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1#!/usr/bin/env perl
3# Ascetic x86_64 AT&T to MASM/NASM assembler translator by <appro>.
5# Why AT&T to MASM and not vice versa? Several reasons. Because AT&T
6# format is way easier to parse. Because it's simpler to "gear" from
7# Unix ABI to Windows one [see cross-reference "card" at the end of
8# file]. Because Linux targets were available first...
10# In addition the script also "distills" code suitable for GNU
11# assembler, so that it can be compiled with more rigid assemblers,
12# such as Solaris /usr/ccs/bin/as.
14# This translator is not designed to convert *arbitrary* assembler
15# code from AT&T format to MASM one. It's designed to convert just
16# enough to provide for dual-ABI OpenSSL modules development...
17# There *are* limitations and you might have to modify your assembler
18# code or this script to achieve the desired result...
20# Currently recognized limitations:
22# - can't use multiple ops per line;
24# Dual-ABI styling rules.
26# 1. Adhere to Unix register and stack layout [see cross-reference
27#    ABI "card" at the end for explanation].
28# 2. Forget about "red zone," stick to more traditional blended
29#    stack frame allocation. If volatile storage is actually required
30#    that is. If not, just leave the stack as is.
31# 3. Functions tagged with ".type name,@function" get crafted with
32#    unified Win64 prologue and epilogue automatically. If you want
33#    to take care of ABI differences yourself, tag functions as
34#    ".type name,@abi-omnipotent" instead.
35# 4. To optimize the Win64 prologue you can specify number of input
36#    arguments as ".type name,@function,N." Keep in mind that if N is
37#    larger than 6, then you *have to* write "abi-omnipotent" code,
38#    because >6 cases can't be addressed with unified prologue.
39# 5. Name local labels as .L*, do *not* use dynamic labels such as 1:
40#    (sorry about latter).
41# 6. Don't use [or hand-code with .byte] "rep ret." "ret" mnemonic is
42#    required to identify the spots, where to inject Win64 epilogue!
43#    But on the pros, it's then prefixed with rep automatically:-)
44# 7. Stick to explicit ip-relative addressing. If you have to use
45#    GOTPCREL addressing, stick to mov symbol@GOTPCREL(%rip),%r??.
46#    Both are recognized and translated to proper Win64 addressing
47#    modes. To support legacy code a synthetic directive, .picmeup,
48#    is implemented. It puts address of the *next* instruction into
49#    target register, e.g.:
51#		.picmeup	%rax
52#		lea		.Label-.(%rax),%rax
54# 8. In order to provide for structured exception handling unified
55#    Win64 prologue copies %rsp value to %rax. For further details
56#    see SEH paragraph at the end.
57# 9. .init segment is allowed to contain calls to functions only.
58# a. If function accepts more than 4 arguments *and* >4th argument
59#    is declared as non 64-bit value, do clear its upper part.
61my $flavour = shift;
62my $output  = shift;
63if ($flavour =~ /\./) { $output = $flavour; undef $flavour; }
65open STDOUT,">$output" || die "can't open $output: $!"
66	if (defined($output));
68my $gas=1;	$gas=0 if ($output =~ /\.asm$/);
69my $elf=1;	$elf=0 if (!$gas);
70my $win64=0;
71my $prefix="";
72my $decor=".L";
74my $masmref=8 + 50727*2**-32;	# 8.00.50727 shipped with VS2005
75my $masm=0;
76my $PTR=" PTR";
78my $nasmref=2.03;
79my $nasm=0;
81if    ($flavour eq "mingw64")	{ $gas=1; $elf=0; $win64=1;
82				  $prefix=`echo __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__ | $ENV{CC} -E -P -`;
83				  chomp($prefix);
84				}
85elsif ($flavour eq "macosx")	{ $gas=1; $elf=0; $prefix="_"; $decor="L\$"; }
86elsif ($flavour eq "masm")	{ $gas=0; $elf=0; $masm=$masmref; $win64=1; $decor="\$L\$"; }
87elsif ($flavour eq "nasm")	{ $gas=0; $elf=0; $nasm=$nasmref; $win64=1; $decor="\$L\$"; $PTR=""; }
88elsif (!$gas)
89{   if ($ENV{ASM} =~ m/nasm/ && `nasm -v` =~ m/version ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/i)
90    {	$nasm = $1 + $2*0.01; $PTR="";  }
91    elsif (`ml64 2>&1` =~ m/Version ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]+))?/)
92    {	$masm = $1 + $2*2**-16 + $4*2**-32;   }
93    die "no assembler found on %PATH" if (!($nasm || $masm));
94    $win64=1;
95    $elf=0;
96    $decor="\$L\$";
99my $current_segment;
100my $current_function;
101my %globals;
103{ package opcode;	# pick up opcodes
104    sub re {
105	my	$self = shift;	# single instance in enough...
106	local	*line = shift;
107	undef	$ret;
109	if ($line =~ /^([a-z][a-z0-9]*)/i) {
110	    $self->{op} = $1;
111	    $ret = $self;
112	    $line = substr($line,@+[0]); $line =~ s/^\s+//;
114	    undef $self->{sz};
115	    if ($self->{op} =~ /^(movz)x?([bw]).*/) {	# movz is pain...
116		$self->{op} = $1;
117		$self->{sz} = $2;
118	    } elsif ($self->{op} =~ /call|jmp/) {
119		$self->{sz} = "";
120	    } elsif ($self->{op} =~ /^p/ && $' !~ /^(ush|op|insrw)/) { # SSEn
121		$self->{sz} = "";
122	    } elsif ($self->{op} =~ /^v/) { # VEX
123		$self->{sz} = "";
124	    } elsif ($self->{op} =~ /mov[dq]/ && $line =~ /%xmm/) {
125		$self->{sz} = "";
126	    } elsif ($self->{op} =~ /([a-z]{3,})([qlwb])$/) {
127		$self->{op} = $1;
128		$self->{sz} = $2;
129	    }
130	}
131	$ret;
132    }
133    sub size {
134	my $self = shift;
135	my $sz   = shift;
136	$self->{sz} = $sz if (defined($sz) && !defined($self->{sz}));
137	$self->{sz};
138    }
139    sub out {
140	my $self = shift;
141	if ($gas) {
142	    if ($self->{op} eq "movz") {	# movz is pain...
