2This file is for thanks to individuals or organisations who have
3helped with the development of Samba, other than by coding or bug
4reports. Their contributions are gratefully acknowledged.
6Please refer to the manual pages and change-log for a list of those
7who have contributed in the form of patches, bug fixes or other 
8direct changes to the package.
10Contributions of any kind are welcomed. If you want to help then
11please contact Andrew.Tridgell@anu.edu.au, or via normal mail at 
13	Andrew Tridgell
14	3 Ballow Crescent
15	Macgregor, A.C.T
16	2615 Australia
20Lee Fisher (leefi@microsoft.com)
21Charles Fox (cfox@microsoft.com)
22Dan Perry (danp@exchnge.microsoft.com)
23Paul Leach (paulle@microsoft.com)
24Isaac Heizer (isaache@microsoft.com)
26    These Microsoft people have been very helpful and supportive of
27    the development of Samba over some years.
29    Lee very kindly supplied me with a copy of the X/Open SMB
30    specs. These have been invaluable in getting the details of the
31    implementation right. They will become even more important as we move
32    towards a Lanman 2.1 compliant server. Lee has provided very
33    useful advice on several aspects of the server.
34    Lee has also provided me with copies of Windows NTAS 3.1, Visual C
35    and a developers CD-ROM. Being able to run NT at home is a
36    great help.
38    Charles has helped out in numerous ways with the provision of SMB
39    specifications and helpful advice. He has been following the
40    discussion of Samba on the mailing list and has stepped in
41    regularly to clarify points and to offer help.
43    Dan has put me in touch with NT developers to help sort out bugs and
44    compatability issues. He has also supplied me with a copy of the
45    NT browsing spec, which will help a lot in the development of the
46    Samba browser code.
48    Paul was responsible for Microsoft paying my flight to Seattle for the
49    first CIFS conference (see http://samba.org/cifs) and has been
50    generally helpful and cooperative as the SMB community moves towards
51    an Internet-ready specification. Isaac has regularly provided help on
52    the behaviour of NT networks.
54Bruce Perens (bruce@pixar.com)
56    In appreciation of his effort on Samba we have sent Andrew copies of
57    various Pixar computer-graphics software products. Pixar is best known
58    for its "Renderman" product, the 3-D renderer used by ILM to make special
59    effects for "Terminator II" and "Jurassic Park". We won the first Oscar
60    given to a computer graphic animated feature for our short film "Tin Toy".
61    Our retail products "Typestry" and "Showplace", incorporate the same
62    renderer used on the films, and are available on Windows and the
63    Macintosh.
67Henry Lee (hyl@microplex.co)
69    Henry sent me a M202 ethernet print server, making my little lan
70    one of the few home networks to have it's own print server!
72  ``Microplex Systems Ltd. is a manufacturer of local and wide area
73    network communications equipment based in beautiful Vancouver, British
74    Columbia, Canada.  Microplex's first products were synchronous wide
75    area network devices used in the mainframe communication networks.  In
76    August 1991 Microplex introduced its first LAN product, the M200 print
77    server, the first high performance print server under US$1,000.''
80Tom Haapanen (tomh@metrics.com)
82    Tom sent me two 16 bit SMC ethernet cards to replace my ancient 8
83    bit ones. The performance is much better!
85    Software Metrics Inc. is a small custom software development and
86    consulting firm located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  We work
87    with a variety of environments (such as Windows, Windows NT and
88    Unix), tools and application areas, and can provide assistance for
89    development work ranging from a few days to to multiple man-year
90    projects.  You can find more information at http://www.metrics.com/.
93Steve Kennedy (steve@gbnet.net)
95	Steve sent me 16Mb of ram so that I could install/test
96	NT3.5. I previous had only 8Mb ram in my test machine, which
97	wasn't enough to install a properly functioning copy of
98	NTAS. Being able to directly test NT3.5 allowed me to solve
99	several long standing NT<->Samba problems. Thanks Steve!
101John Terpstra (jht@aquasoft.com.au)
103        Aquasoft are a specialist consulting company whose Samba-using
104        customers span the world.
106        Aquasoft have been avid supporters of the Samba project. As a
107        token of appreciation Aquasoft have donated a 486DX2/66 PC with
108        a 540MB EIDE drive and 20MB RAM.
110        John has helped to isolate quite a few little glitches over time
111        and has managed to implement some very interesting installations
112        of Samba.
114        The donation of the new PC will make it possible to more fully
115        diagnose and observe the behaviour of Samba in conjuction with
116        other SMB protocol utilising systems.
119Timothy F. Sipples (tsipple@vnet.IBM.COM)
120Steve Withers (swithers@vnet.IBM.COM)
122	Tim and Steve from IBM organised a copy of the OS/2 developers
123	connection CD set for me, and gave lots of help in getting
124	OS/2 Warp installed. I hope this will allow me to finally fix
125	up those annoying OS/2 related Samba bugs that I have been
126	receiving reports of.
128Keith Wilkins (wilki1k@nectech.co.uk)
130	Keith from NEC in England very generously supplied a PC to
131	Luke Leighton to help with his nmbd development work. At the
132	same time Keith offered to help me with some new hardware, and
133	he sent me a pentium motherboard with 32MB of ram
134	onboard. This was very helpful as it allowed me to upgrade
135	my aging server to be a very powerful system. Thanks!