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50<a name="Extended-Asm"></a>
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58<h3 class="section">6.41 Assembler Instructions with C Expression Operands</h3>
60<p><a name="index-extended-_0040code_007basm_007d-2620"></a><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007basm_007d-expressions-2621"></a><a name="index-assembler-instructions-2622"></a><a name="index-registers-2623"></a>
61In an assembler instruction using <code>asm</code>, you can specify the
62operands of the instruction using C expressions.  This means you need not
63guess which registers or memory locations will contain the data you want
64to use.
66 <p>You must specify an assembler instruction template much like what
67appears in a machine description, plus an operand constraint string for
68each operand.
70 <p>For example, here is how to use the 68881's <code>fsinx</code> instruction:
72<pre class="smallexample">     asm ("fsinx %1,%0" : "=f" (result) : "f" (angle));
74 <p class="noindent">Here <code>angle</code> is the C expression for the input operand while
75<code>result</code> is that of the output operand.  Each has &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">"f"</span></samp>&rsquo; as its
76operand constraint, saying that a floating point register is required. 
77The &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">=</span></samp>&rsquo; in &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">=f</span></samp>&rsquo; indicates that the operand is an output; all
78output operands' constraints must use &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">=</span></samp>&rsquo;.  The constraints use the
79same language used in the machine description (see <a href="Constraints.html#Constraints">Constraints</a>).
81 <p>Each operand is described by an operand-constraint string followed by
82the C expression in parentheses.  A colon separates the assembler
83template from the first output operand and another separates the last
84output operand from the first input, if any.  Commas separate the
85operands within each group.  The total number of operands is currently
86limited to 30; this limitation may be lifted in some future version of
89 <p>If there are no output operands but there are input operands, you must
90place two consecutive colons surrounding the place where the output
91operands would go.
93 <p>As of GCC version 3.1, it is also possible to specify input and output
94operands using symbolic names which can be referenced within the
95assembler code.  These names are specified inside square brackets
96preceding the constraint string, and can be referenced inside the
97assembler code using <code>%[</code><var>name</var><code>]</code> instead of a percentage sign
98followed by the operand number.  Using named operands the above example
99could look like:
101<pre class="smallexample">     asm ("fsinx %[angle],%[output]"
102          : [output] "=f" (result)
103          : [angle] "f" (angle));
105 <p class="noindent">Note that the symbolic operand names have no relation whatsoever to
106other C identifiers.  You may use any name you like, even those of
107existing C symbols, but you must ensure that no two operands within the same
108assembler construct use the same symbolic name.
110 <p>Output operand expressions must be lvalues; the compiler can check this. 
111The input operands need not be lvalues.  The compiler cannot check
112whether the operands have data types that are reasonable for the
113instruction being executed.  It does not parse the assembler instruction
114template and does not know what it means or even whether it is valid
115assembler input.  The extended <code>asm</code> feature is most often used for
116machine instructions the compiler itself does not know exist.  If
117the output expression cannot be directly addressed (for example, it is a
118bit-field), your constraint must allow a register.  In that case, GCC
119will use the register as the output of the <code>asm</code>, and then store
120that register into the output.
122 <p>The ordinary output operands must be write-only; GCC will assume that
123the values in these operands before the instruction are dead and need
124not be generated.  Extended asm supports input-output or read-write
125operands.  Use the constraint character &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">+</span></samp>&rsquo; to indicate such an
126operand and list it with the output operands.  You should only use
127read-write operands when the constraints for the operand (or the
128operand in which only some of the bits are to be changed) allow a
131 <p>You may, as an alternative, logically split its function into two
132separate operands, one input operand and one write-only output
133operand.  The connection between them is expressed by constraints
134which say they need to be in the same location when the instruction
135executes.  You can use the same C expression for both operands, or
136different expressions.  For example, here we write the (fictitious)
137&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">combine</span></samp>&rsquo; instruction with <code>bar</code> as its read-only source
138operand and <code>foo</code> as its read-write destination:
140<pre class="smallexample">     asm ("combine %2,%0" : "=r" (foo) : "0" (foo), "g" (bar));
142 <p class="noindent">The constraint &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">"0"</span></samp>&rsquo; for operand 1 says that it must occupy the
143same location as operand 0.  A number in constraint is allowed only in
144an input operand and it must refer to an output operand.