143		sprintf "%s%s%s",$self->{op},$self->{sz},shift;
144	    } elsif ($self->{op} =~ /^set/) {
145		"$self->{op}";
146	    } elsif ($self->{op} eq "ret") {
147		my $epilogue = "";
148		if ($win64 && $current_function->{abi} eq "svr4") {
149		    $epilogue = "movq	8(%rsp),%rdi\n\t" .
150				"movq	16(%rsp),%rsi\n\t";
151		}
152	    	$epilogue . ".byte	0xf3,0xc3";
153	    } elsif ($self->{op} eq "call" && !$elf && $current_segment eq ".init") {
154		".p2align\t3\n\t.quad";
155	    } else {
156		"$self->{op}$self->{sz}";
157	    }
158	} else {
159	    $self->{op} =~ s/^movz/movzx/;
160	    if ($self->{op} eq "ret") {
161		$self->{op} = "";
162		if ($win64 && $current_function->{abi} eq "svr4") {
163		    $self->{op} = "mov	rdi,QWORD${PTR}[8+rsp]\t;WIN64 epilogue\n\t".
164				  "mov	rsi,QWORD${PTR}[16+rsp]\n\t";
165	    	}
166		$self->{op} .= "DB\t0F3h,0C3h\t\t;repret";
167	    } elsif ($self->{op} =~ /^(pop|push)f/) {
168		$self->{op} .= $self->{sz};
169	    } elsif ($self->{op} eq "call" && $current_segment eq ".CRT\$XCU") {
170		$self->{op} = "\tDQ";
171	    }
172	    $self->{op};
173	}
174    }
175    sub mnemonic {
176	my $self=shift;
177	my $op=shift;
178	$self->{op}=$op if (defined($op));
179	$self->{op};
180    }
182{ package const;	# pick up constants, which start with $
183    sub re {
184	my	$self = shift;	# single instance in enough...
185	local	*line = shift;
186	undef	$ret;
188	if ($line =~ /^\$([^,]+)/) {
189	    $self->{value} = $1;
190	    $ret = $self;
191	    $line = substr($line,@+[0]); $line =~ s/^\s+//;
192	}
193	$ret;
194    }
195    sub out {
196    	my $self = shift;
198	if ($gas) {
199	    # Solaris /usr/ccs/bin/as can't handle multiplications
200	    # in $self->{value}
201	    $self->{value} =~ s/(?<![\w\$\.])(0x?[0-9a-f]+)/oct($1)/egi;
202	    $self->{value} =~ s/([0-9]+\s*[\*\/\%]\s*[0-9]+)/eval($1)/eg;
203	    sprintf "\$%s",$self->{value};
204	} else {
205	    $self->{value} =~ s/(0b[0-1]+)/oct($1)/eig;
206	    $self->{value} =~ s/0x([0-9a-f]+)/0$1h/ig if ($masm);
207	    sprintf "%s",$self->{value};
208	}
209    }
211{ package ea;		# pick up effective addresses: expr(%reg,%reg,scale)
212    sub re {
213	my	$self = shift;	# single instance in enough...
214	local	*line = shift;
215	undef	$ret;
217	# optional * ---vvv--- appears in indirect jmp/call
218	if ($line =~ /^(\*?)([^\(,]*)\(([%\w,]+)\)/) {
219	    $self->{asterisk} = $1;
220	    $self->{label} = $2;
221	    ($self->{base},$self->{index},$self->{scale})=split(/,/,$3);
222	    $self->{scale} = 1 if (!defined($self->{scale}));
223	    $ret = $self;
224	    $line = substr($line,@+[0]); $line =~ s/^\s+//;
226	    if ($win64 && $self->{label} =~ s/\@GOTPCREL//) {
227		die if (opcode->mnemonic() ne "mov");
228		opcode->mnemonic("lea");
229	    }
230	    $self->{base}  =~ s/^%//;
231	    $self->{index} =~ s/^%// if (defined($self->{index}));
232	}
233	$ret;
234    }
235    sub size {}
236    sub out {
237    	my $self = shift;
238	my $sz = shift;
240	$self->{label} =~ s/([_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)/$globals{$1} or $1/gei;
241	$self->{label} =~ s/\.L/$decor/g;
243	# Silently convert all EAs to 64-bit. This is required for
244	# elder GNU assembler and results in more compact code,
245	# *but* most importantly AES module depends on this feature!
246	$self->{index} =~ s/^[er](.?[0-9xpi])[d]?$/r\1/;
247	$self->{base}  =~ s/^[er](.?[0-9xpi])[d]?$/r\1/;
249	# Solaris /usr/ccs/bin/as can't handle multiplications
250	# in $self->{label}, new gas requires sign extension...
