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58<h3 class="section">10.2 Invoking <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp></h3>
60<pre class="smallexample">     gcov <span class="roman">[</span><var>options</var><span class="roman">]</span> <var>sourcefiles</var>
62 <p><samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> accepts the following options:
64<!-- man begin OPTIONS -->
65     <dl>
66<dt><code>-h</code><dt><code>--help</code><dd>Display help about using <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> (on the standard output), and
67exit without doing any further processing.
69     <br><dt><code>-v</code><dt><code>--version</code><dd>Display the <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> version number (on the standard output),
70and exit without doing any further processing.
72     <br><dt><code>-a</code><dt><code>--all-blocks</code><dd>Write individual execution counts for every basic block.  Normally gcov
73outputs execution counts only for the main blocks of a line.  With this
74option you can determine if blocks within a single line are not being
77     <br><dt><code>-b</code><dt><code>--branch-probabilities</code><dd>Write branch frequencies to the output file, and write branch summary
78info to the standard output.  This option allows you to see how often
79each branch in your program was taken.  Unconditional branches will not
80be shown, unless the <samp><span class="option">-u</span></samp> option is given.
82     <br><dt><code>-c</code><dt><code>--branch-counts</code><dd>Write branch frequencies as the number of branches taken, rather than
83the percentage of branches taken.
85     <br><dt><code>-n</code><dt><code>--no-output</code><dd>Do not create the <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> output file.
87     <br><dt><code>-l</code><dt><code>--long-file-names</code><dd>Create long file names for included source files.  For example, if the
88header file <samp><span class="file">x.h</span></samp> contains code, and was included in the file
89<samp><span class="file">a.c</span></samp>, then running <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> on the file <samp><span class="file">a.c</span></samp> will produce
90an output file called <samp><span class="file">a.c##x.h.gcov</span></samp> instead of <samp><span class="file">x.h.gcov</span></samp>. 
91This can be useful if <samp><span class="file">x.h</span></samp> is included in multiple source
92files.  If you use the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-p</span></samp>&rsquo; option, both the including and
93included file names will be complete path names.
95     <br><dt><code>-p</code><dt><code>--preserve-paths</code><dd>Preserve complete path information in the names of generated
96<samp><span class="file">.gcov</span></samp> files.  Without this option, just the filename component is
97used.  With this option, all directories are used, with &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">/</span></samp>&rsquo; characters
98translated to &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">#</span></samp>&rsquo; characters, <samp><span class="file">.</span></samp> directory components
99removed and <samp><span class="file">..</span></samp>
100components renamed to &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">^</span></samp>&rsquo;.  This is useful if sourcefiles are in several
101different directories.  It also affects the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-l</span></samp>&rsquo; option.
103     <br><dt><code>-f</code><dt><code>--function-summaries</code><dd>Output summaries for each function in addition to the file level summary.
105     <br><dt><code>-o </code><var>directory|file</var><dt><code>--object-directory </code><var>directory</var><dt><code>--object-file </code><var>file</var><dd>Specify either the directory containing the gcov data files, or the
106object path name.  The <samp><span class="file">.gcno</span></samp>, and
107<samp><span class="file">.gcda</span></samp> data files are searched for using this option.  If a directory
108is specified, the data files are in that directory and named after the
109source file name, without its extension.  If a file is specified here,
110the data files are named after that file, without its extension.  If this
111option is not supplied, it defaults to the current directory.
113     <br><dt><code>-u</code><dt><code>--unconditional-branches</code><dd>When branch probabilities are given, include those of unconditional branches. 
114Unconditional branches are normally not interesting.
116     <br><dt><code>-d</code><dt><code>--display-progress</code><dd>Display the progress on the standard output.
118 </dl>
120 <p><samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> should be run with the current directory the same as that
121when you invoked the compiler.  Otherwise it will not be able to locate
122the source files.  <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> produces files called
123<samp><var>mangledname</var><span class="file">.gcov</span></samp> in the current directory.  These contain
124the coverage information of the source file they correspond to. 
125One <samp><span class="file">.gcov</span></samp> file is produced for each source file containing code,
126which was compiled to produce the data files.  The <var>mangledname</var> part
127of the output file name is usually simply the source file name, but can
128be something more complicated if the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-l</span></samp>&rsquo; or &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-p</span></samp>&rsquo; options are
129given.  Refer to those options for details.
