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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">DB-&gt;del()</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbdel"></a>DB-&gt;del()</h2>
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37      </div>
38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db.h&gt;
41DB-&gt;del(DB *db, DB_TXN *txnid, DBT *key, u_int32_t flags);  </pre>
42      <p>
43         The <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;del()</code> method removes key/data pairs from the database.  The
44         key/data pair associated with the specified <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> is discarded from the database.  In the
45         presence of duplicate key values, all records associated with the
46         designated key will be discarded.
47    </p>
48      <p>
49         When called on a database that has been made into a secondary index
50         using the <a class="xref" href="dbassociate.html" title="DB-&gt;associate()">DB-&gt;associate()</a>  method, the
51         <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;del()</code> method deletes the key/data pair from the primary database
52         and all secondary indices.
53    </p>
54      <p>
55         The <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;del()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_NOTFOUND" class="olink">DB_NOTFOUND</a> if the specified key
56         is not in the database. The <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;del()</code> method will return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_KEYEMPTY" class="olink">DB_KEYEMPTY</a> if the database is a
57         Queue or Recno database and the specified key exists, but was never explicitly created by
58         the application or was later deleted. Unless otherwise specified, the
59         <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;del()</code> <span>
60            <span>
61                  method returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.
62            </span>
64        </span>
65    </p>
66      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
67        <div class="titlepage">
68          <div>
69            <div>
70              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1632636"></a>Parameters</h3>
71            </div>
72          </div>
73        </div>
74        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
75          <div class="titlepage">
76            <div>
77              <div>
78                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1633401"></a>flags</h4>
79              </div>
80            </div>
81          </div>
82          <p>
83                          The <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter must be set to 0
84                          or one of the following values:
85                     </p>
86          <div class="itemizedlist">
87            <ul type="disc">
88              <li>
89                <p><a id="dbput_DB_CONSUME"></a>
90                  <code class="literal">DB_CONSUME</code>
91            </p>
92                <p>
93	     	If the database is of type DB_QUEUE then this flag may be set to force the head of the queue
94		to move to the first non-deleted item in the queue.  Normally this is only done if the
95		deleted item is exactly at the head when deleted.
96            </p>
97              </li>
98              <li>
99                <p><a id="del_DB_MULTIPLE"></a>
100                  <code class="literal">DB_MULTIPLE</code>
101            </p>
102                <p>
103                Delete multiple data items using keys from the buffer to which the 
104                <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> parameter refers.
105            </p>
106                <p>
107                To delete records in bulk by key with the btree or hash access methods, construct a
108                bulk buffer in the <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> 
109                <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter 4.  The DBT Handle">DBT</a> using 
110                <a class="xref" href="DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_INIT.html" title="DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_INIT">DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_INIT</a> and 
111                <a class="xref" href="DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_NEXT.html" title="DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_NEXT">DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_NEXT</a>.  To
112                delete records in bulk by record number, construct the 
113                <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter 4.  The DBT Handle">DBT</a> using 
114                <a class="xref" href="DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_INIT.html" title="DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_INIT">DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_INIT</a> and 
115                <a class="xref" href="DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_NEXT.html" title="DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_NEXT">DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_NEXT</a> 
116                with a data size of zero.
117            </p>
118                <p>
119                A successful bulk delete operation is logically equivalent to a loop through each
120                key/data pair, performing a <a class="xref" href="dbdel.html" title="DB-&gt;del()">DB-&gt;del()</a> for each one.
121            </p>
122                <p>
123                See the <a class="xref" href="dbt.html#dbtlist" title="DBT and Bulk Operations">DBT and Bulk Operations</a> for more information on
124                working with bulk updates.
125            </p>
126                <p>
127                The <code class="literal">DB_MULTIPLE</code> flag may only be used alone.
128            </p>
129              </li>
130              <li>
131                <p><a id="del_DB_MULTIPLE_KEY"></a>
132                  <code class="literal">DB_MULTIPLE_KEY</code>
133            </p>
134                <p>
135                Delete multiple data items using keys and data from the buffer to which the 
136                <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> parameter refers.
137            </p>
138                <p>
139                To delete records in bulk with the btree or hash access methods, construct a bulk
140                buffer in the <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> 
141                <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter 4.  The DBT Handle">DBT</a> using 
142                <a class="xref" href="DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_INIT.html" title="DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_INIT">DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_INIT</a> and 
143                <a class="xref" href="DB_MULTIPLE_KEY_WRITE_NEXT.html" title="DB_MULTIPLE_KEY_WRITE_NEXT">DB_MULTIPLE_KEY_WRITE_NEXT</a>.  
144                To delete records in bulk with the recno or hash access methods, construct
145                a bulk buffer in the <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> 
146                <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter 4.  The DBT Handle">DBT</a> using 
147                <a class="xref" href="DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_INIT.html" title="DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_INIT">DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_INIT</a> 
148                and <a class="xref" href="DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_NEXT.html" title="DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_NEXT">DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_NEXT</a>.
149            </p>
150                <p>
151                See the <a class="xref" href="dbt.html#dbtlist" title="DBT and Bulk Operations">DBT and Bulk Operations</a> for more information on
152                working with bulk updates.
