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23        <tr>
24          <th colspan="3" align="center">LPRng Reference Manual: 5
25          Sep 2003 (For LPRng-3.8.22)</th>
26        </tr>
28        <tr>
29          <td width="10%" align="left" valign="bottom"><a href=
30          "x8980.htm" accesskey="P">Prev</a></td>
32          <td width="80%" align="center" valign="bottom">Chapter
33          17. Permissions and Authentication</td>
35          <td width="10%" align="right" valign="bottom"><a href=
36          "x9083.htm" accesskey="N">Next</a></td>
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42    <div class="SECT1">
43      <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AUTH">17.10. Authentication
44      Operations</a></h1>
46      <p>Options used:</p>
48      <ul>
49        <li>
50          <p><var class="LITERAL">auth=</var><span class=
51          "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">client to server
52          authentication type</i></span></p>
53        </li>
55        <li>
56          <p><var class="LITERAL">auth_forward=</var><span class=
57          "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">server to server
58          authentication type</i></span></p>
59        </li>
61        <li>
62          <p><var class="LITERAL">XX_id=</var><span class=
63          "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">server
64          identification</i></span></p>
65        </li>
67        <li>
68          <p><var class="LITERAL">XX_forward_id=</var><span class=
69          "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Server
70          identification</i></span></p>
71        </li>
72      </ul>
73      <br>
74      <br>
76      <p>A <b class="APPLICATION">LPRng</b> client <b class=
77      "APPLICATION">lpr</b>, <b class="APPLICATION">lpq</b>, <b
78      class="APPLICATION">lprm</b>, or <b class=
79      "APPLICATION">lpc</b> to <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b>
80      server authenticated transfer proceeds as follows. If an
81      authenticated transfer is specified by the <var class=
82      "LITERAL">auth=protocol</var> entry in the printcap or
83      configuration information, the client sends a request for an
84      authenticated transfer to the server.</p>
86      <p>Part of the authentication request is the authentication
87      type. If authentication type <acronym class=
88      "ACRONYM">XX</acronym> is requested the server will examine
89      the information in the printcap and configuration entries for
90      an <var class="LITERAL">XX_id</var> value. If this value is
91      present then the server supports authentication of this type.
92      Further permission checks are carried out and finally the
93      server will accept or reject the authentication request. If
94      the request is accepted the server returns a positive
95      acknowledgment (single 0 byte) to the requester, otherwise it
96      returns a nonzero value and an error message.</p>
98      <p>If the request is accepted then an authentication specific
99      protocol exchange is carried out between client and server.
100      The commands and/or data files are encrypted and/or signed
101      and transferred to the server. The protocol specific software
102      on the server will then decrypt and/or check signatures,
103      perform the requested actions, and in turn generate a status
104      information. The status information is encrypted and/or
105      signed by the server and sent to the client, where the client
106      decrypts and/or checked for correct signature.</p>
108      <p>A <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> server to <b class=
109      "APPLICATION">lpd</b> server authenticated transfer proceeds
110      as follows. If an authenticated transfer is specified by the
111      <var class="LITERAL">auth_forward=protocol</var> entry in the
112      printcap or configuration information, the originating server
113      sends a request for an authenticated transfer to the
114      destination server. The originating server plays the part of
115      the client and performs the same set of actions.</p>
117      <p>The following printcap or user level information needs to
118      be provided for an authenticated exchange.</p>
120      <ol type="1">
121        <li>
122          <p>The <var class="LITERAL">auth</var> option specifies
123          the authentication type to be used for client to server
124          transfers. For example, <var class=
125          "LITERAL">auth=kerberos</var> or <var class=
126          "LITERAL">auth=kerberos5</var> or would specify Kerberos
127          5 authentication, <var class=
128          "LITERAL">auth=kerberos4</var> would specify Kerberos 4
129          authentication, <var class="LITERAL">auth=pgp</var> would
130          specify PGP authentication, <var class=
131          "LITERAL">auth=md5</var> would specify MD5
132          authentication, etc. The special form <var class=
133          "LITERAL">auth@</var> specifies no authentication.</p>
134        </li>
136        <li>
137          <p>The <var class="LITERAL">auth_forward</var> option
138          specifies the authentication type to be used for server
139          to server transfers. For example, <var class=
140          "LITERAL">auth_forward=kerberos5</var> would specify
141          Kerberos 5 authentication, etc. The special form <var
142          class="LITERAL">auth@</var> specifies no
143          authentication.</p>
144        </li>
146        <li>
147          <p>The authenticated transfer request sent to a server
148          has one of the following forms, depending on the
149          originator:</p>
151          <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
152            <a name="AEN9050"></a>
153<pre class="SCREEN">
154    \008printer C user_id authtype \n  - for commands (lpq, lpc, etc.)
