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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="transapp_archival"></a>Database and log file archival</h2>
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38      <p>The third component of the administrative infrastructure, archival for
39catastrophic recovery, concerns the recoverability of the database in
40the face of catastrophic failure.  Recovery after catastrophic failure
41is intended to minimize data loss when physical hardware has been
42destroyed -- for example, loss of a disk that contains databases or log
43files.  Although the application may still experience data loss in this
44case, it is possible to minimize it.</p>
45      <p>First, you may want to periodically create snapshots (that is, backups)
46of your databases to make it possible to recover from catastrophic
47failure.  These snapshots are either a standard backup, which creates a
48consistent picture of the databases as of a single instant in time; or
49an on-line backup (also known as a <span class="emphasis"><em>hot</em></span> backup), which creates
50a consistent picture of the databases as of an unspecified instant
51during the period of time when the snapshot was made.  The advantage of
52a hot backup is that applications may continue to read and write the
53databases while the snapshot is being taken.  The disadvantage of a hot
54backup is that more information must be archived, and recovery based on
55a hot backup is to an unspecified time between the start of the backup
56and when the backup is completed.</p>
57      <p>Second, after taking a snapshot, you should periodically archive the
58log files being created in the environment.  It is often helpful to
59think of database archival in terms of full and incremental filesystem
60backups.  A snapshot is a full backup, whereas the periodic archival of
61the current log files is an incremental backup.  For example, it might
62be reasonable to take a full snapshot of a database environment weekly
63or monthly, and archive additional log files daily.  Using both the
64snapshot and the log files, a catastrophic crash at any time can be
65recovered to the time of the most recent log archival; a time long after
66the original snapshot.</p>
67      <p>To create a standard backup of your database that can be used to recover
68from catastrophic failure, take the following steps:</p>
69      <div class="orderedlist">
70        <ol type="1">
71          <li>Commit or abort all ongoing transactions.</li>
72          <li>Stop writing your databases until the backup has completed.  Read-only
73operations are permitted, but no write operations and no filesystem
74operations may be performed (for example, the <a href="../api_reference/C/envremove.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;remove()</a> and
75<a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;open()</a> methods may not be called).</li>
76          <li>Force an environment checkpoint (see the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_checkpoint.html" class="olink">db_checkpoint utility</a> for more
78          <li>
79            <p>
80        Run the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_archive.html" class="olink">db_archive utility</a> with option <span class="bold"><strong>-s</strong></span> to identify all the database data
81        files, and copy them to a backup device such as CD-ROM, alternate
82        disk, or tape.
83    </p>
84            <p>
85        If the database files are stored in a separate directory from the
86        other Berkeley DB files, it may be simpler to archive the directory
87        itself instead of the individual files (see <a href="../api_reference/C/envset_data_dir.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;set_data_dir()</a> for
88        additional information).  <span class="bold"><strong>Note: if any of the
89            database files did not have an open <a href="../api_reference/C/db.html" class="olink">DB</a> handle during
90            the lifetime of the current log files, the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_archive.html" class="olink">db_archive utility</a> will
91            not list them in its output!</strong></span>  This is another reason
92        it may be simpler to use a separate database file directory and
93        archive the entire directory instead of archiving only the files
94        listed by the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_archive.html" class="olink">db_archive utility</a>.
95    </p>
96          </li>
97          <li>
98    Run the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_archive.html" class="olink">db_archive utility</a> with option <span class="bold"><strong>-l</strong></span> to
99    identify all the log files, and copy the last one (that is, the one
100    with the highest number) to a backup device such as CD-ROM, alternate
101    disk, or tape.
103        </ol>
104      </div>
105      <p>
106    To create a <span class="emphasis"><em>hot</em></span> backup of your
107    database that can be used to recover from catastrophic failure, take
108    the following steps:
110      <div class="orderedlist">
111        <ol type="1">
112          <li>
113        Archive your databases, as described in the previous step #4.  You
114        do not have to halt ongoing transactions or force a checkpoint.  As
115        this is a hot backup, and the databases may be modified during the
116        copy, the utility you use to copy the databases must read database
117        pages atomically (as described by <a class="xref" href="transapp_reclimit.html" title="Berkeley DB recoverability">Berkeley DB recoverability</a>).