146 <p>Only a number in the constraint can guarantee that one operand will be in
147the same place as another.  The mere fact that <code>foo</code> is the value
148of both operands is not enough to guarantee that they will be in the
149same place in the generated assembler code.  The following would not
150work reliably:
152<pre class="smallexample">     asm ("combine %2,%0" : "=r" (foo) : "r" (foo), "g" (bar));
154 <p>Various optimizations or reloading could cause operands 0 and 1 to be in
155different registers; GCC knows no reason not to do so.  For example, the
156compiler might find a copy of the value of <code>foo</code> in one register and
157use it for operand 1, but generate the output operand 0 in a different
158register (copying it afterward to <code>foo</code>'s own address).  Of course,
159since the register for operand 1 is not even mentioned in the assembler
160code, the result will not work, but GCC can't tell that.
162 <p>As of GCC version 3.1, one may write <code>[</code><var>name</var><code>]</code> instead of
163the operand number for a matching constraint.  For example:
165<pre class="smallexample">     asm ("cmoveq %1,%2,%[result]"
166          : [result] "=r"(result)
167          : "r" (test), "r"(new), "[result]"(old));
169 <p>Sometimes you need to make an <code>asm</code> operand be a specific register,
170but there's no matching constraint letter for that register <em>by
171itself</em>.  To force the operand into that register, use a local variable
172for the operand and specify the register in the variable declaration. 
173See <a href="Explicit-Reg-Vars.html#Explicit-Reg-Vars">Explicit Reg Vars</a>.  Then for the <code>asm</code> operand, use any
174register constraint letter that matches the register:
176<pre class="smallexample">     register int *p1 asm ("r0") = ...;
177     register int *p2 asm ("r1") = ...;
178     register int *result asm ("r0");
179     asm ("sysint" : "=r" (result) : "0" (p1), "r" (p2));
181 <p><a name="Example-of-asm-with-clobbered-asm-reg"></a>In the above example, beware that a register that is call-clobbered by
182the target ABI will be overwritten by any function call in the
183assignment, including library calls for arithmetic operators. 
184Also a register may be clobbered when generating some operations,
185like variable shift, memory copy or memory move on x86. 
186Assuming it is a call-clobbered register, this may happen to <code>r0</code>
187above by the assignment to <code>p2</code>.  If you have to use such a
188register, use temporary variables for expressions between the register
189assignment and use:
191<pre class="smallexample">     int t1 = ...;
192     register int *p1 asm ("r0") = ...;
193     register int *p2 asm ("r1") = t1;
194     register int *result asm ("r0");
195     asm ("sysint" : "=r" (result) : "0" (p1), "r" (p2));
197 <p>Some instructions clobber specific hard registers.  To describe this,
198write a third colon after the input operands, followed by the names of
199the clobbered hard registers (given as strings).  Here is a realistic
200example for the VAX:
202<pre class="smallexample">     asm volatile ("movc3 %0,%1,%2"
203                   : /* <span class="roman">no outputs</span> */
204                   : "g" (from), "g" (to), "g" (count)
205                   : "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5");
207 <p>You may not write a clobber description in a way that overlaps with an
208input or output operand.  For example, you may not have an operand
209describing a register class with one member if you mention that register
210in the clobber list.  Variables declared to live in specific registers
211(see <a href="Explicit-Reg-Vars.html#Explicit-Reg-Vars">Explicit Reg Vars</a>), and used as asm input or output operands must
212have no part mentioned in the clobber description. 
213There is no way for you to specify that an input
214operand is modified without also specifying it as an output
215operand.  Note that if all the output operands you specify are for this
216purpose (and hence unused), you will then also need to specify
217<code>volatile</code> for the <code>asm</code> construct, as described below, to
218prevent GCC from deleting the <code>asm</code> statement as unused.
