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61<h3 class="section">2.3 Search Path</h3>
63<p>GCC looks in several different places for headers.  On a normal Unix
64system, if you do not instruct it otherwise, it will look for headers
65requested with <code>#include&nbsp;&lt;</code><var>file</var><code>&gt;<!-- /@w --></code> in:
67<pre class="smallexample">     /usr/local/include
68     <var>libdir</var>/gcc/<var>target</var>/<var>version</var>/include
69     /usr/<var>target</var>/include
70     /usr/include
72   <p>For C++ programs, it will also look in <samp><span class="file">/usr/include/g++-v3</span></samp>,
73first.  In the above, <var>target</var> is the canonical name of the system
74GCC was configured to compile code for; often but not always the same as
75the canonical name of the system it runs on.  <var>version</var> is the
76version of GCC in use.
78   <p>You can add to this list with the <samp><span class="option">-I</span><var>dir</var></samp> command line
79option.  All the directories named by <samp><span class="option">-I</span></samp> are searched, in
80left-to-right order, <em>before</em> the default directories.  The only
81exception is when <samp><span class="file">dir</span></samp> is already searched by default.  In
82this case, the option is ignored and the search order for system
83directories remains unchanged.
85   <p>Duplicate directories are removed from the quote and bracket search
86chains before the two chains are merged to make the final search chain. 
87Thus, it is possible for a directory to occur twice in the final search
88chain if it was specified in both the quote and bracket chains.
90   <p>You can prevent GCC from searching any of the default directories with
91the <samp><span class="option">-nostdinc</span></samp> option.  This is useful when you are compiling an
92operating system kernel or some other program that does not use the
93standard C library facilities, or the standard C library itself. 
94<samp><span class="option">-I</span></samp> options are not ignored as described above when
95<samp><span class="option">-nostdinc</span></samp> is in effect.
97   <p>GCC looks for headers requested with <code>#include&nbsp;"</code><var>file</var><code>"<!-- /@w --></code>
98first in the directory containing the current file, then in the
99directories as specified by <samp><span class="option">-iquote</span></samp> options, then in the same
100places it would have looked for a header requested with angle
101brackets.  For example, if <samp><span class="file">/usr/include/sys/stat.h</span></samp> contains
102<code>#include&nbsp;"types.h"<!-- /@w --></code>, GCC looks for <samp><span class="file">types.h</span></samp> first in
103<samp><span class="file">/usr/include/sys</span></samp>, then in its usual search path.
105   <p>&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">#line</span></samp>&rsquo; (see <a href="Line-Control.html#Line-Control">Line Control</a>) does not change GCC's idea of the
106directory containing the current file.
108   <p>You may put <samp><span class="option">-I-</span></samp> at any point in your list of <samp><span class="option">-I</span></samp> options. 
109This has two effects.  First, directories appearing before the
110<samp><span class="option">-I-</span></samp> in the list are searched only for headers requested with
111quote marks.  Directories after <samp><span class="option">-I-</span></samp> are searched for all
112headers.  Second, the directory containing the current file is not
113searched for anything, unless it happens to be one of the directories
114named by an <samp><span class="option">-I</span></samp> switch.  <samp><span class="option">-I-</span></samp> is deprecated, <samp><span class="option">-iquote</span></samp>
115should be used instead.
117   <p><samp><span class="option">-I. -I-</span></samp> is not the same as no <samp><span class="option">-I</span></samp> options at all, and does
118not cause the same behavior for &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">&lt;&gt;</span></samp>&rsquo; includes that &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">""</span></samp>&rsquo;
119includes get with no special options.  <samp><span class="option">-I.</span></samp> searches the
120compiler's current working directory for header files.  That may or may
121not be the same as the directory containing the current file.
123   <p>If you need to look for headers in a directory named <samp><span class="file">-</span></samp>, write
124<samp><span class="option">-I./-</span></samp>.
126   <p>There are several more ways to adjust the header search path.  They are
127generally less useful.  See <a href="Invocation.html#Invocation">Invocation</a>.
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