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50<h3 class="section">10.11 Convenience Variables</h3>
52<p><a name="index-convenience-variables-640"></a><a name="index-user_002ddefined-variables-641"></a><span class="sc">gdb</span> provides <dfn>convenience variables</dfn> that you can use within
53<span class="sc">gdb</span> to hold on to a value and refer to it later.  These variables
54exist entirely within <span class="sc">gdb</span>; they are not part of your program, and
55setting a convenience variable has no direct effect on further execution
56of your program.  That is why you can use them freely.
58   <p>Convenience variables are prefixed with &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">$</span></samp>&rsquo;.  Any name preceded by
59&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">$</span></samp>&rsquo; can be used for a convenience variable, unless it is one of
60the predefined machine-specific register names (see <a href="Registers.html#Registers">Registers</a>). 
61(Value history references, in contrast, are <em>numbers</em> preceded
62by &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">$</span></samp>&rsquo;.  See <a href="Value-History.html#Value-History">Value History</a>.)
64   <p>You can save a value in a convenience variable with an assignment
65expression, just as you would set a variable in your program. 
66For example:
68<pre class="smallexample">     set $foo = *object_ptr
70   <p class="noindent">would save in <code>$foo</code> the value contained in the object pointed to by
73   <p>Using a convenience variable for the first time creates it, but its
74value is <code>void</code> until you assign a new value.  You can alter the
75value with another assignment at any time.
77   <p>Convenience variables have no fixed types.  You can assign a convenience
78variable any type of value, including structures and arrays, even if
79that variable already has a value of a different type.  The convenience
80variable, when used as an expression, has the type of its current value.
83<a name="index-show-convenience-642"></a>
84<a name="index-show-all-user-variables-and-functions-643"></a>
85<dl><dt><code>show convenience</code><dd>Print a list of convenience variables used so far, and their values,
86as well as a list of the convenience functions. 
87Abbreviated <code>show conv</code>.
89     <p><a name="index-init_002dif_002dundefined-644"></a><a name="index-convenience-variables_002c-initializing-645"></a><br><dt><code>init-if-undefined $</code><var>variable</var><code> = </code><var>expression</var><dd>Set a convenience variable if it has not already been set.  This is useful
90for user-defined commands that keep some state.  It is similar, in concept,
91to using local static variables with initializers in C (except that
92convenience variables are global).  It can also be used to allow users to
93override default values used in a command script.
95     <p>If the variable is already defined then the expression is not evaluated so
96any side-effects do not occur. 
99   <p>One of the ways to use a convenience variable is as a counter to be
100incremented or a pointer to be advanced.  For example, to print
101a field from successive elements of an array of structures:
103<pre class="smallexample">     set $i = 0
104     print bar[$i++]-&gt;contents
106   <p class="noindent">Repeat that command by typing &lt;RET&gt;.
108   <p>Some convenience variables are created automatically by <span class="sc">gdb</span> and given
109values likely to be useful.
112<a name="index-g_t_0024_005f_0040r_007b_002c-convenience-variable_007d-646"></a>
113<dl><dt><code>$_</code><dd>The variable <code>$_</code> is automatically set by the <code>x</code> command to
114the last address examined (see <a href="Memory.html#Memory">Examining Memory</a>).  Other
115commands which provide a default address for <code>x</code> to examine also
116set <code>$_</code> to that address; these commands include <code>info line</code>
117and <code>info breakpoint</code>.  The type of <code>$_</code> is <code>void *</code>
118except when set by the <code>x</code> command, in which case it is a pointer
119to the type of <code>$__</code>.
121     <p><a name="index-g_t_0024_005f_005f_0040r_007b_002c-convenience-variable_007d-647"></a><br><dt><code>$__</code><dd>The variable <code>$__</code> is automatically set by the <code>x</code> command
122to the value found in the last address examined.  Its type is chosen
123to match the format in which the data was printed.
125     <br><dt><code>$_exitcode</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_0024_005fexitcode_0040r_007b_002c-convenience-variable_007d-648"></a>The variable <code>$_exitcode</code> is automatically set to the exit code when
126the program being debugged terminates.
128     <br><dt><code>$_exception</code><dd>The variable <code>$_exception</code> is set to the exception object being
129thrown at an exception-related catchpoint.  See <a href="Set-Catchpoints.html#Set-Catchpoints">Set Catchpoints</a>.
131     <br><dt><code>$_probe_argc</code><dt><code>$_probe_arg0...$_probe_arg11</code><dd>Arguments to a static probe.  See <a href="Static-Probe-Points.html#Static-Probe-Points">Static Probe Points</a>.
133     <br><dt><code>$_sdata</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_0024_005fsdata_0040r_007b_002c-inspect_002c-convenience-variable_007d-649"></a>The variable <code>$_sdata</code> contains extra collected static tracepoint
134data.  See <a href="Tracepoint-Actions.html#Tracepoint-Actions">Tracepoint Action Lists</a>.  Note that
135<code>$_sdata</code> could be empty, if not inspecting a trace buffer, or
136if extra static tracepoint data has not been collected.
138     <br><dt><code>$_siginfo</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_0024_005fsiginfo_0040r_007b_002c-convenience-variable_007d-650"></a>The variable <code>$_siginfo</code> contains extra signal information
139(see <a href="extra-signal-information.html#extra-signal-information">extra signal information</a>).  Note that <code>$_siginfo</code>
140could be empty, if the application has not yet received any signals. 
141For example, it will be empty before you execute the <code>run</code> command.
143     <br><dt><code>$_tlb</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_0024_005ftlb_0040r_007b_002c-convenience-variable_007d-651"></a>The variable <code>$_tlb</code> is automatically set when debugging
144applications running on MS-Windows in native mode or connected to
145gdbserver that supports the <code>qGetTIBAddr</code> request. 
146See <a href="General-Query-Packets.html#General-Query-Packets">General Query Packets</a>. 
147This variable contains the address of the thread information block.
149   </dl>
151   <p>On HP-UX systems, if you refer to a function or variable name that
152begins with a dollar sign, <span class="sc">gdb</span> searches for a user or system
153name first, before it searches for a convenience variable.
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