3::msgcat::mcset ja "AC-Name:" "AC-Name:"
4::msgcat::mcset ja "Advanced" "����������"
5::msgcat::mcset ja "Allow use by non-root users" "root������������������������"
6::msgcat::mcset ja "Are you sure you wish to delete the connection" "Are you sure you wish to delete the connection"
7::msgcat::mcset ja "Basic" o"��������"
8::msgcat::mcset ja "Browse detected Ethernet interface names." "����������������������������������������������������������"
9::msgcat::mcset ja "Cancel" "����������"
10::msgcat::mcset ja "Confirm Deletion - RP-PPPoE" " RP-PPPoE ���������� ����������������������������"
11::msgcat::mcset ja "Connection aborted by user" "Connection aborted by user"
12::msgcat::mcset ja "Connection Exists" "������������������������������������������������������������������"
13::msgcat::mcset ja "Connection Name:" "������: "
14::msgcat::mcset ja "Connection name must be non-blank and contain only letters, digits, `_' and `-'" "Connection name must be non-blank and contain only letters, digits, `_' and `-'"
15::msgcat::mcset ja "Delete" "Delete"
16::msgcat::mcset ja "DNS server options:\n'From Server'   - Let PPPoE server specify DNS servers\n'Specify'       - Enter IP addresses of DNS servers yourself\n'Do not Adjust' - Leave your DNS setup alone." "DNS server options:\n'From Server'   - Let PPPoE server specify DNS servers\n'Specify'       - Enter IP addresses of DNS servers yourself\n'Do not Adjust' - Leave your DNS setup alone."
17::msgcat::mcset ja "DNS server options:\n'From Server'   - Let PPPoE server specify DNS servers\n'Specify'       - Enter IP addresses of DNS servers yourself\n'Do not Adjust' - Leave your DNS setup alone." "DNS server options:\n'From Server'   - Let PPPoE server specify DNS servers\n'Specify'       - Enter IP addresses of DNS servers yourself\n'Do not Adjust' - Leave your DNS setup alone."
18::msgcat::mcset ja "DNS Setup:" "DNS Setup:"
19::msgcat::mcset ja "Do not Adjust" "Do not Adjust"
20::msgcat::mcset ja "Edit Connection" "Edit Connection"
21::msgcat::mcset ja "Edit Connection" "Edit Connection"
22::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter access concentrator name if required.  Most ISPs do not require this; try leaving it blank." "Enter access concentrator name if required.  Most ISPs do not require this; try leaving it blank."
23::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter access concentrator name if required.  Most ISPs do not require this; try leaving it blank." "Enter access concentrator name if required.  Most ISPs do not require this; try leaving it blank."
24::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter a name for this connection.  It can contain letters, numbers, undescores and the minus-sign." "Enter a name for this connection.  It can contain letters, numbers, undescores and the minus-sign."
25::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter a name for this connection.  It can contain letters, numbers, undescores and the minus-sign." "Enter a name for this connection.  It can contain letters, numbers, undescores and the minus-sign."
26::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter Ethernet interface to which DSL modem is attached." "Enter Ethernet interface to which DSL modem is attached."
27::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter Ethernet interface to which DSL modem is attached." "Enter Ethernet interface to which DSL modem is attached."
28::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter service name if required.  Most ISPs do not require this; try leaving it blank." "Enter service name if required.  Most ISPs do not require this; try leaving it blank."
29::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter service name if required.  Most ISPs do not require this; try leaving it blank." "Enter service name if required.  Most ISPs do not require this; try leaving it blank."
30::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server." "Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server."
31::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server." "Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server."
32::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server." "Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server."
33::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server." "Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server."
34::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter your password." "Enter your password."
35::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter your password." "Enter your password."
36::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter your user name.  Do not add a domain-name after the user name." "Enter your user name.  Do not add a domain-name after the user name."
37::msgcat::mcset ja "Enter your user name.  Do not add a domain-name after the user name." "Enter your user name.  Do not add a domain-name after the user name."