251	use integer;
252	$self->{label} =~ s/(?<![\w\$\.])(0x?[0-9a-f]+)/oct($1)/egi;
253	$self->{label} =~ s/\b([0-9]+\s*[\*\/\%]\s*[0-9]+)\b/eval($1)/eg;
254	$self->{label} =~ s/\b([0-9]+)\b/$1<<32>>32/eg;
256	if (!$self->{label} && $self->{index} && $self->{scale}==1 &&
257	    $self->{base} =~ /(rbp|r13)/) {
258		$self->{base} = $self->{index}; $self->{index} = $1;
259	}
261	if ($gas) {
262	    $self->{label} =~ s/^___imp_/__imp__/   if ($flavour eq "mingw64");
264	    if (defined($self->{index})) {
265		sprintf "%s%s(%s,%%%s,%d)",$self->{asterisk},
266					$self->{label},
267					$self->{base}?"%$self->{base}":"",
268					$self->{index},$self->{scale};
269	    } else {
270		sprintf "%s%s(%%%s)",	$self->{asterisk},$self->{label},$self->{base};
271	    }
272	} else {
273	    %szmap = (	b=>"BYTE$PTR",  w=>"WORD$PTR",
274			l=>"DWORD$PTR", d=>"DWORD$PTR",
275	    		q=>"QWORD$PTR", o=>"OWORD$PTR",
276			x=>"XMMWORD$PTR", y=>"YMMWORD$PTR", z=>"ZMMWORD$PTR" );
278	    $self->{label} =~ s/\./\$/g;
279	    $self->{label} =~ s/(?<![\w\$\.])0x([0-9a-f]+)/0$1h/ig;
280	    $self->{label} = "($self->{label})" if ($self->{label} =~ /[\*\+\-\/]/);
282	    ($self->{asterisk})					&& ($sz="q") ||
283	    (opcode->mnemonic() =~ /^v?mov([qd])$/)		&& ($sz=$1)  ||
284	    (opcode->mnemonic() =~ /^v?pinsr([qdwb])$/)		&& ($sz=$1)  ||
285	    (opcode->mnemonic() =~ /^vpbroadcast([qdwb])$/)	&& ($sz=$1)  ||
286	    (opcode->mnemonic() =~ /^vinsert[fi]128$/)		&& ($sz="x");
288	    if (defined($self->{index})) {
289		sprintf "%s[%s%s*%d%s]",$szmap{$sz},
290					$self->{label}?"$self->{label}+":"",
291					$self->{index},$self->{scale},
292					$self->{base}?"+$self->{base}":"";
293	    } elsif ($self->{base} eq "rip") {
294		sprintf "%s[%s]",$szmap{$sz},$self->{label};
295	    } else {
296		sprintf "%s[%s%s]",$szmap{$sz},
297					$self->{label}?"$self->{label}+":"",
298					$self->{base};
299	    }
300	}
301    }
303{ package register;	# pick up registers, which start with %.
304    sub re {
305	my	$class = shift;	# muliple instances...
306	my	$self = {};
307	local	*line = shift;
308	undef	$ret;
310	# optional * ---vvv--- appears in indirect jmp/call
311	if ($line =~ /^(\*?)%(\w+)/) {
312	    bless $self,$class;
313	    $self->{asterisk} = $1;
314	    $self->{value} = $2;
315	    $ret = $self;
316	    $line = substr($line,@+[0]); $line =~ s/^\s+//;
317	}
318	$ret;
319    }
320    sub size {
321	my	$self = shift;
322	undef	$ret;
324	if    ($self->{value} =~ /^r[\d]+b$/i)	{ $ret="b"; }
325	elsif ($self->{value} =~ /^r[\d]+w$/i)	{ $ret="w"; }
326	elsif ($self->{value} =~ /^r[\d]+d$/i)	{ $ret="l"; }
327	elsif ($self->{value} =~ /^r[\w]+$/i)	{ $ret="q"; }
328	elsif ($self->{value} =~ /^[a-d][hl]$/i){ $ret="b"; }
329	elsif ($self->{value} =~ /^[\w]{2}l$/i)	{ $ret="b"; }
330	elsif ($self->{value} =~ /^[\w]{2}$/i)	{ $ret="w"; }
331	elsif ($self->{value} =~ /^e[a-z]{2}$/i){ $ret="l"; }
333	$ret;
334    }
335    sub out {
336    	my $self = shift;
337	if ($gas)	{ sprintf "%s%%%s",$self->{asterisk},$self->{value}; }
338	else		{ $self->{value}; }
339    }
341{ package label;	# pick up labels, which end with :
342    sub re {
343	my	$self = shift;	# single instance is enough...
344	local	*line = shift;
345	undef	$ret;
347	if ($line =~ /(^[\.\w]+)\:/) {
348	    $self->{value} = $1;
349	    $ret = $self;
350	    $line = substr($line,@+[0]); $line =~ s/^\s+//;
352	    $self->{value} =~ s/^\.L/$decor/;
353	}
354	$ret;
355    }
356    sub out {
357	my $self = shift;
359	if ($gas) {
360	    my $func = ($globals{$self->{value}} or $self->{value}) . ":";
361	    if ($win64	&&
362			$current_function->{name} eq $self->{value} &&
363			$current_function->{abi} eq "svr4") {
364		$func .= "\n";
365		$func .= "	movq	%rdi,8(%rsp)\n";
366		$func .= "	movq	%rsi,16(%rsp)\n";
367		$func .= "	movq	%rsp,%rax\n";
368		$func .= "${decor}SEH_begin_$current_function->{name}:\n";
369		my $narg = $current_function->{narg};
370		$narg=6 if (!defined($narg));
371		$func .= "	movq	%rcx,%rdi\n" if ($narg>0);
372		$func .= "	movq	%rdx,%rsi\n" if ($narg>1);
373		$func .= "	movq	%r8,%rdx\n"  if ($narg>2);
374		$func .= "	movq	%r9,%rcx\n"  if ($narg>3);
375		$func .= "	movq	40(%rsp),%r8\n" if ($narg>4);
376		$func .= "	movq	48(%rsp),%r9\n" if ($narg>5);
377	    }
378	    $func;
379	} elsif ($self->{value} ne "$current_function->{name}") {
380	    $self->{value} .= ":" if ($masm && $ret!~m/^\$/);
381	    $self->{value} . ":";
382	} elsif ($win64 && $current_function->{abi} eq "svr4") {
383	    my $func =	"$current_function->{name}" .
384			($nasm ? ":" : "\tPROC $current_function->{scope}") .
385			"\n";
386	    $func .= "	mov	QWORD${PTR}[8+rsp],rdi\t;WIN64 prologue\n";
387	    $func .= "	mov	QWORD${PTR}[16+rsp],rsi\n";
388	    $func .= "	mov	rax,rsp\n";
389	    $func .= "${decor}SEH_begin_$current_function->{name}:";
390	    $func .= ":" if ($masm);
391	    $func .= "\n";
392	    my $narg = $current_function->{narg};
393	    $narg=6 if (!defined($narg));
394	    $func .= "	mov	rdi,rcx\n" if ($narg>0);
395	    $func .= "	mov	rsi,rdx\n" if ($narg>1);
396	    $func .= "	mov	rdx,r8\n"  if ($narg>2);
397	    $func .= "	mov	rcx,r9\n"  if ($narg>3);
398	    $func .= "	mov	r8,QWORD${PTR}[40+rsp]\n" if ($narg>4);
399	    $func .= "	mov	r9,QWORD${PTR}[48+rsp]\n" if ($narg>5);
400	    $func .= "\n";
401	} else {
402	   "$current_function->{name}".
