2!== BROWSING.txt for Samba release 2.0.10 23 Jun 2001
4Author/s:	Many (Thanks to Luke, Jeremy, Andrew, etc.)
5Updated:	July 5, 1998
6Status:		Current - For VERY Advanced Users ONLY
8Summary: This describes how to configure Samba for improved browsing.
13SMB networking provides a mechanism by which clients can access a list
14of machines that are available within the network.  This list is called
15the browse list and is heavily used by all SMB clients.  Configuration
16of SMB browsing has been problematic for some Samba users, hence this
19Browsing will NOT work if name resolution from NetBIOS names to IP
20addresses does not function correctly. Use of a WINS server is highly
21recommended to aid the resolution of NetBIOS (SMB) names to IP addresses.
22WINS allows remote segment clients to obtain NetBIOS name_type information
23that can NOT be provided by any other means of name resolution.
29Samba now fully supports browsing.  The browsing is supported by nmbd
30and is also controlled by options in the smb.conf file (see smb.conf(5)).
32Samba can act as a local browse master for a workgroup and the ability
33for samba to support domain logons and scripts is now available.  See
34DOMAIN.txt for more information on domain logons.
36Samba can also act as a domain master browser for a workgroup.  This
37means that it will collate lists from local browse masters into a
38wide area network server list.  In order for browse clients to
39resolve the names they may find in this list, it is recommended that
40both samba and your clients use a WINS server.
42Note that you should NOT set Samba to be the domain master for a
43workgroup that has the same name as an NT Domain: on each wide area
44network, you must only ever have one domain master browser per workgroup,
45regardless of whether it is NT, Samba or any other type of domain master
46that is providing this service.
48[Note that nmbd can be configured as a WINS server, but it is not
49necessary to specifically use samba as your WINS server.  NTAS can
50be configured as your WINS server.  In a mixed NT server and
51samba environment on a Wide Area Network, it is recommended that
52you use the NT server's WINS server capabilities.  In a samba-only
53environment, it is recommended that you use one and only one nmbd
54as your WINS server].
56To get browsing to work you need to run nmbd as usual, but will need
57to use the "workgroup" option in smb.conf to control what workgroup
58Samba becomes a part of.
60Samba also has a useful option for a Samba server to offer itself for
61browsing on another subnet.  It is recommended that this option is only
62used for 'unusual' purposes: announcements over the internet, for
63example.  See "remote announce" in the smb.conf man page.  
65If something doesn't work then hopefully the log.nmb file will
66help you track down the problem.  Try a debug level of 2 or 3 for
67finding problems.
69Note that if it doesn't work for you, then you should still be able to
70type the server name as \\SERVER in filemanager then hit enter and
71filemanager should display the list of available shares.
73Some people find browsing fails because they don't have the global
74"guest account" set to a valid account.  Remember that the IPC$
75connection that lists the shares is done as guest, and thus you must
76have a valid guest account.
78Also, a lot of people are getting bitten by the problem of too many
79parameters on the command line of nmbd in inetd.conf.  This trick is to
80not use spaces between the option and the parameter (eg: -d2 instead
81of -d 2), and to not use the -B and -N options.  New versions of nmbd
82are now far more likely to correctly find your broadcast and network
83address, so in most cases these aren't needed.
85The other big problem people have is that their broadcast address,
86netmask or IP address is wrong (specified with the "interfaces" option
87in smb.conf)
93With the release of Samba 1.9.17(alpha1 and above) Samba has been
94updated to enable it to support the replication of browse lists
95across subnet boundaries.  New code and options have been added to
96achieve this.  This section describes how to set this feature up
97in different settings.
99To see browse lists that span TCP/IP subnets (ie.  networks separated
100by routers that don't pass broadcast traffic) you must set up at least
101one WINS server.  The WINS server acts as a DNS for NetBIOS names, allowing
102NetBIOS name to IP address translation to be done by doing a direct
103query of the WINS server.  This is done via a directed UDP packet on
104port 137 to the WINS server machine.  The reason for a WINS server is
105that by default, all NetBIOS name to IP address translation is done
106by broadcasts from the querying machine.  This means that machines
107on one subnet will not be able to resolve the names of machines on
108another subnet without using a WINS server.
