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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="am_conf_select"></a>Selecting an access method</h2>
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41            <span class="sect2">
42              <a href="am_conf_select.html#id1589084">Hash or Btree?</a>
43            </span>
44          </dt>
45          <dt>
46            <span class="sect2">
47              <a href="am_conf_select.html#id1589088">Queue or Recno?</a>
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49          </dt>
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52      <p>The Berkeley DB access method implementation unavoidably interacts with each
53application's data set, locking requirements and data access patterns.
54For this reason, one access method may result in dramatically better
55performance for an application than another one.  Applications whose data
56could be stored using more than one access method may want to benchmark
57their performance using the different candidates.</p>
58      <p>One of the strengths of Berkeley DB is that it provides multiple access methods
59with nearly identical interfaces to the different access methods.  This
60means that it is simple to modify an application to use a different access
61method.  Applications can easily benchmark the different Berkeley DB access
62methods against each other for their particular data set and access pattern.</p>
63      <p>Most applications choose between using the Btree or Hash access methods
64or between using the Queue and Recno access methods, because each of the
65two pairs offer similar functionality.</p>
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70              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1589084"></a>Hash or Btree?</h3>
71            </div>
72          </div>
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74        <p>The Hash and Btree access methods should be used when logical record
75numbers are not the primary key used for data access.  (If logical record
76numbers are a secondary key used for data access, the Btree access method
77is a possible choice, as it supports simultaneous access by a key and a
78record number.)</p>
79        <p>Keys in Btrees are stored in sorted order and the relationship between
80them is defined by that sort order.  For this reason, the Btree access
81method should be used when there is any locality of reference among keys.
82Locality of reference means that accessing one particular key in the
83Btree implies that the application is more likely to access keys near to
84the key being accessed, where "near" is defined by the sort order.  For
85example, if keys are timestamps, and it is likely that a request for an
868AM timestamp will be followed by a request for a 9AM timestamp, the
87Btree access method is generally the right choice.  Or, for example, if
88the keys are names, and the application will want to review all entries
89with the same last name, the Btree access method is again a good choice.</p>
90        <p>There is little difference in performance between the Hash and Btree
91access methods on small data sets, where all, or most of, the data set
92fits into the cache.  However, when a data set is large enough that
93significant numbers of data pages no longer fit into the cache, then
94the Btree locality of reference described previously becomes important
95for performance reasons.  For example, there is no locality of reference
96for the Hash access method, and so key "AAAAA" is as likely to be stored
97on the same database page with key "ZZZZZ" as with key "AAAAB".  In the
98Btree access method, because items are sorted, key "AAAAA" is far more
99likely to be near key "AAAAB" than key "ZZZZZ".  So, if the application
100exhibits locality of reference in its data requests, then the Btree page
101read into the cache to satisfy a request for key "AAAAA" is much more
102likely to be useful to satisfy subsequent requests from the application
103than the Hash page read into the cache to satisfy the same request.
104This means that for applications with locality of reference, the cache
105is generally much more effective for the Btree access method than the
106Hash access method, and the Btree access method will make many fewer
107I/O calls.</p>
108        <p>However, when a data set becomes even larger, the Hash access method can
109outperform the Btree access method.  The reason for this is that Btrees
110contain more metadata pages than Hash databases.  The data set can grow
111so large that metadata pages begin to dominate the cache for the Btree
112access method.  If this happens, the Btree can be forced to do an I/O
113for each data request because the probability that any particular data
114page is already in the cache becomes quite small.  Because the Hash access
115method has fewer metadata pages, its cache stays "hotter" longer in the
116presence of large data sets.  In addition, once the data set is so large
117that both the Btree and Hash access methods are almost certainly doing
118an I/O for each random data request, the fact that Hash does not have to
119walk several internal pages as part of a key search becomes a performance
120advantage for the Hash access method as well.</p>
121        <p>Application data access patterns strongly affect all of these behaviors,
122for example, accessing the data by walking a cursor through the database
123will greatly mitigate the large data set behavior describe above because
124each I/O into the cache will satisfy a fairly large number of subsequent
125data requests.</p>
126        <p>In the absence of information on application data and data access
127patterns, for small data sets either the Btree or Hash access methods
128will suffice.  For data sets larger than the cache, we normally recommend
129using the Btree access method.  If you have truly large data, then the
130Hash access method may be a better choice.  The <a href="../api_reference/C/db_stat.html" class="olink">db_stat utility</a>
131is a useful tool for monitoring how well your cache is performing.</p>
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137              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1589088"></a>Queue or Recno?</h3>
138            </div>
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141        <p>The Queue or Recno access methods should be used when logical record
142numbers are the primary key used for data access.  The advantage of the
143Queue access method is that it performs record level locking and for this
144reason supports significantly higher levels of concurrency than the Recno
145access method.  The advantage of the Recno access method is that it
146supports a number of additional features beyond those supported by the
147Queue access method, such as variable-length records and support for
148backing flat-text files.</p>
149        <p>Logical record numbers can be mutable or fixed: mutable, where logical
150record numbers can change as records are deleted or inserted, and fixed,
151where record numbers never change regardless of the database operation.
152It is possible to store and retrieve records based on logical record
153numbers in the Btree access method.  However, those record numbers are
154always mutable, and as records are deleted or inserted, the logical record
155number for other records in the database will change. The Queue access
156method always runs in fixed mode, and logical record numbers never change
157regardless of the database operation. The Recno access method can be
158configured to run in either mutable or fixed mode.</p>
159        <p>In addition, the Recno access method provides support for databases whose
160permanent storage is a flat text file and the database is used as a fast,
161temporary storage area while the data is being read or modified.</p>
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