118    </li>
119          <li>
120            <p>
121            Archive <span class="bold"><strong>all</strong></span> of the log files.
122            The order of these two operations is required, and the database
123            files must be archived <span class="bold"><strong>before</strong></span>
124            the log files.  This means that if the database files and log
125            files are in the same directory, you cannot simply archive the
126            directory; you must make sure that the correct order of
127            archival is maintained.
128        </p>
129            <p>
130            To archive your log files, run the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_archive.html" class="olink">db_archive utility</a> using the
131            <span class="bold"><strong>-l</strong></span> option to identify all the
132            database log files, and copy them to your backup media.  If the
133            database log files are stored in a separate directory from the
134            other database files, it may be simpler to archive the
135            directory itself instead of the individual files (see the
136            <a href="../api_reference/C/envset_lg_dir.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lg_dir()</a> method for more information).
137        </p>
138          </li>
139        </ol>
140      </div>
141      <p>To minimize the archival space needed for log files when doing a hot
142backup, run db_archive to identify those log files which are not in use.
143Log files which are not in use do not need to be included when creating
144a hot backup, and you can discard them or move them aside for use with
145previous backups (whichever is appropriate), before beginning the hot
147      <p>After completing one of these two sets of steps, the database
148environment can be recovered from catastrophic failure (see
149<a class="xref" href="transapp_recovery.html" title="Recovery procedures">Recovery procedures</a> for more information).</p>
150      <p>For an example of a hot backup implementation in the Berkeley DB distribution,
151see the source code for the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_hotbackup.html" class="olink">db_hotbackup utility</a>.</p>
152      <p>To update either a hot or cold backup so that recovery from catastrophic
153failure is possible to a new point in time, repeat step #2 under the
154hot backup instructions and archive <span class="bold"><strong>all</strong></span> of the log files in the
155database environment.  Each time both the database and log files are
156copied to backup media, you may discard all previous database snapshots
157and saved log files.  Archiving additional log files does not allow you
158to discard either previous database snapshots or log files.  Generally,
159updating a backup must be integrated with the application's log file
160removal procedures.</p>
161      <p>The time to restore from catastrophic failure is a function of the
162number of log records that have been written since the snapshot was
163originally created.  Perhaps more importantly, the more separate pieces
164of backup media you use, the more likely it is that you will have a
165problem reading from one of them.  For these reasons, it is often best
166to make snapshots on a regular basis.</p>
167      <p>
168        <span class="bold">
169          <strong>Obviously, the reliability of your archive media will affect the safety
170of your data.  For archival safety, ensure that you have multiple copies
171of your database backups, verify that your archival media is error-free
172and readable, and that copies of your backups are stored offsite!</strong>
173        </span>
174      </p>
175      <p>The functionality provided by the <a href="../api_reference/C/db_archive.html" class="olink">db_archive utility</a> is also
176available directly from the Berkeley DB library.  The following code fragment
177prints out a list of log and database files that need to be archived:</p>
178      <pre class="programlisting">void
179log_archlist(DB_ENV *dbenv)
181	int ret;
182	char **begin, **list;
184	/* Get the list of database files. */
185	if ((ret = dbenv-&gt;log_archive(dbenv,
186	    &amp;list, DB_ARCH_ABS | DB_ARCH_DATA)) != 0) {
187		dbenv-&gt;err(dbenv, ret, "DB_ENV-&gt;log_archive: DB_ARCH_DATA");
188		exit (1);
189	}
190	if (list != NULL) {
191		for (begin = list; *list != NULL; ++list)
192			printf("database file: %s\n", *list);
193		free (begin);
194	}
196	/* Get the list of log files. */
197	if ((ret = dbenv-&gt;log_archive(dbenv,
198	    &amp;list, DB_ARCH_ABS | DB_ARCH_LOG)) != 0) {
199		dbenv-&gt;err(dbenv, ret, "DB_ENV-&gt;log_archive: DB_ARCH_LOG");
200		exit (1);
201	}
202	if (list != NULL) {
203		for (begin = list; *list != NULL; ++list)
204			printf("log file: %s\n", *list);
205		free (begin);
206	}
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