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12This file documents the GNU linker LD
13(Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2013.11-24)
14version 2.23.52.
16Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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40<a name="Builtin-Functions"></a>
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47<h4 class="subsection">3.10.9 Builtin Functions</h4>
49<p><a name="index-functions-in-expressions-542"></a>The linker script language includes a number of builtin functions for
50use in linker script expressions.
52     <dl>
53<dt><code>ABSOLUTE(</code><var>exp</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-ABSOLUTE_0028_0040var_007bexp_007d_0029-543"></a><a name="index-expression_002c-absolute-544"></a>Return the absolute (non-relocatable, as opposed to non-negative) value
54of the expression <var>exp</var>.  Primarily useful to assign an absolute
55value to a symbol within a section definition, where symbol values are
56normally section relative.  See <a href="Expression-Section.html#Expression-Section">Expression Section</a>.
58     <br><dt><code>ADDR(</code><var>section</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-ADDR_0028_0040var_007bsection_007d_0029-545"></a><a name="index-section-address-in-expression-546"></a>Return the address (VMA) of the named <var>section</var>.  Your
59script must previously have defined the location of that section.  In
60the following example, <code>start_of_output_1</code>, <code>symbol_1</code> and
61<code>symbol_2</code> are assigned equivalent values, except that
62<code>symbol_1</code> will be relative to the <code>.output1</code> section while
63the other two will be absolute:
64     <pre class="smallexample">          SECTIONS { ...
65            .output1 :
66              {
67              start_of_output_1 = ABSOLUTE(.);
68              ...
69              }
70            .output :
71              {
72              symbol_1 = ADDR(.output1);
73              symbol_2 = start_of_output_1;
74              }
75          ... }
77     <br><dt><code>ALIGN(</code><var>align</var><code>)</code><dt><code>ALIGN(</code><var>exp</var><code>,</code><var>align</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-ALIGN_0028_0040var_007balign_007d_0029-547"></a><a name="index-ALIGN_0028_0040var_007bexp_007d_002c_0040var_007balign_007d_0029-548"></a><a name="index-round-up-location-counter-549"></a><a name="index-align-location-counter-550"></a><a name="index-round-up-expression-551"></a><a name="index-align-expression-552"></a>Return the location counter (<code>.</code>) or arbitrary expression aligned
78to the next <var>align</var> boundary.  The single operand <code>ALIGN</code>
79doesn't change the value of the location counter&mdash;it just does
80arithmetic on it.  The two operand <code>ALIGN</code> allows an arbitrary
81expression to be aligned upwards (<code>ALIGN(</code><var>align</var><code>)</code> is
82equivalent to <code>ALIGN(., </code><var>align</var><code>)</code>).
84     <p>Here is an example which aligns the output <code>.data</code> section to the
85next <code>0x2000</code> byte boundary after the preceding section and sets a
86variable within the section to the next <code>0x8000</code> boundary after the
87input sections:
88     <pre class="smallexample">          SECTIONS { ...
89            .data ALIGN(0x2000): {
90              *(.data)
91              variable = ALIGN(0x8000);
92            }
93          ... }
95     <p class="noindent">The first use of <code>ALIGN</code> in this example specifies the location of
96a section because it is used as the optional <var>address</var> attribute of
97a section definition (see <a href="Output-Section-Address.html#Output-Section-Address">Output Section Address</a>).  The second use
98of <code>ALIGN</code> is used to defines the value of a symbol.
100     <p>The builtin function <code>NEXT</code> is closely related to <code>ALIGN</code>.
102     <br><dt><code>ALIGNOF(</code><var>section</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-ALIGNOF_0028_0040var_007bsection_007d_0029-553"></a><a name="index-section-alignment-554"></a>Return the alignment in bytes of the named <var>section</var>, if that section has
103been allocated.  If the section has not been allocated when this is
104evaluated, the linker will report an error. In the following example,
105the alignment of the <code>.output</code> section is stored as the first
106value in that section.
107     <pre class="smallexample">          SECTIONS{ ...
108            .output {
109              LONG (ALIGNOF (.output))
110              ...
