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56<h3 class="section">6.17 Arrays of Length Zero</h3>
58<p><a name="index-arrays-of-length-zero-2532"></a><a name="index-zero_002dlength-arrays-2533"></a><a name="index-length_002dzero-arrays-2534"></a><a name="index-flexible-array-members-2535"></a>
59Zero-length arrays are allowed in GNU C.  They are very useful as the
60last element of a structure that is really a header for a variable-length
63<pre class="smallexample">     struct line {
64       int length;
65       char contents[0];
66     };
68     struct line *thisline = (struct line *)
69       malloc (sizeof (struct line) + this_length);
70     thisline-&gt;length = this_length;
72 <p>In ISO C90, you would have to give <code>contents</code> a length of 1, which
73means either you waste space or complicate the argument to <code>malloc</code>.
75 <p>In ISO C99, you would use a <dfn>flexible array member</dfn>, which is
76slightly different in syntax and semantics:
78     <ul>
79<li>Flexible array members are written as <code>contents[]</code> without
80the <code>0</code>.
82     <li>Flexible array members have incomplete type, and so the <code>sizeof</code>
83operator may not be applied.  As a quirk of the original implementation
84of zero-length arrays, <code>sizeof</code> evaluates to zero.
86     <li>Flexible array members may only appear as the last member of a
87<code>struct</code> that is otherwise non-empty.
89     <li>A structure containing a flexible array member, or a union containing
90such a structure (possibly recursively), may not be a member of a
91structure or an element of an array.  (However, these uses are
92permitted by GCC as extensions.) 
95 <p>GCC versions before 3.0 allowed zero-length arrays to be statically
96initialized, as if they were flexible arrays.  In addition to those
97cases that were useful, it also allowed initializations in situations
98that would corrupt later data.  Non-empty initialization of zero-length
99arrays is now treated like any case where there are more initializer
100elements than the array holds, in that a suitable warning about &ldquo;excess
101elements in array&rdquo; is given, and the excess elements (all of them, in
102this case) are ignored.
104 <p>Instead GCC allows static initialization of flexible array members. 
105This is equivalent to defining a new structure containing the original
106structure followed by an array of sufficient size to contain the data. 
107E.g. in the following, <code>f1</code> is constructed as if it were declared
108like <code>f2</code>.
110<pre class="smallexample">     struct f1 {
111       int x; int y[];
112     } f1 = { 1, { 2, 3, 4 } };
114     struct f2 {
115       struct f1 f1; int data[3];
116     } f2 = { { 1 }, { 2, 3, 4 } };
118 <p class="noindent">The convenience of this extension is that <code>f1</code> has the desired
119type, eliminating the need to consistently refer to <code>f2.f1</code>.
121 <p>This has symmetry with normal static arrays, in that an array of
122unknown size is also written with <code>[]</code>.
124 <p>Of course, this extension only makes sense if the extra data comes at
125the end of a top-level object, as otherwise we would be overwriting
126data at subsequent offsets.  To avoid undue complication and confusion
127with initialization of deeply nested arrays, we simply disallow any
128non-empty initialization except when the structure is the top-level
129object.  For example:
131<pre class="smallexample">     struct foo { int x; int y[]; };
132     struct bar { struct foo z; };
134     struct foo a = { 1, { 2, 3, 4 } };        // <span class="roman">Valid.</span>
135     struct bar b = { { 1, { 2, 3, 4 } } };    // <span class="roman">Invalid.</span>
136     struct bar c = { { 1, { } } };            // <span class="roman">Valid.</span>
137     struct foo d[1] = { { 1 { 2, 3, 4 } } };  // <span class="roman">Invalid.</span>
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