153            </p>
154                <p>
155                The <code class="literal">DB_MULTIPLE_KEY</code> flag may only be used alone.
156            </p>
157              </li>
158            </ul>
159          </div>
160        </div>
161        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
162          <div class="titlepage">
163            <div>
164              <div>
165                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1633548"></a>key</h4>
166              </div>
167            </div>
168          </div>
169          <p>
170                The key <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter 4.  The DBT Handle">DBT</a>  operated on.
171            </p>
172        </div>
173        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
174          <div class="titlepage">
175            <div>
176              <div>
177                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1633772"></a>txnid</h4>
178              </div>
179            </div>
180          </div>
181          <p>
182                If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction, the
183                <span class="bold"><strong>txnid</strong></span> parameter is a transaction
184                handle returned from <a class="xref" href="txnbegin.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;txn_begin()">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_begin()</a>; 
185                if the operation is part of a Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store group, the
186                <span class="bold"><strong>txnid</strong></span> parameter is a handle returned
187                from <a class="xref" href="envcdsgroup_begin.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;cdsgroup_begin()">DB_ENV-&gt;cdsgroup_begin()</a>;
188                otherwise NULL. If no transaction handle is specified, but the
189                operation occurs in a transactional database, the operation will be
190                implicitly transaction protected.
191            </p>
192        </div>
193      </div>
194      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
195        <div class="titlepage">
196          <div>
197            <div>
198              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1633398"></a>Errors</h3>
199            </div>
200          </div>
201        </div>
202        <p>
203            The <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;del()</code> <span>
204            <span>
205                 method may fail and return one of the following non-zero errors:
206            </span>
208        </span>
209        </p>
210        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
211          <div class="titlepage">
212            <div>
213              <div>
214                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1633662"></a>DB_FOREIGN_CONFLICT</h4>
215              </div>
216            </div>
217          </div>
218          <p>
219                A <a class="link" href="dbassociate_foreign.html" title="DB-&gt;associate_foreign()">foreign key constraint violation</a> 
220                has occurred. This can be caused by one of two things:
221            </p>
222          <div class="orderedlist">
223            <ol type="1">
224              <li>
225                <p>
226                            An attempt was made to add a record to a
227                            constrained database, and the key used for that
228                            record does not exist in the foreign key
229                            database.
230                        </p>
231              </li>
232              <li>
233                <p>
234                            <a class="link" href="dbassociate_foreign.html#associate_foreign_DB_FOREIGN_ABORT">DB_FOREIGN_ABORT</a> 
235                            was declared for a foreign key database, and then
236                            subsequently a record was deleted from the
237                            foreign key database without first removing it
238                            from the constrained secondary database.
239                        </p>
240              </li>
241            </ol>
242          </div>
243        </div>
244        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
245          <div class="titlepage">
246            <div>
247              <div>
248                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1633801"></a>DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</h4>
249              </div>
250            </div>
251          </div>
252          <p>
253                A transactional database environment operation was selected to resolve
254                a deadlock.
255            </p>
256        </div>
257        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
258          <div class="titlepage">
259            <div>
260              <div>
261                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1633512"></a>DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED</h4>
262              </div>
263            </div>
264          </div>
265          <p>
266                A Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store database environment configured
267                for lock timeouts was unable to grant a lock in the allowed time.
268            </p>
269        </div>
270        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
271          <div class="titlepage">
272            <div>
273              <div>
274                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1634013"></a> DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD</h4>
275              </div>
276            </div>
277          </div>
278          <p>
279                When a client synchronizes with the master, it is possible for committed
280                transactions to be rolled back. This invalidates all  the database and cursor
281                handles opened in the replication environment. Once this occurs, an attempt to use
282                such a handle will 
284                return <code class="literal">DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD</code>.
285                The application will need to discard the handle and open a new one in order to
286                continue processing.
287            </p>
288        </div>
289        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
290          <div class="titlepage">
291            <div>
292              <div>
293                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1633743"></a>DB_REP_LOCKOUT</h4>
294              </div>
295            </div>
296          </div>
297          <p>
298                The operation was blocked by client/master synchronization.
299            </p>
300        </div>
301        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
302          <div class="titlepage">
303            <div>
304              <div>
305                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1633540"></a>DB_SECONDARY_BAD</h4>
306              </div>
307            </div>
308          </div>
309          <p>
310                A secondary index references a nonexistent primary key.
311            </p>
312        </div>
313        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
314          <div class="titlepage">
315            <div>
316              <div>
317                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1633536"></a>EACCES</h4>
318              </div>
319            </div>
320          </div>
321          <p>
322                An attempt was made to modify a read-only database.
323            </p>
324        </div>
325        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
326          <div class="titlepage">
327            <div>
328              <div>
329                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1633560"></a>EINVAL</h4>
330              </div>
331            </div>
332          </div>
333          <p>
334                An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
335            </p>
336        </div>
337      </div>
338      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
339        <div class="titlepage">
340          <div>
341            <div>
342              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1633193"></a>Class</h3>
343            </div>
344          </div>
345        </div>
346        <p>
347            <a class="link" href="db.html" title="Chapter 2.  The DB Handle">DB</a>  
348        </p>
349      </div>
350      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
351        <div class="titlepage">
352          <div>
353            <div>
354              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1633555"></a>See Also</h3>
355            </div>
356          </div>
357        </div>
358        <p>
359            <a class="xref" href="db.html#dblist" title="Database and Related Methods">Database and Related Methods</a> 
360        </p>
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378          <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> DB-&gt;err()</td>
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