110Remember, for browsing across subnets to work correctly, all machines,
111be they Windows 95, Windows NT, or Samba servers must have the IP address
112of a WINS server given to them by a DHCP server, or by manual configuration 
113(for Win95 and WinNT, this is in the TCP/IP Properties, under Network 
114settings) for Samba this is in the smb.conf file.
116How does cross subnet browsing work ?
119Cross subnet browsing is a complicated dance, containing multiple
120moving parts.  It has taken Microsoft several years to get the code
121that achieves this correct, and Samba lags behind in some areas.
122However, with the 1.9.17 release, Samba is capable of cross subnet
123browsing when configured correctly.
125Consider a network set up as follows :
127                                   (DMB)
128             N1_A      N1_B        N1_C       N1_D        N1_E
129              |          |           |          |           |
130          -------------------------------------------------------
131            |          subnet 1                       |
132          +---+                                      +---+
133          |R1 | Router 1                  Router 2   |R2 |
134          +---+                                      +---+
135            |                                          |
136            |  subnet 2              subnet 3          |
137  --------------------------       ------------------------------------
138  |     |     |      |               |        |         |           |
139 N2_A  N2_B  N2_C   N2_D           N3_A     N3_B      N3_C        N3_D 
140                    (WINS)
142Consisting of 3 subnets (1, 2, 3) conneted by two routers
143(R1, R2) - these do not pass broadcasts.  Subnet 1 has 5 machines
144on it, subnet 2 has 4 machines, subnet 3 has 4 machines.  Assume
145for the moment that all these machines are configured to be in the
146same workgroup (for simplicities sake).  Machine N1_C on subnet 1
147is configured as Domain Master Browser (ie.  it will collate the
148browse lists for the workgroup).  Machine N2_D is configured as
149WINS server and all the other machines are configured to register
150their NetBIOS names with it.
152As all these machines are booted up, elections for master browsers
153will take place on each of the three subnets.  Assume that machine
154N1_C wins on subnet 1, N2_B wins on subnet 2, and N3_D wins on
155subnet 3 - these machines are known as local master browsers for
156their particular subnet.  N1_C has an advantage in winning as the
157local master browser on subnet 1 as it is set up as Domain Master
160On each of the three networks, machines that are configured to 
161offer sharing services will broadcast that they are offering
162these services.  The local master browser on each subnet will
163receive these broadcasts and keep a record of the fact that
164the machine is offering a service.  This list of records is
165the basis of the browse list.  For this case, assume that
166all the machines are configured to offer services so all machines
167will be on the browse list.
169For each network, the local master browser on that network is
170considered 'authoritative' for all the names it receives via
171local broadcast.  This is because a machine seen by the local
172master browser via a local broadcast must be on the same 
173network as the local master browser and thus is a 'trusted'
174and 'verifiable' resource.  Machines on other networks that
175the local master browsers learn about when collating their
176browse lists have not been directly seen - these records are
177called 'non-authoritative'.
179At this point the browse lists look as follows (these are 
180the machines you would see in your network neighborhood if
181you looked in it on a particular network right now).
183Subnet           Browse Master   List
184------           -------------   ----
185Subnet1          N1_C            N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E
187Subnet2          N2_B            N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
189Subnet3          N3_D            N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
191Note that at this point all the subnets are separate, no
192machine is seen across any of the subnets.
194Now examine subnet 2.  As soon as N2_B has become the local
195master browser it looks for a Domain master browser to synchronize
196its browse list with.  It does this by querying the WINS server
197(N2_D) for the IP address associated with the NetBIOS name 
198WORKGROUP<1B>.  This name was registerd by the Domain master
199browser (N1_C) with the WINS server as soon as it was booted.
201Once N2_B knows the address of the Domain master browser it
202tells it that is the local master browser for subnet 2 by
203sending a MasterAnnouncement packet as a UDP port 138 packet.
