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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Part��I.��Programming with the Direct Persistence Layer</th>
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32            <h1 class="title"><a id="dpl"></a>Part��I.��Programming with the Direct Persistence Layer</h1>
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38        <p>
39                          This section discusses how to build an
40                          application using the DPL. The DPL is ideally
41                          suited for those applications that want a
42                          mechanism for storing and managing Java class
43                          objects in a DB database. Note that the DPL
44                          is best suited for applications that work with
45                          classes with a relatively static schema.
46                  </p>
47        <p>
48                        Also, the DPL requires Java 1.5.
49                  </p>
50        <p>
51                          If you want to use Java 1.4 for your DB
52                          application, or if you are porting an application
53                          from the Berkeley DB API, then you probably want
54                          to use the base API instead of the DPL. For
55                          information on using the base API, see
56                          <a class="xref" href="baseapi.html" title="Part��II.��Programming with the Base API">Programming with the Base API</a>.
57                  </p>
58        <div class="toc">
59          <p>
60            <b>Table of Contents</b>
61          </p>
62          <dl>
63            <dt>
64              <span class="chapter">
65                <a href="persist_first.html">3. Direct Persistence Layer First Steps</a>
66              </span>
67            </dt>
68            <dd>
69              <dl>
70                <dt>
71                  <span class="sect1">
72                    <a href="persist_first.html#entitystore">Entity Stores</a>
73                  </span>
74                </dt>
75                <dd>
76                  <dl>
77                    <dt>
78                      <span class="sect2">
79                        <a href="persist_first.html#persist-open">Opening and Closing Environments and Stores</a>
80                      </span>
81                    </dt>
82                  </dl>
83                </dd>
84                <dt>
85                  <span class="sect1">
86                    <a href="persistobject.html">Persistent Objects</a>
87                  </span>
88                </dt>
89                <dt>
90                  <span class="sect1">
91                    <a href="saveret.html">Saving a Retrieving Data</a>
92                  </span>
93                </dt>
94              </dl>
95            </dd>
96            <dt>
97              <span class="chapter">
98                <a href="persist_index.html">4. Working with Indices</a>
99              </span>
100            </dt>
101            <dd>
102              <dl>
103                <dt>
104                  <span class="sect1">
105                    <a href="persist_index.html#dplindexaccess">Accessing Indexes</a>
106                  </span>
107                </dt>
108                <dd>
109                  <dl>
110                    <dt>
111                      <span class="sect2">
112                        <a href="persist_index.html#primaryindexaccess">Accessing Primary Indices</a>
113                      </span>
114                    </dt>
115                    <dt>
116                      <span class="sect2">
117                        <a href="persist_index.html#secondaryindexaccess">Accessing Secondary Indices</a>
118                      </span>
119                    </dt>
120                  </dl>
121                </dd>
122                <dt>
123                  <span class="sect1">
124                    <a href="dplindexcreate.html">Creating Indexes</a>
125                  </span>
126                </dt>
127                <dd>
128                  <dl>
129                    <dt>
130                      <span class="sect2">
131                        <a href="dplindexcreate.html#dplprimaryidxdecl">Declaring a Primary Indexes</a>
132                      </span>
133                    </dt>
134                    <dt>
135                      <span class="sect2">
136                        <a href="dplindexcreate.html#dplsecondaryidxdecl">Declaring Secondary Indexes</a>
137                      </span>
138                    </dt>
139                    <dt>
140                      <span class="sect2">
141                        <a href="dplindexcreate.html#foreignkey">Foreign Key Constraints</a>
142                      </span>
143                    </dt>
144                  </dl>
145                </dd>
146              </dl>
147            </dd>
148            <dt>
149              <span class="chapter">
150                <a href="persist_access.html">5. Saving and Retrieving Objects</a>
151              </span>
152            </dt>
153            <dd>
154              <dl>
155                <dt>
156                  <span class="sect1">
157                    <a href="persist_access.html#simpleentity">A Simple Entity Class</a>
158                  </span>
159                </dt>
160                <dt>
161                  <span class="sect1">
162                    <a href="simpleda.html">SimpleDA.class</a>
163                  </span>
164                </dt>
165                <dt>
166                  <span class="sect1">
167                    <a href="simpleput.html">Placing Objects in an Entity Store</a>
168                  </span>
169                </dt>
170                <dt>
171                  <span class="sect1">
172                    <a href="simpleget.html">Retrieving Objects from an Entity Store</a>
173                  </span>
174                </dt>
175                <dt>
176                  <span class="sect1">
177                    <a href="getmultiple.html">Retrieving Multiple Objects</a>
178                  </span>
179                </dt>
180                <dd>
181                  <dl>
182                    <dt>
183                      <span class="sect2">
184                        <a href="getmultiple.html#dpl_cursor_initialize">Cursor Initialization</a>
185                      </span>
186                    </dt>
187                    <dt>
188                      <span class="sect2">
189                        <a href="getmultiple.html#dpl_dups">Working with Duplicate Keys</a>
190                      </span>
191                    </dt>
192                    <dt>
193                      <span class="sect2">
194                        <a href="getmultiple.html#dpl_cursor_range">Key Ranges</a>
195                      </span>
196                    </dt>
197                  </dl>
198                </dd>
199                <dt>
200                  <span class="sect1">
201                    <a href="dpl_entityjoin.html">Join Cursors</a>
202                  </span>
203                </dt>
204                <dt>
205                  <span class="sect1">
206                    <a href="dpl_delete.html">Deleting Entity Objects</a>
207                  </span>
208                </dt>
209                <dt>
210                  <span class="sect1">
211                    <a href="dpl_replace.html">Replacing Entity Objects</a>
212                  </span>
213                </dt>
214              </dl>
215            </dd>
216            <dt>
217              <span class="chapter">
218                <a href="dpl_example.html">6. A DPL Example</a>
219              </span>
220            </dt>
221            <dd>
222              <dl>
223                <dt>
224                  <span class="sect1">
225                    <a href="dpl_example.html#vendorclass">Vendor.java</a>
226                  </span>
227                </dt>
228                <dt>
229                  <span class="sect1">
230                    <a href="inventoryclass.html">Inventory.java</a>
231                  </span>
232                </dt>
233                <dt>
234                  <span class="sect1">
235                    <a href="mydbenv-persist.html">MyDbEnv</a>
236                  </span>
237                </dt>
238                <dt>
239                  <span class="sect1">
240                    <a href="dataaccessorclass.html">DataAccessor.java</a>
241                  </span>
242                </dt>
243                <dt>
244                  <span class="sect1">
245                    <a href="dpl_exampledatabaseput.html">ExampleDatabasePut.java</a>
246                  </span>
247                </dt>
248                <dt>
249                  <span class="sect1">
250                    <a href="dpl_exampleinventoryread.html">ExampleInventoryRead.java</a>
251                  </span>
252                </dt>
253              </dl>
254            </dd>
255          </dl>
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