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58<h3 class="section">8.7 Exceptions</h3>
60<p>GNU Objective-C provides exception support built into the language, as
61in the following example:
63<pre class="smallexample">       @try {
64         ...
65            @throw expr;
66         ...
67       }
68       @catch (AnObjCClass *exc) {
69         ...
70           @throw expr;
71         ...
72           @throw;
73         ...
74       }
75       @catch (AnotherClass *exc) {
76         ...
77       }
78       @catch (id allOthers) {
79         ...
80       }
81       @finally {
82         ...
83           @throw expr;
84         ...
85       }
87 <p>The <code>@throw</code> statement may appear anywhere in an Objective-C or
88Objective-C++ program; when used inside of a <code>@catch</code> block, the
89<code>@throw</code> may appear without an argument (as shown above), in
90which case the object caught by the <code>@catch</code> will be rethrown.
92 <p>Note that only (pointers to) Objective-C objects may be thrown and
93caught using this scheme.  When an object is thrown, it will be caught
94by the nearest <code>@catch</code> clause capable of handling objects of
95that type, analogously to how <code>catch</code> blocks work in C++ and
96Java.  A <code>@catch(id ...)</code> clause (as shown above) may also
97be provided to catch any and all Objective-C exceptions not caught by
98previous <code>@catch</code> clauses (if any).
100 <p>The <code>@finally</code> clause, if present, will be executed upon exit
101from the immediately preceding <code>@try ... @catch</code> section. 
102This will happen regardless of whether any exceptions are thrown,
103caught or rethrown inside the <code>@try ... @catch</code> section,
104analogously to the behavior of the <code>finally</code> clause in Java.
106 <p>There are several caveats to using the new exception mechanism:
108     <ul>
109<li>The <samp><span class="option">-fobjc-exceptions</span></samp> command line option must be used when
110compiling Objective-C files that use exceptions.
112     <li>With the GNU runtime, exceptions are always implemented as &ldquo;native&rdquo;
113exceptions and it is recommended that the <samp><span class="option">-fexceptions</span></samp> and
114<samp><span class="option">-shared-libgcc</span></samp> options are used when linking.
116     <li>With the NeXT runtime, although currently designed to be binary
117compatible with <code>NS_HANDLER</code>-style idioms provided by the
118<code>NSException</code> class, the new exceptions can only be used on Mac
119OS X 10.3 (Panther) and later systems, due to additional functionality
120needed in the NeXT Objective-C runtime.
122     <li>As mentioned above, the new exceptions do not support handling
123types other than Objective-C objects.   Furthermore, when used from
124Objective-C++, the Objective-C exception model does not interoperate with C++
125exceptions at this time.  This means you cannot <code>@throw</code> an exception
126from Objective-C and <code>catch</code> it in C++, or vice versa
127(i.e., <code>throw ... @catch</code>). 
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