131 <p>The <samp><span class="file">.gcov</span></samp> files contain the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">:</span></samp>&rsquo; separated fields along with
132program source code.  The format is
134<pre class="smallexample">     <var>execution_count</var>:<var>line_number</var>:<var>source line text</var>
136 <p>Additional block information may succeed each line, when requested by
137command line option.  The <var>execution_count</var> is &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-</span></samp>&rsquo; for lines
138containing no code and &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">#####</span></samp>&rsquo; for lines which were never executed. 
139Some lines of information at the start have <var>line_number</var> of zero.
141 <p>The preamble lines are of the form
143<pre class="smallexample">     -:0:<var>tag</var>:<var>value</var>
145 <p>The ordering and number of these preamble lines will be augmented as
146<samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> development progresses &mdash; do not rely on them remaining
147unchanged.  Use <var>tag</var> to locate a particular preamble line.
149 <p>The additional block information is of the form
151<pre class="smallexample">     <var>tag</var> <var>information</var>
153 <p>The <var>information</var> is human readable, but designed to be simple
154enough for machine parsing too.
156 <p>When printing percentages, 0% and 100% are only printed when the values
157are <em>exactly</em> 0% and 100% respectively.  Other values which would
158conventionally be rounded to 0% or 100% are instead printed as the
159nearest non-boundary value.
161 <p>When using <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp>, you must first compile your program with two
162special GCC options: &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage</span></samp>&rsquo;. 
163This tells the compiler to generate additional information needed by
164gcov (basically a flow graph of the program) and also includes
165additional code in the object files for generating the extra profiling
166information needed by gcov.  These additional files are placed in the
167directory where the object file is located.
169 <p>Running the program will cause profile output to be generated.  For each
170source file compiled with <samp><span class="option">-fprofile-arcs</span></samp>, an accompanying
171<samp><span class="file">.gcda</span></samp> file will be placed in the object file directory.
173 <p>Running <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> with your program's source file names as arguments
174will now produce a listing of the code along with frequency of execution
175for each line.  For example, if your program is called <samp><span class="file">tmp.c</span></samp>, this
176is what you see when you use the basic <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> facility:
178<pre class="smallexample">     $ gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage tmp.c
179     $ a.out
180     $ gcov tmp.c
181     90.00% of 10 source lines executed in file tmp.c
182     Creating tmp.c.gcov.
184 <p>The file <samp><span class="file">tmp.c.gcov</span></samp> contains output from <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp>. 
185Here is a sample:
187<pre class="smallexample">             -:    0:Source:tmp.c
188             -:    0:Graph:tmp.gcno
189             -:    0:Data:tmp.gcda
190             -:    0:Runs:1
191             -:    0:Programs:1
192             -:    1:#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
193             -:    2:
194             -:    3:int main (void)
195             1:    4:{
196             1:    5:  int i, total;
197             -:    6:
198             1:    7:  total = 0;
199             -:    8:
200            11:    9:  for (i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++)
201            10:   10:    total += i;
202             -:   11:
203             1:   12:  if (total != 45)
204         #####:   13:    printf ("Failure\n");
205             -:   14:  else
206             1:   15:    printf ("Success\n");
207             1:   16:  return 0;
208             -:   17:}
210 <p>When you use the <samp><span class="option">-a</span></samp> option, you will get individual block
211counts, and the output looks like this:
213<pre class="smallexample">             -:    0:Source:tmp.c
214             -:    0:Graph:tmp.gcno
215             -:    0:Data:tmp.gcda
216             -:    0:Runs:1
217             -:    0:Programs:1
218             -:    1:#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
219             -:    2:
220             -:    3:int main (void)
221             1:    4:{
222             1:    4-block  0
223             1:    5:  int i, total;
224             -:    6:
225             1:    7:  total = 0;
226             -:    8:
227            11:    9:  for (i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++)
228            11:    9-block  0
229            10:   10:    total += i;
230            10:   10-block  0
231             -:   11:
232             1:   12:  if (total != 45)
233             1:   12-block  0
234         #####:   13:    printf ("Failure\n");
235         $$$$$:   13-block  0
236             -:   14:  else
237             1:   15:    printf ("Success\n");
238             1:   15-block  0
239             1:   16:  return 0;
240             1:   16-block  0
241             -:   17:}
243 <p>In this mode, each basic block is only shown on one line &ndash; the last
244line of the block.  A multi-line block will only contribute to the
245execution count of that last line, and other lines will not be shown
246to contain code, unless previous blocks end on those lines. 
