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58<h3 class="section">10.3 Using <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> with GCC Optimization</h3>
60<p>If you plan to use <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> to help optimize your code, you must
61first compile your program with two special GCC options:
62&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage</span></samp>&rsquo;.  Aside from that, you can use any
63other GCC options; but if you want to prove that every single line
64in your program was executed, you should not compile with optimization
65at the same time.  On some machines the optimizer can eliminate some
66simple code lines by combining them with other lines.  For example, code
67like this:
69<pre class="smallexample">     if (a != b)
70       c = 1;
71     else
72       c = 0;
74 <p class="noindent">can be compiled into one instruction on some machines.  In this case,
75there is no way for <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> to calculate separate execution counts
76for each line because there isn't separate code for each line.  Hence
77the <samp><span class="command">gcov</span></samp> output looks like this if you compiled the program with
80<pre class="smallexample">           100:   12:if (a != b)
81           100:   13:  c = 1;
82           100:   14:else
83           100:   15:  c = 0;
85 <p>The output shows that this block of code, combined by optimization,
86executed 100 times.  In one sense this result is correct, because there
87was only one instruction representing all four of these lines.  However,
88the output does not indicate how many times the result was 0 and how
89many times the result was 1.
91 <p>Inlineable functions can create unexpected line counts.  Line counts are
92shown for the source code of the inlineable function, but what is shown
93depends on where the function is inlined, or if it is not inlined at all.
95 <p>If the function is not inlined, the compiler must emit an out of line
96copy of the function, in any object file that needs it.  If
97<samp><span class="file">fileA.o</span></samp> and <samp><span class="file">fileB.o</span></samp> both contain out of line bodies of a
98particular inlineable function, they will also both contain coverage
99counts for that function.  When <samp><span class="file">fileA.o</span></samp> and <samp><span class="file">fileB.o</span></samp> are
100linked together, the linker will, on many systems, select one of those
101out of line bodies for all calls to that function, and remove or ignore
102the other.  Unfortunately, it will not remove the coverage counters for
103the unused function body.  Hence when instrumented, all but one use of
104that function will show zero counts.
106 <p>If the function is inlined in several places, the block structure in
107each location might not be the same.  For instance, a condition might
108now be calculable at compile time in some instances.  Because the
109coverage of all the uses of the inline function will be shown for the
110same source lines, the line counts themselves might seem inconsistent.
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