403			($nasm ? ":" : "\tPROC $current_function->{scope}");
404	}
405    }
407{ package expr;		# pick up expressioins
408    sub re {
409	my	$self = shift;	# single instance is enough...
410	local	*line = shift;
411	undef	$ret;
413	if ($line =~ /(^[^,]+)/) {
414	    $self->{value} = $1;
415	    $ret = $self;
416	    $line = substr($line,@+[0]); $line =~ s/^\s+//;
418	    $self->{value} =~ s/\@PLT// if (!$elf);
419	    $self->{value} =~ s/([_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)/$globals{$1} or $1/gei;
420	    $self->{value} =~ s/\.L/$decor/g;
421	}
422	$ret;
423    }
424    sub out {
425	my $self = shift;
426	if ($nasm && opcode->mnemonic()=~m/^j(?![re]cxz)/) {
427	    "NEAR ".$self->{value};
428	} else {
429	    $self->{value};
430	}
431    }
433{ package directive;	# pick up directives, which start with .
434    sub re {
435	my	$self = shift;	# single instance is enough...
436	local	*line = shift;
437	undef	$ret;
438	my	$dir;
439	my	%opcode =	# lea 2f-1f(%rip),%dst; 1: nop; 2:
440		(	"%rax"=>0x01058d48,	"%rcx"=>0x010d8d48,
441			"%rdx"=>0x01158d48,	"%rbx"=>0x011d8d48,
442			"%rsp"=>0x01258d48,	"%rbp"=>0x012d8d48,
443			"%rsi"=>0x01358d48,	"%rdi"=>0x013d8d48,
444			"%r8" =>0x01058d4c,	"%r9" =>0x010d8d4c,
445			"%r10"=>0x01158d4c,	"%r11"=>0x011d8d4c,
446			"%r12"=>0x01258d4c,	"%r13"=>0x012d8d4c,
447			"%r14"=>0x01358d4c,	"%r15"=>0x013d8d4c	);
449	if ($line =~ /^\s*(\.\w+)/) {
450	    $dir = $1;
451	    $ret = $self;
452	    undef $self->{value};
453	    $line = substr($line,@+[0]); $line =~ s/^\s+//;
455	    SWITCH: for ($dir) {
456		/\.picmeup/ && do { if ($line =~ /(%r[\w]+)/i) {
457			    		$dir="\t.long";
458					$line=sprintf "0x%x,0x90000000",$opcode{$1};
459				    }
460				    last;
461				  };
462		/\.global|\.globl|\.extern/
463			    && do { $globals{$line} = $prefix . $line;
464				    $line = $globals{$line} if ($prefix);
465				    last;
466				  };
467		/\.type/    && do { ($sym,$type,$narg) = split(',',$line);
468				    if ($type eq "\@function") {
469					undef $current_function;
470					$current_function->{name} = $sym;
471					$current_function->{abi}  = "svr4";
472					$current_function->{narg} = $narg;
473					$current_function->{scope} = defined($globals{$sym})?"PUBLIC":"PRIVATE";
474				    } elsif ($type eq "\@abi-omnipotent") {
475					undef $current_function;
476					$current_function->{name} = $sym;
477					$current_function->{scope} = defined($globals{$sym})?"PUBLIC":"PRIVATE";
478				    }
479				    $line =~ s/\@abi\-omnipotent/\@function/;
480				    $line =~ s/\@function.*/\@function/;
481				    last;
482				  };
483		/\.asciz/   && do { if ($line =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {
484					$dir  = ".byte";
485					$line = join(",",unpack("C*",$1),0);
486				    }
487				    last;
488				  };
489		/\.rva|\.long|\.quad/
490			    && do { $line =~ s/([_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)/$globals{$1} or $1/gei;
491				    $line =~ s/\.L/$decor/g;
492				    last;
493				  };
494	    }
496	    if ($gas) {
497		$self->{value} = $dir . "\t" . $line;
499		if ($dir =~ /\.extern/) {
500		    $self->{value} = ""; # swallow extern
501		} elsif (!$elf && $dir =~ /\.type/) {
502		    $self->{value} = "";
503		    $self->{value} = ".def\t" . ($globals{$1} or $1) . ";\t" .
504				(defined($globals{$1})?".scl 2;":".scl 3;") .