204It then synchronizes with it by doing a NetServerEnum2 call.  This
205tells the Domain Master Browser to send it all the server
206names it knows about.  Once the domain master browser receives
207the MasterAnnouncement packet it schedules a synchronization
208request to the sender of that packet.  After both synchronizations
209are done the browse lists look like :
211Subnet           Browse Master   List
212------           -------------   ----
213Subnet1          N1_C            N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E, 
214                                 N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*)
216Subnet2          N2_B            N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
217                                 N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*)
219Subnet3          N3_D            N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
221Servers with a (*) after them are non-authoritative names.
223At this point users looking in their network neighborhood on
224subnets 1 or 2 will see all the servers on both, users on
225subnet 3 will still only see the servers on their own subnet.
227The same sequence of events that occured for N2_B now occurs
228for the local master browser on subnet 3 (N3_D).  When it
229synchronizes browse lists with the domain master browser (N1_A)
230it gets both the server entries on subnet 1, and those on
231subnet 2.  After N3_D has synchronized with N1_C and vica-versa
232the browse lists look like.
234Subnet           Browse Master   List
235------           -------------   ----
236Subnet1          N1_C            N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E, 
237                                 N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*),
238                                 N3_A(*), N3_B(*), N3_C(*), N3_D(*)
240Subnet2          N2_B            N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
241                                 N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*)
243Subnet3          N3_D            N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
244                                 N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*),
245                                 N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*)
247Servers with a (*) after them are non-authoritative names.
249At this point users looking in their network neighborhood on
250subnets 1 or 3 will see all the servers on all sunbets, users on
251subnet 2 will still only see the servers on subnets 1 and 2, but not 3.
253Finally, the local master browser for subnet 2 (N2_B) will sync again
254with the domain master browser (N1_C) and will recieve the missing
255server entries.  Finally - and as a steady state (if no machines
256are removed or shut off) the browse lists will look like :
258Subnet           Browse Master   List
259------           -------------   ----
260Subnet1          N1_C            N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E, 
261                                 N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*),
262                                 N3_A(*), N3_B(*), N3_C(*), N3_D(*)
264Subnet2          N2_B            N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
265                                 N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*)
266                                 N3_A(*), N3_B(*), N3_C(*), N3_D(*)
268Subnet3          N3_D            N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
269                                 N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*),
270                                 N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*)
272Servers with a (*) after them are non-authoritative names.
274Synchronizations between the domain master browser and local
275master browsers will continue to occur, but this should be a
276steady state situation.
278If either router R1 or R2 fails the following will occur:
2801) Names of computers on each side of the inaccessible network fragments
281will be maintained for as long as 36 minutes, in the network neighbourhood
2842) Attempts to connect to these inaccessible computers will fail, but the
285names will not be removed from the network neighbourhood lists.
2873) If one of the fragments is cut off from the WINS server, it will only
288be able to access servers on its local subnet, by using subnet-isolated
289broadcast NetBIOS name resolution.  The effects are similar to that of
290losing access to a DNS server.
292Setting up a WINS server
295Either a Samba machine or a Windows NT Server machine may be set up
296as a WINS server.  To set a Samba machine to be a WINS server you must
297add the following option to the smb.conf file on the selected machine :
298in the [globals] section add the line 
300        wins support = yes
302Versions of Samba previous to 1.9.17 had this parameter default to
303yes.  If you have any older versions of Samba on your network it is
304strongly suggested you upgrade to 1.9.17 or above, or at the very
305least set the parameter to 'no' on all these machines.
307Machines with "wins support = yes" will keep a list of all NetBIOS
308names registered with them, acting as a DNS for NetBIOS names.
310You should set up only ONE wins server.  Do NOT set the
311"wins support = yes" option on more than one Samba server.
313To set up a Windows NT Server as a WINS server you need to set up
314the WINS service - see your NT documentation for details.  Note that
315Windows NT WINS Servers can replicate to each other, allowing more
316than one to be set up in a complex subnet environment.  As Microsoft
317refuse to document these replication protocols Samba cannot currently
318participate in these replications.  It is possible in the future that
319a Samba->Samba WINS replication protocol may be defined, in which
320case more than one Samba machine could be set up as a WINS server
321but currently only one Samba server should have the "wins support = yes"
322parameter set.