247The total execution count of a line is shown and subsequent lines show
248the execution counts for individual blocks that end on that line.  After each
249block, the branch and call counts of the block will be shown, if the
250<samp><span class="option">-b</span></samp> option is given.
252 <p>Because of the way GCC instruments calls, a call count can be shown
253after a line with no individual blocks. 
254As you can see, line 13 contains a basic block that was not executed.
256 <p>When you use the <samp><span class="option">-b</span></samp> option, your output looks like this:
258<pre class="smallexample">     $ gcov -b tmp.c
259     90.00% of 10 source lines executed in file tmp.c
260     80.00% of 5 branches executed in file tmp.c
261     80.00% of 5 branches taken at least once in file tmp.c
262     50.00% of 2 calls executed in file tmp.c
263     Creating tmp.c.gcov.
265 <p>Here is a sample of a resulting <samp><span class="file">tmp.c.gcov</span></samp> file:
267<pre class="smallexample">             -:    0:Source:tmp.c
268             -:    0:Graph:tmp.gcno
269             -:    0:Data:tmp.gcda
270             -:    0:Runs:1
271             -:    0:Programs:1
272             -:    1:#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
273             -:    2:
274             -:    3:int main (void)
275     function main called 1 returned 1 blocks executed 75%
276             1:    4:{
277             1:    5:  int i, total;
278             -:    6:
279             1:    7:  total = 0;
280             -:    8:
281            11:    9:  for (i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++)
282     branch  0 taken 91% (fallthrough)
283     branch  1 taken 9%
284            10:   10:    total += i;
285             -:   11:
286             1:   12:  if (total != 45)
287     branch  0 taken 0% (fallthrough)
288     branch  1 taken 100%
289         #####:   13:    printf ("Failure\n");
290     call    0 never executed
291             -:   14:  else
292             1:   15:    printf ("Success\n");
293     call    0 called 1 returned 100%
294             1:   16:  return 0;
295             -:   17:}
297 <p>For each function, a line is printed showing how many times the function
298is called, how many times it returns and what percentage of the
299function's blocks were executed.
301 <p>For each basic block, a line is printed after the last line of the basic
302block describing the branch or call that ends the basic block.  There can
303be multiple branches and calls listed for a single source line if there
304are multiple basic blocks that end on that line.  In this case, the
305branches and calls are each given a number.  There is no simple way to map
306these branches and calls back to source constructs.  In general, though,
307the lowest numbered branch or call will correspond to the leftmost construct
308on the source line.
310 <p>For a branch, if it was executed at least once, then a percentage
311indicating the number of times the branch was taken divided by the
312number of times the branch was executed will be printed.  Otherwise, the
313message &ldquo;never executed&rdquo; is printed.
315 <p>For a call, if it was executed at least once, then a percentage
316indicating the number of times the call returned divided by the number
317of times the call was executed will be printed.  This will usually be
318100%, but may be less for functions that call <code>exit</code> or <code>longjmp</code>,
319and thus may not return every time they are called.
321 <p>The execution counts are cumulative.  If the example program were
322executed again without removing the <samp><span class="file">.gcda</span></samp> file, the count for the
323number of times each line in the source was executed would be added to
324the results of the previous run(s).  This is potentially useful in
325several ways.  For example, it could be used to accumulate data over a
326number of program runs as part of a test verification suite, or to
327provide more accurate long-term information over a large number of
328program runs.
330 <p>The data in the <samp><span class="file">.gcda</span></samp> files is saved immediately before the program
331exits.  For each source file compiled with <samp><span class="option">-fprofile-arcs</span></samp>, the
332profiling code first attempts to read in an existing <samp><span class="file">.gcda</span></samp> file; if
333the file doesn't match the executable (differing number of basic block
334counts) it will ignore the contents of the file.  It then adds in the
335new execution counts and finally writes the data to the file.
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