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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="repmessage"></a>DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</h2>
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37      </div>
38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db.h&gt;
41DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message(DB_ENV *env,
42    DBT *control, DBT *rec, int envid, DB_LSN *ret_lsnp)  </pre>
43      <p>
44         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method processes an incoming
45         replication message sent by a member of the replication group to the
46         local database environment.
47    </p>
48      <p>
49         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method is not called by most
50         replication applications.  It should only be called by Base API applications
51         implementing their own network transport layer, explicitly holding
52         replication group elections and handling replication messages outside
53         of the Replication Manager framework.
54    </p>
55      <p>
56         For implementation reasons, all incoming replication messages must be
57         processed using the same <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter��5.�� The DB_ENV Handle">DB_ENV</a>  handle.  It is not
58         required that a single thread of control process all messages, only
59         that all threads of control processing messages use the same handle.
60    </p>
61      <p>
62        Before calling this method, the enclosing database environment must
63        already have been opened by calling the 
64        <a class="xref" href="envopen.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;open()">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</a> method and must
65        already have been configured to send replication messages by
66        calling the <a class="xref" href="reptransport.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_transport()">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_transport()</a> 
67        method.
68    </p>
69      <p>
70         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method has additional return
71         values:
72    </p>
73      <div class="itemizedlist">
74        <ul type="disc">
75          <li>
76            <p><a id="repmsg_DB_REP_DUPMASTER"></a>
77                 <span class="bold"><strong>DB_REP_DUPMASTER</strong></span>
78            </p>
79            <p>
80                The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method will return
81                <code class="literal">DB_REP_DUPMASTER</code> if the replication group has more than one
82                master. The application should reconfigure itself as a client by calling the 
83                <a class="xref" href="repstart.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;rep_start()">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_start()</a>  method, and then call for an
84                election by calling <a class="xref" href="repelect.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;rep_elect()">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_elect()</a>.
85            </p>
86          </li>
87          <li>
88            <p><a id="repmsg_DB_REP_HOLDELECTION"></a>
89                         <span class="bold"><strong>DB_REP_HOLDELECTION</strong></span>
90                </p>
91            <p>
92                 The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method will return
93                 <code class="literal">DB_REP_HOLDELECTION</code> if an election is needed. The application
94                 should call for an election by calling 
95                 <a class="xref" href="repelect.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;rep_elect()">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_elect()</a>.
96            </p>
97          </li>
98          <li>
99            <p><a id="repmsg_DB_REP_IGNORE"></a>
100                         <span class="bold"><strong>DB_REP_IGNORE</strong></span>
101                </p>
102            <p>
103                 The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method will return
104                 <code class="literal">DB_REP_IGNORE</code> if this message cannot be processed. This is an
105                 indication that this message is irrelevant to the current replication state (for
106                 example, an old message from a previous generation arrives and is processed late).
107            </p>
108          </li>
109          <li>
110            <p><a id="repmsg_DB_REP_ISPERM"></a>
111                         <span class="bold"><strong>DB_REP_ISPERM</strong></span>
112                </p>
113            <p>
114                 The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method will return
115                 <code class="literal">DB_REP_ISPERM</code> if processing this message results in the
116                 processing of records that are permanent. The maximum LSN of the permanent records
117                 stored is returned.
118            </p>
119          </li>
120          <li>
121            <p><a id="repmsg_DB_REP_JOIN_FAILURE"></a>
122                         <span class="bold"><strong>DB_REP_JOIN_FAILURE</strong></span>
123                </p>
124            <p>
125                 The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method will return
126                 <code class="literal">DB_REP_JOIN_FAILURE</code> if a new master has been chosen but the
127                 client is unable to synchronize with the new master (possibly because the client
128                 has been configured with the 
129                 <a class="link" href="repconfig.html#config_DB_REP_CONF_NOAUTOINIT">DB_REP_CONF_NOAUTOINIT</a> 
130                 flag to turn off automatic internal initialization).
131            </p>
132          </li>
133          <li>
134            <p><a id="repmsg_DB_REP_NEWSITE"></a>
135                         <span class="bold"><strong>DB_REP_NEWSITE</strong></span>
136                </p>
137            <p>
138                 The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method will return
139                 <code class="literal">DB_REP_NEWSITE</code> if the system received contact information from a
140                 new environment. The <span class="bold"><strong>rec</strong></span> parameter contains the
141                 opaque data specified in the <span class="bold"><strong>cdata</strong></span> parameter to
142                 the <a class="xref" href="repstart.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;rep_start()">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_start()</a>.  The application should
143                 take whatever action is needed to establish a communication channel with this new
144                 environment.
