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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">DB-&gt;join()</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbjoin"></a>DB-&gt;join()</h2>
35          </div>
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37      </div>
38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db.h&gt;
41DB-&gt;join(DB *primary,
42    DBC **curslist, DBC **dbcp, u_int32_t flags);  </pre>
43      <p>
44         The <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;join()</code> method creates a specialized join cursor for use in
45         performing equality or natural joins on secondary indices.  For
46         information on how to organize your data to use this functionality,
47         see <a href="../../programmer_reference/am_cursor.html#am_join" class="olink">Equality join</a>.
48    </p>
49      <p>
50             The <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;join()</code> method is called using the 
51             <a class="link" href="db.html" title="Chapter��2.�� The DB Handle">DB</a>  handle of the primary
52             database.
53    </p>
54      <p>
55         The join cursor supports only the <a class="xref" href="dbcget.html" title="DBcursor-&gt;get()">DBcursor-&gt;get()</a>  and 
56         <a class="xref" href="dbcclose.html" title="DBcursor-&gt;close()">DBcursor-&gt;close()</a> cursor functions:
57    </p>
58      <div class="itemizedlist">
59        <ul type="disc">
60          <li>
61            <p>
62                        <span class="bold"><strong> <a class="xref" href="dbcget.html" title="DBcursor-&gt;get()">DBcursor-&gt;get()</a> </strong></span>
63                </p>
64            <p>
65                         Iterates over the values associated with the keys to which each item
66                         in <span class="bold"><strong>curslist</strong></span> was initialized.  Any
67                         data value that appears in all items specified by the <span class="bold"><strong>curslist</strong></span> parameter is then used as a key into
68                         the <span class="bold"><strong>primary</strong></span>, and the key/data pair
69                         found in the <span class="bold"><strong>primary</strong></span> is returned. The
70                         <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter must be set to 0 or
71                         the following value:  
73                 </p>
74            <div class="itemizedlist">
75              <ul type="circle">
76                <li>
77                  <p>
78                                         <span class="bold"><strong><code class="literal">DB_JOIN_ITEM</code></strong></span>
79                                 </p>
80                  <p>
81                                         Do not use the data value found in all the cursors as a lookup key for
82                                         the <span class="bold"><strong>primary</strong></span>, but simply return it in
83                                         the key parameter instead. The data parameter is left unchanged.
84                                 </p>
85                </li>
86              </ul>
87            </div>
88            <p>
89                         In addition, the following flag may be set by bitwise inclusively
90                         <span class="bold"><strong>OR</strong></span>'ing it into the <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter:  
91                 </p>
92            <div class="itemizedlist">
93              <ul type="circle">
94                <li>
95                  <p>
96                                         <span class="bold"><strong> <code class="literal">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</code></strong></span>
97                                </p>
98                  <p>
99                                         Configure a transactional join operation to have degree 1 isolation,
100                                         reading modified but not yet committed data.  Silently ignored if the
101                                         <a class="link" href="dbopen.html#dbopen_DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</a> 
102                                         flag was not specified when the underlying database was opened.
103                                </p>
104                </li>
105                <li>
106                  <p>
107                                         <span class="bold"><strong><code class="literal">DB_RMW</code></strong></span>
108                                </p>
109                  <p>
110                                         Acquire write locks instead of read locks when doing the read, if
111                                         locking is configured.  Setting this flag can eliminate deadlock
112                                         during a read-modify-write cycle by acquiring the write lock during
113                                         the read part of the cycle so that another thread of control acquiring
114                                         a read lock for the same item, in its own read-modify-write cycle,
115                                         will not result in deadlock.
116                                 </p>
117                </li>
118              </ul>
119            </div>
120          </li>
121          <li>
122            <p>
123                        <span class="bold"><strong> <a class="xref" href="dbcclose.html" title="DBcursor-&gt;close()">DBcursor-&gt;close()</a> </strong></span>
124                     </p>
125            <p>
126                          Close the returned cursor and release all resources.  (Closing the
127                          cursors in <span class="bold"><strong>curslist</strong></span> is the
128                          responsibility of the caller.)
129                      </p>
130          </li>
131        </ul>
132      </div>
133      <p>
134          The <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;join()</code> <span>
135            <span>
136                  method returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.
137            </span>
139        </span>
140      </p>
141      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
142        <div class="titlepage">
143          <div>
144            <div>
145              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1639198"></a>Parameters</h3>
146            </div>
147          </div>
148        </div>
149        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
150          <div class="titlepage">
151            <div>
152              <div>
153                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1638634"></a>curslist</h4>
154              </div>
155            </div>
156          </div>
157          <p>
158                          The <span class="bold"><strong>curslist</strong></span> parameter contains a
159                          NULL terminated array of cursors. Each cursor must have been
160                          initialized to refer to the key on which the underlying database
161                          should be joined.  Typically, this initialization is done by a 
162                          <a class="xref" href="dbcget.html" title="DBcursor-&gt;get()">DBcursor-&gt;get()</a>  call with the
163                          <a class="link" href="dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_SET">DB_SET</a>  flag
164                          specified.  Once the cursors have been passed as part of a <span class="bold"><strong>curslist</strong></span>, they should not be accessed or
165                          modified until the newly created join cursor has been closed, or else
166                          inconsistent results may be returned.
