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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">DB_ENV-&gt;set_verbose()</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="envset_verbose"></a>DB_ENV-&gt;set_verbose()</h2>
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37      </div>
38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db.h&gt;
41DB_ENV-&gt;set_verbose(DB_ENV *dbenv, u_int32_t which, int onoff);  </pre>
42      <p>
43         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_verbose()</code> method turns specific additional
44         informational and debugging messages in the Berkeley DB message output
45         on and off.  To see the additional messages, verbose messages must
46         also be configured for the application.  For more information on
47         verbose messages, see the <a class="xref" href="envset_msgfile.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;set_msgfile()">DB_ENV-&gt;set_msgfile()</a> 
48         method.
49    </p>
50      <p>
51         The database environment's messages may also be configured using the
52         environment's <a href="../../programmer_reference/env_db_config.html#env_db_config.DB_CONFIG" class="olink">DB_CONFIG</a> file.  The
53         syntax of the entry in that file is a single line with the string
54         "set_verbose", one or more whitespace characters, and the method
55         <span class="bold"><strong>which</strong></span> parameter as a string; for
56         example, "set_verbose DB_VERB_RECOVERY". Because the <a href="../../programmer_reference/env_db_config.html#env_db_config.DB_CONFIG" class="olink">DB_CONFIG</a> file is
57         read when the database environment is opened, it will silently
58         overrule configuration done before that time.
59    </p>
60      <p>
61         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_verbose()</code> method configures operations performed
62         using the specified <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter 5.  The DB_ENV Handle">DB_ENV</a>  handle, not all
63         operations performed on the underlying database environment.
64    </p>
65      <p>
66         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_verbose()</code> method may be called at any time during the
67         life of the application.
68    </p>
69      <p>
70         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_verbose()</code> <span>
71            <span>
72                  method returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.
73            </span>
75        </span>
76    </p>
77      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
78        <div class="titlepage">
79          <div>
80            <div>
81              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1673044"></a>Parameters</h3>
82            </div>
83          </div>
84        </div>
85        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
86          <div class="titlepage">
87            <div>
88              <div>
89                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1673462"></a>onoff</h4>
90              </div>
91            </div>
92          </div>
93          <p>
94                          If the <span class="bold"><strong>onoff</strong></span> parameter is set to
95                          non-zero, the additional messages are output.
96                     </p>
97        </div>
98        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
99          <div class="titlepage">
100            <div>
101              <div>
102                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1673506"></a>which</h4>
103              </div>
104            </div>
105          </div>
106          <p>
107                          The <span class="bold"><strong>which</strong></span> parameter must be set to
108                          one of the following values:
109                     </p>
110          <div class="itemizedlist">
111            <ul type="disc">
112              <li>
113                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_DEADLOCK"></a>
114                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_DEADLOCK</code>
115            </p>
116                <p>
117                 Display additional information when doing deadlock detection.
118            </p>
119              </li>
120              <li>
121                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_FILEOPS"></a>
122                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_FILEOPS</code>
123            </p>
124                <p>
125                 Display additional information when performing filesystem operations
126                 such as open, close or rename.  May not be available on all platforms.
127            </p>
128              </li>
129              <li>
130                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_FILEOPS_ALL"></a>
131                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_FILEOPS_ALL</code>
132            </p>
133                <p>
134                 Display additional information when performing all filesystem
135                 operations, including read and write.  May not be available on all
136                 platforms.
137            </p>
138              </li>
139              <li>
140                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_RECOVERY"></a>
141                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_RECOVERY</code>
142            </p>
143                <p>
144                 Display additional information when performing recovery.
145            </p>
146              </li>
147              <li>
148                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_REGISTER"></a>
149                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_REGISTER</code>
150            </p>
151                <p>
152                 Display additional information concerning support for the 
153                 <a class="link" href="envopen.html#envopen_DB_REGISTER">DB_REGISTER</a>  flag to
154                 the <a class="xref" href="envopen.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;open()">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</a> 
155                 method.
156            </p>
157              </li>
158              <li>
159                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_REPLICATION"></a>
160                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_REPLICATION</code>
161            </p>
162                <p>
163                 Display all detailed information about replication. This includes the
164                 information displayed by all of the other DB_VERB_REP_* and
165                 DB_VERB_REPMGR_* values.
166            </p>
167              </li>
168              <li>
169                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_REP_ELECT"></a>
170                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_REP_ELECT</code>
171            </p>
172                <p>
173                 Display detailed information about replication elections.
174            </p>
175              </li>
176              <li>
177                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_REP_LEASE"></a>
178                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_REP_LEASE</code>
179            </p>
180                <p>
181                 Display detailed information about replication master leases.
182            </p>
183              </li>
184              <li>
185                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_REP_MISC"></a>
186                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_REP_MISC</code>
187            </p>
188                <p>
189                 Display detailed information about general replication processing not
190                 covered by the other DB_VERB_REP_* values.
191            </p>
192              </li>
193              <li>
194                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_REP_MSGS"></a>
195                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_REP_MSGS</code>
196            </p>
197                <p>
198                 Display detailed information about replication message processing.
199            </p>
200              </li>
201              <li>
202                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_REP_SYNC"></a>
203                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_REP_SYNC</code>
204            </p>
205                <p>
206                 Display detailed information about replication client synchronization.
207            </p>
208              </li>
209              <li>
210                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_REPMGR_CONNFAIL"></a>
211                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_REPMGR_CONNFAIL</code>
212            </p>
213                <p>
214                 Display detailed information about Replication Manager connection
215                 failures.
216            </p>
217              </li>
218              <li>
219                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC"></a>
220                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC</code>
221            </p>
222                <p>
223                 Display detailed information about general Replication Manager
224                 processing.
225            </p>
226              </li>
227              <li>
228                <p><a id="set_verbose_DB_VERB_WAITSFOR"></a>
229                  <code class="literal">DB_VERB_WAITSFOR</code>
230            </p>
231                <p>
232                 Display the waits-for table when doing deadlock detection.
233            </p>
234              </li>
235            </ul>
236          </div>
237        </div>
238      </div>
239      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
240        <div class="titlepage">
241          <div>
242            <div>
243              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1673594"></a>Errors</h3>
244            </div>
245          </div>
246        </div>
247        <p>
248                         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_verbose()</code> <span>
249            <span>
250                 method may fail and return one of the following non-zero errors:
251            </span>
253        </span>
254                    </p>
255        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
256          <div class="titlepage">
257            <div>
258              <div>
259                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1673987"></a>EINVAL</h4>
260              </div>
261            </div>
262          </div>
263          <p>
264                An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
265            </p>
266        </div>
267      </div>
268      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
269        <div class="titlepage">
270          <div>
271            <div>
272              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1673757"></a>Class</h3>
273            </div>
274          </div>
275        </div>
276        <p>
277                <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter 5.  The DB_ENV Handle">DB_ENV</a>  
278            </p>
279      </div>
280      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
281        <div class="titlepage">
282          <div>
283            <div>
284              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1673762"></a>See Also</h3>
285            </div>
286          </div>
287        </div>
288        <p>
289                     <a class="xref" href="env.html#envlist" title="Database Environments and Related Methods">Database Environments and Related Methods</a> 
290                </p>
291      </div>
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