38::msgcat::mcset ja "Error" "Error"
39::msgcat::mcset ja "Error loading configuration file:" "Error loading configuration file:"
40::msgcat::mcset ja "Error starting connection:" "Error starting connection:"
41::msgcat::mcset ja "Error stopping connection:" "Error stopping connection:"
42::msgcat::mcset ja "Ethernet Interface:" "Ethernet Interface:"
43::msgcat::mcset ja "Exit" "Exit"
44::msgcat::mcset ja "failed" "failed"
45::msgcat::mcset ja "failed" "failed"
46::msgcat::mcset ja "Firewalling:" "Firewalling:"
47::msgcat::mcset ja "Firewalling options:\nStand-Alone  - A stand-alone machine.\nMasquerading - A gateway machine used for Internet sharing.\nNone         - Use if you already have your own firewall rules or want to run servers." "Firewalling options:\nStand-Alone  - A stand-alone machine.\nMasquerading - A gateway machine used for Internet sharing.\nNone         - Use if you already have your own firewall rules or want to run servers."
48::msgcat::mcset ja "Firewalling options:\nStand-Alone  - A stand-alone machine.\nMasquerading - A gateway machine used for Internet sharing.\nNone         - Use if you already have your own firewall rules or want to run servers." "Firewalling options:\nStand-Alone  - A stand-alone machine.\nMasquerading - A gateway machine used for Internet sharing.\nNone         - Use if you already have your own firewall rules or want to run servers."
49::msgcat::mcset ja "From Server" "From Server"
50::msgcat::mcset ja "From Server" "From Server"
51::msgcat::mcset ja "From Server" "From Server"
52::msgcat::mcset ja "From Server" "From Server"
53::msgcat::mcset ja "Help file is not installed" "Help file is not installed"
54::msgcat::mcset ja "If enabled, ordinary users can start and stop this connection." "If enabled, ordinary users can start and stop this connection."
55::msgcat::mcset ja "Masquerading" "Masquerading"
56::msgcat::mcset ja "Masquerading" "Masquerading"
57::msgcat::mcset ja "Masquerading" "Masquerading"
58::msgcat::mcset ja "Network:" "Network:"
59::msgcat::mcset ja "New Connection..." "New Connection..."
60::msgcat::mcset ja "New Connection" "New Connection"
61::msgcat::mcset ja "New Connection" "New Connection"
62::msgcat::mcset ja "NIC and DNS" "NIC and DNS"
63::msgcat::mcset ja "None" "None"
64::msgcat::mcset ja "None" "None"
65::msgcat::mcset ja "Note" "Note"
66::msgcat::mcset ja "Note: There are no connections defined.  You must run this program as root to define connections" "Note: There are no connections defined.  You must run this program as root to define connections"
67::msgcat::mcset ja "OK" "OK"
68::msgcat::mcset ja "Options" "Options"
69::msgcat::mcset ja "Password:" "Password:"
70::msgcat::mcset ja "Primary DNS entry must consist of four dot-separated decimal numbers" "Primary DNS entry must consist of four dot-separated decimal numbers"
71::msgcat::mcset ja "Primary DNS:" "Primary DNS:"
72::msgcat::mcset ja "Properties..." "Properties..."
73::msgcat::mcset ja "Secondary DNS entry must consist of four dot-separated decimal numbers" "Secondary DNS entry must consist of four dot-separated decimal numbers"
74::msgcat::mcset ja "Secondary DNS:" "Secondary DNS:"
75::msgcat::mcset ja "Service-Name:" "Service-Name:"
76::msgcat::mcset ja "Some ISP's require you to enter their domain-name here (e.g. " "Some ISP's require you to enter their domain-name here (e.g. "
77::msgcat::mcset ja "Some ISP's require you to enter their domain-name here (e.g. " "Some ISP's require you to enter their domain-name here (e.g. "
78::msgcat::mcset ja "Specify" "Specify"
79::msgcat::mcset ja "Specify" "Specify"
80::msgcat::mcset ja "Specify" "Specify"
81::msgcat::mcset ja "Stand-Alone" "Stand-Alone"
82::msgcat::mcset ja "Stand-Alone" "Stand-Alone"
83::msgcat::mcset ja "Start" "Start"
84::msgcat::mcset ja "Stop" "Stop"
85::msgcat::mcset ja "succeeded" "succeeded"
86::msgcat::mcset ja "The connection already exists.  Pick another name." "The connection already exists.  Pick another name."
87::msgcat::mcset ja "User Name:" "User Name:"
88::msgcat::mcset ja "Use synchronous PPP (recommended -- easier on the CPU.)" "Use synchronous PPP (recommended -- easier on the CPU.)"
89::msgcat::mcset ja "Use synchronous PPP" "Use synchronous PPP"
90::msgcat::mcset ja "Welcome to RP-PPPoE" "Welcome to RP-PPPoE"