505				"\t.type 32;\t.endef"
506				if ($win64 && $line =~ /([^,]+),\@function/);
507		} elsif (!$elf && $dir =~ /\.size/) {
508		    $self->{value} = "";
509		    if (defined($current_function)) {
510			$self->{value} .= "${decor}SEH_end_$current_function->{name}:"
511				if ($win64 && $current_function->{abi} eq "svr4");
512			undef $current_function;
513		    }
514		} elsif (!$elf && $dir =~ /\.align/) {
515		    $self->{value} = ".p2align\t" . (log($line)/log(2));
516		} elsif ($dir eq ".section") {
517		    $current_segment=$line;
518		    if (!$elf && $current_segment eq ".init") {
519			if	($flavour eq "macosx")	{ $self->{value} = ".mod_init_func"; }
520			elsif	($flavour eq "mingw64")	{ $self->{value} = ".section\t.ctors"; }
521		    }
522		} elsif ($dir =~ /\.(text|data)/) {
523		    $current_segment=".$1";
524		} elsif ($dir =~ /\.hidden/) {
525		    if    ($flavour eq "macosx")  { $self->{value} = ".private_extern\t$prefix$line"; }
526		    elsif ($flavour eq "mingw64") { $self->{value} = ""; }
527		} elsif ($dir =~ /\.comm/) {
528		    $self->{value} = "$dir\t$prefix$line";
529		    $self->{value} =~ s|,([0-9]+),([0-9]+)$|",$1,".log($2)/log(2)|e if ($flavour eq "macosx");
530		}
531		$line = "";
532		return $self;
533	    }
535	    # non-gas case or nasm/masm
536	    SWITCH: for ($dir) {
537		/\.text/    && do { my $v=undef;
538				    if ($nasm) {
539					$v="section	.text code align=64\n";
540				    } else {
541					$v="$current_segment\tENDS\n" if ($current_segment);
542					$current_segment = ".text\$";
543					$v.="$current_segment\tSEGMENT ";
544					$v.=$masm>=$masmref ? "ALIGN(256)" : "PAGE";
545					$v.=" 'CODE'";
546				    }
547				    $self->{value} = $v;
548				    last;
549				  };
550		/\.data/    && do { my $v=undef;
551				    if ($nasm) {
552					$v="section	.data data align=8\n";
553				    } else {
554					$v="$current_segment\tENDS\n" if ($current_segment);
555					$current_segment = "_DATA";
556					$v.="$current_segment\tSEGMENT";
557				    }
558				    $self->{value} = $v;
559				    last;
560				  };
561		/\.section/ && do { my $v=undef;
562				    $line =~ s/([^,]*).*/$1/;
563				    $line = ".CRT\$XCU" if ($line eq ".init");
564				    if ($nasm) {
565					$v="section	$line";
566					if ($line=~/\.([px])data/) {
567					    $v.=" rdata align=";
568					    $v.=$1 eq "p"? 4 : 8;
569					} elsif ($line=~/\.CRT\$/i) {
570					    $v.=" rdata align=8";
571					}
572				    } else {
573					$v="$current_segment\tENDS\n" if ($current_segment);
574					$v.="$line\tSEGMENT";
575					if ($line=~/\.([px])data/) {
576					    $v.=" READONLY";
577					    $v.=" ALIGN(".($1 eq "p" ? 4 : 8).")" if ($masm>=$masmref);
578					} elsif ($line=~/\.CRT\$/i) {
579					    $v.=" READONLY ";
580					    $v.=$masm>=$masmref ? "ALIGN(8)" : "DWORD";
581					}
582				    }
583				    $current_segment = $line;
584				    $self->{value} = $v;
585				    last;
586				  };
587		/\.extern/  && do { $self->{value}  = "EXTERN\t".$line;
588				    $self->{value} .= ":NEAR" if ($masm);
589				    last;
590				  };
591		/\.globl|.global/
592			    && do { $self->{value}  = $masm?"PUBLIC":"global";
593				    $self->{value} .= "\t".$line;
594				    last;
595				  };
596		/\.size/    && do { if (defined($current_function)) {
597					undef $self->{value};
598					if ($current_function->{abi} eq "svr4") {
599					    $self->{value}="${decor}SEH_end_$current_function->{name}:";
600					    $self->{value}.=":\n" if($masm);
601					}
602					$self->{value}.="$current_function->{name}\tENDP" if($masm && $current_function->{name});
603					undef $current_function;
604				    }
605				    last;
606				  };
607		/\.align/   && do { $self->{value} = "ALIGN\t".$line; last; };
608		/\.(value|long|rva|quad)/
609			    && do { my $sz  = substr($1,0,1);
610				    my @arr = split(/,\s*/,$line);
611				    my $last = pop(@arr);
612				    my $conv = sub  {	my $var=shift;
613							$var=~s/^(0b[0-1]+)/oct($1)/eig;
614							$var=~s/^0x([0-9a-f]+)/0$1h/ig if ($masm);
615							if ($sz eq "D" && ($current_segment=~/.[px]data/ || $dir eq ".rva"))
616							{ $var=~s/([_a-z\$\@][_a-z0-9\$\@]*)/$nasm?"$1 wrt ..imagebase":"imagerel $1"/egi; }
617							$var;
618						    };
620				    $sz =~ tr/bvlrq/BWDDQ/;
621				    $self->{value} = "\tD$sz\t";
622				    for (@arr) { $self->{value} .= &$conv($_).","; }
623				    $self->{value} .= &$conv($last);
624				    last;
625				  };
626		/\.byte/    && do { my @str=split(/,\s*/,$line);
627				    map(s/(0b[0-1]+)/oct($1)/eig,@str);
628				    map(s/0x([0-9a-f]+)/0$1h/ig,@str) if ($masm);
629				    while ($#str>15) {
630					$self->{value}.="DB\t"
631						.join(",",@str[0..15])."\n";
632					foreach (0..15) { shift @str; }
633				    }
634				    $self->{value}.="DB\t"
635						.join(",",@str) if (@str);
636				    last;
637				  };
638		/\.comm/    && do { my @str=split(/,\s*/,$line);
639				    my $v=undef;
640				    if ($nasm) {
641					$v.="common	$prefix@str[0] @str[1]";
642				    } else {
643					$v="$current_segment\tENDS\n" if ($current_segment);