145            </p>
146          </li>
147          <li>
148            <p><a id="repmsg_DB_REP_NOTPERM"></a>
149                         <span class="bold"><strong>DB_REP_NOTPERM</strong></span>
150                </p>
151            <p>
152                 The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method will return
153                 <code class="literal">DB_REP_NOTPERM</code> if a message carrying a 
154                 <a class="link" href="reptransport.html#transport_DB_REP_PERMANENT">DB_REP_PERMANENT</a> 
155                 flag was processed successfully, but was not written to disk. The LSN of this
156                 record is returned.  The application should take whatever action is deemed
157                 necessary to retain its recoverability characteristics.
158            </p>
159          </li>
160        </ul>
161      </div>
162      <p>
163         Unless otherwise specified, the <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code>
164         <span>
165            <span>
166                  method returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.
167            </span>
169        </span>
170    </p>
171      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
172        <div class="titlepage">
173          <div>
174            <div>
175              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1697935"></a>Parameters</h3>
176            </div>
177          </div>
178        </div>
179        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
180          <div class="titlepage">
181            <div>
182              <div>
183                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1696933"></a>control</h4>
184              </div>
185            </div>
186          </div>
187          <p>
188                          The <span class="bold"><strong>control</strong></span> parameter should
189                          reference a copy of the <span class="bold"><strong>control</strong></span>
190                          parameter specified by Berkeley DB on the sending environment.
191See the <a class="xref" href="reptransport.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_transport()">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_transport()</a> method for more information.
192                     </p>
193        </div>
194        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
195          <div class="titlepage">
196            <div>
197              <div>
198                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1697970"></a>envid</h4>
199              </div>
200            </div>
201          </div>
202          <p>
203                          The <span class="bold"><strong>envid</strong></span> parameter should contain
204                          the local identifier that corresponds to the environment that sent the
205                          message to be processed (see <a href="../../programmer_reference/rep_id.html" class="olink">Replication environment IDs</a> for more
206                          information).
207                     </p>
208        </div>
209        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
210          <div class="titlepage">
211            <div>
212              <div>
213                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1697724"></a>rec</h4>
214              </div>
215            </div>
216          </div>
217          <p>
218                          The <span class="bold"><strong>rec</strong></span> parameter should reference a
219                          copy of the <span class="bold"><strong>rec</strong></span> parameter specified
220                          by Berkeley DB on the sending environment.
221See the <a class="xref" href="reptransport.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_transport()">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_transport()</a> method for more information.
222                     </p>
223        </div>
224        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
225          <div class="titlepage">
226            <div>
227              <div>
228                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1697858"></a>ret_lsnp</h4>
229              </div>
230            </div>
231          </div>
232          <p>
233                         If <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method returns
234                         <code class="literal">DB_REP_NOTPERM</code> then the 
235                         <span class="bold"><strong>ret_lsnp</strong></span> parameter will contain the log sequence
236                         number of this permanent log message that could not be written to disk.  If
237                         <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code> method returns
238                         <code class="literal">DB_REP_ISPERM</code> then the 
239                         <span class="bold"><strong>ret_lsnp</strong></span> parameter will contain largest log
240                         sequence number of the permanent records that are now written to disk as a
241                         result of processing this message.  In all other cases the value of
242                         <span class="bold"><strong>ret_lsnp</strong></span> is undefined.
244                     </p>
245        </div>
246      </div>
247      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
248        <div class="titlepage">
249          <div>
250            <div>
251              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1697846"></a>Errors</h3>
252            </div>
253          </div>
254        </div>
255        <p>
256            The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_process_message()</code>
257            <span>
258            <span>
259                 method may fail and return one of the following non-zero errors:
260            </span>
262        </span>
263        </p>
264        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
265          <div class="titlepage">
266            <div>
267              <div>
268                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1698053"></a>EINVAL</h4>
269              </div>
270            </div>
271          </div>
272          <p>
273                If the database environment was not already configured to
274                communicate with a replication group by a call to
275                <a class="xref" href="reptransport.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_transport()">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_transport()</a>; 
276                if the database environment was not already opened;
277                if this method is called from a Replication Manager
278                application; or if an invalid flag value or parameter
279                was specified.
280            </p>
281        </div>
282      </div>
283      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
284        <div class="titlepage">
285          <div>
286            <div>
287              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1698178"></a>Class</h3>
288            </div>
289          </div>
290        </div>
291        <p>
292                <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter��5.�� The DB_ENV Handle">DB_ENV</a>  
293            </p>
294      </div>
295      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
296        <div class="titlepage">
297          <div>
298            <div>
299              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1697623"></a>See Also</h3>
300            </div>
301          </div>
302        </div>
303        <p>
304                     <a class="xref" href="rep.html#replist" title="Replication and Related Methods">Replication and Related Methods</a> 
305                </p>
306      </div>
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