111              }
112          ... }
114     <br><dt><code>BLOCK(</code><var>exp</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-BLOCK_0028_0040var_007bexp_007d_0029-555"></a>This is a synonym for <code>ALIGN</code>, for compatibility with older linker
115scripts.  It is most often seen when setting the address of an output
118     <br><dt><code>DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN(</code><var>maxpagesize</var><code>, </code><var>commonpagesize</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-DATA_005fSEGMENT_005fALIGN_0028_0040var_007bmaxpagesize_007d_002c-_0040var_007bcommonpagesize_007d_0029-556"></a>This is equivalent to either
119     <pre class="smallexample">          (ALIGN(<var>maxpagesize</var>) + (. &amp; (<var>maxpagesize</var> - 1)))
121     <p>or
122     <pre class="smallexample">          (ALIGN(<var>maxpagesize</var>) + (. &amp; (<var>maxpagesize</var> - <var>commonpagesize</var>)))
124     <p class="noindent">depending on whether the latter uses fewer <var>commonpagesize</var> sized pages
125for the data segment (area between the result of this expression and
126<code>DATA_SEGMENT_END</code>) than the former or not. 
127If the latter form is used, it means <var>commonpagesize</var> bytes of runtime
128memory will be saved at the expense of up to <var>commonpagesize</var> wasted
129bytes in the on-disk file.
131     <p>This expression can only be used directly in <code>SECTIONS</code> commands, not in
132any output section descriptions and only once in the linker script. 
133<var>commonpagesize</var> should be less or equal to <var>maxpagesize</var> and should
134be the system page size the object wants to be optimized for (while still
135working on system page sizes up to <var>maxpagesize</var>).
137     <p class="noindent">Example:
138     <pre class="smallexample">            . = DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN(0x10000, 0x2000);
140     <br><dt><code>DATA_SEGMENT_END(</code><var>exp</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-DATA_005fSEGMENT_005fEND_0028_0040var_007bexp_007d_0029-557"></a>This defines the end of data segment for <code>DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN</code>
141evaluation purposes.
143     <pre class="smallexample">            . = DATA_SEGMENT_END(.);
145     <br><dt><code>DATA_SEGMENT_RELRO_END(</code><var>offset</var><code>, </code><var>exp</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-DATA_005fSEGMENT_005fRELRO_005fEND_0028_0040var_007boffset_007d_002c-_0040var_007bexp_007d_0029-558"></a>This defines the end of the <code>PT_GNU_RELRO</code> segment when
146&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-z relro</span></samp>&rsquo; option is used.  Second argument is returned. 
147When &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-z relro</span></samp>&rsquo; option is not present, <code>DATA_SEGMENT_RELRO_END</code>
148does nothing, otherwise <code>DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN</code> is padded so that
149<var>exp</var> + <var>offset</var> is aligned to the most commonly used page
150boundary for particular target.  If present in the linker script,
151it must always come in between <code>DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN</code> and
154     <pre class="smallexample">            . = DATA_SEGMENT_RELRO_END(24, .);
156     <br><dt><code>DEFINED(</code><var>symbol</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-DEFINED_0028_0040var_007bsymbol_007d_0029-559"></a><a name="index-symbol-defaults-560"></a>Return 1 if <var>symbol</var> is in the linker global symbol table and is
157defined before the statement using DEFINED in the script, otherwise
158return 0.  You can use this function to provide
159default values for symbols.  For example, the following script fragment
160shows how to set a global symbol &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">begin</span></samp>&rsquo; to the first location in
161the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">.text</span></samp>&rsquo; section&mdash;but if a symbol called &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">begin</span></samp>&rsquo; already
162existed, its value is preserved:
164     <pre class="smallexample">          SECTIONS { ...
165            .text : {
166              begin = DEFINED(begin) ? begin : . ;
167              ...
168            }
169            ...
170          }
172     <br><dt><code>LENGTH(</code><var>memory</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-LENGTH_0028_0040var_007bmemory_007d_0029-561"></a>Return the length of the memory region named <var>memory</var>.
174     <br><dt><code>LOADADDR(</code><var>section</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-LOADADDR_0028_0040var_007bsection_007d_0029-562"></a><a name="index-section-load-address-in-expression-563"></a>Return the absolute LMA of the named <var>section</var>.  (see <a href="Output-Section-LMA.html#Output-Section-LMA">Output Section LMA</a>).