220 <p>If you refer to a particular hardware register from the assembler code,
221you will probably have to list the register after the third colon to
222tell the compiler the register's value is modified.  In some assemblers,
223the register names begin with &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">%</span></samp>&rsquo;; to produce one &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">%</span></samp>&rsquo; in the
224assembler code, you must write &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">%%</span></samp>&rsquo; in the input.
226 <p>If your assembler instruction can alter the condition code register, add
227&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">cc</span></samp>&rsquo; to the list of clobbered registers.  GCC on some machines
228represents the condition codes as a specific hardware register;
229&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">cc</span></samp>&rsquo; serves to name this register.  On other machines, the
230condition code is handled differently, and specifying &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">cc</span></samp>&rsquo; has no
231effect.  But it is valid no matter what the machine.
233 <p>If your assembler instructions access memory in an unpredictable
234fashion, add &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">memory</span></samp>&rsquo; to the list of clobbered registers.  This
235will cause GCC to not keep memory values cached in registers across the
236assembler instruction and not optimize stores or loads to that memory. 
237You will also want to add the <code>volatile</code> keyword if the memory
238affected is not listed in the inputs or outputs of the <code>asm</code>, as
239the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">memory</span></samp>&rsquo; clobber does not count as a side-effect of the
240<code>asm</code>.  If you know how large the accessed memory is, you can add
241it as input or output but if this is not known, you should add
242&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">memory</span></samp>&rsquo;.  As an example, if you access ten bytes of a string, you
243can use a memory input like:
245<pre class="smallexample">     {"m"( ({ struct { char x[10]; } *p = (void *)ptr ; *p; }) )}.
247 <p>Note that in the following example the memory input is necessary,
248otherwise GCC might optimize the store to <code>x</code> away:
249<pre class="smallexample">     int foo ()
250     {
251       int x = 42;
252       int *y = &amp;x;
253       int result;
254       asm ("magic stuff accessing an 'int' pointed to by '%1'"
255             "=&amp;d" (r) : "a" (y), "m" (*y));
256       return result;
257     }
259 <p>You can put multiple assembler instructions together in a single
260<code>asm</code> template, separated by the characters normally used in assembly
261code for the system.  A combination that works in most places is a newline
262to break the line, plus a tab character to move to the instruction field
263(written as &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">\n\t</span></samp>&rsquo;).  Sometimes semicolons can be used, if the
264assembler allows semicolons as a line-breaking character.  Note that some
265assembler dialects use semicolons to start a comment. 
266The input operands are guaranteed not to use any of the clobbered
267registers, and neither will the output operands' addresses, so you can
268read and write the clobbered registers as many times as you like.  Here
269is an example of multiple instructions in a template; it assumes the
270subroutine <code>_foo</code> accepts arguments in registers 9 and 10:
272<pre class="smallexample">     asm ("movl %0,r9\n\tmovl %1,r10\n\tcall _foo"
273          : /* no outputs */
274          : "g" (from), "g" (to)
275          : "r9", "r10");
277 <p>Unless an output operand has the &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">&amp;</span></samp>&rsquo; constraint modifier, GCC
278may allocate it in the same register as an unrelated input operand, on
279the assumption the inputs are consumed before the outputs are produced. 
280This assumption may be false if the assembler code actually consists of
281more than one instruction.  In such a case, use &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">&amp;</span></samp>&rsquo; for each output
282operand that may not overlap an input.  See <a href="Modifiers.html#Modifiers">Modifiers</a>.
284 <p>If you want to test the condition code produced by an assembler
285instruction, you must include a branch and a label in the <code>asm</code>
286construct, as follows:
288<pre class="smallexample">     asm ("clr %0\n\tfrob %1\n\tbeq 0f\n\tmov #1,%0\n0:"
289          : "g" (result)
290          : "g" (input));
292 <p class="noindent">This assumes your assembler supports local labels, as the GNU assembler
293and most Unix assemblers do.
295 <p>Speaking of labels, jumps from one <code>asm</code> to another are not
296supported.  The compiler's optimizers do not know about these jumps, and
297therefore they cannot take account of them when deciding how to
298optimize.  See <a href="Extended-asm-with-goto.html#Extended-asm-with-goto">Extended asm with goto</a>.
