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50<h5 class="subsubsection"> Type Printing API</h5>
52<p><a name="index-type-printing-API-for-Python-1877"></a>
53<span class="sc">gdb</span> provides a way for Python code to customize type display. 
54This is mainly useful for substituting canonical typedef names for
57   <p><a name="index-type-printer-1878"></a>A <dfn>type printer</dfn> is just a Python object conforming to a certain
58protocol.  A simple base class implementing the protocol is provided;
59see <a href="gdb_002etypes.html#gdb_002etypes">gdb.types</a>.  A type printer must supply at least:
61<div class="defun">
62&mdash; Instance Variable of type_printer: <b>enabled</b><var><a name="index-enabled-1879"></a></var><br>
63<blockquote><p>A boolean which is True if the printer is enabled, and False
64otherwise.  This is manipulated by the <code>enable type-printer</code>
65and <code>disable type-printer</code> commands. 
68<div class="defun">
69&mdash; Instance Variable of type_printer: <b>name</b><var><a name="index-name-1880"></a></var><br>
70<blockquote><p>The name of the type printer.  This must be a string.  This is used by
71the <code>enable type-printer</code> and <code>disable type-printer</code>
75<div class="defun">
76&mdash; Method on type_printer: <b>instantiate</b> (<var>self</var>)<var><a name="index-instantiate-on-type_005fprinter-1881"></a></var><br>
77<blockquote><p>This is called by <span class="sc">gdb</span> at the start of type-printing.  It is
78only called if the type printer is enabled.  This method must return a
79new object that supplies a <code>recognize</code> method, as described below. 
82   <p>When displaying a type, say via the <code>ptype</code> command, <span class="sc">gdb</span>
83will compute a list of type recognizers.  This is done by iterating
84first over the per-objfile type printers (see <a href="Objfiles-In-Python.html#Objfiles-In-Python">Objfiles In Python</a>),
85followed by the per-progspace type printers (see <a href="Progspaces-In-Python.html#Progspaces-In-Python">Progspaces In Python</a>), and finally the global type printers.
87   <p><span class="sc">gdb</span> will call the <code>instantiate</code> method of each enabled
88type printer.  If this method returns <code>None</code>, then the result is
89ignored; otherwise, it is appended to the list of recognizers.
91   <p>Then, when <span class="sc">gdb</span> is going to display a type name, it iterates
92over the list of recognizers.  For each one, it calls the recognition
93function, stopping if the function returns a non-<code>None</code> value. 
94The recognition function is defined as:
96<div class="defun">
97&mdash; Method on type_recognizer: <b>recognize</b> (<var>self, type</var>)<var><a name="index-recognize-on-type_005frecognizer-1882"></a></var><br>
98<blockquote><p>If <var>type</var> is not recognized, return <code>None</code>.  Otherwise,
99return a string which is to be printed as the name of <var>type</var>. 
100<var>type</var> will be an instance of <code>gdb.Type</code> (see <a href="Types-In-Python.html#Types-In-Python">Types In Python</a>). 
103   <p><span class="sc">gdb</span> uses this two-pass approach so that type printers can
104efficiently cache information without holding on to it too long.  For
105example, it can be convenient to look up type information in a type
106printer and hold it for a recognizer's lifetime; if a single pass were
107done then type printers would have to make use of the event system in
108order to avoid holding information that could become stale as the
109inferior changed.
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