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1# JS unit test support for py.test - (c) 2007 Guido Wesdorp. All rights
2# reserved
4# This software is distributed under the terms of the JSBase
5# License. See LICENSE.txt for license text.
7import py
9here = py.magic.autopath().dirpath()
11class JSTest(py.test.collect.Item):
12    def run(self):
13        path = self.fspath
14        test = self.name.split('/')[-1]
15        paths = [path.strpath,
16                    (here / 'exception.js').strpath,
17                    (here / 'testing.js').strpath,
18                    (here / 'misclib.js').strpath,
19                ]
20        testjs = (here / 'testing/testbase.js').read() % (
21                    paths, test, '__main__')
22        curdir = str(py.path.local('.'))
23        py.std.os.chdir(str(self.fspath.dirpath()))
24        try:
25            jspath = self.fspath.new(basename='__testbase_temp.js')
26            try:
27                jspath.write(testjs)
28                pipe = py.std.os.popen('js "%s"' % (jspath,))
29                try:
30                    data = {}
31                    for line in pipe:
32                        done = self._handle_line(line, data)
33                        if done:
34                            errdata = data[data['current']]
35                            if errdata:
36                                self.fail(errdata)
37                finally:
38                    pipe.close()
39            finally:
40                jspath.remove()
41        finally:
42            py.std.os.chdir(curdir)
44    def fail(self, errdata):
45        py.test.fail(
46        '\nJS traceback (most recent last): \n%s\n%s\n' % (
47                (errdata[1:] and
48                    self._format_tb(errdata[1:-5]) or
49                    'no traceback available'
50                ),
51                errdata[0],
52            )
53        )
55    _handling_traceback = False
56    def _handle_line(self, line, data):
57        line = line[:-1]
58        if line.startswith('end test'):
59            return True
60        if self._handling_traceback and line != 'end traceback':
61            data[data['current']].append(line)
62        if line.startswith('PRINTED: '):
63            print line[9:]
64        elif line.startswith('running test '):
65            testname = line[13:]
66            data['current'] = testname
67            data[testname] = []
68        elif line.startswith('success'):
69            pass
70        elif line.startswith('failure: '):
71            data[data['current']].append(line[9:])
72        elif line.startswith('traceback'):
73            self._handling_traceback = True
74        elif line.startswith('end traceback'):
75            self._handling_traceback = False
77    def _format_tb(self, tb):
78        tb.reverse()
79        ret = []
80        for line in tb:
81            line = line.strip()
82            if not line:
83                continue
84            funcsig, lineinfo = line.split('@', 1)
85            fpath, lineno = lineinfo.rsplit(':', 1)
86            fname = py.path.local(fpath).basename
87            # XXX might filter out too much... but it's better than leaving it
88            # all in (since it adds a couple of lines to the end of the tb,
89            # making it harder to find the problem line)
90            if fname in ['__testbase_temp.js', '__testbase_find.js',
91                            'exception.js']:
92                continue
93            lineno = int(lineno)
94            if lineno == 0:
95                fname = "<unknown>"
96            ret.append('File "%s", line %s, in %s' % (
97                        fname, lineno, funcsig or '?'))
98            if lineno > 0:
99                line = py.path.local(fpath).readlines()[lineno - 1]
100                ret.append('    %s' % (line.strip(),))
101        return '\n'.join(['  %s' % (r,) for r in ret])
103class JSChecker(py.test.collect.Module):
104    def __repr__(self):
105        return py.test.collect.Collector.__repr__(self)
107    def setup(self):
108        pass
110    def teardown(self):
111        pass
113    def run(self):
114        findjs = here.join('testing/findtests.js').read() % (
115                    self.fspath.strpath, '__main__')
116        curdir = str(py.path.local('.'))
117        py.std.os.chdir(str(self.fspath.dirpath()))
118        tests = []
119        try:
120            jspath = self.fspath.new(basename='__findtests.js')
121            try:
122                jspath.write(findjs)
123                stdin, pipe, stderr = py.std.os.popen3('js "%s"' % (jspath,))
124                try:
125                    error = stderr.next()
126                    print 'Error read:', error
127                except StopIteration:
128                    pass
129                else:
130                    if error.find('command not found') > -1:
131                        py.test.skip(
132                            'error running "js" (SpiderMonkey), which is '
133                            'required to run JS tests')
134                    else:
135                        py.test.fail(error)
136                    return
137                try:
138                    for line in pipe:
139                        tests.append(line.strip())
140                finally:
141                    py.std.sys.stdout = py.std.sys.__stdout__
142                    pipe.close()
143            finally:
144                jspath.remove()
145        finally:
146            py.std.os.chdir(curdir)
147        return ['%s/%s' % (self.fspath.basename, test) for test in tests]
149    def join(self, name):
150        if py.path.local(name).dirpath().strpath.endswith('.js'):
151            return JSTest(name, self)
152        return super(JSChecker, self).join(name)
154class Directory(py.test.collect.Directory):
155    def run(self):
156        if self.fspath == here:
157            return [p.basename for p in self.fspath.listdir('test_*') if
158                    p.ext in ['.py', '.js']]
159        return super(Directory, self).run()
161    def join(self, name):
162        if not name.endswith('.js'):
163            return super(Directory, self).join(name)
164        p = self.fspath.join(name)
165        if p.check(file=1):
166            return JSChecker(p, parent=self)