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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbmultiplekeydataiterator"></a>DbMultipleKeyDataIterator</h2>
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38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
40class DbMultipleKeyDataIterator 
43    DbMultipleKeyDataIterator(const Dbt &amp;dbt);
45    bool next(Dbt &amp;key, Dbt &amp;data); 
46}; </pre>
47      <p>              
48        If either of the 
49        <a class="link" href="dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_MULTIPLE">DB_MULTIPLE</a>
50        or
51        <a class="link" href="dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_MULTIPLE_KEY">DB_MULTIPLE_KEY</a>
52        flags were specified to the <a class="xref" href="dbget.html" title="Db::get()">Db::get()</a> or
53        <a class="xref" href="dbcget.html" title="Dbc::get()">Dbc::get()</a> methods, the data
54        <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a> returned by those interfaces will
55        refer to a buffer that is filled with data. Access to that data is through these
56        classes.    
57    </p>
58      <p>
59        The <code class="classname">DbMultipleDataIterator</code> class is used to iterate through data
60        returned using the 
61        <a class="link" href="dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_MULTIPLE_KEY">DB_MULTIPLE_KEY</a>
62        flag from a database belonging to Btree or Hash access methods.
63    </p>
64      <p>
65        The constructor takes the <a class="xref" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">
66                The Dbt Handle
67        </a>
68        returned by the call to <a class="xref" href="dbget.html" title="Db::get()">Db::get()</a>
69        or <a class="xref" href="dbcget.html" title="Dbc::get()">Dbc::get()</a> that used the
70        <a class="link" href="dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_MULTIPLE_KEY">DB_MULTIPLE_KEY</a>
71        flag.
72    </p>
73      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
74        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
75        <p>
76             All instances of the bulk retrieval classes may be used only
77             once, and to traverse the bulk retrieval buffer in the forward
78             direction only.  However, they are nondestructive, so multiple
79             iterators can be instantiated and used on the same returned
80             data <a class="link" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">Dbt</a>.
81        </p>
82      </div>
83      <p>
84        Parameters are:
85    </p>
86      <div class="itemizedlist">
87        <ul type="disc">
88          <li>
89            <p>
90                <code class="literal">dbt</code>
91            </p>
92            <p>
93                The <span class="bold"><strong>dbt</strong></span> parameter is a
94                data <a class="xref" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">
95                The Dbt Handle
96        </a>
97                returned by the call to <a class="xref" href="dbget.html" title="Db::get()">Db::get()</a>
98                or <a class="xref" href="dbcget.html" title="Dbc::get()">Dbc::get()</a> that used the
99                <a class="link" href="dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_MULTIPLE_KEY">DB_MULTIPLE_KEY</a>
100                flag.
101            </p>
102          </li>
103        </ul>
104      </div>
105      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
106        <div class="titlepage">
107          <div>
108            <div>
109              <h3 class="title"><a id="dbmultiplekeydataiterator.next"></a>DbMultipleKeyDataIterator.next()</h3>
110            </div>
111          </div>
112        </div>
113        <p>
114             The <code class="methodname">DbMultipleKeyDataIterator.next()</code> method 
115             returns the next data item in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
116         </p>
117        <p>
118             The <code class="methodname">DbMultipleKeyDataIterator.next()</code> method 
119             method returns <code class="literal">false</code> if no more data are available, and 
120             <code class="literal">true</code> otherwise.
121         </p>
122        <p>
123             Parameters are:
124         </p>
125        <div class="itemizedlist">
126          <ul type="disc">
127            <li>
128              <p>
129                <code class="literal">key</code>
130            </p>
131              <p>
132                The <span class="bold"><strong>key</strong></span> parameter is a
133                <a class="xref" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">
134                The Dbt Handle
135        </a>
136                that will be filled in with a reference to a buffer, a
137                size, and an offset that together yield the next data item
138                in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
139            </p>
140            </li>
141            <li>
142              <p>
143                <code class="literal">data</code>
144            </p>
145              <p>
146                The <span class="bold"><strong>data</strong></span> parameter is a
147                <a class="xref" href="dbt.html" title="Chapter��4.�� The Dbt Handle">
148                The Dbt Handle
149        </a>
150                that will be filled in with a reference to a buffer, a
151                size, and an offset that together yield the next data item
152                in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
153            </p>
154            </li>
155          </ul>
156        </div>
157      </div>
158      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
159        <div class="titlepage">
160          <div>
161            <div>
162              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1661058"></a>Class</h3>
163            </div>
164          </div>
165        </div>
166        <p>
167                <a class="link" href="dbmultipleiterator.html" title="DbMultipleIterator">DbMultipleIterator</a>  
168            </p>
169      </div>
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171        <div class="titlepage">
172          <div>
173            <div>
174              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1659929"></a>See Also</h3>
175            </div>
176          </div>
177        </div>
178        <p>
179                     <a class="xref" href="dbt.html#dbtlist" title="DBT and Bulk Operations">DBT and Bulk Operations</a> 
180                </p>
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