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19                The DbTxn Handle 
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34            <h2 class="title"><a id="txn"></a>Chapter��13.��
35                The DbTxn Handle 
36        </h2>
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40      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
42class DbTxn {
44    DB_TXN *DbTxn::get_DB_TXN();
45    const DB_TXN *DbTxn::get_const_DB_TXN() const;
46    static DbTxn *DbTxn::get_DbTxn(DB_TXN *txn);
47    static const DbTxn *DbTxn::get_const_DbTxn(const DB_TXN *txn);
48    ...
50}; </pre>
51      <p>
52            The <code class="classname">DbTxn</code> object is the handle for a transaction. Methods of
53            the <code class="classname">DbTxn</code> handle are used to configure, abort and commit the
54            transaction. <code class="classname">DbTxn</code> handles are provided to 
55            <a class="link" href="db.html" title="Chapter��2.�� The Db Handle">Db</a> methods in order
56            to transactionally protect those database operations.
57        </p>
58      <p>
59            <code class="classname">DbTxn</code> handles are not free-threaded; transactions handles
60            may be used by multiple threads, but only serially, that is, the application must
61            serialize access to the <code class="classname">DbTxn</code> handle. Once the 
62            <a class="xref" href="txnabort.html" title="DbTxn::abort()">DbTxn::abort()</a> or 
63            <a class="xref" href="txncommit.html" title="DbTxn::commit()">DbTxn::commit()</a> methods are called, the handle
64            may not be accessed again, regardless of the method's return. In addition, parent
65            transactions may not issue any Berkeley DB operations while they have active child
66            transactions (child transactions that have not yet been committed or aborted) except for
67            <a class="xref" href="txnbegin.html" title="DbEnv::txn_begin()">DbEnv::txn_begin()</a>, 
68            <a class="xref" href="txnabort.html" title="DbTxn::abort()">DbTxn::abort()</a> and 
69            <a class="xref" href="txncommit.html" title="DbTxn::commit()">DbTxn::commit()</a>.
70        </p>
71      <p>
72            Each <code class="classname">DbTxn</code> object has an associated
73            <code class="literal">DB_TXN</code> struct, which is used by the underlying
74            implementation of Berkeley DB and its 
76            <span>C++ language</span>
77            API. The <code class="methodname">DbTxn::get_DB_TXN()</code> method
78            returns a pointer to this struct. Given a const <code class="literal">DbTxn</code> object, 
79            <code class="methodname">txnMget_const_DB_TXN()</code>
80            returns a const pointer to the same struct.
81        </p>
82      <p>
83            Given a <code class="literal">DB_TXN</code> struct, the <code class="methodname">DbTxn::get_DbTxn()</code>
84            method returns the corresponding <code class="classname">DbTxn</code> object, if there is
85            one. If the <code class="literal">DB_TXN</code> object was not associated with a
86            <code class="classname">DbTxn</code> (that is, it was not returned from a call to
87            <code class="methodname">DbTxn::get_DB_TXN()</code>), then the result of
88            <code class="methodname">DbTxn::get_DbTxn</code> is undefined. Given a const
89            <code class="literal">DB_TXN</code> struct, <code class="methodname">DbTxn::get_const_DbTxn()</code>
90            returns the associated const <code class="literal">DbTxn</code> object, if there is one.
91        </p>
92      <p>
93            These methods may be useful for Berkeley DB applications including both C and C++
94            language software. It should not be necessary to use these calls in a purely C++
95            application.
