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57<h3 class="section">11.8 Certain Changes We Don't Want to Make</h3>
59<p>This section lists changes that people frequently request, but which
60we do not make because we think GCC is better without them.
62     <ul>
63<li>Checking the number and type of arguments to a function which has an
64old-fashioned definition and no prototype.
66     <p>Such a feature would work only occasionally&mdash;only for calls that appear
67in the same file as the called function, following the definition.  The
68only way to check all calls reliably is to add a prototype for the
69function.  But adding a prototype eliminates the motivation for this
70feature.  So the feature is not worthwhile.
72     <li>Warning about using an expression whose type is signed as a shift count.
74     <p>Shift count operands are probably signed more often than unsigned. 
75Warning about this would cause far more annoyance than good.
77     <li>Warning about assigning a signed value to an unsigned variable.
79     <p>Such assignments must be very common; warning about them would cause
80more annoyance than good.
82     <li>Warning when a non-void function value is ignored.
84     <p>C contains many standard functions that return a value that most
85programs choose to ignore.  One obvious example is <code>printf</code>. 
86Warning about this practice only leads the defensive programmer to
87clutter programs with dozens of casts to <code>void</code>.  Such casts are
88required so frequently that they become visual noise.  Writing those
89casts becomes so automatic that they no longer convey useful
90information about the intentions of the programmer.  For functions
91where the return value should never be ignored, use the
92<code>warn_unused_result</code> function attribute (see <a href="Function-Attributes.html#Function-Attributes">Function Attributes</a>).
94     <li><a name="index-fshort_002denums-3586"></a>Making <samp><span class="option">-fshort-enums</span></samp> the default.
96     <p>This would cause storage layout to be incompatible with most other C
97compilers.  And it doesn't seem very important, given that you can get
98the same result in other ways.  The case where it matters most is when
99the enumeration-valued object is inside a structure, and in that case
100you can specify a field width explicitly.
102     <li>Making bit-fields unsigned by default on particular machines where &ldquo;the
103ABI standard&rdquo; says to do so.
105     <p>The ISO C standard leaves it up to the implementation whether a bit-field
106declared plain <code>int</code> is signed or not.  This in effect creates two
107alternative dialects of C.
109     <p><a name="index-fsigned_002dbitfields-3587"></a><a name="index-funsigned_002dbitfields-3588"></a>The GNU C compiler supports both dialects; you can specify the signed
110dialect with <samp><span class="option">-fsigned-bitfields</span></samp> and the unsigned dialect with
111<samp><span class="option">-funsigned-bitfields</span></samp>.  However, this leaves open the question of
112which dialect to use by default.
114     <p>Currently, the preferred dialect makes plain bit-fields signed, because
115this is simplest.  Since <code>int</code> is the same as <code>signed int</code> in
116every other context, it is cleanest for them to be the same in bit-fields
117as well.
119     <p>Some computer manufacturers have published Application Binary Interface
120standards which specify that plain bit-fields should be unsigned.  It is
121a mistake, however, to say anything about this issue in an ABI.  This is
122because the handling of plain bit-fields distinguishes two dialects of C. 
123Both dialects are meaningful on every type of machine.  Whether a
124particular object file was compiled using signed bit-fields or unsigned
125is of no concern to other object files, even if they access the same
126bit-fields in the same data structures.
128     <p>A given program is written in one or the other of these two dialects. 
129The program stands a chance to work on most any machine if it is
130compiled with the proper dialect.  It is unlikely to work at all if
131compiled with the wrong dialect.
133     <p>Many users appreciate the GNU C compiler because it provides an
134environment that is uniform across machines.  These users would be
135inconvenienced if the compiler treated plain bit-fields differently on
136certain machines.
138     <p>Occasionally users write programs intended only for a particular machine
139type.  On these occasions, the users would benefit if the GNU C compiler
140were to support by default the same dialect as the other compilers on
141that machine.  But such applications are rare.  And users writing a
142program to run on more than one type of machine cannot possibly benefit
143from this kind of compatibility.
145     <p>This is why GCC does and will treat plain bit-fields in the same
146fashion on all types of machines (by default).
148     <p>There are some arguments for making bit-fields unsigned by default on all
149machines.  If, for example, this becomes a universal de facto standard,
150it would make sense for GCC to go along with it.  This is something
151to be considered in the future.
153     <p>(Of course, users strongly concerned about portability should indicate
154explicitly in each bit-field whether it is signed or not.  In this way,
155they write programs which have the same meaning in both C dialects.)
157     <li><a name="index-ansi-3589"></a><a name="index-std-3590"></a>Undefining <code>__STDC__</code> when <samp><span class="option">-ansi</span></samp> is not used.
159     <p>Currently, GCC defines <code>__STDC__</code> unconditionally.  This provides
160good results in practice.