300 <p><a name="index-macros-containing-_0040code_007basm_007d-2624"></a>Usually the most convenient way to use these <code>asm</code> instructions is to
301encapsulate them in macros that look like functions.  For example,
303<pre class="smallexample">     #define sin(x)       \
304     ({ double __value, __arg = (x);   \
305        asm ("fsinx %1,%0": "=f" (__value): "f" (__arg));  \
306        __value; })
308 <p class="noindent">Here the variable <code>__arg</code> is used to make sure that the instruction
309operates on a proper <code>double</code> value, and to accept only those
310arguments <code>x</code> which can convert automatically to a <code>double</code>.
312 <p>Another way to make sure the instruction operates on the correct data
313type is to use a cast in the <code>asm</code>.  This is different from using a
314variable <code>__arg</code> in that it converts more different types.  For
315example, if the desired type were <code>int</code>, casting the argument to
316<code>int</code> would accept a pointer with no complaint, while assigning the
317argument to an <code>int</code> variable named <code>__arg</code> would warn about
318using a pointer unless the caller explicitly casts it.
320 <p>If an <code>asm</code> has output operands, GCC assumes for optimization
321purposes the instruction has no side effects except to change the output
322operands.  This does not mean instructions with a side effect cannot be
323used, but you must be careful, because the compiler may eliminate them
324if the output operands aren't used, or move them out of loops, or
325replace two with one if they constitute a common subexpression.  Also,
326if your instruction does have a side effect on a variable that otherwise
327appears not to change, the old value of the variable may be reused later
328if it happens to be found in a register.
330 <p>You can prevent an <code>asm</code> instruction from being deleted
331by writing the keyword <code>volatile</code> after
332the <code>asm</code>.  For example:
334<pre class="smallexample">     #define get_and_set_priority(new)              \
335     ({ int __old;                                  \
336        asm volatile ("get_and_set_priority %0, %1" \
337                      : "=g" (__old) : "g" (new));  \
338        __old; })
340 <p class="noindent">The <code>volatile</code> keyword indicates that the instruction has
341important side-effects.  GCC will not delete a volatile <code>asm</code> if
342it is reachable.  (The instruction can still be deleted if GCC can
343prove that control-flow will never reach the location of the
344instruction.)  Note that even a volatile <code>asm</code> instruction
345can be moved relative to other code, including across jump
346instructions.  For example, on many targets there is a system
347register which can be set to control the rounding mode of
348floating point operations.  You might try
349setting it with a volatile <code>asm</code>, like this PowerPC example:
351<pre class="smallexample">            asm volatile("mtfsf 255,%0" : : "f" (fpenv));
352            sum = x + y;
354 <p class="noindent">This will not work reliably, as the compiler may move the addition back
355before the volatile <code>asm</code>.  To make it work you need to add an
356artificial dependency to the <code>asm</code> referencing a variable in the code
357you don't want moved, for example:
359<pre class="smallexample">         asm volatile ("mtfsf 255,%1" : "=X"(sum): "f"(fpenv));
360         sum = x + y;
362 <p>Similarly, you can't expect a
363sequence of volatile <code>asm</code> instructions to remain perfectly
364consecutive.  If you want consecutive output, use a single <code>asm</code>. 
365Also, GCC will perform some optimizations across a volatile <code>asm</code>
366instruction; GCC does not &ldquo;forget everything&rdquo; when it encounters
367a volatile <code>asm</code> instruction the way some other compilers do.
369 <p>An <code>asm</code> instruction without any output operands will be treated
370identically to a volatile <code>asm</code> instruction.
372 <p>It is a natural idea to look for a way to give access to the condition
373code left by the assembler instruction.  However, when we attempted to
374implement this, we found no way to make it work reliably.  The problem
375is that output operands might need reloading, which would result in
376additional following &ldquo;store&rdquo; instructions.  On most machines, these
377instructions would alter the condition code before there was time to
378test it.  This problem doesn't arise for ordinary &ldquo;test&rdquo; and
379&ldquo;compare&rdquo; instructions because they don't have any output operands.