167                     </p>
168          <p>
169                          Joined values are retrieved by doing a sequential iteration over the
170                          first cursor in the <span class="bold"><strong>curslist</strong></span>
171                          parameter, and a nested iteration over each secondary cursor in the
172                          order they are specified in the <span class="bold"><strong>curslist</strong></span> parameter.  This requires database
173                          traversals to search for the current datum in all the cursors after
174                          the first.  For this reason, the best join performance normally
175                          results from sorting the cursors from the one that refers to the least
176                          number of data items to the one that refers to the most.  By default,
177                          <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;join()</code> does this sort on behalf of its caller.
178                     </p>
179          <p>
180                          For the returned join cursor to be used in a transaction-protected
181                          manner, the cursors listed in <span class="bold"><strong>curslist</strong></span> must have been created within the
182                          context of the same transaction.
183                     </p>
184        </div>
185        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
186          <div class="titlepage">
187            <div>
188              <div>
189                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1639129"></a>dbcp</h4>
190              </div>
191            </div>
192          </div>
193          <p>
194                          The newly created join cursor is returned in the memory location to
195                          which <span class="bold"><strong>dbcp</strong></span> refers.
196                     </p>
197        </div>
198        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
199          <div class="titlepage">
200            <div>
201              <div>
202                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1639122"></a>flags</h4>
203              </div>
204            </div>
205          </div>
206          <p>
207                          The <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter must be set to 0
208                          or the following value:
209                     </p>
210          <div class="itemizedlist">
211            <ul type="disc">
212              <li>
213                <p><a id="join_DB_JOIN_NOSORT"></a>
214                                <code class="literal">DB_JOIN_NOSORT</code>
215                            </p>
216                <p>
217                                Do not sort the cursors based on the number of data items to which
218                                they refer.  If the data are structured so that cursors with many data
219                                items also share many common elements, higher performance will result
220                                from listing those cursors before cursors with fewer data items; that
221                                is, a sort order other than the default.  The DB_JOIN_NOSORT flag
222                                permits applications to perform join optimization prior to calling the
223                                <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;join()</code> method.
224                            </p>
225              </li>
226            </ul>
227          </div>
228        </div>
229      </div>
230      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
231        <div class="titlepage">
232          <div>
233            <div>
234              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1639148"></a>Errors</h3>
235            </div>
236          </div>
237        </div>
238        <p>
239                         The <code class="methodname">DB-&gt;join()</code> <span>
240            <span>
241                 method may fail and return one of the following non-zero errors:
242            </span>
244        </span>
245                    </p>
246        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
247          <div class="titlepage">
248            <div>
249              <div>
250                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1639332"></a> DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD</h4>
251              </div>
252            </div>
253          </div>
254          <p>
255                When a client synchronizes with the master, it is possible for committed
256                transactions to be rolled back. This invalidates all  the database and cursor
257                handles opened in the replication environment. Once this occurs, an attempt to use
258                such a handle will 
260                return <code class="literal">DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD</code>.
261                The application will need to discard the handle and open a new one in order to
262                continue processing.
263            </p>
264        </div>
265        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
266          <div class="titlepage">
267            <div>
268              <div>
269                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1639136"></a>DB_REP_LOCKOUT</h4>
270              </div>
271            </div>
272          </div>
273          <p>
274                The operation was blocked by client/master synchronization.
275            </p>
276        </div>
277        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
278          <div class="titlepage">
279            <div>
280              <div>
281                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1638494"></a>DB_SECONDARY_BAD</h4>
282              </div>
283            </div>
284          </div>
285          <p>
286                A secondary index references a nonexistent primary key.
287            </p>
288        </div>
289        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
290          <div class="titlepage">
291            <div>
292              <div>
293                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1639208"></a>EINVAL</h4>
294              </div>
295            </div>
296          </div>
297          <p>
298                          If cursor methods other than  <a class="xref" href="dbcget.html" title="DBcursor-&gt;get()">DBcursor-&gt;get()</a>  
299                          or <a class="xref" href="dbcclose.html" title="DBcursor-&gt;close()">DBcursor-&gt;close()</a>  were called;
300                          or if an invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
301                        </p>
302        </div>
303      </div>
304      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
305        <div class="titlepage">
306          <div>
307            <div>
308              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1639164"></a>Class</h3>
309            </div>
310          </div>
311        </div>
312        <p>
313                    <a class="link" href="db.html" title="Chapter��2.�� The DB Handle">DB</a>  
314            </p>
315      </div>
316      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
317        <div class="titlepage">
318          <div>
319            <div>
320              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1639019"></a>See Also</h3>
321            </div>
322          </div>
323        </div>
324        <p>
325                     <a class="xref" href="db.html#dblist" title="Database and Related Methods">Database and Related Methods</a> 
326                </p>
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