324After the WINS server has been configured you must ensure that all
325machines participating on the network are configured with the address
326of this WINS server.  If your WINS server is a Samba machine, fill in
327the Samba machine IP address in the "Primary WINS Server" field of
328the "Control Panel->Network->Protocols->TCP->WINS Server" dialogs
329in Windows 95 or Windows NT.  To tell a Samba server the IP address
330of the WINS server add the following line to the [global] section of
331all smb.conf files :
333        wins server = <name or IP address>
335where <name or IP address> is either the DNS name of the WINS server
336machine or its IP address.
338Note that this line MUST NOT BE SET in the smb.conf file of the Samba
339server acting as the WINS server itself.  If you set both the
340"wins support = yes" option and the "wins server = <name>" option then
341nmbd will fail to start.
343There are two possible scenarios for setting up cross subnet browsing.
344The first details setting up cross subnet browsing on a network containing
345Windows 95, Samba and Windows NT machines that are not configured as
346part of a Windows NT Domain.  The second details setting up cross subnet
347browsing on networks that contain NT Domains.
349Setting up Browsing in a WORKGROUP
352To set up cross subnet browsing on a network containing machines
353in up to be in a WORKGROUP, not an NT Domain you need to set up one
354Samba server to be the Domain Master Browser (note that this is *NOT*
355the same as a Primary Domain Controller, although in an NT Domain the
356same machine plays both roles).  The role of a Domain master browser is
357to collate the browse lists from local master browsers on all the
358subnets that have a machine participating in the workgroup.  Without
359one machine configured as a domain master browser each subnet would
360be an isolated workgroup, unable to see any machines on any other
361subnet.  It is the presense of a domain master browser that makes
362cross subnet browsing possible for a workgroup.
364In an WORKGROUP environment the domain master browser must be a
365Samba server, and there must only be one domain master browser per
366workgroup name.  To set up a Samba server as a domain master browser,
367set the following option in the [global] section of the smb.conf file :
369        domain master = yes
371The domain master browser should also preferrably be the local master
372browser for its own subnet.  In order to achieve this set the following
373options in the [global] section of the smb.conf file :
375        domain master = yes
376        local master = yes
377        preferred master = yes
378        os level = 65
380The domain master browser may be the same machine as the WINS
381server, if you require.
383Next, you should ensure that each of the subnets contains a
384machine that can act as a local master browser for the
385workgroup.  Any NT machine should be able to do this, as will
386Windows 95 machines (although these tend to get rebooted more
387often, so it's not such a good idea to use these).  To make a 
388Samba server a local master browser set the following
389options in the [global] section of the smb.conf file :
391        domain master = no
392        local master = yes
393        preferred master = yes
394        os level = 65
396Do not do this for more than one Samba server on each subnet,
397or they will war with each other over which is to be the local
398master browser.
400The "local master" parameter allows Samba to act as a local master
401browser.  The "preferred master" causes nmbd to force a browser
402election on startup and the "os level" parameter sets Samba high
403enough so that it should win any browser elections.
405If you have an NT machine on the subnet that you wish to
406be the local master browser then you can disable Samba from
407becoming a local master browser by setting the following
408options in the [global] section of the smb.conf file :
410        domain master = no
411        local master = no
412        preferred master = no
413        os level = 0
415Setting up Browsing in a DOMAIN
418If you are adding Samba servers to a Windows NT Domain then
419you must not set up a Samba server as a domain master browser.
420By default, a Windows NT Primary Domain Controller for a Domain
421name is also the Domain master browser for that name, and many
422things will break if a Samba server registers the Domain master
423browser NetBIOS name (DOMAIN<1B>) with WINS instead of the PDC.