381 <p>For reasons similar to those described above, it is not possible to give
382an assembler instruction access to the condition code left by previous
385 <p><a name="Extended-asm-with-goto"></a>As of GCC version 4.5, <code>asm goto</code> may be used to have the assembly
386jump to one or more C labels.  In this form, a fifth section after the
387clobber list contains a list of all C labels to which the assembly may jump. 
388Each label operand is implicitly self-named.  The <code>asm</code> is also assumed
389to fall through to the next statement.
391 <p>This form of <code>asm</code> is restricted to not have outputs.  This is due
392to a internal restriction in the compiler that control transfer instructions
393cannot have outputs.  This restriction on <code>asm goto</code> may be lifted
394in some future version of the compiler.  In the mean time, <code>asm goto</code>
395may include a memory clobber, and so leave outputs in memory.
397<pre class="smallexample">     int frob(int x)
398     {
399       int y;
400       asm goto ("frob %%r5, %1; jc %l[error]; mov (%2), %%r5"
401                 : : "r"(x), "r"(&amp;y) : "r5", "memory" : error);
402       return y;
403      error:
404       return -1;
405     }
407 <p>In this (inefficient) example, the <code>frob</code> instruction sets the
408carry bit to indicate an error.  The <code>jc</code> instruction detects
409this and branches to the <code>error</code> label.  Finally, the output
410of the <code>frob</code> instruction (<code>%r5</code>) is stored into the memory
411for variable <code>y</code>, which is later read by the <code>return</code> statement.
413<pre class="smallexample">     void doit(void)
414     {
415       int i = 0;
416       asm goto ("mfsr %%r1, 123; jmp %%r1;"
417                 ".pushsection doit_table;"
418                 ".long %l0, %l1, %l2, %l3;"
419                 ".popsection"
420                 : : : "r1" : label1, label2, label3, label4);
421       __builtin_unreachable ();
423      label1:
424       f1();
425       return;
426      label2:
427       f2();
428       return;
429      label3:
430       i = 1;
431      label4:
432       f3(i);
433     }
435 <p>In this (also inefficient) example, the <code>mfsr</code> instruction reads
436an address from some out-of-band machine register, and the following
437<code>jmp</code> instruction branches to that address.  The address read by
438the <code>mfsr</code> instruction is assumed to have been previously set via
439some application-specific mechanism to be one of the four values stored
440in the <code>doit_table</code> section.  Finally, the <code>asm</code> is followed
441by a call to <code>__builtin_unreachable</code> to indicate that the <code>asm</code>
442does not in fact fall through.
444<pre class="smallexample">     #define TRACE1(NUM)                         \
445       do {                                      \
446         asm goto ("0: nop;"                     \
447                   ".pushsection trace_table;"   \
448                   ".long 0b, %l0;"              \
449                   ".popsection"                 \
450                   : : : : trace#NUM);           \
451         if (0) { trace#NUM: trace(); }          \
452       } while (0)
453     #define TRACE  TRACE1(__COUNTER__)
455 <p>In this example (which in fact inspired the <code>asm goto</code> feature)
456we want on rare occasions to call the <code>trace</code> function; on other
457occasions we'd like to keep the overhead to the absolute minimum. 
458The normal code path consists of a single <code>nop</code> instruction. 
459However, we record the address of this <code>nop</code> together with the
460address of a label that calls the <code>trace</code> function.  This allows
461the <code>nop</code> instruction to be patched at runtime to be an
462unconditional branch to the stored label.  It is assumed that an
463optimizing compiler will move the labeled block out of line, to
464optimize the fall through path from the <code>asm</code>.
466 <p>If you are writing a header file that should be includable in ISO C
467programs, write <code>__asm__</code> instead of <code>asm</code>.  See <a href="Alternate-Keywords.html#Alternate-Keywords">Alternate Keywords</a>.
469<h4 class="subsection">6.41.1 Size of an <code>asm</code></h4>
471<p>Some targets require that GCC track the size of each instruction used in
472order to generate correct code.  Because the final length of an
473<code>asm</code> is only known by the assembler, GCC must make an estimate as
474to how big it will be.  The estimate is formed by counting the number of
475statements in the pattern of the <code>asm</code> and multiplying that by the
476length of the longest instruction on that processor.  Statements in the
477<code>asm</code> are identified by newline characters and whatever statement
478separator characters are supported by the assembler; on most processors
479this is the `<code>;</code>' character.
