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34            <h2 class="title"><a id="distrib"></a>Chapter��47.��
35		Distribution
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40      <div class="toc">
41        <p>
42          <b>Table of Contents</b>
43        </p>
44        <dl>
45          <dt>
46            <span class="sect1">
47              <a href="distrib.html#distrib_port">Porting Berkeley DB to new architectures</a>
48            </span>
49          </dt>
50          <dt>
51            <span class="sect1">
52              <a href="distrib_layout.html">Source code layout</a>
53            </span>
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61              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="distrib_port"></a>Porting Berkeley DB to new architectures</h2>
62            </div>
63          </div>
64        </div>
65        <p>Berkeley DB is generally easy to port to new architectures.  Berkeley DB was
66designed to be as portable as possible, and has been ported to a wide
67variety of systems, from Wind River's Tornado system, to VMS, to
68Windows/NT and Windows/95, and most existing UNIX platforms.  It runs
69on 16, 32 and 64-bit machines, little or big-endian.  The difficulty of
70a port depends on how much of the ANSI C and POSIX 1003.1 standards the
71new architecture offers.</p>
72        <p>An abstraction layer separates the main Berkeley DB code from the operating
73system and architecture specific components.   This layer is comprised
74of approximately 2500 lines of C language code, found in the <code class="filename">os</code>
75subdirectory of the Berkeley DB distribution.  The following list of files
76include functionality that may need to be modified or implemented in
77order to support a new architecture.  Within each file, there is usually
78one, but sometimes several functions (for example, the
79<code class="filename">os_alloc.c</code> file contains the malloc, calloc, realloc, free,
80and strdup functions).</p>
81        <div class="informaltable">
82          <table border="1" width="80%">
83            <colgroup>
84              <col />
85              <col />
86            </colgroup>
87            <thead>
88              <tr>
89                <th>Source file</th>
90                <th>Description</th>
91              </tr>
92            </thead>
93            <tbody>
94              <tr>
95                <td>os_abs.c</td>
96                <td>Return if a filename is an absolute pathname</td>
97              </tr>
98              <tr>
99                <td>os_alloc.c</td>
100                <td>ANSI C malloc, calloc, realloc, strdup, free front-ends</td>
101              </tr>
102              <tr>
103                <td>os_clock.c</td>
104                <td>Return the current time-of-day</td>
105              </tr>
106              <tr>
107                <td>os_config.c</td>
108                <td>Return run-time configuration information</td>
109              </tr>
110              <tr>
111                <td>os_dir.c</td>
112                <td>Read the filenames from a directory</td>
113              </tr>
114              <tr>
115                <td>os_errno.c</td>
116                <td>Set/get the ANSI C errno value</td>
117              </tr>
118              <tr>
119                <td>os_fid.c</td>
120                <td>Create a unique ID for a file</td>
121              </tr>
122              <tr>
123                <td>os_fsync.c</td>
124                <td>POSIX 1003.1 fsync front-end</td>
125              </tr>
126              <tr>
127                <td>os_handle.c</td>
128                <td>Open file handles</td>
129              </tr>
130              <tr>
131                <td>os_id.c</td>
132                <td>Return thread ID</td>
133              </tr>
134              <tr>
135                <td>os_map.c</td>
136                <td>Map a shared memory area</td>
137              </tr>
138              <tr>
139                <td>os_method.c</td>
140                <td>Run-time replacement of system calls</td>
141              </tr>
142              <tr>
143                <td>os_oflags.c</td>
144                <td>Convert POSIX 1003.1 open flags, modes to Berkeley DB flags</td>
145              </tr>
146              <tr>
147                <td>os_open.c</td>
148                <td>Open file handles</td>
149              </tr>
150              <tr>
151                <td>os_region.c</td>
152                <td>Map a shared memory area</td>
153              </tr>
154              <tr>
155                <td>os_rename.c</td>
156                <td>POSIX 1003.1 rename call</td>
157              </tr>
158              <tr>
