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51<h3 class="section">4.3 Your Program's Arguments</h3>
53<p><a name="index-arguments-_0028to-your-program_0029-110"></a>The arguments to your program can be specified by the arguments of the
54<code>run</code> command. 
55They are passed to a shell, which expands wildcard characters and
56performs redirection of I/O, and thence to your program.  Your
57<code>SHELL</code> environment variable (if it exists) specifies what shell
58<span class="sc">gdb</span> uses.  If you do not define <code>SHELL</code>, <span class="sc">gdb</span> uses
59the default shell (<samp><span class="file">/bin/sh</span></samp> on Unix).
61   <p>On non-Unix systems, the program is usually invoked directly by
62<span class="sc">gdb</span>, which emulates I/O redirection via the appropriate system
63calls, and the wildcard characters are expanded by the startup code of
64the program, not by the shell.
66   <p><code>run</code> with no arguments uses the same arguments used by the previous
67<code>run</code>, or those set by the <code>set args</code> command.
70<a name="index-set-args-111"></a>
71<dl><dt><code>set args</code><dd>Specify the arguments to be used the next time your program is run.  If
72<code>set args</code> has no arguments, <code>run</code> executes your program
73with no arguments.  Once you have run your program with arguments,
74using <code>set args</code> before the next <code>run</code> is the only way to run
75it again without arguments.
77     <p><a name="index-show-args-112"></a><br><dt><code>show args</code><dd>Show the arguments to give your program when it is started. 
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