155    \008printer C user_id authtype size\n - for print jobs (lpr)
156    \008printer F server_id authtype \n - forwarded commands (lpq, lpc, etc.)
157    \008printer F server_id authtype size\n - forwarded print jobs (lpr)
159          </div>
160          &#13;<br>
161          <br>
163          <p>The single character with the <var class=
164          "LITERAL">\008</var> value signals that this is an
165          authentication request the <var class=
166          "LITERAL">printer</var> is the name of a print queue, and
167          the <var class="LITERAL">C</var> (client) or <var class=
168          "LITERAL">F</var> indicates that the request is from a
169          client program or is a forwarded request from a server.
170          The <var class="LITERAL">user_id</var> or <var class=
171          "LITERAL">server_id</var> field is an identifier supplied
172          by the originator and is discussed below. If the <var
173          class="LITERAL">size</var> value is present then the
174          request is for a job transfer and this value represents
175          the job size. It is used to determine if there is
176          sufficient space in the spool queue for the job.</p>
177        </li>
179        <li>
180          <p>The <var class="LITERAL">user_id</var> or <var class=
181          "LITERAL">server_id</var> fields in the authentication
182          request are obtained as follows. If the request
183          originates from a client, then the <var class=
184          "LITERAL">user_id</var> is the user name of the
185          originator obtained from password information. If the
186          request originates from a server, then the <var class=
187          "LITERAL">server_id</var> is the printcap or
188          configuration <var class="LITERAL">xx_id=server_id</var>
189          value, where <var class="LITERAL">xx</var> is the value
190          of the <var class="LITERAL">auth_forward=xx</var>
191          entry.</p>
192        </li>
194        <li>
195          <p>When the authenticated transfer request is received,
196          the destination will either return a single zero byte, or
197          a non-zero byte value followed by additional refusal
198          information. A refusal terminates the protocol
199          exchange.</p>
200        </li>
202        <li>
203          <p>Further exchanges are then determined by the
204          authentication protocol specific requirements.</p>
205        </li>
207        <li>
208          <p>Once the initial exchanges have been completed a user
209          file and/or command will be transferred to the
210          destination server.</p>
211        </li>
213        <li>
214          <p>An authentication protocol specific <acronym class=
215          "ACRONYM">AUTHFROM</acronym> and <acronym class=
216          "ACRONYM">AUTHUSER</acronym> strings will be supplied to
217          the lpd server for purposes of permission checking.</p>
218        </li>
220        <li>
221          <p>The lpd server then carries out the requested
222          operation, and will write error and status information
223          into a file.</p>
224        </li>
226        <li>
227          <p>After the requested activity has finished, protocol
228          specific module transfer the status information in the
229          file to the requesting system and terminate the protocol
230          exchange.</p>
231        </li>
232      </ol>
233      <br>
234      <br>
235    </div>
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243          <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top"><a href=
244          "x8980.htm" accesskey="P">Prev</a></td>
246          <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
247          "index.htm" accesskey="H">Home</a></td>
249          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top"><a href=
250          "x9083.htm" accesskey="N">Next</a></td>
251        </tr>
253        <tr>
254          <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">RFC1179
255          Protocol Extensions</td>
257          <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
258          "permsref.htm" accesskey="U">Up</a></td>
260          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Permission
261          Checking</td>
262        </tr>
263      </table>
264    </div>
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