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61<h3 class="section">1.2 Initial processing</h3>
63<p>The preprocessor performs a series of textual transformations on its
64input.  These happen before all other processing.  Conceptually, they
65happen in a rigid order, and the entire file is run through each
66transformation before the next one begins.  CPP actually does them
67all at once, for performance reasons.  These transformations correspond
68roughly to the first three &ldquo;phases of translation&rdquo; described in the C
71     <ol type=1 start=1>
72<li><a name="index-line-endings-1"></a>The input file is read into memory and broken into lines.
74     <p>Different systems use different conventions to indicate the end of a
75line.  GCC accepts the ASCII control sequences <kbd>LF</kbd>, <kbd>CR&nbsp;LF<!-- /@w --></kbd> and <kbd>CR</kbd> as end-of-line markers.  These are the canonical
76sequences used by Unix, DOS and VMS, and the classic Mac OS (before
77OSX) respectively.  You may therefore safely copy source code written
78on any of those systems to a different one and use it without
79conversion.  (GCC may lose track of the current line number if a file
80doesn't consistently use one convention, as sometimes happens when it
81is edited on computers with different conventions that share a network
82file system.)
84     <p>If the last line of any input file lacks an end-of-line marker, the end
85of the file is considered to implicitly supply one.  The C standard says
86that this condition provokes undefined behavior, so GCC will emit a
87warning message.
89     <li><a name="index-trigraphs-2"></a><a name="trigraphs"></a>If trigraphs are enabled, they are replaced by their
90corresponding single characters.  By default GCC ignores trigraphs,
91but if you request a strictly conforming mode with the <samp><span class="option">-std</span></samp>
92option, or you specify the <samp><span class="option">-trigraphs</span></samp> option, then it
93converts them.
95     <p>These are nine three-character sequences, all starting with &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">??</span></samp>&rsquo;,
96that are defined by ISO C to stand for single characters.  They permit
97obsolete systems that lack some of C's punctuation to use C.  For
98example, &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">??/</span></samp>&rsquo; stands for &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">\</span></samp>&rsquo;, so <tt>'??/n'</tt> is a character
99constant for a newline.
101     <p>Trigraphs are not popular and many compilers implement them
102incorrectly.  Portable code should not rely on trigraphs being either
103converted or ignored.  With <samp><span class="option">-Wtrigraphs</span></samp> GCC will warn you
104when a trigraph may change the meaning of your program if it were
105converted.  See <a href="Wtrigraphs.html#Wtrigraphs">Wtrigraphs</a>.
107     <p>In a string constant, you can prevent a sequence of question marks
108from being confused with a trigraph by inserting a backslash between
109the question marks, or by separating the string literal at the
110trigraph and making use of string literal concatenation.  <tt>"(??\?)"</tt>
111is the string &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">(???)</span></samp>&rsquo;, not &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">(?]</span></samp>&rsquo;.  Traditional C compilers
112do not recognize these idioms.
114     <p>The nine trigraphs and their replacements are
116     <pre class="smallexample">          Trigraph:       ??(  ??)  ??&lt;  ??&gt;  ??=  ??/  ??'  ??!  ??-
117          Replacement:      [    ]    {    }    #    \    ^    |    ~
119     <li><a name="index-continued-lines-3"></a><a name="index-backslash_002dnewline-4"></a>Continued lines are merged into one long line.
121     <p>A continued line is a line which ends with a backslash, &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">\</span></samp>&rsquo;.  The
122backslash is removed and the following line is joined with the current
123one.  No space is inserted, so you may split a line anywhere, even in
124the middle of a word.  (It is generally more readable to split lines
125only at white space.)
127     <p>The trailing backslash on a continued line is commonly referred to as a
130     <p>If there is white space between a backslash and the end of a line, that
131is still a continued line.  However, as this is usually the result of an
132editing mistake, and many compilers will not accept it as a continued
133line, GCC will warn you about it.
135     <li><a name="index-comments-5"></a><a name="index-line-comments-6"></a><a name="index-block-comments-7"></a>All comments are replaced with single spaces.
137     <p>There are two kinds of comments.  <dfn>Block comments</dfn> begin with
138&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">/*</span></samp>&rsquo; and continue until the next &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">*/</span></samp>&rsquo;.  Block comments do not
141     <pre class="smallexample">          /* <span class="roman">this is</span> /* <span class="roman">one comment</span> */ <span class="roman">text outside comment</span>
143     <p><dfn>Line comments</dfn> begin with &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">//</span></samp>&rsquo; and continue to the end of the
144current line.  Line comments do not nest either, but it does not matter,
145because they would end in the same place anyway.
147     <pre class="smallexample">          // <span class="roman">this is</span> // <span class="roman">one comment</span>
148          <span class="roman">text outside comment</span>
150     </ol>
152   <p>It is safe to put line comments inside block comments, or vice versa.
154<pre class="smallexample">     /* <span class="roman">block comment</span>
155        // <span class="roman">contains line comment</span>
156        <span class="roman">yet more comment</span>
157      */ <span class="roman">outside comment</span>
159     // <span class="roman">line comment</span> /* <span class="roman">contains block comment</span> */
161   <p>But beware of commenting out one end of a block comment with a line
164<pre class="smallexample">      // <span class="roman">l.c.</span>  /* <span class="roman">block comment begins</span>
165         <span class="roman">oops! this isn't a comment anymore</span> */
167   <p>Comments are not recognized within string literals. 
168<tt>"/*&nbsp;blah&nbsp;*/"<!-- /@w --></tt> is the string constant &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">/*&nbsp;blah&nbsp;*/<!-- /@w --></span></samp>&rsquo;, not
169an empty string.
171   <p>Line comments are not in the 1989 edition of the C standard, but they
172are recognized by GCC as an extension.  In C++ and in the 1999 edition
173of the C standard, they are an official part of the language.
175   <p>Since these transformations happen before all other processing, you can
176split a line mechanically with backslash-newline anywhere.  You can
177comment out the end of a line.  You can continue a line comment onto the
178next line with backslash-newline.  You can even split &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">/*</span></samp>&rsquo;,
179&lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">*/</span></samp>&rsquo;, and &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">//</span></samp>&rsquo; onto multiple lines with backslash-newline. 
180For example:
182<pre class="smallexample">     /\
183     *
184     */ # /*
185     */ defi\
186     ne FO\
187     O 10\
188     20
190   <p class="noindent">is equivalent to <code>#define&nbsp;FOO&nbsp;1020<!-- /@w --></code>.  All these tricks are
191extremely confusing and should not be used in code intended to be
194   <p>There is no way to prevent a backslash at the end of a line from being
195interpreted as a backslash-newline.  This cannot affect any correct
196program, however.
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