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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Database Joins</th>
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22          <th width="60%" align="center">Chapter��10.��Secondary Databases</th>
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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="joins"></a>Database Joins</h2>
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36      <div class="toc">
37        <dl>
38          <dt>
39            <span class="sect2">
40              <a href="joins.html#joinUsage">Using Join Cursors</a>
41            </span>
42          </dt>
43          <dt>
44            <span class="sect2">
45              <a href="joins.html#joinconfig">JoinCursor Properties</a>
46            </span>
47          </dt>
48        </dl>
49      </div>
50      <p>
51        If you have two or more secondary databases associated with a primary
52        database, then you can retrieve primary records based on the intersection of 
53        multiple secondary entries. You do this using a
54        <span><code class="classname">JoinCursor</code>.</span>
56    </p>
57      <p>
58        Throughout this document we have presented a 
59            <span>class</span>
61        that stores 
62            <span>inventory</span>
63        information on grocery
66        That 
67            <span>class</span>
69        is fairly simple with a limited
70        number of data members, few of which would be interesting from a query
71        perspective. But suppose, instead, that we were storing 
72        information on something with many more characteristics that can be queried, such
73        as an automobile. In that case, you may be storing information such as
74        color, number of doors, fuel mileage, automobile type, number of
75        passengers, make, model, and year, to name just a few.
76    </p>
77      <p>
78        In this case, you would still likely be using some unique value to key your
79        primary entries (in the United States, the automobile's VIN would be
80        ideal for this purpose). You would then create a 
81            <span>class</span>
83        that identifies
84        all the characteristics of the automobiles in your inventory. 
86        <span>
87            You would
88            also have to create some mechanism by which you would move instances of
89            this class in and out of Java <code class="literal">byte</code> arrays. We
90            described the concepts and mechanisms by which you can perform these
91            activities in <a class="xref" href="DBEntry.html" title="Chapter��8.��Database Records">Database Records</a>.
92        </span>
93    </p>
94      <p>
95        To query this data, you might then create multiple secondary databases,
96        one for each of the characteristics that you want to query. For
97        example, you might create a secondary for color, another for number of
98        doors, another for number of passengers, and so forth. Of course, you
99        will need a unique 
100            <span>key creator</span>
102        for each such secondary database. You do
103        all of this using the concepts and techniques described throughout this
104        chapter.
105    </p>
106      <p>
107        Once you have created this primary database and all interesting
108        secondaries, what you have is the ability to retrieve automobile records
109        based on a single characteristic. You can, for example, find all the
110        automobiles that are red. Or you can find all the automobiles that have
111        four doors. Or all the automobiles that are minivans. 
112    </p>
113      <p>
114        The next most natural step, then, is to form compound queries, or joins.
115        For example, you might want to find all the automobiles that are red,
116        and that were built by Toyota, and that are minivans. You can do this
117        using a 
118            <span><code class="classname">JoinCursor</code> class instance.</span>
120    </p>
121      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
122        <div class="titlepage">
123          <div>
124            <div>
125              <h3 class="title"><a id="joinUsage"></a>Using Join Cursors</h3>
126            </div>
127          </div>
128        </div>
129        <p>
130            To use a join cursor:
131        </p>
132        <div class="itemizedlist">
133          <ul type="disc">
134            <li>
135              <p>
136                    Open two or more 
137                        <span>secondary cursors. These </span>
138                    cursors 
140                        <span>for</span> 
141                    secondary databases that are associated with
142                    the same primary database.
143                </p>
144            </li>
145            <li>
146              <p>
147                    Position each such cursor to the secondary key
148                    value in which you are interested. For example, to build on
149                    the previous description, the cursor for the color
150                    database is positioned to the <code class="literal">red</code> records
151                    while the cursor for the model database is positioned to the
152                    <code class="literal">minivan</code> records, and the cursor for the
153                    make database is positioned to <code class="literal">Toyota</code>.
154                </p>
155            </li>
156            <li>
157              <p>
159                    Create an array of <span>secondary</span> cursors, and
160                    place in it each of the cursors that are participating in your join query. 
163                </p>
164            </li>
165            <li>
166              <p>
168                    Obtain a join cursor. You do this using the 
169                        <code class="methodname">Database.join()</code> 
172                    method.  You must pass this method the array of secondary cursors that you
173                    opened and positioned in the previous steps.
174                </p>
175            </li>
176            <li>
177              <p>
178                    Iterate over the set of matching records
179                        <span>using <code class="methodname">JoinCursor.getNext()</code></span>
180                    until
181                    <span><code class="classname">OperationStatus</code> is not <code class="literal">SUCCESS</code>.</span>
183                </p>
184            </li>
185            <li>
186              <p>
187                    Close your <span>join</span> cursor.
188                </p>
189            </li>
190            <li>
191              <p>
192                    If you are done with them, close all your <span>secondary</span> cursors.
193                </p>
194            </li>
195          </ul>
196        </div>
197        <p>
198            For example:
199        </p>
200        <a id="java_index9"></a>
201        <pre class="programlisting">package db.GettingStarted;
203import com.sleepycat.db.Database;
204import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry;
205import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
206import com.sleepycat.db.JoinCursor;
207import com.sleepycat.db.LockMode;
208import com.sleepycat.db.OperationStatus;
209import com.sleepycat.db.SecondaryCursor;
210import com.sleepycat.db.SecondaryDatabase;
214// Database and secondary database opens omitted for brevity.