176     <br><dt><code>LOG2CEIL(</code><var>exp</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-LOG2CEIL_0028_0040var_007bexp_007d_0029-564"></a>Return the binary logarithm of <var>exp</var> rounded towards infinity. 
177<code>LOG2CEIL(0)</code> returns 0.
179     <p><a name="index-MAX-565"></a><br><dt><code>MAX(</code><var>exp1</var><code>, </code><var>exp2</var><code>)</code><dd>Returns the maximum of <var>exp1</var> and <var>exp2</var>.
181     <p><a name="index-MIN-566"></a><br><dt><code>MIN(</code><var>exp1</var><code>, </code><var>exp2</var><code>)</code><dd>Returns the minimum of <var>exp1</var> and <var>exp2</var>.
183     <br><dt><code>NEXT(</code><var>exp</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-NEXT_0028_0040var_007bexp_007d_0029-567"></a><a name="index-unallocated-address_002c-next-568"></a>Return the next unallocated address that is a multiple of <var>exp</var>. 
184This function is closely related to <code>ALIGN(</code><var>exp</var><code>)</code>; unless you
185use the <code>MEMORY</code> command to define discontinuous memory for the
186output file, the two functions are equivalent.
188     <br><dt><code>ORIGIN(</code><var>memory</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-ORIGIN_0028_0040var_007bmemory_007d_0029-569"></a>Return the origin of the memory region named <var>memory</var>.
190     <br><dt><code>SEGMENT_START(</code><var>segment</var><code>, </code><var>default</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-SEGMENT_005fSTART_0028_0040var_007bsegment_007d_002c-_0040var_007bdefault_007d_0029-570"></a>Return the base address of the named <var>segment</var>.  If an explicit
191value has already been given for this segment (with a command-line
192&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-T</span></samp>&rsquo; option) then that value will be returned otherwise the value
193will be <var>default</var>.  At present, the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-T</span></samp>&rsquo; command-line option
194can only be used to set the base address for the &ldquo;text&rdquo;, &ldquo;data&rdquo;, and
195&ldquo;bss&rdquo; sections, but you can use <code>SEGMENT_START</code> with any segment
198     <br><dt><code>SIZEOF(</code><var>section</var><code>)</code><dd><a name="index-SIZEOF_0028_0040var_007bsection_007d_0029-571"></a><a name="index-section-size-572"></a>Return the size in bytes of the named <var>section</var>, if that section has
199been allocated.  If the section has not been allocated when this is
200evaluated, the linker will report an error.  In the following example,
201<code>symbol_1</code> and <code>symbol_2</code> are assigned identical values:
202     <pre class="smallexample">          SECTIONS{ ...
203            .output {
204              .start = . ;
205              ...
206              .end = . ;
207              }
208            symbol_1 = .end - .start ;
209            symbol_2 = SIZEOF(.output);
210          ... }
212     <br><dt><code>SIZEOF_HEADERS</code><dt><code>sizeof_headers</code><dd><a name="index-SIZEOF_005fHEADERS-573"></a><a name="index-header-size-574"></a>Return the size in bytes of the output file's headers.  This is
213information which appears at the start of the output file.  You can use
214this number when setting the start address of the first section, if you
215choose, to facilitate paging.
217     <p><a name="index-not-enough-room-for-program-headers-575"></a><a name="index-program-headers_002c-not-enough-room-576"></a>When producing an ELF output file, if the linker script uses the
218<code>SIZEOF_HEADERS</code> builtin function, the linker must compute the
219number of program headers before it has determined all the section
220addresses and sizes.  If the linker later discovers that it needs
221additional program headers, it will report an error &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">not enough
222room for program headers</span></samp>&rsquo;.  To avoid this error, you must avoid using
223the <code>SIZEOF_HEADERS</code> function, or you must rework your linker
224script to avoid forcing the linker to use additional program headers, or
225you must define the program headers yourself using the <code>PHDRS</code>
226command (see <a href="PHDRS.html#PHDRS">PHDRS</a>). 
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