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6    <title>DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_pgcookie()</title>
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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_pgcookie()</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="mempset_pgcookie"></a>DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_pgcookie()</h2>
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38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db.h&gt;
41DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_pgcookie(DB_MPOOLFILE *mpf, DBT *pgcookie);  </pre>
42      <p>
43         The <code class="methodname">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_pgcookie()</code> method specifies a byte string that
44         is provided to the functions registered to do input or output
45         processing of the file's pages as they are read from or written to,
46         the backing filesystem store.  (See the 
47         <a class="xref" href="mempregister.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;memp_register()">DB_ENV-&gt;memp_register()</a> 
48         documentation for more information.)
49    </p>
50      <p>
51         The <code class="methodname">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_pgcookie()</code> method configures a file in the
52         cache, not only operations performed using the specified 
53         <a class="link" href="memp.html" title="Chapter 8.  The DB_MPOOLFILE Handle">DB_MPOOLFILE</a>  handle.
54    </p>
55      <p>
56         The <code class="methodname">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_pgcookie()</code> method may not be called after the
57         <a class="xref" href="mempfopen.html" title="DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;open()">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;open()</a> 
58         method is called. If the file is already open in the cache when
59         <a class="xref" href="mempfopen.html" title="DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;open()">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;open()</a>  is
60         called, the information specified to <code class="methodname">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_pgcookie()</code>
61         will replace the existing information.
62    </p>
63      <p>
64         The <code class="methodname">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_pgcookie()</code> <span>
65            <span>
66                  method returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.
67            </span>
69        </span>
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75              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1692894"></a>Parameters</h3>
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83                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1692794"></a>pgcookie</h4>
84              </div>
85            </div>
86          </div>
87          <p>
88                          The <span class="bold"><strong>pgcookie</strong></span> parameter is a byte
89                          string provided to the functions registered to do input or output
90                          processing of the file's pages.
91                     </p>
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98              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1693092"></a>Class</h3>
99            </div>
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102        <p>
103                 <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter 5.  The DB_ENV Handle">DB_ENV</a>, <a class="link" href="memp.html" title="Chapter 8.  The DB_MPOOLFILE Handle">DB_MPOOLFILE</a> 
104            </p>
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110              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1692902"></a>See Also</h3>
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112          </div>
113        </div>
114        <p>
115                     <a class="xref" href="memp.html#memplist" title="Memory Pools and Related Methods">Memory Pools and Related Methods</a> 
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134          <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_priority()</td>
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