96        </p>
97      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
98        <div class="titlepage">
99          <div>
100            <div>
101              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="txnlist"></a>Transaction Subsystem and Related Methods</h2>
102            </div>
103          </div>
104        </div>
105        <div class="navtable">
106          <table border="1" width="80%">
107            <thead>
108              <tr>
109                <th>Transaction Subsystem and Related Methods</th>
110                <th>Description</th>
111              </tr>
112            </thead>
113            <tbody>
114              <tr>
115                <td>
116                  <a class="xref" href="txncheckpoint.html" title="DbEnv::txn_checkpoint()">DbEnv::txn_checkpoint()</a>
117                </td>
118                <td>Checkpoint the transaction subsystem</td>
119              </tr>
120              <tr>
121                <td>
122                  <a class="xref" href="txnrecover.html" title="DbEnv::txn_recover()">DbEnv::txn_recover()</a>
123                </td>
124                <td>Distributed transaction recovery</td>
125              </tr>
126              <tr>
127                <td>
128                  <a class="xref" href="txnset_timeout.html" title="DbTxn::set_timeout()">DbTxn::set_timeout()</a>
129                </td>
130                <td>Set transaction timeout</td>
131              </tr>
132              <tr>
133                <td>
134                  <a class="xref" href="txnstat.html" title="DbEnv::txn_stat()">DbEnv::txn_stat()</a>
135                </td>
136                <td>Return transaction subsystem statistics</td>
137              </tr>
138              <tr>
139                <td>
140                  <a class="xref" href="txnstat_print.html" title="DbEnv::txn_stat_print()">DbEnv::txn_stat_print()</a>
141                </td>
142                <td>Print transaction subsystem statistics</td>
143              </tr>
144              <tr>
145                <td colspan="2">
146                  <span class="bold">
147                    <strong>Transaction Subsystem Configuration</strong>
148                  </span>
149                </td>
150              </tr>
151              <tr>
152                <td><a class="xref" href="envset_timeout.html" title="DbEnv::set_timeout()">DbEnv::set_timeout()</a>, <a class="xref" href="envget_timeout.html" title="DbEnv::get_timeout()">DbEnv::get_timeout()</a></td>
153                <td>Set/get lock and transaction timeout</td>
154              </tr>
155              <tr>
156                <td>
157                  <a class="xref" href="dbget_transactional.html" title="Db::get_transactional()">Db::get_transactional()</a>
158                </td>
159                <td>Does the Db have transaction support</td>
160              </tr>
161              <tr>
162                <td>
163                  <a class="xref" href="envcdsgroup_begin.html" title="DbEnv::cdsgroup_begin()">DbEnv::cdsgroup_begin()</a>
164                </td>
165                <td>Get a locker ID in Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store</td>
166              </tr>
167              <tr>
168                <td><a class="xref" href="envset_tx_max.html" title="DbEnv::set_tx_max()">DbEnv::set_tx_max()</a>, <a class="xref" href="envget_tx_max.html" title="DbEnv::get_tx_max()">DbEnv::get_tx_max()</a></td>
169                <td>Set/get maximum number of transactions</td>
170              </tr>
171              <tr>
172                <td><a class="xref" href="envset_tx_timestamp.html" title="DbEnv::set_tx_timestamp()">DbEnv::set_tx_timestamp()</a>, <a class="xref" href="envget_tx_timestamp.html" title="DbEnv::get_tx_timestamp()">DbEnv::get_tx_timestamp()</a></td>
173                <td>Set/get recovery timestamp</td>
174              </tr>
175              <tr>
176                <td colspan="2">
177                  <span class="bold">
178                    <strong>Transaction Operations</strong>
179                  </span>
180                </td>
181              </tr>
182              <tr>
183                <td>
184                  <a class="xref" href="txnabort.html" title="DbTxn::abort()">DbTxn::abort()</a>
185                </td>
186                <td>Abort a transaction</td>
187              </tr>
188              <tr>
189                <td>
190                  <a class="xref" href="txnbegin.html" title="DbEnv::txn_begin()">DbEnv::txn_begin()</a>
191                </td>
192                <td>Begin a transaction</td>
193              </tr>
194              <tr>
195                <td>
196                  <a class="xref" href="txncommit.html" title="DbTxn::commit()">DbTxn::commit()</a>
197                </td>
198                <td>Commit a transaction</td>
199              </tr>
200              <tr>
201                <td>
202                  <a class="xref" href="txndiscard.html" title="DbTxn::discard()">DbTxn::discard()</a>
203                </td>
204                <td>Discard a prepared but not resolved transaction handle</td>
205              </tr>
206              <tr>
207                <td>
208                  <a class="xref" href="txnid.html" title="DbTxn::id()">DbTxn::id()</a>
209                </td>
210                <td>Return a transaction's ID</td>
211              </tr>
212              <tr>
213                <td>
214                  <a class="xref" href="txnprepare.html" title="DbTxn::prepare()">DbTxn::prepare()</a>
215                </td>
216                <td>Prepare a transaction for commit</td>
217              </tr>
218              <tr>
219                <td><a class="xref" href="txnset_name.html" title="DbTxn::set_name()">DbTxn::set_name()</a>, <a class="xref" href="txnget_name.html" title="DbTxn::get_name()">DbTxn::get_name()</a></td>
220                <td>Associate a string with a transaction</td>
221              </tr>
222            </tbody>
223          </table>
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