644					$current_segment = "_DATA";
645					$v.="$current_segment\tSEGMENT\n";
646					$v.="COMM	@str[0]:DWORD:".@str[1]/4;
647				    }
648				    $self->{value} = $v;
649				    last;
650				  };
651	    }
652	    $line = "";
653	}
655	$ret;
656    }
657    sub out {
658	my $self = shift;
659	$self->{value};
660    }
663sub rex {
664 local *opcode=shift;
665 my ($dst,$src,$rex)=@_;
667   $rex|=0x04 if($dst>=8);
668   $rex|=0x01 if($src>=8);
669   push @opcode,($rex|0x40) if ($rex);
672# older gas and ml64 don't handle SSE>2 instructions
673my %regrm = (	"%eax"=>0, "%ecx"=>1, "%edx"=>2, "%ebx"=>3,
674		"%esp"=>4, "%ebp"=>5, "%esi"=>6, "%edi"=>7	);
676my $movq = sub {	# elderly gas can't handle inter-register movq
677  my $arg = shift;
678  my @opcode=(0x66);
679    if ($arg =~ /%xmm([0-9]+),\s*%r(\w+)/) {
680	my ($src,$dst)=($1,$2);
681	if ($dst !~ /[0-9]+/)	{ $dst = $regrm{"%e$dst"}; }
682	rex(\@opcode,$src,$dst,0x8);
683	push @opcode,0x0f,0x7e;
684	push @opcode,0xc0|(($src&7)<<3)|($dst&7);	# ModR/M
685	@opcode;
686    } elsif ($arg =~ /%r(\w+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+)/) {
687	my ($src,$dst)=($2,$1);
688	if ($dst !~ /[0-9]+/)	{ $dst = $regrm{"%e$dst"}; }
689	rex(\@opcode,$src,$dst,0x8);
690	push @opcode,0x0f,0x6e;
691	push @opcode,0xc0|(($src&7)<<3)|($dst&7);	# ModR/M
692	@opcode;
693    } else {
694	();
695    }
698my $pextrd = sub {
699    if (shift =~ /\$([0-9]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+),\s*(%\w+)/) {
700      my @opcode=(0x66);
701	$imm=$1;
702	$src=$2;
703	$dst=$3;
704	if ($dst =~ /%r([0-9]+)d/)	{ $dst = $1; }
705	elsif ($dst =~ /%e/)		{ $dst = $regrm{$dst}; }
706	rex(\@opcode,$src,$dst);
707	push @opcode,0x0f,0x3a,0x16;
708	push @opcode,0xc0|(($src&7)<<3)|($dst&7);	# ModR/M
709	push @opcode,$imm;
710	@opcode;
711    } else {
712	();
713    }
716my $pinsrd = sub {
717    if (shift =~ /\$([0-9]+),\s*(%\w+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+)/) {
718      my @opcode=(0x66);
719	$imm=$1;
720	$src=$2;
721	$dst=$3;
722	if ($src =~ /%r([0-9]+)/)	{ $src = $1; }
723	elsif ($src =~ /%e/)		{ $src = $regrm{$src}; }
724	rex(\@opcode,$dst,$src);
725	push @opcode,0x0f,0x3a,0x22;
726	push @opcode,0xc0|(($dst&7)<<3)|($src&7);	# ModR/M
727	push @opcode,$imm;
728	@opcode;
729    } else {
730	();
731    }
734my $pshufb = sub {
735    if (shift =~ /%xmm([0-9]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+)/) {
736      my @opcode=(0x66);
737	rex(\@opcode,$2,$1);
738	push @opcode,0x0f,0x38,0x00;
739	push @opcode,0xc0|($1&7)|(($2&7)<<3);		# ModR/M
740	@opcode;
741    } else {
742	();
743    }
746my $palignr = sub {
747    if (shift =~ /\$([0-9]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+)/) {
748      my @opcode=(0x66);
749	rex(\@opcode,$3,$2);
750	push @opcode,0x0f,0x3a,0x0f;
751	push @opcode,0xc0|($2&7)|(($3&7)<<3);		# ModR/M
752	push @opcode,$1;
753	@opcode;
754    } else {
755	();
756    }
759my $pclmulqdq = sub {
760    if (shift =~ /\$([x0-9a-f]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+)/) {
761      my @opcode=(0x66);
762	rex(\@opcode,$3,$2);
763	push @opcode,0x0f,0x3a,0x44;
764	push @opcode,0xc0|($2&7)|(($3&7)<<3);		# ModR/M
765	my $c=$1;
766	push @opcode,$c=~/^0/?oct($c):$c;
767	@opcode;
768    } else {
769	();
770    }
773my $rdrand = sub {
774    if (shift =~ /%[er](\w+)/) {
775      my @opcode=();
776      my $dst=$1;
777	if ($dst !~ /[0-9]+/) { $dst = $regrm{"%e$dst"}; }
778	rex(\@opcode,0,$1,8);
779	push @opcode,0x0f,0xc7,0xf0|($dst&7);
780	@opcode;
781    } else {
782	();
783    }
786my $rdseed = sub {
787    if (shift =~ /%[er](\w+)/) {
788      my @opcode=();
789      my $dst=$1;
790	if ($dst !~ /[0-9]+/) { $dst = $regrm{"%e$dst"}; }
791	rex(\@opcode,0,$1,8);
792	push @opcode,0x0f,0xc7,0xf8|($dst&7);
793	@opcode;
794    } else {
795	();
796    }
799sub rxb {
800 local *opcode=shift;
801 my ($dst,$src1,$src2,$rxb)=@_;
803   $rxb|=0x7<<5;
804   $rxb&=~(0x04<<5) if($dst>=8);
805   $rxb&=~(0x01<<5) if($src1>=8);
806   $rxb&=~(0x02<<5) if($src2>=8);
807   push @opcode,$rxb;
810my $vprotd = sub {
811    if (shift =~ /\$([x0-9a-f]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+)/) {
812      my @opcode=(0x8f);
813	rxb(\@opcode,$3,$2,-1,0x08);
814	push @opcode,0x78,0xc2;
815	push @opcode,0xc0|($2&7)|(($3&7)<<3);		# ModR/M
816	my $c=$1;
817	push @opcode,$c=~/^0/?oct($c):$c;
818	@opcode;
819    } else {
820	();
821    }
824my $vprotq = sub {
825    if (shift =~ /\$([x0-9a-f]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+),\s*%xmm([0-9]+)/) {
826      my @opcode=(0x8f);
827	rxb(\@opcode,$3,$2,-1,0x08);
828	push @opcode,0x78,0xc3;
829	push @opcode,0xc0|($2&7)|(($3&7)<<3);		# ModR/M
830	my $c=$1;
831	push @opcode,$c=~/^0/?oct($c):$c;
832	@opcode;
833    } else {
834	();
835    }
838if ($nasm) {
839    print <<___;
840default	rel
841%define XMMWORD
842%define YMMWORD
843%define ZMMWORD
845} elsif ($masm) {
846    print <<___;
850while($line=<>) {
852    chomp($line);
854    $line =~ s|[#!].*$||;	# get rid of asm-style comments...
855    $line =~ s|/\*.*\*/||;	# ... and C-style comments...
