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25          <th colspan="3" align="center">LPRng Reference Manual: 5
26          Sep 2003 (For LPRng-3.8.22)</th>
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31          "x5193.htm" accesskey="P">Prev</a></td>
33          <td width="80%" align="center" valign="bottom">Chapter
34          11. Printer Communication and Protocols</td>
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44      <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN5224">11.9. Printing to a SMB
45      (MicroSoft) Printer</a></h1>
47      <p>Microsoft use the SMB (Simple Message Block) protocol to
48      transfer files and print jobs to hosts and printers. SMB can
49      be used over TCP/IP, NetBEUI, IPX, and other lower level
50      network protocols.</p>
52      <p>Unfortunately, most printers do not provide detailed
53      status or error reports when using the SMB protocol. There
54      are a very large number of printers that have deficient SMB
55      support that causes problems when used in a high traffic or
56      high throughput environment.</p>
58      <p>It is highly recommended that this protocol not be used
59      unless there is no alternative.</p>
61      <p>If you have a printer or a remote print spooler that
62      supports SMB You can use the <a href="smb.htm">SAMBA</a> <b
63      class="APPLICATION">smbclient</b> program to send a print job
64      to an SMB client. The following is a sample Shell Script
65      script which you can use:</p>
67      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
68        <a name="AEN5232"></a>
69<pre class="SCREEN">
70    #!/bin/sh -x
71    # This script is an input filter for printing on a unix machine. It
72    # uses the smbclient program to print the file to the specified smb-based
73    # server and service.
74    # The 'smb' printcap entry below shows how to configure LPRng
75    # for printing
76    #
77    # smb:
78    #  :lp=|/usr/local/samba/smbprint
79    #  :sd=/var/spool/smb:
80    #  :filter= ... filter ...
81    #
82    # The /var/spool/smb/.config file should contain:
83    #   server="PC_SERVER"
84    #   service="PR_SHARENAME"
85    #   password="PASSWORD"
86    #
87    # Set PC_SERVER to the server, PR_SHARENAME to the printer,
88    # and PASSWORD to the password for this service.
89    #
90    # E.g.
91    #   server=PAULS_PC
92    #   service=CJET_371
93    #   password=""
94    #
95    #
96    config_file=.config
97    if [ -f $config_file ] ; then
98        eval `/bin/cat $config_file`
99    fi
100    #
101    # NOTE You may wish to add the line `echo translate'
102    # if you want automatic
103    # CR/LF translation when printing.
104    (
105    #   echo translate
106        echo "print -"
107        /bin/cat
108    ) | /usr/local/bin/smbclient "\\\\$server\\$service" \
109       "$password" -U "$server" -N -P 1&gt;&amp;2
111      </div>
112      <br>
113      <br>
115      <p>If the above script was in <tt class=
116      "FILENAME">/usr/local/libexec/filters/smbprint</tt>, the
117      printcap entry for this printer would be:</p>
119      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
120        <a name="AEN5236"></a>
121<pre class="SCREEN">
122    pauls_pc:
123      :sd=/var/spool/lpd/%P
124      # we filter the output
125      :lp=|/usr/local/libexec/filters/smbprint
126      # you can add filters if you want to do specific actions
127      :ifhp=model=hp4
128      :filter=/usr/local/libexec/filters/ifhp
130      </div>
131      <br>
132      <br>
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148          "x5238.htm" accesskey="N">Next</a></td>
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152          <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Problems With
153          Network Print Servers</td>
155          <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
156          "printercomm.htm" accesskey="U">Up</a></td>
158          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Printing to
159          AppleTalk Printers</td>
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