425For subnets other than the one containing the Windows NT PDC
426you may set up Samba servers as local master browsers as
427described.  To make a Samba server a local master browser set 
428the following options in the [global] section of the smb.conf 
429file :
431        domain master = no
432        local master = yes
433        preferred master = yes
434        os level = 65
436If you wish to have a Samba server fight the election with machines
437on the same subnet you may set the "os level" parameter to lower
438levels.  By doing this you can tune the order of machines that
439will become local master browsers if they are running.  For
440more details on this see the section "FORCING SAMBA TO BE THE MASTER"
443If you have Windows NT machines that are members of the domain
444on all subnets, and you are sure they will always be running then
445you can disable Samba from taking part in browser elections and
446ever becoming a local master browser by setting following options 
447in the [global] section of the smb.conf file :
449        domain master = no
450        local master = no
451        preferred master = no
452        os level = 0
457Who becomes the "master browser" is determined by an election process
458using broadcasts.  Each election packet contains a number of parameters
459which determine what precedence (bias) a host should have in the
460election.  By default Samba uses a very low precedence and thus loses
461elections to just about anyone else.
463If you want Samba to win elections then just set the "os level" global
464option in smb.conf to a higher number.  It defaults to 0.  Using 34
465would make it win all elections over every other system (except other
466samba systems!)
468A "os level" of 2 would make it beat WfWg and Win95, but not NTAS.  A
469NTAS domain controller uses level 32.
471The maximum os level is 255
473If you want samba to force an election on startup, then set the
474"preferred master" global option in smb.conf to "yes".  Samba will
475then have a slight advantage over other potential master browsers
476that are not preferred master browsers.  Use this parameter with
477care, as if you have two hosts (whether they are windows 95 or NT or
478samba) on the same local subnet both set with "preferred master" to
479"yes", then periodically and continually they will force an election
480in order to become the local master browser.
482If you want samba to be a "domain master browser", then it is
483recommended that you also set "preferred master" to "yes", because
484samba will not become a domain master browser for the whole of your
485LAN or WAN if it is not also a local master browser on its own
486broadcast isolated subnet.
488It is possible to configure two samba servers to attempt to become
489the domain master browser for a domain.  The first server that comes
490up will be the domain master browser.  All other samba servers will
491attempt to become the domain master browser every 5 minutes.  They
492will find that another samba server is already the domain master
493browser and will fail.  This provides automatic redundancy, should
494the current domain master browser fail.
500The domain master is responsible for collating the browse lists of
501multiple subnets so that browsing can occur between subnets.  You can
502make samba act as the domain master by setting "domain master = yes"
503in smb.conf.  By default it will not be a domain master.
505Note that you should NOT set Samba to be the domain master for a
506workgroup that has the same name as an NT Domain.
508When samba is the domain master and the master browser it will listen
509for master announcements (made roughly every twelve minutes) from local
510master browsers on other subnets and then contact them to synchronise
511browse lists.
513If you want samba to be the domain master then I suggest you also set
514the "os level" high enough to make sure it wins elections, and set
515"preferred master" to "yes", to get samba to force an election on
518Note that all your servers (including samba) and clients should be
519using a WINS server to resolve NetBIOS names.  If your clients are only
520using broadcasting to resolve NetBIOS names, then two things will occur:
522a) your local master browsers will be unable to find a domain master
523   browser, as it will only be looking on the local subnet.
525b) if a client happens to get hold of a domain-wide browse list, and
526   a user attempts to access a host in that list, it will be unable to
527   resolve the NetBIOS name of that host.
529If, however, both samba and your clients are using a WINS server, then:
531a) your local master browsers will contact the WINS server and, as long as
532   samba has registered that it is a domain master browser with the WINS
533   server, your local master browser will receive samba's ip address
534   as its domain master browser.
536b) when a client receives a domain-wide browse list, and a user attempts
537   to access a host in that list, it will contact the WINS server to
538   resolve the NetBIOS name of that host.  as long as that host has
539   registered its NetBIOS name with the same WINS server, the user will
540   be able to see that host.  
545If your network uses a "0" based broadcast address (for example if it
546ends in a 0) then you will strike problems.  Windows for Workgroups
547does not seem to support a 0's broadcast and you will probably find
548that browsing and name lookups won't work.
554Samba now supports machines with multiple network interfaces.  If you
555have multiple interfaces then you will need to use the "interfaces"
556option in smb.conf to configure them.  See smb.conf(5) for details.