856    $line =~ s|^\s+||;		# ... and skip white spaces in beginning
857    $line =~ s|\s+$||;		# ... and at the end
859    undef $label;
860    undef $opcode;
861    undef @args;
863    if ($label=label->re(\$line))	{ print $label->out(); }
865    if (directive->re(\$line)) {
866	printf "%s",directive->out();
867    } elsif ($opcode=opcode->re(\$line)) {
868	my $asm = eval("\$".$opcode->mnemonic());
869	undef @bytes;
871	if ((ref($asm) eq 'CODE') && scalar(@bytes=&$asm($line))) {
872	    print $gas?".byte\t":"DB\t",join(',',@bytes),"\n";
873	    next;
874	}
876	ARGUMENT: while (1) {
877	my $arg;
879	if ($arg=register->re(\$line))	{ opcode->size($arg->size()); }
880	elsif ($arg=const->re(\$line))	{ }
881	elsif ($arg=ea->re(\$line))	{ }
882	elsif ($arg=expr->re(\$line))	{ }
883	else				{ last ARGUMENT; }
885	push @args,$arg;
887	last ARGUMENT if ($line !~ /^,/);
889	$line =~ s/^,\s*//;
890	} # ARGUMENT:
892	if ($#args>=0) {
893	    my $insn;
894	    my $sz=opcode->size();
896	    if ($gas) {
897		$insn = $opcode->out($#args>=1?$args[$#args]->size():$sz);
898		@args = map($_->out($sz),@args);
899		printf "\t%s\t%s",$insn,join(",",@args);
900	    } else {
901		$insn = $opcode->out();
902		foreach (@args) {
903		    my $arg = $_->out();
904		    # $insn.=$sz compensates for movq, pinsrw, ...
905		    if ($arg =~ /^xmm[0-9]+$/) { $insn.=$sz; $sz="x" if(!$sz); last; }
906		    if ($arg =~ /^ymm[0-9]+$/) { $insn.=$sz; $sz="y" if(!$sz); last; }
907		    if ($arg =~ /^zmm[0-9]+$/) { $insn.=$sz; $sz="z" if(!$sz); last; }
908		    if ($arg =~ /^mm[0-9]+$/)  { $insn.=$sz; $sz="q" if(!$sz); last; }
909		}
910		@args = reverse(@args);
911		undef $sz if ($nasm && $opcode->mnemonic() eq "lea");
912		printf "\t%s\t%s",$insn,join(",",map($_->out($sz),@args));
913	    }
914	} else {
915	    printf "\t%s",$opcode->out();
916	}
917    }
919    print $line,"\n";
922print "\n$current_segment\tENDS\n"	if ($current_segment && $masm);
923print "END\n"				if ($masm);
925close STDOUT;
927#################################################
928# Cross-reference x86_64 ABI "card"
930# 		Unix		Win64
931# %rax		*		*
932# %rbx		-		-
933# %rcx		#4		#1
934# %rdx		#3		#2
935# %rsi		#2		-
936# %rdi		#1		-
937# %rbp		-		-
938# %rsp		-		-
939# %r8		#5		#3
940# %r9		#6		#4
941# %r10		*		*
942# %r11		*		*
943# %r12		-		-
944# %r13		-		-
945# %r14		-		-
946# %r15		-		-
948# (*)	volatile register
949# (-)	preserved by callee
950# (#)	Nth argument, volatile
952# In Unix terms top of stack is argument transfer area for arguments
953# which could not be accomodated in registers. Or in other words 7th
954# [integer] argument resides at 8(%rsp) upon function entry point.
955# 128 bytes above %rsp constitute a "red zone" which is not touched
956# by signal handlers and can be used as temporal storage without
957# allocating a frame.
959# In Win64 terms N*8 bytes on top of stack is argument transfer area,
960# which belongs to/can be overwritten by callee. N is the number of
961# arguments passed to callee, *but* not less than 4! This means that
962# upon function entry point 5th argument resides at 40(%rsp), as well
963# as that 32 bytes from 8(%rsp) can always be used as temporal
964# storage [without allocating a frame]. One can actually argue that
965# one can assume a "red zone" above stack pointer under Win64 as well.
966# Point is that at apparently no occasion Windows kernel would alter
967# the area above user stack pointer in true asynchronous manner...
969# All the above means that if assembler programmer adheres to Unix
970# register and stack layout, but disregards the "red zone" existense,
971# it's possible to use following prologue and epilogue to "gear" from
972# Unix to Win64 ABI in leaf functions with not more than 6 arguments.
974# omnipotent_function:
975# ifdef WIN64
976#	movq	%rdi,8(%rsp)
977#	movq	%rsi,16(%rsp)
978#	movq	%rcx,%rdi	; if 1st argument is actually present
979#	movq	%rdx,%rsi	; if 2nd argument is actually ...
980#	movq	%r8,%rdx	; if 3rd argument is ...
981#	movq	%r9,%rcx	; if 4th argument ...
982#	movq	40(%rsp),%r8	; if 5th ...
983#	movq	48(%rsp),%r9	; if 6th ...
984# endif
985#	...
986# ifdef WIN64
987#	movq	8(%rsp),%rdi
988#	movq	16(%rsp),%rsi
989# endif
990#	ret
992#################################################
993# Win64 SEH, Structured Exception Handling.
995# Unlike on Unix systems(*) lack of Win64 stack unwinding information
996# has undesired side-effect at run-time: if an exception is raised in
997# assembler subroutine such as those in question (basically we're
998# referring to segmentation violations caused by malformed input
999# parameters), the application is briskly terminated without invoking
1000# any exception handlers, most notably without generating memory dump
1001# or any user notification whatsoever. This poses a problem. It's
1002# possible to address it by registering custom language-specific
1003# handler that would restore processor context to the state at
1004# subroutine entry point and return "exception is not handled, keep
1005# unwinding" code. Writing such handler can be a challenge... But it's
1006# doable, though requires certain coding convention. Consider following
1007# snippet:
1009# .type	function,@function
1010# function:
1011#	movq	%rsp,%rax	# copy rsp to volatile register
1012#	pushq	%r15		# save non-volatile registers
1013#	pushq	%rbx
1014#	pushq	%rbp
1015#	movq	%rsp,%r11
1016#	subq	%rdi,%r11	# prepare [variable] stack frame
1017#	andq	$-64,%r11
1018#	movq	%rax,0(%r11)	# check for exceptions
1019#	movq	%r11,%rsp	# allocate [variable] stack frame
1020#	movq	%rax,0(%rsp)	# save original rsp value
1021# magic_point:
1022#	...
