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26          <th colspan="3" align="center">LPRng Reference Manual: 5
27          Sep 2003 (For LPRng-3.8.22)</th>
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45      <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN6228">12.19. Lexmark
46      Printers</a></h1>
48      <p>Some Lexmark printers do not send <span class=
49      "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">end of job</i></span> status
50      back unless configured to do so. Here is what is needed to
51      force this. (This capability has been incorporated into the
52      <b class="APPLICATION">ifhp</b> filter.)</p>
54      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
55        <a name="AEN6233"></a>
56<pre class="SCREEN">
57    From: Matt White &lt;whitem@bofh.usask.ca&gt;
58    To: lprng@lprng.com
59    Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 18:25:50 -0600 (CST)
60    Subject: Re: [LPRng] ifhp with Lexmark Optra N printer
62    On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, Simon Greaves wrote:
64    &gt; Apologies in advance if this is way off mark, but we've been
65    &gt; evaluating a commercial print charging package (Geomica) which
66    &gt; works by talking to the printer in what I think is a similar way
67    &gt; to the ifhp filters. Lexmarks are currently a big headache because
68    &gt; they seem to fail to return the message that they have finished
69    &gt; printing which screws things up somewhat. In our case, it is believed
70    &gt; to be a problem with the Lexmark firmware which they are looking
71    &gt; into.
73    There is a fix for that...it is originally from the Lexmark 4039
74    series, but it still works on the Optra S 1650 machines that we
75    have (and should work on the rest of the optra line).  Just send
76    this little chunk of postscript to the printer once:
78    -----------snip----------
79    %! Postscript to set the 4039 printer into synchronous mode
80    serverdict begin 0 exitserver
81    statusdict begin true setenginesync end
82    -----------snip----------
84    Basically, it causes the printer to wait until it is finished
85    printing before actually reporting that it is done.  I've got 3
86    Optra S printers running with ifhp right now with no extra options
87    (just defaults).
89    -----------------------------------------------------------
90    - Matt White                  whitem@arts.usask.ca
91    - Network Technical Support   http://arts.usask.ca/~whitem
92    - College of Arts &amp; Science  University of Saskatchewan
93    -----------------------------------------------------------
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117          <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Using Programs
118          To Get Printcap Information</td>
120          <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
121          "printcapref.htm" accesskey="U">Up</a></td>
123          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Tektronix
124          Phaser Printers</td>
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