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38      <p>Since master leases take into account a timeout that is used across
39all sites in a replication group, leases must also take into account
40any known skew (or drift) between the clocks on different machines
41in the group.  The guarantees provided by master leases take clock
42skew into account.  Consider a replication group where a client's
43clock is running faster than the master's clock and the group has
44a lease timeout of 5 seconds.  If clock skew is not taken into
45account, eventually, the client will believe that 5 seconds have
46passed faster than the master and that client may then grant its
47lease to another site.  Meanwhile, the master site does not believe
485 seconds have passed because its clock is slower, and it believes
49it still holds a valid lease grant.  For this reason, Berkeley DB compensates
50for clock skew.</p>
51      <p>The master of a group using leases must account for skew
52in case that site has the slowest clock in the group.  This computation
53avoids the problem of a master site believing a lease grant is valid
54too long.  Clients in a group must account for skew in case they
55have the fastest clock in the group.  This computation avoids
56the problem of a client site expiring its grant too soon and
57potentially granting a lease to a different site.  Berkeley DB uses
58a conservative computation and accounts for clock skew on both
59sides, yielding a double compensation.</p>
60      <p>The <a href="../api_reference/C/repclockskew.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_clockskew()</a> method takes the values for both the fastest
61and slowest clocks in the entire replication group as parameters.
62The values passed in must be the same for all sites in the group.
63If the user knows the maximum clock drift of their sites, then those
64values can be expressed as a relative percentage.  Or, if the user
65runs an experiment then the actual values can be used.</p>
66      <p>For example, suppose the user knows that there is a maximum drift
67rate of 2% among sites in the group.  The user should pass in
68102 and 100 for the fast and slow clock values respectively.
69That is an unusually large value, so suppose, for example, the
70rate is 0.03% among sites in the group.  The user should pass in
7110003 and 10000 for the fast and slow clock values.  Those values
72can be used to express the level of precision the user needs.</p>
73      <p>An example of an experiment a user can run to help determine skew
74would be to write a program that started simultaneously on all
75sites in the group.  Suppose, after 1 day (86400 seconds), one
76site shows 86400 seconds and the other site shows it ran faster
77and it indicates 86460 seconds has passed.
78The user can use 86460 and 86400 for their parameters for the
79fast and slow clock values.</p>
80      <p>Since Berkeley DB is using those fast and slow clock values to compute
81a ratio internally, if the user cannot detect or measure any
82clock skew, then the same value should be passed in for both
83parameters, such as 1 and 1.</p>
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