1023#	movq	0(%rsp),%rcx	# pull original rsp value
1024#	movq	-24(%rcx),%rbp	# restore non-volatile registers
1025#	movq	-16(%rcx),%rbx
1026#	movq	-8(%rcx),%r15
1027#	movq	%rcx,%rsp	# restore original rsp
1028#	ret
1029# .size function,.-function
1031# The key is that up to magic_point copy of original rsp value remains
1032# in chosen volatile register and no non-volatile register, except for
1033# rsp, is modified. While past magic_point rsp remains constant till
1034# the very end of the function. In this case custom language-specific
1035# exception handler would look like this:
1038#		CONTEXT *context,DISPATCHER_CONTEXT *disp)
1039# {	ULONG64 *rsp = (ULONG64 *)context->Rax;
1040#	if (context->Rip >= magic_point)
1041#	{   rsp = ((ULONG64 **)context->Rsp)[0];
1042#	    context->Rbp = rsp[-3];
1043#	    context->Rbx = rsp[-2];
1044#	    context->R15 = rsp[-1];
1045#	}
1046#	context->Rsp = (ULONG64)rsp;
1047#	context->Rdi = rsp[1];
1048#	context->Rsi = rsp[2];
1050#	memcpy (disp->ContextRecord,context,sizeof(CONTEXT));
1051#	RtlVirtualUnwind(UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER,disp->ImageBase,
1052#		dips->ControlPc,disp->FunctionEntry,disp->ContextRecord,
1053#		&disp->HandlerData,&disp->EstablisherFrame,NULL);
1054#	return ExceptionContinueSearch;
1055# }
1057# It's appropriate to implement this handler in assembler, directly in
1058# function's module. In order to do that one has to know members'
1059# offsets in CONTEXT and DISPATCHER_CONTEXT structures and some constant
1060# values. Here they are:
1062#	CONTEXT.Rax				120
1063#	CONTEXT.Rcx				128
1064#	CONTEXT.Rdx				136
1065#	CONTEXT.Rbx				144
1066#	CONTEXT.Rsp				152
1067#	CONTEXT.Rbp				160
1068#	CONTEXT.Rsi				168
1069#	CONTEXT.Rdi				176
1070#	CONTEXT.R8				184
1071#	CONTEXT.R9				192
1072#	CONTEXT.R10				200
1073#	CONTEXT.R11				208
1074#	CONTEXT.R12				216
1075#	CONTEXT.R13				224
1076#	CONTEXT.R14				232
1077#	CONTEXT.R15				240
1078#	CONTEXT.Rip				248
1079#	CONTEXT.Xmm6				512
1080#	sizeof(CONTEXT)				1232
1083#	DISPATCHER_CONTEXT.FunctionEntry	16
1084#	DISPATCHER_CONTEXT.EstablisherFrame	24
1086#	DISPATCHER_CONTEXT.ContextRecord	40
1087#	DISPATCHER_CONTEXT.LanguageHandler	48
1088#	DISPATCHER_CONTEXT.HandlerData		56
1090#	ExceptionContinueSearch			1
1092# In order to tie the handler to the function one has to compose
1093# couple of structures: one for .xdata segment and one for .pdata.
1095# UNWIND_INFO structure for .xdata segment would be
1097# function_unwind_info:
1098#	.byte	9,0,0,0
1099#	.rva	handler
1101# This structure designates exception handler for a function with
1102# zero-length prologue, no stack frame or frame register.
1104# To facilitate composing of .pdata structures, auto-generated "gear"
1105# prologue copies rsp value to rax and denotes next instruction with
1106# .LSEH_begin_{function_name} label. This essentially defines the SEH
1107# styling rule mentioned in the beginning. Position of this label is
1108# chosen in such manner that possible exceptions raised in the "gear"
1109# prologue would be accounted to caller and unwound from latter's frame.
1110# End of function is marked with respective .LSEH_end_{function_name}
1111# label. To summarize, .pdata segment would contain
1113#	.rva	.LSEH_begin_function
1114#	.rva	.LSEH_end_function
1115#	.rva	function_unwind_info
1117# Reference to functon_unwind_info from .xdata segment is the anchor.
1118# In case you wonder why references are 32-bit .rvas and not 64-bit
1119# .quads. References put into these two segments are required to be
1120# *relative* to the base address of the current binary module, a.k.a.
1121# image base. No Win64 module, be it .exe or .dll, can be larger than
1122# 2GB and thus such relative references can be and are accommodated in
1123# 32 bits.
1125# Having reviewed the example function code, one can argue that "movq
1126# %rsp,%rax" above is redundant. It is not! Keep in mind that on Unix
1127# rax would contain an undefined value. If this "offends" you, use
1128# another register and refrain from modifying rax till magic_point is
1129# reached, i.e. as if it was a non-volatile register. If more registers
1130# are required prior [variable] frame setup is completed, note that
1131# nobody says that you can have only one "magic point." You can
1132# "liberate" non-volatile registers by denoting last stack off-load
1133# instruction and reflecting it in finer grade unwind logic in handler.
1134# After all, isn't it why it's called *language-specific* handler...
1136# Attentive reader can notice that exceptions would be mishandled in
1137# auto-generated "gear" epilogue. Well, exception effectively can't
1138# occur there, because if memory area used by it was subject to
1139# segmentation violation, then it would be raised upon call to the
1140# function (and as already mentioned be accounted to caller, which is
1141# not a problem). If you're still not comfortable, then define tail
1142# "magic point" just prior ret instruction and have handler treat it...
1144# (*)	Note that we're talking about run-time, not debug-time. Lack of
1145#	unwind information makes debugging hard on both Windows and
1146#	Unix. "Unlike" referes to the fact that on Unix signal handler
1147#	will always be invoked, core dumped and appropriate exit code
1148#	returned to parent (for user notification).