159                <td>os_root.c</td>
160                <td>Return if application has special permissions</td>
161              </tr>
162              <tr>
163                <td>os_rpath.c</td>
164                <td>Return last pathname separator</td>
165              </tr>
166              <tr>
167                <td>os_rw.c</td>
168                <td>POSIX 1003.1 read/write calls</td>
169              </tr>
170              <tr>
171                <td>os_seek.c</td>
172                <td>POSIX 1003.1 seek call</td>
173              </tr>
174              <tr>
175                <td>os_sleep.c</td>
176                <td>Cause a thread of control to release the CPU</td>
177              </tr>
178              <tr>
179                <td>os_spin.c</td>
180                <td>Return the times to spin while waiting for a mutex</td>
181              </tr>
182              <tr>
183                <td>os_stat.c</td>
184                <td>POSIX 1003.1 stat call</td>
185              </tr>
186              <tr>
187                <td>os_tmpdir.c</td>
188                <td>Set the path for temporary files</td>
189              </tr>
190              <tr>
191                <td>os_unlink.c</td>
192                <td>POSIX 1003.1 unlink call</td>
193              </tr>
194            </tbody>
195          </table>
196        </div>
197        <p>All but a few of these files contain relatively trivial pieces of code.
198Typically, there is only a single version of the code for all platforms
199Berkeley DB supports, and that code lives in the <code class="filename">os</code> directory of the
200distribution.  Where different code is required, the code is either
201conditionally compiled or an entirely different version is written. For
202example, VxWorks versions of some of these files can be found in the
203distribution directory os_vxworks, and Windows versions can be found in
205        <p>Historically, there are only two difficult questions to answer for each
206new port.  The first question is how to handle shared memory.  In order
207to write multiprocess database applications (not multithreaded, but
208threads of control running in different address spaces), Berkeley DB must be
209able to name pieces of shared memory and access them from multiple
210processes.  On UNIX/POSIX systems, we use <span class="bold"><strong>mmap</strong></span> and
211<span class="bold"><strong>shmget</strong></span> for that purpose, but any interface that provides access
212to named shared memory is sufficient.  If you have a simple, flat
213address space, you should be able to use the code in
214<code class="filename">os_vxworks/os_map.c</code> as a starting point for the port.  If you
215are not intending to write multiprocess database applications, then
216this won't be necessary, as Berkeley DB can simply allocate memory from the
217heap if all threads of control will live in a single address space.</p>
218        <p>The second question is mutex support.  Berkeley DB requires some form of
219<span class="bold"><strong>self-blocking</strong></span> mutual exclusion mutex.  Blocking mutexes are
220preferred as they tend to be less CPU-expensive and less likely to cause
221thrashing.  If blocking mutexes are not available, however, test-and-set
222will work as well.  The code for mutexes is in two places in the system:
223the include file <code class="filename">dbinc/mutex.h</code>, and the distribution directory
224<code class="filename">mutex</code>.</p>
225        <p>Berkeley DB uses the GNU autoconf tools for configuration on almost all of
226the platforms it supports.  Specifically, the include file
227<code class="filename">db_config.h</code> configures the Berkeley DB build.  The simplest way to
228begin a port is to configure and build Berkeley DB on a UNIX or UNIX-like
229system, and then take the <code class="filename">Makefile</code> and <code class="filename">db_config.h</code>
230file created by that configuration, and modify it by hand to reflect
231the needs of the new architecture.  Unless you're already familiar with
232the GNU autoconf toolset, we don't recommend you take the time to
233integrate your changes back into the Berkeley DB autoconfiguration framework.
234Instead, send us context diffs of your changes and any new source files
235you created, and we'll integrate the changes into our source tree.</p>
236        <p>Finally, we're happy to work with you on the port, or potentially, do
237the port ourselves, if that is of interest to you.  Regardless, if you
238have any porting questions, just let us know, and we will be happy to
239answer them.</p>
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