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49<h3 class="section">4.12 Setting a <em>Bookmark</em> to Return to Later</h3>
51<p><a name="index-checkpoint-195"></a><a name="index-restart-196"></a><a name="index-bookmark-197"></a><a name="index-snapshot-of-a-process-198"></a><a name="index-rewind-program-state-199"></a>
52On certain operating systems<a rel="footnote" href="#fn-1" name="fnd-1"><sup>1</sup></a>, <span class="sc">gdb</span> is able to save a <dfn>snapshot</dfn> of a
53program's state, called a <dfn>checkpoint</dfn>, and come back to it
56   <p>Returning to a checkpoint effectively undoes everything that has
57happened in the program since the <code>checkpoint</code> was saved.  This
58includes changes in memory, registers, and even (within some limits)
59system state.  Effectively, it is like going back in time to the
60moment when the checkpoint was saved.
62   <p>Thus, if you're stepping thru a program and you think you're
63getting close to the point where things go wrong, you can save
64a checkpoint.  Then, if you accidentally go too far and miss
65the critical statement, instead of having to restart your program
66from the beginning, you can just go back to the checkpoint and
67start again from there.
69   <p>This can be especially useful if it takes a lot of time or
70steps to reach the point where you think the bug occurs.
72   <p>To use the <code>checkpoint</code>/<code>restart</code> method of debugging:
75<a name="index-checkpoint-200"></a>
76<dl><dt><code>checkpoint</code><dd>Save a snapshot of the debugged program's current execution state. 
77The <code>checkpoint</code> command takes no arguments, but each checkpoint
78is assigned a small integer id, similar to a breakpoint id.
80     <p><a name="index-info-checkpoints-201"></a><br><dt><code>info checkpoints</code><dd>List the checkpoints that have been saved in the current debugging
81session.  For each checkpoint, the following information will be
84          <dl>
85<dt><code>Checkpoint ID</code><br><dt><code>Process ID</code><br><dt><code>Code Address</code><br><dt><code>Source line, or label</code><dd></dl>
87     <p><a name="index-restart-_0040var_007bcheckpoint_002did_007d-202"></a><br><dt><code>restart </code><var>checkpoint-id</var><dd>Restore the program state that was saved as checkpoint number
88<var>checkpoint-id</var>.  All program variables, registers, stack frames
89etc.  will be returned to the values that they had when the checkpoint
90was saved.  In essence, gdb will &ldquo;wind back the clock&rdquo; to the point
91in time when the checkpoint was saved.
93     <p>Note that breakpoints, <span class="sc">gdb</span> variables, command history etc. 
94are not affected by restoring a checkpoint.  In general, a checkpoint
95only restores things that reside in the program being debugged, not in
96the debugger.
98     <p><a name="index-delete-checkpoint-_0040var_007bcheckpoint_002did_007d-203"></a><br><dt><code>delete checkpoint </code><var>checkpoint-id</var><dd>Delete the previously-saved checkpoint identified by <var>checkpoint-id</var>.
100   </dl>
102   <p>Returning to a previously saved checkpoint will restore the user state
103of the program being debugged, plus a significant subset of the system
104(OS) state, including file pointers.  It won't &ldquo;un-write&rdquo; data from
105a file, but it will rewind the file pointer to the previous location,
106so that the previously written data can be overwritten.  For files
107opened in read mode, the pointer will also be restored so that the
108previously read data can be read again.
110   <p>Of course, characters that have been sent to a printer (or other
111external device) cannot be &ldquo;snatched back&rdquo;, and characters received
112from eg. a serial device can be removed from internal program buffers,
113but they cannot be &ldquo;pushed back&rdquo; into the serial pipeline, ready to
114be received again.  Similarly, the actual contents of files that have
115been changed cannot be restored (at this time).
117   <p>However, within those constraints, you actually can &ldquo;rewind&rdquo; your
118program to a previously saved point in time, and begin debugging it
119again &mdash; and you can change the course of events so as to debug a
120different execution path this time.
122   <p><a name="index-checkpoints-and-process-id-204"></a>Finally, there is one bit of internal program state that will be
123different when you return to a checkpoint &mdash; the program's process
124id.  Each checkpoint will have a unique process id (or <var>pid</var>),
125and each will be different from the program's original <var>pid</var>. 
126If your program has saved a local copy of its process id, this could
127potentially pose a problem.
129<h4 class="subsection">4.12.1 A Non-obvious Benefit of Using Checkpoints</h4>
131<p>On some systems such as <span class="sc">gnu</span>/Linux, address space randomization
132is performed on new processes for security reasons.  This makes it
133difficult or impossible to set a breakpoint, or watchpoint, on an
134absolute address if you have to restart the program, since the
135absolute location of a symbol will change from one execution to the
138   <p>A checkpoint, however, is an <em>identical</em> copy of a process. 
139Therefore if you create a checkpoint at (eg.) the start of main,
140and simply return to that checkpoint instead of restarting the
141process, you can avoid the effects of address randomization and
142your symbols will all stay in the same place.
144   <div class="footnote">
146<h4>Footnotes</h4><p class="footnote"><small>[<a name="fn-1" href="#fnd-1">1</a>]</small> Currently, only
147<span class="sc">gnu</span>/Linux.</p>
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