkey</h4>
619              </div>
620            </div>
621          </div>
622          <p>
623                          The secondary index key <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter 4.  The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>  operated on.
624                     </p>
625        </div>
626      </div>
627      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
628        <div class="titlepage">
629          <div>
630            <div>
631              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1656339"></a>Errors</h3>
632            </div>
633          </div>
634        </div>
635        <p>
636                         The <code class="methodname">Dbc::get()</code> <span>
638            <span>
639                method may fail and throw a <a class="link" href="dbexception.html" title="Chapter 6. The DbException Class">DbException</a> 
640                exception, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors, or return one
641                of the following non-zero errors:
642            </span>
643        </span>
644                    </p>
645        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
646          <div class="titlepage">
647            <div>
648              <div>
649                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1656914"></a><span>DbMemoryException or </span>DB_BUFFER_SMALL</h4>
650              </div>
651            </div>
652          </div>
653          <p>
654                The requested item could not be returned due to undersized buffer.
655            </p>
656          <p>
657                <a class="xref" href="dbmemory.html" title="DbMemoryException">DbMemoryException</a> is thrown if
658                your Berkeley DB API is configured to throw exceptions.
659                Otherwise, <code class="literal">DB_BUFFER_SMALL</code> is returned.
660            </p>
661        </div>
662        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
663          <div class="titlepage">
664            <div>
665              <div>
666                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1656950"></a><span>DbDeadlockException or </span>DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</h4>
667              </div>
668            </div>
669          </div>
670          <p>
671                A transactional database environment operation was selected to resolve
672                a deadlock.
673            </p>
674          <p>
675                <a class="xref" href="dbdeadlock.html" title="DbDeadlockException">DbDeadlockException</a> is thrown if
676                your Berkeley DB API is configured to throw exceptions.
677                Otherwise, <code class="literal">DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</code> is returned.
678            </p>
679        </div>
680        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
681          <div class="titlepage">
682            <div>
683              <div>
684                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1656995"></a><span>DbLockNotGrantedException or </span>DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED</h4>
685              </div>
686            </div>
687          </div>
688          <p>
689                A Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store database environment configured
690                for lock timeouts was unable to grant a lock in the allowed time.
691            </p>
692          <p>
693                <a class="xref" href="dblocknotgranted.html" title="DbLockNotGrantedException">DbLockNotGrantedException</a> is thrown if
694                your Berkeley DB API is configured to throw exceptions.
695                Otherwise, <code class="literal">DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED</code> is returned.
696            </p>
697        </div>
698        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
699          <div class="titlepage">
700            <div>
701              <div>
702                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1656669"></a><span>DbRepHandleDeadException or</span> DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD</h4>
703              </div>
704            </div>
705          </div>
706          <p>
707                When a client synchronizes with the master, it is possible for committed
708                transactions to be rolled back. This invalidates all  the database and cursor
709                handles opened in the replication environment. Once this occurs, an attempt to use
710                such a handle will 
711                <span>
712                    throw a <a class="xref" href="dbrephandledead.html" title="DbRepHandleDeadException">DbRepHandleDeadException</a> (if
713                    your application is configured to throw exceptions), or 
714                </span>
715                return <code class="literal">DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD</code>.
716                The application will need to discard the handle and open a new one in order to
717                continue processing.
718            </p>
719        </div>
720        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
721          <div class="titlepage">
722            <div>
723              <div>
724                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1656787"></a>DB_REP_LEASE_EXPIRED</h4>
725              </div>
726            </div>
727          </div>
728          <p>
729                The operation failed because the site's replication master lease has expired.
730            </p>
731        </div>
732        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
733          <div class="titlepage">
734            <div>
735              <div>
736                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1656738"></a><span>DbDeadlockException or </span>DB_REP_LOCKOUT</h4>
737              </div>
738            </div>
739          </div>
740          <p>
741                The operation was blocked by client/master synchronization.
742            </p>
743          <p>
744                <a class="xref" href="dbdeadlock.html" title="DbDeadlockException">DbDeadlockException</a> is thrown if
745                your Berkeley DB API is configured to throw exceptions.
746                Otherwise, <code class="literal">DB_REP_LOCKOUT</code> is returned.
747            </p>
748        </div>
749        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
750          <div class="titlepage">
751            <div>
752              <div>
753                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1656725"></a>DB_SECONDARY_BAD</h4>
754              </div>
755            </div>
756          </div>
757          <p>
758                A secondary index references a nonexistent primary key.
759            </p>
760        </div>
761        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
762          <div class="titlepage">
763            <div>
764              <div>
765                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1657746"></a>EINVAL</h4>
766              </div>
767            </div>
768          </div>
769          <p>
770                          If the DB_CURRENT, DB_NEXT_DUP or DB_PREV_DUP flags were specified and
771                          the cursor has not been initialized; the <code class="methodname">Dbc::pget()</code> method was
772                          called with a cursor that does not refer to a secondary index; or if
773                          an invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
774                        </p>
775        </div>
776      </div>
777      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
778        <div class="titlepage">
779          <div>
780            <div>
781              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1656479"></a>Class</h3>
782            </div>
783          </div>
784        </div>
785        <p>
786                <a class="link" href="dbc.html" title="Chapter 3.  The Dbc Handle">Dbc</a>  
787            </p>
788      </div>
789      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
790        <div class="titlepage">
791          <div>
792            <div>
793              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1656474"></a>See Also</h3>
794            </div>
795          </div>
796        </div>
797        <p>
798                     <a class="xref" href="dbc.html#dbclist" title="Database Cursors and Related Methods">Database Cursors and Related Methods</a> 
799                </p>
800      </div>
801    </div>
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813          <td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Dbc::dup() </td>
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817          <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Dbc::get_priority()</td>
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