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50<a name="Atomic-Builtins"></a>
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58<h3 class="section">6.51 Built-in functions for atomic memory access</h3>
60<p>The following builtins are intended to be compatible with those described
61in the <cite>Intel Itanium Processor-specific Application Binary Interface</cite>,
62section 7.4.  As such, they depart from the normal GCC practice of using
63the &ldquo;__builtin_&rdquo; prefix, and further that they are overloaded such that
64they work on multiple types.
66 <p>The definition given in the Intel documentation allows only for the use of
67the types <code>int</code>, <code>long</code>, <code>long long</code> as well as their unsigned
68counterparts.  GCC will allow any integral scalar or pointer type that is
691, 2, 4 or 8 bytes in length.
71 <p>Not all operations are supported by all target processors.  If a particular
72operation cannot be implemented on the target processor, a warning will be
73generated and a call an external function will be generated.  The external
74function will carry the same name as the builtin, with an additional suffix
75&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">_</span><var>n</var></samp>&rsquo; where <var>n</var> is the size of the data type.
77<!-- ??? Should we have a mechanism to suppress this warning?  This is almost -->
78<!-- useful for implementing the operation under the control of an external -->
79<!-- mutex. -->
80 <p>In most cases, these builtins are considered a <dfn>full barrier</dfn>.  That is,
81no memory operand will be moved across the operation, either forward or
82backward.  Further, instructions will be issued as necessary to prevent the
83processor from speculating loads across the operation and from queuing stores
84after the operation.
86 <p>All of the routines are described in the Intel documentation to take
87&ldquo;an optional list of variables protected by the memory barrier&rdquo;.  It's
88not clear what is meant by that; it could mean that <em>only</em> the
89following variables are protected, or it could mean that these variables
90should in addition be protected.  At present GCC ignores this list and
91protects all variables which are globally accessible.  If in the future
92we make some use of this list, an empty list will continue to mean all
93globally accessible variables.
95     <dl>
96<dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_fetch_and_add (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_fetch_and_sub (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_fetch_and_or (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_fetch_and_and (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_fetch_and_xor (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_fetch_and_nand (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005ffetch_005fand_005fadd-2707"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005ffetch_005fand_005fsub-2708"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005ffetch_005fand_005for-2709"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005ffetch_005fand_005fand-2710"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005ffetch_005fand_005fxor-2711"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005ffetch_005fand_005fnand-2712"></a>These builtins perform the operation suggested by the name, and
97returns the value that had previously been in memory.  That is,
99     <pre class="smallexample">          { tmp = *ptr; *ptr <var>op</var>= value; return tmp; }
100          { tmp = *ptr; *ptr = ~(tmp &amp; value); return tmp; }   // nand
102     <p><em>Note:</em> GCC 4.4 and later implement <code>__sync_fetch_and_nand</code>
103builtin as <code>*ptr = ~(tmp &amp; value)</code> instead of <code>*ptr = ~tmp &amp; value</code>.
105     <br><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_add_and_fetch (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_sub_and_fetch (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_or_and_fetch (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_and_and_fetch (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_xor_and_fetch (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_nand_and_fetch (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005fadd_005fand_005ffetch-2713"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005fsub_005fand_005ffetch-2714"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005for_005fand_005ffetch-2715"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005fand_005fand_005ffetch-2716"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005fxor_005fand_005ffetch-2717"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005fnand_005fand_005ffetch-2718"></a>These builtins perform the operation suggested by the name, and
106return the new value.  That is,
108     <pre class="smallexample">          { *ptr <var>op</var>= value; return *ptr; }
109          { *ptr = ~(*ptr &amp; value); return *ptr; }   // nand
111     <p><em>Note:</em> GCC 4.4 and later implement <code>__sync_nand_and_fetch</code>
112builtin as <code>*ptr = ~(*ptr &amp; value)</code> instead of
113<code>*ptr = ~*ptr &amp; value</code>.
115     <br><dt><code>bool __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> oldval </code><var>type</var><code> newval, ...)</code><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_val_compare_and_swap (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> oldval </code><var>type</var><code> newval, ...)</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005fbool_005fcompare_005fand_005fswap-2719"></a><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005fval_005fcompare_005fand_005fswap-2720"></a>These builtins perform an atomic compare and swap.  That is, if the current
116value of <code>*</code><var>ptr</var> is <var>oldval</var>, then write <var>newval</var> into
119     <p>The &ldquo;bool&rdquo; version returns true if the comparison is successful and
120<var>newval</var> was written.  The &ldquo;val&rdquo; version returns the contents
121of <code>*</code><var>ptr</var> before the operation.
123     <br><dt><code>__sync_synchronize (...)</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005fsynchronize-2721"></a>This builtin issues a full memory barrier.
125     <br><dt><var>type</var><code> __sync_lock_test_and_set (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, </code><var>type</var><code> value, ...)</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005flock_005ftest_005fand_005fset-2722"></a>This builtin, as described by Intel, is not a traditional test-and-set
126operation, but rather an atomic exchange operation.  It writes <var>value</var>
127into <code>*</code><var>ptr</var>, and returns the previous contents of
130     <p>Many targets have only minimal support for such locks, and do not support
131a full exchange operation.  In this case, a target may support reduced
132functionality here by which the <em>only</em> valid value to store is the
133immediate constant 1.  The exact value actually stored in <code>*</code><var>ptr</var>
134is implementation defined.
136     <p>This builtin is not a full barrier, but rather an <dfn>acquire barrier</dfn>. 
137This means that references after the builtin cannot move to (or be
138speculated to) before the builtin, but previous memory stores may not
139be globally visible yet, and previous memory loads may not yet be
142     <br><dt><code>void __sync_lock_release (</code><var>type</var><code> *ptr, ...)</code><dd><a name="index-g_t_005f_005fsync_005flock_005frelease-2723"></a>This builtin releases the lock acquired by <code>__sync_lock_test_and_set</code>. 
143Normally this means writing the constant 0 to <code>*</code><var>ptr</var>.
145     <p>This builtin is not a full barrier, but rather a <dfn>release barrier</dfn>. 
146This means that all previous memory stores are globally visible, and all
147previous memory loads have been satisfied, but following memory reads
148are not prevented from being speculated to before the barrier. 
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