215// Assume a primary database handle:
216//   automotiveDB
217// Assume 3 secondary database handles:
218//   automotiveColorDB  -- index based on automobile color
219//   automotiveTypeDB  -- index based on automobile type
220//   automotiveMakeDB   -- index based on the manufacturer
221Database automotiveDB = null;
222SecondaryDatabase automotiveColorDB = null;
223SecondaryDatabase automotiveTypeDB = null;
224SecondaryDatabase automotiveMakeDB = null;
226// Query strings:
227String theColor = "red";
228String theType = "minivan";
229String theMake = "Toyota";
231// Secondary cursors used for the query:
232SecondaryCursor colorSecCursor = null;
233SecondaryCursor typeSecCursor = null;
234SecondaryCursor makeSecCursor = null;
236// The join cursor
237JoinCursor joinCursor = null;
239// These are needed for our queries
240DatabaseEntry foundKey = new DatabaseEntry();
241DatabaseEntry foundData = new DatabaseEntry();
243// All cursor operations are enclosed in a try block to ensure that they
244// get closed in the event of an exception.
246try {
247    // Database entries used for the query:
248    DatabaseEntry color = new DatabaseEntry(theColor.getBytes("UTF-8"));
249    DatabaseEntry type = new DatabaseEntry(theType.getBytes("UTF-8"));
250    DatabaseEntry make = new DatabaseEntry(theMake.getBytes("UTF-8"));
252    colorSecCursor = automotiveColorDB.openSecondaryCursor(null, null); 
253    typeSecCursor = automotiveTypeDB.openSecondaryCursor(null, null); 
254    makeSecCursor = automotiveMakeDB.openSecondaryCursor(null, null); 
256    // Position all our secondary cursors to our query values.
257    OperationStatus colorRet = 
258        colorSecCursor.getSearchKey(color, foundData, LockMode.DEFAULT);
259    OperationStatus typeRet = 
260        typeSecCursor.getSearchKey(type, foundData, LockMode.DEFAULT);
261    OperationStatus makeRet = 
262        makeSecCursor.getSearchKey(make, foundData, LockMode.DEFAULT);
264    // If all our searches returned successfully, we can proceed
265    if (colorRet == OperationStatus.SUCCESS &amp;&amp;
266        typeRet == OperationStatus.SUCCESS &amp;&amp;
267        makeRet == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
269        // Get a secondary cursor array and populate it with our
270        // positioned cursors
271        SecondaryCursor[] cursorArray = {colorSecCursor,
272                                         typeSecCursor, 
273                                         makeSecCursor};
275        // Create the join cursor
276        joinCursor = automotiveDB.join(cursorArray, null);
278        // Now iterate over the results, handling each in turn
279        while (joinCursor.getNext(foundKey, foundData, LockMode.DEFAULT) ==
280                        OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
282            // Do something with the key and data retrieved in
283            // foundKey and foundData
284        }
285    }
286} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
287    // Error reporting goes here
288} catch (Exception e) {
289    // Error reporting goes here
290} finally {
291    try {
292        // Make sure to close out all our cursors
293        if (colorSecCursor != null) {
294            colorSecCursor.close();
295        }
296        if (typeSecCursor != null) {
297            typeSecCursor.close();
298        }
299        if (makeSecCursor != null) {
300            makeSecCursor.close();
301        }
302        if (joinCursor != null) {
303            joinCursor.close();
304        }
305    } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
306        // Error reporting goes here
307    }
308} </pre>
309      </div>
310      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
311        <div class="titlepage">
312          <div>
313            <div>
314              <h3 class="title"><a id="joinconfig"></a>JoinCursor Properties</h3>
315            </div>
316          </div>
317        </div>
318        <p>
319            You can set <code class="classname">JoinCursor</code> properties using the
320            <code class="classname">JoinConfig</code> class. Currently there is just one property that you can
321            set:
322        </p>
323        <div class="itemizedlist">
324          <ul type="disc">
325            <li>
326              <p>
327                    <code class="methodname">JoinConfig.setNoSort()</code>
328                </p>
329              <p>
330                    Specifies whether automatic sorting of input cursors is disabled. The cursors are sorted from the
331					one that refers to the least number of data items to the one that refers to the most.
332                </p>
333              <p>
334					If the data is structured so that cursors with many data items also share many common elements,
335					higher performance will result from listing those cursors before cursors with fewer data
336					items. Turning off sorting permits applications to specify cursors in the proper order given this
337					scenario.
338				</p>
339              <p>
340					The default value is <code class="literal">false</code> (automatic cursor sorting is performed).
341				</p>
342              <p>
343                    For example:
344                </p>
345              <a id="je_index10"></a>
346              <pre class="programlisting">// All database and environments omitted
347JoinConfig config = new JoinConfig();
349JoinCursor joinCursor = myDb.join(cursorArray, config); </pre>
350            </li>
351          </ul>
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