162     <p>Programmers normally use conditionals on <code>__STDC__</code> to ask whether
163it is safe to use certain features of ISO C, such as function
164prototypes or ISO token concatenation.  Since plain <samp><span class="command">gcc</span></samp> supports
165all the features of ISO C, the correct answer to these questions is
168     <p>Some users try to use <code>__STDC__</code> to check for the availability of
169certain library facilities.  This is actually incorrect usage in an ISO
170C program, because the ISO C standard says that a conforming
171freestanding implementation should define <code>__STDC__</code> even though it
172does not have the library facilities.  &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">gcc -ansi -pedantic</span></samp>&rsquo; is a
173conforming freestanding implementation, and it is therefore required to
174define <code>__STDC__</code>, even though it does not come with an ISO C
177     <p>Sometimes people say that defining <code>__STDC__</code> in a compiler that
178does not completely conform to the ISO C standard somehow violates the
179standard.  This is illogical.  The standard is a standard for compilers
180that claim to support ISO C, such as &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">gcc -ansi</span></samp>&rsquo;&mdash;not for other
181compilers such as plain <samp><span class="command">gcc</span></samp>.  Whatever the ISO C standard says
182is relevant to the design of plain <samp><span class="command">gcc</span></samp> without <samp><span class="option">-ansi</span></samp> only
183for pragmatic reasons, not as a requirement.
185     <p>GCC normally defines <code>__STDC__</code> to be 1, and in addition
186defines <code>__STRICT_ANSI__</code> if you specify the <samp><span class="option">-ansi</span></samp> option,
187or a <samp><span class="option">-std</span></samp> option for strict conformance to some version of ISO C. 
188On some hosts, system include files use a different convention, where
189<code>__STDC__</code> is normally 0, but is 1 if the user specifies strict
190conformance to the C Standard.  GCC follows the host convention when
191processing system include files, but when processing user files it follows
192the usual GNU C convention.
194     <li>Undefining <code>__STDC__</code> in C++.
196     <p>Programs written to compile with C++-to-C translators get the
197value of <code>__STDC__</code> that goes with the C compiler that is
198subsequently used.  These programs must test <code>__STDC__</code>
199to determine what kind of C preprocessor that compiler uses:
200whether they should concatenate tokens in the ISO C fashion
201or in the traditional fashion.
203     <p>These programs work properly with GNU C++ if <code>__STDC__</code> is defined. 
204They would not work otherwise.
206     <p>In addition, many header files are written to provide prototypes in ISO
207C but not in traditional C.  Many of these header files can work without
208change in C++ provided <code>__STDC__</code> is defined.  If <code>__STDC__</code>
209is not defined, they will all fail, and will all need to be changed to
210test explicitly for C++ as well.
212     <li>Deleting &ldquo;empty&rdquo; loops.
214     <p>Historically, GCC has not deleted &ldquo;empty&rdquo; loops under the
215assumption that the most likely reason you would put one in a program is
216to have a delay, so deleting them will not make real programs run any
219     <p>However, the rationale here is that optimization of a nonempty loop
220cannot produce an empty one. This held for carefully written C compiled
221with less powerful optimizers but is not always the case for carefully
222written C++ or with more powerful optimizers. 
223Thus GCC will remove operations from loops whenever it can determine
224those operations are not externally visible (apart from the time taken
225to execute them, of course).  In case the loop can be proved to be finite,
226GCC will also remove the loop itself.
228     <p>Be aware of this when performing timing tests, for instance the
229following loop can be completely removed, provided
230<code>some_expression</code> can provably not change any global state.
232     <pre class="smallexample">          {
233             int sum = 0;
234             int ix;
236             for (ix = 0; ix != 10000; ix++)
237                sum += some_expression;
238          }
240     <p>Even though <code>sum</code> is accumulated in the loop, no use is made of
241that summation, so the accumulation can be removed.
243     <li>Making side effects happen in the same order as in some other compiler.
245     <p><a name="index-side-effects_002c-order-of-evaluation-3591"></a><a name="index-order-of-evaluation_002c-side-effects-3592"></a>It is never safe to depend on the order of evaluation of side effects. 
246For example, a function call like this may very well behave differently
247from one compiler to another:
249     <pre class="smallexample">          void func (int, int);
251          int i = 2;
252          func (i++, i++);
254     <p>There is no guarantee (in either the C or the C++ standard language
255definitions) that the increments will be evaluated in any particular
256order.  Either increment might happen first.  <code>func</code> might get the
257arguments &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">2, 3</span></samp>&rsquo;, or it might get &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">3, 2</span></samp>&rsquo;, or even &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">2, 2</span></samp>&rsquo;.
259     <li>Making certain warnings into errors by default.
261     <p>Some ISO C testsuites report failure when the compiler does not produce
262an error message for a certain program.
264     <p><a name="index-pedantic_002derrors-3593"></a>ISO C requires a &ldquo;diagnostic&rdquo; message for certain kinds of invalid
265programs, but a warning is defined by GCC to count as a diagnostic.  If
266GCC produces a warning but not an error, that is correct ISO C support. 
267If testsuites call this &ldquo;failure&rdquo;, they should be run with the GCC
268option <samp><span class="option">-pedantic-errors</span></samp>, which will turn these warnings into
271 </ul>
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