481 <p>Normally, GCC's estimate is perfectly adequate to ensure that correct
482code is generated, but it is possible to confuse the compiler if you use
483pseudo instructions or assembler macros that expand into multiple real
484instructions or if you use assembler directives that expand to more
485space in the object file than would be needed for a single instruction. 
486If this happens then the assembler will produce a diagnostic saying that
487a label is unreachable.
489<h4 class="subsection">6.41.2 i386 floating point asm operands</h4>
491<p>There are several rules on the usage of stack-like regs in
492asm_operands insns.  These rules apply only to the operands that are
493stack-like regs:
495     <ol type=1 start=1>
496<li>Given a set of input regs that die in an asm_operands, it is
497necessary to know which are implicitly popped by the asm, and
498which must be explicitly popped by gcc.
500     <p>An input reg that is implicitly popped by the asm must be
501explicitly clobbered, unless it is constrained to match an
502output operand.
504     <li>For any input reg that is implicitly popped by an asm, it is
505necessary to know how to adjust the stack to compensate for the pop. 
506If any non-popped input is closer to the top of the reg-stack than
507the implicitly popped reg, it would not be possible to know what the
508stack looked like&mdash;it's not clear how the rest of the stack &ldquo;slides
511     <p>All implicitly popped input regs must be closer to the top of
512the reg-stack than any input that is not implicitly popped.
514     <p>It is possible that if an input dies in an insn, reload might
515use the input reg for an output reload.  Consider this example:
517     <pre class="smallexample">          asm ("foo" : "=t" (a) : "f" (b));
519     <p>This asm says that input B is not popped by the asm, and that
520the asm pushes a result onto the reg-stack, i.e., the stack is one
521deeper after the asm than it was before.  But, it is possible that
522reload will think that it can use the same reg for both the input and
523the output, if input B dies in this insn.
525     <p>If any input operand uses the <code>f</code> constraint, all output reg
526constraints must use the <code>&amp;</code> earlyclobber.
528     <p>The asm above would be written as
530     <pre class="smallexample">          asm ("foo" : "=&amp;t" (a) : "f" (b));
532     <li>Some operands need to be in particular places on the stack.  All
533output operands fall in this category&mdash;there is no other way to
534know which regs the outputs appear in unless the user indicates
535this in the constraints.
537     <p>Output operands must specifically indicate which reg an output
538appears in after an asm.  <code>=f</code> is not allowed: the operand
539constraints must select a class with a single reg.
541     <li>Output operands may not be &ldquo;inserted&rdquo; between existing stack regs. 
542Since no 387 opcode uses a read/write operand, all output operands
543are dead before the asm_operands, and are pushed by the asm_operands. 
544It makes no sense to push anywhere but the top of the reg-stack.
546     <p>Output operands must start at the top of the reg-stack: output
547operands may not &ldquo;skip&rdquo; a reg.
549     <li>Some asm statements may need extra stack space for internal
550calculations.  This can be guaranteed by clobbering stack registers
551unrelated to the inputs and outputs.
553      </ol>
555 <p>Here are a couple of reasonable asms to want to write.  This asm
556takes one input, which is internally popped, and produces two outputs.
558<pre class="smallexample">     asm ("fsincos" : "=t" (cos), "=u" (sin) : "0" (inp));
560 <p>This asm takes two inputs, which are popped by the <code>fyl2xp1</code> opcode,
561and replaces them with one output.  The user must code the <code>st(1)</code>
562clobber for reg-stack.c to know that <code>fyl2xp1</code> pops both inputs.
564<pre class="smallexample">     asm ("fyl2xp1" : "=t" (result) : "0" (x), "u" (y) : "st(1)");
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567<!-- 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 -->
568<!-- Free Software Foundation, Inc. -->
569<!-- This is part of the GCC manual. -->
570<!-- For copying conditions, see the file gcc.texi. -->
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